~*~*The Master Bedroom~*~*

In the Master Bedroom our guest at Backstreet Castle leave their poems, dreams, or stories about the Backstreet Boys. So if you have anything to contribute to this room email Beany.

Ok all, the first story of the guest rooms is up. It was written by Emilie from Canada. She is 18, and loves Nick and Howie cause they are such sweeties!!! Anyways, her story is awesome and I highly suggest reading it. Its well, worth the time!!! Thanks Emilie!!!

Backstreet Castle was just mailed a second story to put up from Tanya a fifteen year old from Virginia. She cant pick a favorite BSB cause she loves them all but if she was forced to she'd pick Kevin. Thanks Tanya for the awesome story!!!

A third story!!! WOW!!! This one is from lucy!! And it is awesome. She likes Nick(naturally), but i have to say her story is awesome!! It is very romantic and she is hilarious with her witty comments. Thanks Lucy!! Good Job!!

EMILIE'S BACK!!! And she has created a new story. Her concept for this one was that you can be friends with bsb without fuzzy feelings(yeah right). But for some girls its possible. Good job Emilie!!

The longest story of the backstreet castle comes from a girl named lorraine. She loves Brian...and she has alot to say about him so Beany thinks he will let her tell you why she likes him: His eyes, they've always got a twinkle in them - it's usually a mischievous one, but a twinkle nonetheless!!! His smile, the cute little way it tilts slightly to the left than to the right - awwhhh!!!!! His jaw, I don't know what it is, but there's just something about that jaw........ His personality, he always makes me laugh, he's just mental!!!!! But he's also very sweet too. His voice, 'nuff said really. To me, he has THE most gorgeous singing voice ever, and his normal Kentucky accent is soooooo adorable!!!! And (this will sound weird!!) he looks like he can give really nice hugs. Like ha can just wrap his arms around you and if you were upset about something you'd feel so safe and loved - *sigh* Its a really long story girls but its worth it!! THanks Lorraine!!!

OK, all you AJ lovers, attention here. THis story is about him!! It comes from Dana, and 18 year old from Lafayette, Louisiana. It's very romantic. Good job Dana!!

And here's a story from Jennie, you figure out who she likes!!

Write to Beany