~*~*Chapter Thirty*~*~

We worked hard for the rest of the morning, through 'till about 2:30pm. I think Johnny realised we were hungry when Brianna's stomach rumbled loudly during a practise run through of 'As Long As You Love Me'. "Ooops!" "Hungry Bree?" I joked. Unfortunately for Brianna, her little rumble was a little louder than she'd thought, the microphones had picked it up, therefore Johnny, Donna, Katie and the guys all heard too. "Yo Bree, I know I'm tasty, but you don't need to broadcast it to the entire world!" "Shut up AJ" she mumbled, blushing. "Well, I think we should take a break right about now, we'll meet up in an hour - don't stray too far!" Johnny let us go, and we practically ran through to the guys. "You were great girls, really great!" "Thanks Kevin!" Shay answered, giving him a big hug and kiss. "Kev's right, you were really good" "Awwh, Brian" I copied Shay's movements and gave Brian a hug and a kiss, though the kiss was for longer than Shay's. "Woohoo - go Rain!" AJ shouted, punching the air (think Leo in Titanic where he said "I'm the king of the world - woohoo!!") "AJ, leave the girl alone, you can pay me some attention instead" Before he could protest, Bree had wrapped her arms around him and given him the best kiss he'd ever had in his life. We all decided to leave them to it, and we all made our way to the canteen (or cafeteria, restaurant). "Katie, would you like to join us?" I asked her. Nick and Brian gave each other looks behind my back, so I didn't see. "Umm.... sure, if that's okay with the rest of you" "Of course it is, come on!" And me being the food lover that I am took to the front of the line, so we moved really slowly, with my crutches and all. "Rainey, aren't you supposed to be able to walk completely on your foot now?" "Yeah Howie, I am, I don't know why I can't though, it's really annoying, it's really painful whenever I put weight on it." "Maybe we should take you back to the hospital, get it checked out again." "Maybe Kev, we can do it after we finish here for today" "Won't that be expensive?" "What will Nick?" "The hospital fees" "No, we don't have to pay for treatment in Britain - unless you go private" "Oh really? that's cool" "Right, we'll go as soon as we're finished here" "Yes sir!" I said, again giving him the salute we'd all given him earlier. "Very funny Rainey.... but I'll laugh later.... let's go eat lunch" Which is what we did. Everyone got more acquainted with Katie, who sat next to Nick's left, with Lauren on his other side. Lauren wasn't too happy though, as Katie was taking more and more of Nick's time, although Katie was being paid attention by the other guys, it bothered her that Nick had his back to her almost. As I was sitting opposite Lauren, all I could do was to give her a sympathetic look and a pretty weak smile - as Brian was enthralled by Katie aswell. Lauren tried to smile back, but didn't seem into it at all. The rest of lunch was very loud on one end of the table, and almost deadly silent on the other.... no prizes for guessing why! (no offence Katie!!! We don't want everyone reading this hating you!) An hour later saw us back in the studio, full from lunch, and the guys full of laughter from their fun hour with Katie.... us girls were getting the feeling that this was going to get awkward as the weeks went on, before we left for the Backstreet Boys' tour at the end of August (this being the beginning of July). Everyone was back in the same positions as they were before, though the atmosphere in the booth wasn't exactly the same as in the studio. "Are you girls ready to go?" "Yes Johnny... we need something to take our minds off things" Bree said, although she just mumbled the last part under her breath, only to be heard by us girls. "Umm.... Johnny, could we sing a different song this time?" "Which song Lorraine?" "A song from Steps (a new British guy + girl band) called 'Love U More'" "Well, I guess so" "Umm.... Rainey, I don't know this song" Holly pointed out "Me neither" added Shay "Same for me" Bree said "Ditto, looks like we either do another song, or you do it on your own!" "Oh" "Look, we can do this song if you want to, Katie will find the backing music for you, we can do a solo if you want, if it turns out good it could go on your album" "Really Johnny?" He nodded, so I guess that was a yes. "Okay, let's do it!" "Katie, could you go around and find the backing track for 'Love U More'?" "Sure Mr. Wright" She walked to the door, and walked out, giving Nick a look as she did so. Lauren tensed up again, this time Howie noticed, he was looking at Holly, and Holly was next to Lauren. Nick however, was oblivious to his girlfriend's feelings.... but he wasn't really thinking about her much at that point (sorry Lauren!). "I'll have to talk to Nick later" he thought. He gave Lauren a sympathetic look aswell, and she began to calm down again. Katie came back in, and Lauren turned her back on her. "Here you are Mr. Wright" "Thank you Katie.... Lorraine, are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be" "Okay, here we go" The backing tape began to play the beginning of the song. Bree gave my hand a squeeze and I began to sing. "You can make the sun turn purple, you can make the sea turn turtle, but