The modeling industry was one that was demanding, yet entertaining, beautiful, yet self-concious, and it's something that plus size Larissa, nicknamed Lacey, Callahan dreamed of becoming a part of. She was unusual looking, with strawberry blond hair that was curly and reached halfway down her back, with almond-shaped light blue eyes that resembled the ocean, and a medium-sized mouth. Modeling was where Lacey found herself on a cold, winter morning in December. Her finals were all over for university, and her agency called the Prescott Modeling Agency, had called her to fill in for a music video. Lacey was very excited about it because she had only done catalogue shoots before and this was a first music video. "Lacey, you are going to do so awesome," her best friend and dorm mate, Iesha Keshawn told her. Iesha was beautiful with brown hair that she wore in beaded braids, chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that made her look a million dollars. Iesha's major was biochemistry, as she had come = all the way from South Africa to live with her father in Toronto for the school years, while Lacey had come down from Hamilton, Ontario for university. Her major was Elementary Education. "Thanks Iesha, but I am so nervous," Lacey replied, as she combed through her long, wet hair. "I mean, John didn't even tell me who's video it was. I can just imagine who's it is." John Prescott was the owner of the Prescott Modeling Agency which he had created in memory of his wife, who had so suddenly died of cancer, three years before. "Hanson?" Iesha suggested with a teasing smile. "Or...yumm..Usher." "Usher would suit me just fine," Lacey answered smiling, as she threw her wet hair back in a scrunchie. "Well, I'd better get going because the supposed limo is picking me up in two minutes. Bye Iesha. Thanks for all your support. I'll tell you all the details tonight." "Good luck Lace," Iesha replied, as Lacey ran out the door. She ran down the hall, and out the front doors of her residence, to see a white, stretch limo pull up. "Wow," Lacey breathed, pausing for a minute, taking in the beautiful limo. "Hello Miss," the limo driver said, stepping out of the limo and opening the door. "Hi, thanks," Lacey replied, as she stepped into the limo to see two other models sitting there. One was Japanese with silky black hair that was a deep shade of red in highlights, she had beautiful brown eyes, and a square jaw, and a very thin body. The other girl had blond hair that was cut in perfect layers framing her petite face, green eyes that were obviously contacts, and a smile that showed she was friendly. "Hi, I'm Keiki and this is Lin," said the blond haired girl. "And you're?" "I'm Lacey," she replied, shaking Keiki's hand, as Lin seemed a little snobby. "So, is this your first video shoot?" Keiki wanted to know, as Lin put on Energy 108. "Yes, I am very nervous," replied Lacey smiling at her. "What's there to be nervous about?" Lin rolled her eyes. "I mean, it's just the Backstreet Boys. Who cares about them?" "The Backstreet Boys?" Lacey said in shock. "I'm going to be in a Backstreet Boys video." "Yes," shrieked Lin in a high-pitched squeal. "Get over it. How old are you? I mean, this is just a gig where five, can't sing, no brain males try to romance us, by singing to a bunch of little girls. What the heck is that?" "Well you didn't have to take the gig Lin," Keiki snapped at her. "So, Lacey, how old are you?" "I'm 18," replied Lacey. "You?" "16," replied Keiki as they pulled up to where the video was being shot. "This is my fourth video shoot." "How long have you been modeling?" Lacey asked her, the limo driver opened the door for them. "For most of my life," Keiki answered, as she stopped at the front door. "Just follow me and I will show you all the ropes." Lacey nodded in agreement, as she spotted several people everywhere doing everthing theythey could to get ready for the shoot. She followed Keiki into a room where there was clothes everywhere, as well as a hairstyling and make-up application station set up. "This is so awesome," Lacey commented, as she stood back, admiring everything. "I