Chapter Eight

Our milkshake arrived, as Nick and I watched the movie screen which was playing music videos and clicks from recent and old movies. I was in heaven, and couldn't believe where I was. I was here, in love, with one of the nicest and sweetest guys I had ever met in my life. "So, Em, do you come to Toronto a lot?" Nick asked me, as Miranda set down our food. I had ordered a caesar salad, and Nick the all American burger and fries. "Not really," I answered as I ate my salad. "It depends what my parents decide they want to do." "Yeah, I like Toronto," Nick replied. "The people are nice and they have the most fun attractions." "Yeah, they do," I said as I picked through my salad. I wasn't particularly hungry and I hadn't eaten much all weekend. Nick looked at my salad and then at me with a concerned look. "Emilie, are you sure you aren't sick?" He asked me. "Because you haven't eaten much in so long, and I was just wondering if you were feeling okay." "I'm just not very hungry," I answered smiling at him. "I'm really okay." "Well, if you feel sick at all, tell me okay?" Nick said and I nodded in agreement. We finished eating, and I paid the bill, while he was very hesitant to have me pay. We walked out of Planet Hollywood, when the worst expected thing that could ever happen, happened. Nick was recognized by about a group of ten girls, and they started running at him. "Are you Nick?" they screamed and Nick grabbed my hand, and we ran for dear life towards the hotel. They ran, following after us, when I felt my foot slip, and down on my butt I went, bringing Nick down with me. My ankle twisted as I fell, and I felt a sharp pain rip through my foot. "Nick, Nick," the girls continued to scream. "Can I have your picture? Your autograph?" "Guys, my cousin is hurt," Nick said to them, pushing them alone. "Can you please leave us alone?" "No, we can't until you take our picture," the one girl snapped, when I noticed a couple walking by. They noticed my fall and came over to help us. "Girls, watch out," the woman said. "Can you please give us some room?" "No, we can't," the girl pleaded and Nick stood up. He snapped the paper from her hand and quickly autographed his name, as they snapped pictures galore of him. "Honey, are you okay?" the woman asked me and I nodded, as I tried hard to avoid the tears from coming down my face. My ankle hurt really bad, and I just wanted to get up, and lay down. "Nick, is that your girlfriend?" they asked him and he gave them a Look. "No, she's my cousin," Nick snapped back. "Now, can you leave us alone? Thanks." He turned around and headed over to me, kneeling down beside me. "Why are you signing all those autographs?" the man asked Nick. "Because I'm a Backstreet Boy," Nick answered patiently. "Emilie, are you okay sweetie?" He knelt down beside me, and pulled me close to him. "Maybe we should call an ambulance," suggested the woman. "Look, he's hugging her," the girl yelled. "That has to be his girlfriend." The man took the hint and shielded us from the cameras, as they snapped away. "I'll carry you inside," Nick said and he picked me up, and carried me into the lobby of the Skydome Hotel. The woman who said her name was Angela and the man named Shaun, went to call an ambulance, as Nick noticed Lonnie having a drink of coffee in the cafe, and he signaled him to help them, as fans came through the doors of the motel. "Hey kid," Lonnie said noticing us. "What's wrong?" "Emilie sprained her foot and those girls will not leave us alone," Nick replied staring at them. "Okay, I'll be back," Lonnie replied, as he asked the girls to leave, or security would leave them out. They reluctantly left, and I noticed Nick sighing in relief. "Sorry, Em," Nick said to me softly. "I am so sorry. How's your foot?" "It hurts," I answered honestly. "But, I'll be okay. It's not your fault, don't say sorry." He gently kissed my forehead as Lonnie came back over to us. "Well, Nick, next time you decide to go on a date," Lonnie scolded. "Tell me, so we can escort you there and back, and Emilie won't have her foot sprained." He walked away and paid for his check. Angela and Shaun came back, as they told us an ambulance was on the way. I was relieved to get away from all the confusion. "You're going to be all right," Nick informed me. "I'm going to call Oceane and tell her what happened, so she can call your parents and my mom, so we know that you'll be okay." I nodded in agreement as the ambulance came up to the front of the driveway and bought out a stretcher. They wheeled it into the lobby, as they put me on it. "Thanks so much," I said to Angela and Shaun. "That was very kind of you." "No problem," Angela said squeezing my hand. "Where does it hurt?" the paramedic asked me, and I explained to him what had happened and where it hurt. Nick came back to me, explaining that my parents were gone to a play and Oceane agreed to tell them when they came back. "Lonnie, are you coming with us?" Nick asked him as Lonnie walked towards us. "Sure, man," Lonnie answered. "Are you okay Emilie?" "Yes, it just hurts really bad," I replied as they wheeled me outside to the ambulance. The sirens went off as Nick climbed in the back with me, and Lonnie went up front. "Darlin', it looks like a really bad sprain," the paramedic said as he examined it. "We'll take some x-rays, and put a bandage on it, and then fit you for crutches." "Thanks," I whispered as Nick held my hand. "I can't believe I tripped. I am so stupid." "Em, anyone could have fell," Nick replied smiling. "As long as you're okay." "I'm cool," I answered. