~*~*Chapter Two*~*~

We all were walking over towards our car and in front of my car was Brian, AJ, Nick, Kevin, and Howie D. I was Like Oh My god what next!!!! They all shook our hands. I still had red cheeks from crying and I was still shacking. I thanked them all. I asked them how they known where my car was? Kevin told me that my mom had previously told them where I had parked. Just then I remembered something that I wanted to give Brian so I told him to wait for a sec while I grab something from the glove compartment. It was a Gold chain with a Charm that had Brian on it. I pulled it out of the box it was in and handed it to him I told him that it was a necklace I had bought the 2nd year I found out about BSB. I told him that I promised my self if I ever met him I'd give it to him. He looked deeply moved and he hugged me and kissed my cheek again. Howie Asked if we'd like to go on the tour bus w/ them and chat for a while. We went (of Course). We talked about almost every thing. I had the best time in my life. I was sure to remember this forever. It was getting late and although I was having a great time talking with them I really needed to go. I had a long drive a head of me so I said good bye. Right before I left Brian asked me for my phone number so we could keep in contact. He said He'd had a great time w/ my friends and I.