you know you could never make me love you more.... you can turn wine into water, turn sadness into laughter, but you know you could never make me love you more... let the sky fall down, let the leaves turn brown, still you know you could never make me love you more.... let the redwoods die, let the wells run dry, still you know you could never make me love you more.... you can turn dew into diamonds, or pacify the lions, but you know you could never make me love you more, you can make me dance to order, my self hung torn and quartered, but you know you could never make me love you more...." As I was singing, Brian had began to turn back around to face me from having a conversation with the other guys. He turned round and looked straight into my eyes and stayed that way for the rest of the run-through. "Wow" was all he thought. (I know there are a few people who will be practically crying here, as they've emailed me telling me they cry - which is really sweet - but to save their keyboards from sizzling beyond repair - I'm going to skip a few hours to the hospital, where we're sitting in the waiting area.... well.... waiting.) "Geez, what's taking them so long?" "Impatient Lorraine?" "Does it show AJ?" "Oh, of course not, you, never" "AJ...." "Miss Wightman?" "Yes?" I turned round to see a young male doctor standing by the desk wearing a white coat and he had one of those stethoscope things round his neck. "Could you come with me please?" "Sure" I got up and hobbled over to him and he led me through to another cubicle.... actually, I think it was the same one I was in the last time.... there was tomato ketchup on the floor just underneath the bed from where Brian had a little 'accident' with the McDonalds we ate.... sorry, Brian fed me last time. I went and laid back on the bed, and noticed that the pillows needed fluffing up - but I lay on them anyway. "Oh, my name is Dr. Carter" "Carter?!" "Yes, why?" "No reason.... your first name isn't Nicholas is it?" "No it's not, my first name's Gene" "Really?!" I gave out a little giggle. "What's so funny?" "Oh, nothing" "Well, my middle name is Nicholas" "It's not, is it?!!!" I had to laugh again "I'm not sure I understand why that's so funny" "Oh, one of my friends outside is Nicholas Gene Carter, and you're Gene Nicholas Carter - I think it's hilarious!! "Oh I see your point - it is quite funny! But I need to examine your ankle, so if you don't mind...." "Oh yeah, sorry!" Just to keep my foot warm, I'd put a thick white sock over the bandaging (and I was wearing a skirt, so there wouldn't be any warmth from trousers), so Dr. Carter had to fight to get that off before he got to the actual bandage. "Weren't you in here a few days ago?" "Yeah - I was stuck in a lift with my boyfriend and the cables broke between the 5th and 6th floors of the Mariott hotel" "Boyfriend?" "Yeah, he's outside too" "Let me guess.... brown hair and a square jaw" "How did you know?!" "Well, you were sitting next to him, quite close to him too.... and the fact that he gave me a really strange look before I brought you back here" "He did? Oh, I'm sorry" "Oh, don't be, I'd be protective if I had a girlfriend like you" "Really?" You know I was blushing! "Yeah...." He caught himself rambling on, and went back to examining my ankle. While he was looking at it I noticed he wasn't wearing a wedding ring. "You're not married?" "No, never found the right girl - or even if I had, she was either not interested, or was already with another guy" "Oh, tough break. I'm sure a nice guy like you will find a girl soon" "Well, I've got my eye on someone right now...." "Is she pretty?" "I think so" "I think you should go for it, you never know, she might just like you back!" "I hope you're right.... I really like her" He'd finished with my ankle, and stood up to try and find my sock which had fallen underneath the bed, unfortunately, he hadn't seen the bit of tomato ketchup, and his foot wasn't balanced properly on the floor, having just got up, and he went flying forwards.... onto me. "Ow!" "Oh, I'm sorry!" He looked at me with a funny look in his eye "Umm.... Dr. Carter, could you...." I couldn't finish my sentence because he had put both hands on my cheeks and kissed me.... I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn't move, and I couldn't move my legs because he'd fallen on top of them, I was stuck. His kisses started to get more aggressive, and he moved his hands all over my body, no matter how much I resisted or tried to get away, I couldn't. His left hand crept over my chest, then went underneath my shirt (remember, the blue shirt that tied at the bottom), and he started rubbing my breasts, I tried to push him off me with my hands, but he'd grabbed hold of them with his right hand, and he was holding then tight. Slowly his hand made its way downwards, as he pushed his tongue more forcefully into my mouth. His hand began to make its way to my skirt, and went underneath it, he pulled my underwear down slightly and he began to glide his fingers over and over, gentle at first, but he began to rub quicker and harder, so hard it began to hurt, I tried screaming, I tried to break free, but he was too strong for me. I wished Brian would come and save me from this sick man....