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine," Nick answered looking into my eyes. "So much for a smooth first date." "Our date was wonderful," I replied remembering our parents. "Does your mom know where you are?" "Yes, she does," Nick replied. "She was very concerned, and said she would come down, but I told her we would be okay." I nodded, as we arrived at the hospital. The paramedics unloaded me, as they rolled me into the hospital. Before I got in, they let me get off the stretcher, and I leaned on Nick as I hopped into the emergency room. They x-rayed me right away, explaining I had a bad sprain, and then it would heal in about a month. When we were finished, Lonnie called for the rented limo to pick us up. "Wow, these crutches feel wierd," I commented as I tried to walk with them as the limo pulled up. "It'll take some time," Nick said as Lonnie opened the door for us. "Children, get in," he said opening the door for us. Nick got in and helped me into the limo. My ankle was puffy, and it hurt like hell. I wish I would have never fallen. Lonnie shut the door, and he sat up front with the limo driver. "Lonnie's mad," I said smiling. "Do you guys always go off by yourselves?" "It depends," Nick answered putting his arm around me. "We love to piss him off." "You are so mean," I laughed as I laid my head on his shoulders, as I felt my eyes droop, as I fell asleep... I awoke to find myself lying on my motel bed, with Oceane sound asleep in her bed, and Nick and AJ talking as they sat around the table. The clock read 10:15pm and I started sitting up, as my ankle pain shot through my leg. "Good morning princess," AJ joked with me and I laughed. "Ow," I yelped as I tried shifting my ankle in a better position. "Hey, are you okay?" Nick asked me running to my side. "Yes, it just hurts a little," I answered as I sat up with his help. "Why's Oceane sleeping?" "Because when we got here, she was all ready sleeping as your parents opened the room for us," Nick answered. "They asked us if we would stay with you for a while, and we said sure. You fell asleep on the way home." "Did I?" I said. "Oh, I am so tired still." "Well, we better say goodbye now," AJ said standing up. "Because we are leaving for Montreal early in the morning tomorrow." "I don't want to say goodbye," Nick said looking at me. "Oh Em, I wish you could come with us tomorrow." "So do I," I replied as I smiled at him. "But, I'll see you again sometime. We can always talk on the phone." "I know, I know," Nick said as AJ started walking towards me. "Well, bye Em, it was nice meeting you," AJ said giving me a quick hug. "Tell Oceane I love her." He kissed her gently on the forehead, and tucked the covers over her. He told Nick that he would see him upstairs. "Well, this is it," Nick said to me and I nodded. "We won't see each other for a long time." "I know," I answered putting on my best smile, but a stray tear trickled down my face. "Oh Nick, I'm going to miss you so much." "I'm going to miss you as well," Nick replied and he pulled me close, and kissed me on the forehead, and then softly on the lips. We kissed for a long time, finally letting go. He reluctantly stood up, as we kissed each other once more. He waved goodbye, as we never spoke a word, and he walked towards the door, and it shut silently behind him... *************************** I awoke the next morning to hear the phone ringing. Oceane was all ready up, dressed and showered. I looked at her and she smiled at me. I picked the phone up to hear the cheerful voice of my mother. "Hi Mom," I said as she asked me all about my foot. "It's fine Mom. I have crutches and a little bit of a sprain. I'll be fine." "Are you and Nick dating?" Mom asked me as I sat up, remembering the eventful evening I had just had. "Yes we are," I answered smiling. "Why? Who told you?" "Oceane told me," Mom answered and I looked at Oceane, who was applying her make-up. "Where is he now?" "Probably in Montreal," I replied. "We are going to do the long distance thing." I grabbed the press button, and put on Muchmusic to see the interview, the Backstreet Boys had done the day before. It was cute to watch and I noticed Nick looking away from the camera and at me several times. "Good for you, Emilie," Mom said and we hung up the phone. Oceane and I watched the interview and smiled and laughed as the guys talked away to Master T. "Well, Oceane, how did things go with AJ last night?" I asked her. "Fine," Oceane answered as she began packing. "AJ and I decided to hook up sometime. What about Nick and you?" "Oh, you know," I replied. "We are going out and last night was awesome." Oceane smiled as I looked up into the heavens and thanked God, not for the sprained ankle, but for allowing him to let me fall in love for the first time...