know, eh?" Keiki replied, as she grabbed Lacey's arm. "Come on, we have to be ready in fifteen minutes." "Who cares?" Lin muttered, as the director sailed by, as she said her comment. "I care, honey," he snapped and Lin gave him a dirty Look. "Well, Lin Cheung. What do I owe this honour?" "Well, Sandro, you have no honour, so how can I owe you one?" Lin snapped slyly, and Lacey gasped. "Geez louise, why do they book these girls?" Sandro Alessandri, the director screamed, as his assistant scurried to his side. "Is there a problem Mr.Alessandri?" she asked urgently. "Not yet," he snapped, glaring at Lin. =20 "Wow," Lacey whispered, as Lin smirked at Sandro. "How can she diss the director like that?" "Lacey, let's get one thing straight, you mind your own business today," Lin threatened her. "Do you understand?" "Yes," Lacey replied and Lin stomped off, arguing with the hairdresser before she even sat down. "Lin Cheung is the biggest witch in the business," Keiki commented, as she was whisked off to get her outfit. "Larissa Callahan?" someone said her name, and Lacey turned to see a short woman smiling at her. "That's me, you can call me Lacey," Lacey smiled back at the woman. "How are you today?" "Wonderful dear," the woman replied. "I'm Cathy and I'll be putting you in your outfit today. I think you are going to be wearing a long skirt with a nice matching cardigan and turtleneck. How does that sound?" "Great Cathy," Lacey answered, as Cathy handed her the outfit, and she showed her the dressing rooms. She saw Lin, and two other models, getting changed in one of the large rooms, so she went to the next room, and opened it, to see the five Backstreet Boys by themselves, eating McDonalds and Tim Hortons, as they watched some tv. "Omigoodness, wrong room. Sorry." She shut the door quickly, as she heard the guys laugh. She disappeared into the dressing room, relieved Lin wasn't in there = anymore. "Did you go in the wrong room?" one of the models asked her and Lacey nodded. "Don't worry. We've all done it. I'm Nichole and you are?" "I'm Lacey, nice to meet you," Lacey replied as she changed. Nichole was pretty with long dark hair, brown eyes, and a friendly smile. She noticed she was very tall, and Lacey guessed she was going to be set up with Kevin, Nick, or AJ. "Same here," Nichole answered. "How old are you? Because I'm 21, and Bree who was just here is 15. Lin's 17, and Keiki is like 16." "I'm 18," replied Lacey, as she put on her cardigan. "Is this your first video shoot?" "Sort of," Nichole replied, as they both walked out of the room, to see AJ and Howie stepping outside of their room at the same time. "Hi guys, remember me?" Nichole asked them smiling. "Of course Nichole," AJ replied, as they hugged each other. "Who could forget that beautiful face?" "Well, this is Lacey," Nichole introduced her. "She went in the wrong room." "Hey, nice to meet you," Howie winked at her. "Yeah we know because the Look on your face was prize winning," AJ teased her and Lacey went red. "Anyway, so, what's up?" "Nothing much," Nichole answered as they walked down into the wardrobe room as AJ grabbed a Coke, and passed four to them. "Where are you from?" Howie asked Lacey. "Well, I'm from Hamilton, but I go to university in Toronto," Lacey answered as she sipped her Coke. "What's your major?" AJ asked her and Lacey smiled. = "Elementary education," Lacey answered as she saw Cathy rush over to them. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous." "You don't have to be nervous around us," Howie told her. "I mean, we're just guys." "She knows," Nichole said, as she set her Coke down. "Need us Cathy?" "Yes I do," Cathy replied frantically. "Hello AJ and Howie. Mind if I steal these two?" "Of course not," AJ replied. "See ya later Nic and Lacey." "Bye," Nichole and Lacey said, as they followed Cathy over to get their hair down. "Did I just talk to AJ McLean and Howie Dorough?" Lacey asked Nichole and Nichole laughed whole-heartedly. "Yes you did," Nichole smiled. "Don't worry. I was the same way when I first met them, but now I am good friends with them, mostly AJ. We have =the most