"Wow, that was so awesome!" Oceane said to me as we followed Mike around the winding hallway towards the ramp that would eventually lead us up to our seats. As we were walking, I heard all the fans scream as someone introduced the opening act. "Who's the opening act?" I asked Mike. "Is it Aaron?" "No, not this time," replied Mike as he said hello to someone. "I think it's some band named 'N Sync." "Oh," I replied wondering why 'N Sync would be opening for the Backstreet Boys when they were both in the same competition to make it big in Canada. "Why are they opening?" "Long story," said Mike. "Don't ask!" "Fine we won't," snapped Oceane under her breath. "Well, here girls, through these doors and up the ramp towards the ground level," Mike said hurriedly. He handed us our tickets and I read them. They said Section 1, Row A Seats 5 and 6. Mike tok off and walked away. "What an idiot," said Oceane. "We are not girls!" "Just ignore him," I replied. "Come on! I hear 'N Sync. I would love to see them perform!" "Fine," Oceane said following me. "Where's a washroom first?" "I don't know," I sighed. Oceane thinks 'N Sync are Backstreet Boys wannabes, while I really like them and think they are nothing like the Backstreet Boys. "Go to the seats and I'll meet you there!" Oceane said and I rolled my eyes. I left her alone and walked up the stairs, to see the main Backstreet Boys bodyguards near a door. I had no idea where I was going, and decided to ask them. "Excuse me, how do I get to these seats?" I asked politely. "Right this way," said one of them. "Thanks," I said. "Without you, I would be lost!" I followed him through the door they were guarding and beneath the stage. "Emilie!" Oceane yelled from behind me. "Come on!" I said and she ran to catch up with me. We followed the bodyguard towards an aisle way and I had to step over these barriers to get into our seats. As I stepped on the boxes, I felt myself slip and I fell backwards onto my but, and I heard the sound of laughter above me. I looked up to see Justin from 'N Sync laughing down at me from the stage. "Emilie! Your skirt is up!" Oceane yelled and it was true. My Mickey Mouse boxers were evident to everyone in the Skydome and my face turned bright as Elmo. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. "Are you okay?" the bodyguard asked me, helping me over the barricade. "Yeah I'm fine," I muttered and was now on the other side behinds these fans. "Excuse me bitch!" the one yelled at me as I attempted to stand up properly. "What's your problem?" I yelled back. "Can't you give me some room?" "There is no room!" Her friend yelled at me. "Get lost!" Oceane said to the girl and she shoved Oceane the way towards our seats. "Where are your seats?" the girl beside her asked us. "Over there," I replied hoping the girl was recked like the one who shoved Oceane. "Okay, go ahead though!" she said, smiling at me. "Thanks," I replied and all the other people were nice enough to let us through to our seats. "Nice boxers!" said someone behind me. I turned around to see this cute guy sitting there with what appeared to be his sister. "Glad you enjoyed them!" I replied and turned towards the stage, as the opening riff to "Tearin' Up My Heart" came on. "Did you go backstage?" asked the guy's sister. "Yeah," I answered. "Really? Omigosh! Did you get to meet them?" She shrieked. "No, um, I mean, not yet," I yelled at her and turned away as I saw JC start his solo. They worked the audience, walking back and forth, with a wink at Oceane and I. They put on a great show, as Oceane and I danced away to their songs. After they were done, I decided to look over the barricade, to see if I could see the guys. Oceane looked down too and he saw a hand wave to us. We waved back and noticed it was AJ. "Who are you waving at?" a fan beside us who had thick brown hair and brown eyes asked me. "Oh, nobody," I replied. "I thought I saw AJ, but it was someone else!" "AJ? Where?" she exclaimed. "Never mind," I replied and started to hear a chant of "Backstreet Boys! We want Backstreet Boys!" "This is nuts," said Oceane as she took out her make-up mirror. "I know," I replied lauging, remembering my fall. "That fall was so embarrassing! I can't believe I actually did that!" "I can!" Oceane replied when I heard someone yelling at my name. I turned around to see my sort of cousin Julie sitting there with