~*~*Chapter Fourteen*~*~

The others left me again, (probably because I'd fallen asleep again!) Then I slept soundly for the next 6 hours. Well, the first six hours were the good hours, it was about 9pm now, after that, I started getting nightmares about what happened in the lift (sorry, elevator), well, the falling 5 or 6 floors was true, but I had nightmares about what happened after that, I had a dream that when I had woken up from knocking my head on the door, I had called on B, and he didn't answer me, I nudged him to wake him up, thinking that he either had fallen asleep, or he had hit his head aswell, but he still didn't wake up. Then I got scared, and started shouting at him "B, Wake up! B, can you hear me? Answer me!" I kept getting no reply. I'd hit him hard to get his attention, but no answer, then I felt around (it was complete darkness remember) for his pulse, but felt nothing. It then dawned on me that B was dead. Realising this, I screamed loudly, firstly because I was scared, and secondly because I wanted someone to come and get me out of there. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't, I had hurt my ankle, I couldn't do anything, but wait until someone came looking for us. No-one did. I was in there for 2 days, when I lost consciousness from lack of water, then I woke up - I suddenly sat bolt upright in my bed, and screamed, but I didn't realise that B was sitting beside my bed, and I made him scream too. "Geez Lorraine, what happened?" "I had a nightmare, we were in the elevator, the cable broke and we fell" "That wasn't a nightmare, that actually happened" "I know that much, but when I woke up after hitting my head on the door, I nudged you, but you didn't wake up, I felt for a pulse, but you were dead, I tried to get help, but I had hurt my ankle, and no-one came looking for us, I was in there 2 days when I lost consciousness from not getting enough water, then I woke up - B I was so scared, what if that had actually happened, I was so close to losing you ....I...." I tried to say 'I couldn't bear losing you', but I had burst into tears. "Hey, don't cry" he said, giving me a hug "I know you hate seeing people cry, but I can't help it, I couldn't bear it if I lost you, I care about you so much, it hurts - I have for years" "But you only met me yesterday" "I know, but I fell in love with you the first time I saw you in a promo picture for 'We've Got It Goin' On', it wasn't because you were in a band, I really did like you, I still do, there was something about you that called out to me - oh, that sounded so corny - but I meant it" "Really?" "Yeah" "I really care about you too, and when I stuck my head out from behind the guitar stand, and I saw you, there was something about you that called to me too, when you came backstage, I was so scared you wouldn't want to be my girl to sing to, I was worried that you might like one of the other guys, but when you said you'd love to be my girl, I was so happy - and when your dad let you hang out with me I was even happier. You made me the happiest man alive when you said you'd be my girlfriend" "Your exclusive girlfriend, and I said I'd love to, I meant that too" "Oh, you're so sweet Rain" "Yeah, so sweet you could eat me!" "Well, I'd have a good time trying!" he said, yep, you guessed it, leaning to kiss me. "God Frick, anyone would think you were trying to eat her!" said Nick, when he returned with the others. B and I laughed "What are you laughing at? I was serious" "Oh, private joke" "What, again? You two seem to have a lot of private jokes, there was when you were laughing when Laura the nurse came in" "Well, we like to laugh, why, do you think I'm taking your Frick away from you? You know I'd never do that, I'm not into stealing people from others, you should know that, even though we've not even known each other 24 hours." "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I guess I'm a little jealous, I haven't seen Frick that much since he found you" "There's no need to be jealous, B will always have time for you, your his best friend, the little brother he never had, he loves you, as a friend obviously, but you know what I mean" "Yeah Frack, she's right, you are the little bro. I never had, and I do love you man" there was a very moving hug, and you know I got a photo. "Are you gonna take photography up professionally or what?!" Nick asked "No, she's going to sing instead" "Huh?" we all said, including me "What are you talking about B?" I asked him "Well, you've got the voice, why not" "How do you know she can sing, did she sing in the elevator or something?" Brianna said, equally confused as the rest of us "Well, I came in a few hours ago, to see how she was, and to give her the presents I bought.." He showed the presents to them, and all the girls started with the "Awwh, that's sooooo sweet!" and: "Isn't Brian a sweetie pie?" and my favourite: "Watch him, maybe you can learn something" "Anyway, I heard her singing, she was in the middle of Set adrift On Memory Bliss, when I came in and she's good" Cue blush machine! "Sorry to embarrass you Rain, but you are good, will you sing a song for us now?" "Now? It's hardly the perfect location is it?" "Well, we only want to hear you sing, not see you perform surgery, although we are in a hospital.......Okay, I'll shut up now, but will you?" "What song do you want me to sing?" My foot suddenly went into a spasm, and I kicked my bag off the bed, sending my hairbrush, makeup, and the tape of me and Jo singing all over the floor. "What's on this?" asked AJ "Backstreet's Back album, the European version, a friend copied it for me ages ago, and, erm, when myself and my friends, Jo and May were at my house before the concert yesterday, we were singing along to it, and when it finished, I pressed what I thought was rewind, but it turned out that it was