in common. How about you? Who's your favourite?" "Probably Nick," Lacey admitted, as she sat down to get her hair down. "You have beautiful hair," the hairdresser told Lacey. "I'm not doing anything with it. I'm just going to leave it down because Mr.Alessandri has the guys running their fingers through your hair or something." "Oh really?" Nichole asked her. "Sounds good to me." Lacey laughed, as Nichole's hair was wrapped into a sosphicated upsweep. "Nichole, you're needed right away," Cathy said to Nichole. "And Lacey you as well." Nichole and Lacey got off the chairs, and practically ran after Cathy. They walked into a room to see Lin, Keiki, and Bree standing there. "When they decide to hire a fat girl?" Bree whispered loudly to Lin. "I don't know Bree, but she's going to ruin the whole video," Lin whispered back, smirking at Lacey. "Shut up you two before I kick your butts," Nichole threatened them. "Oh Nic, why don't you?" Lin replied back. "I mean, you are 21 and doing a Backstreet Boys video. How pathetic is that?" "Not as pathetic as your face," Keiki snapped at her. "Keiki, don't even go there," Lin answered back. "I mean, you were just picked because your daddy is the producer. Your ugly face couldn't get on the cover of any magazine. And Nic, you were chosen because well, who knows why you were chosen? And Lacey, you were probably chosen because there wasn't one skinny model left, so they had to start looking for fat chics." "I'm warning you Lin," Nichole warned her and Lin laughed. "Leave me alone," Lacey cried and she turned, and ran towards the washrooms. She heard Nichole calling after her, but she kept on running, and she felt herself run into someone. She toppled backwards onto the floor, as the person went the other way. "Ow," the male voice said and Lacey tried to stand up. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Lacey asked, looking over to see Nick Carter standing there. He was wearing Tommy Hilfieger overalls with a white t-shirt underneath, and a nice jacket over it. "Yeah I'm okay, why were you running so fast?" Nick asked her standing up as he looked at her for the first time. "I-uh, was-um," Lacey muttered and Nick laughed. "That's okay," Nick replied. "I understand." Lacey looked at him puzzled, as a stray tear cascaded down her face again. "I have to go," Lacey whispered, as she turned and disappeared into the washroom. "Are you okay?" Nick asked her concerned. "Yeah, just a stuffed nose," Lacey yelled back and she heard him walk away. "Well Lacey. Not a bad beginning to your day. First, you walk in the wrong dressing room and now you just fell butt first in front of Nick. What else can be worse? Oh yeah. Lin." Lacey made sure she fixed her make-up, until no more mascara streaks were evident.=20 "Lacey? Come on," said Cathy, as she opened the bathroom door. "What's wrong?" "I had something in my eye," Lacey replied as she followed Cathy outside of the washroom, and back into the large area where they were going to shoot the video. "Lace, are you okay?" Nichole asked her concerned and Lacey nodded, as Mr.Alessandri started ordering instructions. "Okay, each of you will be set up with one of the guys," Mr.Alessandri said, as Lin gave him an evil Look. "Here it goes, Lin, you are with Kevin. Bree, with Howie. Keiki, with Brian. Nichole, with AJ. And Lacey with Nick." "Mr.Alessandri, you can't stick that cow with Nick, what will everyone think?" Lin protested. "Lin, that was a totally out of line comment," Mr.Alessandri scolded>her. "I suggest you treat Lacey with respect, or you are going to have to leave the set. Understood?" "Whatever," Lin replied shaking her head. Mr.Alessandri explained a little more, as the guys came out, all ready to start the music vide filming. Lacey found out that they had all ready filmed most of the = video the day before, so Mr.Alessandri instructed to team up with their lady and get to know each other. Lacey watched as Lin went with Kevin, but refused to really talk to him. Nichole and AJ hit it off right away. Nick was sitting with Brian and Keiki, and she motioned Lacey to come over and talk to them. "Hey," Brian