her friend. "Hey Julie!" I yelled. "Omigosh, you have to know what happened! Come up here!" "We can't!" Julie yelled back. "You come back here!" The lights started to dim and on came the Backsteet Boys, and screaming exploded. I turned around and looked towards the stage. I was so excited! Oceane let a scream rip out as "That's The Way I Like It" started to play. I watched them all come out, one at time. They all looked so good. They were all wearing Nike tracksuits and you can tell they were so happy to be performing on stage. I was excited and felt an ardenaline rush explode throughtout by body. This was the feeling that every Backstreet Boys gets when they get to go see them in concert. I had felt this at the Buffalo concert and was feeling it as this concert. AJ started his solo and noticed Oceane and I right away. He winked at us and we waved back. Nick noticed us as well and he smiled at us. "Do you know them?" yelled the brown haired girl. "No," I yelled back. "Well, they seem to know you!" she said and I just shook my head. We danced through the song and near the end of the song, I felt something hit me in the head. I turned around and looked at the floor to see a teddybear lying there. I turned around to see a girl staring at me intently. She was sitting in about the sixth row. I smiled and motioned I would throw it on stage. She replied by screaming. Brian came by and I threw it up to him, and he caught it with a smooth catch. He nodded thanks at the girl. He must have noticed her from before. They sang "Hey Mr DJ" and then left the stage. Each of them came on one at a time. AJ was first and he walked out. "Hello to you all! Wasup? Well, I heard the most interesting story from Justin Timberlake. I'm sure you all know who he is right?" AJ yelled and everyone screamed in return. "So, I guess you do know him. Anyway, he said that you all screamed louder for 'N Sync than for us, and I told him that Toronto loves the Backstreet Boys more! Am I right? Yeah, I knew I was! Well, in a sincere word, we just want to say thank you for allowing the fellas and I to perform in Toronto for our fifth time and each time it gets better and better! I love you all!" He blew kisses towards the audience and went and sat on one of the stools. Howie came out next, and he had his gorgeous black hair pulled back in a pony tail. "Hello Toronto!" And he said something in Spanish and all the fans screamed. "Well, our fifth time here and I have a little something for you all!!" Someone handed him red roses and he started throwing them towards the crowd. He worked from the left side of the stage to the right, and when he came to Oceane and I, he gave both of us one. "Thanks Howie!" Oceane and I yelled at him and he smiled in our direction. "You must know them!" the brown haired girl insisted. "We don't!" Oceane snapped. "So, shut up all ready!" "Whatever!" the girl snapped back and finally stopped asking us questions. Nick came on next and smiled at the crowd. "Hi everyone! What's up? Well, you all know me. I'm Nick! I just would like to say thanks for once again making us feel so welcome in Canada! We love you all! You are all awesome! But, for one minute, I have a funny story to tell. Like AJ, I talked to Justin Timberlake, but he told me something totally different. He said something unusual happened while they were opening. He said a certain girl fell and flashed her boxers towards everyone in the audience. Well, I have no idea who that was, but thanks a lot for the comedy show!" "It was her!" yelled all these people at me and I wanted to sink into the floor. "It was her!" Nick looked in my direction and I all most died right there. "Emilie, it was you?" Nick asked and started laughing. "Very funny!" I yelled back, going red, as Oceane started doubling over in laughter. "Well, have you recovered from the fall?" Nick asked me looking down at me. "Yes I have!" I yelled back giving him an embarrassed look. "Yo Nick, how about the time we threw you out of the dressing room in your boxer shorts and all those girls were out there?" AJ asked and everyone in the crowd started laughing. "The joke's on you now Man!" "Okay, okay Bone, I apologize to you Emilie," Nick said winking at me. "Let's get on with the show!" "He does know you!" the brown haired girl yelled. "You are a liar!" And I just shrugged my shoulders at her as Kevin came walking out...