record, so it's got me and Jo singing ‘I’ll Never Break Your Heart’ " "Well, let's get a cassette player, we gotta hear this!" B joked "NO! Um, I mean, no, I mean, I'm not sure if Jo will want you to hear it" "Is that the only reason?!" "Um, well, I'm not really that good, and I kind of prove it on that tape - you're not listening to it, now, can you pick up my things for me?" "Sure" B said, handing me my bag, which I put on the table beside my bed. "Can you sing ‘Anywhere For You’?" "I'll try" "Okay, go for it Rain" "I’d go anywhere for you, anywhere you ask me too, I’d do anything for you, anything you want me too. I’d walk half-way around the world, for just one kiss from you, far beyond the call of love, the sun, the stars, the moon. As long as your love’s there to lead me, I won’t lose my way, believe me, Even through the darkest nigh, you know…I’d go anywhere for you, anywhere you ask me to, I’d do anything for you, anything you want me to, your love as far as I can see, is all I’m ever gonna need, there’s one thing for sure I know is true, (I know is true), baby I’d go anywhere for you " "Keep going Rain, you're doing good" "I used to think that dreams were just for sentimental fools, and I’d never find someone who’d give their love so true, but I knew the very minute, I couldn’t live my life without you in it, and now I want the whole wide world to know… " Lauren started singing at this point, very softly at first, only Nick heard her, he looked at her and smiled "Mmmm, she's good" he thought to himself. As I continued singing, I heard Lauren, we looked at each other and smiled, then Lauren began to get slightly louder, then Brianna began to join in at the second chorus, a few lines later, Shay joined us, then Holly helped us finish - our voices seemed to really blend together, and, not being conceited or anything, we were actually quite good. Or at least the guys thought so. "Girls, you are goo-ood!" commented AJ "Yeah, you're brilliant" Kevin was impressed "I can't believe it!" said Howie "Dang, you are fine!" that was Nick - ever the sweet talker isn't he?! "I knew Rain was good, but with you four aswell - guys, we gotta go get Donna on this!" "You know B-Rok, you may be right there. Girls, wait there, we gotta see a person about a thing" Kevin said, and they left us "My God, do you really think we could get signed?" I asked, rather excitedly "Well, the guys seem to think so, and they know talent when they hear it" Lauren answered "God, this is so exciting!!" shouted Holly, practically screaming "Yo, Hol, calm yourself girl!" said Brianna, I think AJ talk was rubbing off on her! "I'm excited too, REALLY excited, but what happens if Donna says no?" "Then we say 'oh well, never mind' and carry on loving the Backstreets - easy" I said "How can you be so calm about all this, not just the possible singing career, but going to the concert, meeting the Backstreets, hanging out with them, having Brian Littrell ask you to be his exclusive girlfriend - in front of witnesses, go to their hotel, get stuck in the elevator with BRIAN LITTRELL, in complete darkness for about 7 hours, have the elevator fall 5 or 6 floors because the cable broke, spraining your ankle, having Brian Littrell buy you a teddy bear and a single red rose, and be discovered as a possible pop star? I'd really like to know your secret Frick, 'cos I'm losing it completely, it's so unreal!" "Ah, my dear Frack, I'm not calm at all, I just hide it very well, it's like I'm so laid back I'm horizontal, and that's not because I literally am, lying in a hospital bed, I just take everything in my stride, I don't let things get to me very easily, underneath this cool, calm exterior, I'm shaking like a leaf in a force 10 gale!!!!" I said, holding my hand up, which sure enough, was really shaking. The girls sat on my bed, basically because their legs wouldn't keep them up! We sat around talking for about half an hour, until the guys came back with Donna. "Well girls, let's show Donna what you got!" You know that had to be AJ! We sang 'Lay Down Beside Me', and we were all looking at our guys, and Nick really had a weird grin on his face, Lauren gave him a look that said one-more-comment-from-you-and-you're-for-it, so he wiped the grin off his face and looked deep into her eyes, and then got a pretty goofy I'm-in-love-and-I-don't-care-what-I-look-like face, but this time, he was serious. Then Donna, who had her right hand behind her back the whole time for some strange reason, asked us to sing 'As Long as You Love Me', so we did, and stupid me forgot the words in the second verse, so B sang the next few words with me to get me back on track, and we finished the song with no more hiccups, thankfully. Just to get more out of our voices, Donna asked us to sing 'Forever' by Damage. Brianna and Lauren hadn't heard the song, so I sang it to them, and then we all started it, Lauren picked it up quickly, but Brianna was having trouble, but got it finally. We finished the song, and Laura the nurse came in and told us to turn the radio down - we just laughed, and Donna told her that there was no radio in there, it was just the girls singing. "Wow, you girls are good, if you ever release anything, I'd buy it" "Really Laura?" I asked "Sure, just call me your first fan! But it is getting late, I suggest you leave our little trooper here to get some rest, but you can go tomorrow any time after 10am." We had our first fan!!! "Yeah, we should go, come on guys" Kevin told the guys "Awwh, Kev, do we have to?" B said, in a really sweet little-kid voice, like he was a little kid being told it's time to go home from Disney World. "Yes B-Rok, we have to" The others left, and B came to the bed, and gave me a kiss, then he told me that he had a surprise for me, then he left to catch up with the others, and I waited patiently for him to come back.