said when she was in front of them. "You're Lacey right?" "Yeah," Lacey replied, as she sat down beside Keiki on the couch. "Nice to meet you." "Same here," Brian replied, smiling at her and Keiki. "Nick, you know these two?" "Yeah I do," Nick replied, as he stood up. "I'll be back." And he walked away. "Is he okay?" Keiki asked Brian, and Brian shrugged. "He was fine just now," Brian replied, as he stood up. "I'll go see. See you in a few." Brian followed Nick, to find him in the wardrobe room, = grabbing some chips to eat. Brian noticed he looked concerned and walked over to him. "B-Rok, what's up?" Nick asked him, as he grabbed more trips.=20 "Nick, what was that out there? Why were you so rude?" Brian asked him honestly and Nick looked taken back. "Was I rude? I don't know," Nick replied, throwing a chip in his mouth. "Is there something wrong with Lacey because I'm sure Sandro will let you be Keiki and I'll take Lacey," Brian suggested and Nick looked up. "No, there's nothing wrong with Lacey," Nick answered. "Man, I'm just concerned about her. I saw her run into the bathroom, tears streaming down her face and I wanted to ask her what's wrong, but he wouldn't tell me." "Keiki told me that Lin and Bree have been giving her crap about her weight," Brian told Nick and Nick looked at her. "Are you serious?" Nick asked him and Brian nodded. "So, I think she's just upset about that," Brian commented as Mr.Alessandri yelled at them to come. "Coming." Brian and Nick walked into the room to see Keiki and Lacey standing on outside of the room. Lacey was leaning against the wall, looking scared, yet interested in what was going on around her. "See ya thanks," Nick told him and he walked over to Lacey. "Hey Lacey. How are you now?" "Hi, I'm cool, how are you?" Lacey replied smiling. Nick noticed when she smiled, her whole face lit up and her eyes sparkled. "I'm good," Nick replied as they sat down on the floor. "So, are you nervous?" "Yes," Lacey admitted. "I mean, this is all so new to me." "It's really easy," Nick replied and he saw her relax a little. "So, do you go to school?" "Yes," Lacey answered, pushing her hair out of her face. "I'm a = university freshman." "Really? What's your major?" Nick asked her. "Elementary education," Lacey replied. "How about you? You want to go to university?" "Well, maybe," Nick replied honestly. "I mean, I don't really know what I want to do with my life. Hopefully, the Backstreet Boys will last for a while." "I hope so too," Lacey said, as the director called for them. "Okay you two, you have good chemistry as I can see," Mr.Alessandri told them. "I want you to dance together under the mistletoe and keep smiling, looking into each other's eyes." "Okay," Lacey and Nick agreed, and they stepped into the limelight. Everyone was watching them. They were the center of attenion now, and Lacey closed her eyes. Nick felt her shaking.=20 "It's okay Lacey," Nick said to her softly. "Please don't be nervous." "I'm okay," Lacey whispered back, as she relaxed a little. They danced for about five takes, until Mr.Alessandri was satisfied with their performance, and he said that it was a wrap, and he probably wouldn't need her anymore. Lacey walked into the wardrobe room, and grabbed her jeans and sweater that she had worn over. "How did you do Lacey?" Cathy asked her as she walked towards the dressing room. "Okay, thanks for all your help Cathy, I really appreciate it," Lacey commented and Cathy looked at her shocked.=20 "You are the first model to thank me for my help," Cathy said and Lacey smiled at her. "You're welcome. Now get changed because I think Nick is waiting for you." "Yeah right he is," Lacey laughed. There was no way in the world that Nick Carter would look at her unless he was forced to, just as he was now. She changed and brought the clothes back to Cathy. She decided to leave as quick as possible, before anyone saw her, so she could get back to the dorm and tell Iesha all about her adventures. "Bye Lacey," Cathy told her as she walked quickly out. "Bye Cathy, thanks again," Lacey replied, as she practically ran towards the door, when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see Nichole, AJ, Brian, and Howie walking out of the room. "Lacey, where are you going?" Nichole asked her as she walked into the room. "Well, I have to go home, I mean, actually I have nothing to do," Lacey replied. "Well, why don't you grab a bite to eat with us?" Brian suggested to her and Lacey looked at them. "Really?" Lacey smiled. "That would be awesome, but only if you want me to." "Of course we want you to," AJ said smiling at her. "So Nic, where shall we go?" "How about Planet Hollywood?" suggested Nichole. "I love it there," Lacey said. "Hey, would it be okay if I asked my room mate to meet us there?" "Sure no problem," Howie replied. "Use my cell phone." "Thanks," Lacey said, as she accepted the cell phone from him and dialed her dorm phone.=20 "Hello?" Iesha said, as she answered. "Iesha, what are you doing?" Lacey asked her. "Studying, where are you? How was the video shoot?" Iesha said. "Well, I'm on Howie's cell phone, and I was wondering if you wanted to meet us at Planet Hollywood for some lunch," Lacey suggested to her and Iesha all most fell off her bed. "Howie Dorough? I don't believe ya Lace, prove it," Iesha said, knowing Lacey didn't lie, but this was too farfetched. "Hey, can you guys sing to prove to Iesha it's you," Lacey asked the guys and they said sure. They sang a few bars, and she heard a shrill scream from Iesha. "Lacey, I'll be at Planet Hollywood in five," Iesha yelled and she slammed down the phone. "She's coming," Lacey commented and everyone smiled. =20 "Is Nick and Kevin coming?" Nichole asked the guys.=20 "Well, Lin is flirting with Nick," AJ noticed in the other room. =20 "Doesn't Nick see what a fake she is?" Nichole asked them and Lacey = turned to see Lin and Nick talking away. She looked away, and tried to focus back on everyone else, when someone so mean, was talking it up with Nick. The guys invited Nick, who unfortunately bought Lin with him as well. She made sure to use the word fat or cow a lot, and Lacey looked away. She focused on the traffic outside in the limo. They arrived at Planet Hollywood as Lacey saw Iesha standing outside. "Iesha, hey," Lacey yelled as Iesha smiled and she ran towards the limo. "Hey girl, 'sup?" Iesha asked her. "Hi guys." "Hey," Brian told her as she smiled widely. "Hey Nick, how about you and I go somewhere by ourselves?" Lin suggested, smirking at Lacey. "Actually Lin, I would like to get to know Lacey and her friend a little better," Nick replied. "Nick, you can't hardly stomach going into a restaurant and watching a pig eat? Come on, I'm trying to save you here," Lin said. "Damn girl, can I kick your ass sooner or later?" Iesha asked her and Nichole laughed. "Shut up," Lin said and she glared at Iesha. "Look ladies, why don't we all try to get along and Lin, stop your rudeness," AJ told her. "I have the perfect solution to our problem," Lacey said and she looked at her feet. "I'm leaving now, so everyone will be happy, especially Lin. Iesha, you can stay, I'll take a cab back." Lacey turned and walked = over to the road. "Nice going Lin," Nichole snapped at her and Lin smirked.=20 "Lacey, come back," Iesha pleaded with her. "Nick go talk to her and tell her to stay." "Okay sure," Nick said, and he ran after her. "Lacey, can I talk to ya?" Lacey stopped and she turned to face him. He saw tears streaked down her face, and her eyes were the gateway to the most possible sadness he had ever seen. "It's okay Nick, you can go have dinner, I'm not stopping you," Lacey commented and she sat down on an nearby bench. "Lacey, can you tell me what's bothering you?" Nick pleaded with her. "Nothing," Lacey lied and Nick looked at her. "Just look at me Nick. I am fat and ugly. Lin is right, I didn't deserve to be in this video. I'm = sorry." "Lacey, don't you dare listen to that witch," Nick told her. "Look, you are not ugly. Besides, none of us look at that in a girl. I would never date Lin. She's too nasty. You and Nichole, on the other hand, are really nice. It's not what's on he outside that counts, and it's on what's on the inside. We mean that honestly." "Really Nick?" Lacey asked him, and Nick nodded, as he took a piece of hair, and stuck it behind her ear. "Thanks. That means a lot to me." "No problem, not we better get back there before they send out a search party," Nick told her and Lacey nodded. They walked quickly into Planet Hollywood, and into a private room offset from everything. Lacey walked n to see everyone sitting beside each other, and there was too empty seats near the back as Lacey sat beside Iesha and Nick sat beside Brian. "So, Iesha, how do you and Lacey know each other?" Kevin asked Iesha. "Well, Lace and I are room mates," Iesha replied as Lin rolled her eyes."We both go to university together." "Oh really?" Kevin asked interested, as Lin laughed. She got up from the table. "Sorry to cut this short guys, but I see my boyfriend over there with his sister," Lin said and she left and Nichole cheered. "Thanks Gosh the witch left," commented Nichole and everyone nodded with appreciation. "Hello BSB's and their ladies," said the waiter who introduced himself as Craig. "Anything to drink?" Everyone ordered their drinks as Iesha and Lacey looked over the menu. "So, how was that video shoot?" Iesha whispered to Lacey. "Interesting," answered Lacey, as she read the menu. "Nick and I were paired with each other. They all are such sweethearts." "Yeah, I know," Iesha whispered back.=20 "Lacey, so, was this your first video shoot?" Howie asked her and Lacey looked up from the menu. "Yes actually," Lacey replied. "This was my first major gig. The first were just catalogue shoots and stuff." "Iesha, have you considered modeling?" Kevin asked her and Lacey noticed how much Kevin seemed interested in Iesha. It was really cute because Iesha had just broken up with her boyfriend of two months, even though they had never been really serious. Lacey, on the other hand, has her eyes set on the same guy since the beginning of the university semester. His name was Christian Patterson and Lacey thought he was the nicest and sweetest guy she had ever laid eyes on. "Actually, I would never want to be a model," Iesha answered honestly. "I don't mean to offend Lacey or Nichole, but I think modeling is dumb because it just gives people big heads and you think you are all that. For example, the way that girl Lin acted. I would never want to end up that way. Never ever."=20 "But, there are some of us who don't acquire big heads," Nichole disagreed calmly. "But, it all depends on your age. I'm 21 and I've been modeling since I was 18 and I have been very down-to-earth. It goes to have other things going for you at the same time. For example, Lacey is also going to College at the same time." "I would never leave school to become a full time model," Lacey admitted. "So, do you three have boyfriends?" AJ wanted to know. "Yes," Nichole answered first. "Travis and I are engaged actually." "I'm happy for you beautiful," AJ commented and kissed her cheek. Everyone congratulated her. "I just broke up with my boyfriend," Iesha said and she made a face. "He was a jerk anyway." "How about you Lacey?" Brian asked her. "Well, I don't, but there's a guy-," Lacey was cut off because she didn't want to reveal her crush on Christian in front of the Backstreet Boys. "So, do you have girlfriends?" Iesha wanted to know. "I do," Brian admitted. "I am very happy with her." "So do I, sort of," AJ replied.=20 "I might," Howie said and as Nick and Kevin admitted they didn't. "Well, I am glad you are all happy in your relationships," Nichole commented as Craig brought over the drinks... *This is my new story. "A BACKSTREET'S BOYS FAN DREAMS COME TRUE" is probably going to have a few more chapters soon, but I wanted to create a story where the guys were friends with no romance happening. Recently, we learned AJ and Brian had girlfriends, and I was very happy they finally admitted that. I wish them happiness with their girlfriends and I hope you like the concept on my story. But, hey you never know right? :o). Anyway, please e-mail me if you think I should have romance. Once again, this is a FICTIONAL story...which means NOT TRUE, completely MADE UP. -Emilie Parker