He came back half an hour later, with a familiar-looking brown paper bag in his hand. "What's in the bag?" "Open it and see" "Ooh, mystery, well, it smells like food, and I haven't eaten for about two days, I need something before I die of malnutrition" I said as I opened the bag - and I found a box of 6 chicken McNuggets, large fries and a small Diet Coke. "B, you remembered! Just the way I like it - you wanna share?" "No, I ate there, that's what took me so long, but I'll feed the food to you if you want" "Awwh, how romantic!" And he did feed the food to me, and he reached in his pockets and pulled out another straw, and we shared the coke, or should I say, he drank most of it, I had a little dribble at the bottom. "I enjoyed that" he said, wiping his lips with a napkin. "I'll bet you did! But I did enjoy it too. Ouch!" "What's wrong?" "I just moved a little, and part of the pain was my ankle, but the rest is my back, I need to get out of here" "You're not supposed to, not until tomorrow morning, and you don't have your crutches yet" "You're just scared we'll get caught" "That too, but how will you get out, you can't walk on that ankle, unless....." "Unless what?" "Unless I carry you" "No B! You won't be able to lift me!" "Yes I will" "No you won't, I'm heavier than you are!" "Really?" "Yes, I don't want you to put your back out, so I guess we'll just have to stay here" "What if I give you a back rub instead?" "What?" "I could give you a back rub, to ease the pain, I'm not having my baby in pain" "Awwh, that's sweet, okay, you've twisted my arm" It hurt a lot when I moved so B could sit behind me, but after he started to massage my back, it worked, the pain just went away. "You're good at this, but I won't recommend giving up your day job" "Why? If I'm that good....." "Just think of all those fans that will be heartbroken if you quit - and that includes me" "They're young, you're young, you'll all bounce back" "Not all of us - remember the Take That split - about 6 or 8 girls committed suicide, if you quit now, do you want to have a number of suicides on your conscience?" "I suppose not" "Ooh, I've got an itch, on my left shoulder-blade, can you scratch it for me?" "I'll do better than that..." ooh, mystery! He brushed my extremely messed up, just-longer-than-shoulder-length brown hair to my right side, and started kissing my shoulder, every time his lips met my skin, I just melted, it also stopped the itch too! "B, what if someone walks in?!" "Don't worry, the others are at the hotel, doing goodness-knows-what" "Knowing Nick, he’ll be keeping Lauren up with Mario Kart or something like that!" "Pretty predictable huh?" "Kinda, but you’re not, I mean, sneaking McDonald’s in to me, giving me a back rub, kissing my itch instead of scratching it - actually, the past 24 hours or so have been pretty unpredictable!" "You can say that again! Wow, you know, it was midnight when I asked you out - and it’s midnight now - happy one day anniversary!" "Awwh, happy one day anniversary to you too B - how will we celebrate our - ahem - happy 24 hours together?!" "I can think of a way…" He got up from behind me and moved to sit in front of me, carefully helping me back onto my non-human pillow. "What is it?" He got up and went outside for a few seconds, getting something, by the shadow, it was something pretty big. "Here you are, happy anniversary Rain" He presented me with a huge Forever Friends bear with a big heart fluffed up with stuffing inside with "You’re special to me" written on the heart in big white italic writing. "Oh B, it’s gorgeous - you didn’t have to, you’ve been buying me too much, you really have!" "As I said before, you’re worth it!" "You are way to good to me, I didn’t get you anything - not that I was able to anyway - after all that’s happened and everything…" "You don’t have to, just tell me that you like me as much as I like you" "Well, that depends - how much do you like me?" "More than words can say, you are a very special person, Lorraine Jennifer Wightman, I loved the way you handled being on stage, the way you did that slow dance, how you brought your friends to meet us because I had kind of taken you away from them and practically gave them a heart attack when they saw you on stage, the cute little way you scrunched up your nose when you got all worried when we lost Aaron, the way your heart beat faster when I asked you out, when I pulled you close for that hug, the way you held me really close in the elevator because you were so scared of the dark, the way that first kiss felt, and all the others too, and the way you looked when I first walked in with Lauren yesterday, lying there, all helpless, the way you sing, the way you forgot the words in "As Long As You Love Me", the way your shivered as I kissed your neck, the way you looked while you were sleeping, before you scared me to death with your screaming, I love everything about you Rain - and I think I’m falling in love with you" "Oh B, I feel the same way also, the way you did the slow dance, the way you kissed me in the elevator, the tone of your voice when I told you that the kiss was my first, and you were my first boyfriend, all the presents you’ve bought me, the McDonald’s you fed me, the back rub, the way you kissed my neck - I know I’m only sixteen, and I’ve never had a relationship before, but I think I’m falling in love with you too" and with that, we shared a kiss so passionate, I swear, the fire alarm was going to go off! Suddenly, Laura walked in, and as soon as she saw we were kissing, she dropped her clipboard with all doctor’s notes about me onto the floor. "Oh, I’m so sorry!" We parted quickly "That’s okay" "Awwh, who gave you that gorgeous teddy bear?" "My equally gorgeous boyfriend here!" "Awwh, shucks!" Now it was B’s turn to blush. "You know, the way you two are sitting, it’s really cute, you should get a camera" "Actually I do, say Laura, would you take our picture?" "Sure" She actually took two photos, the first one was of myself, lying in the bed in the middle, B lying on the bed on my right side, and the teddy bear on my left side, we were both smiling at the camera. The second picture, she hadn’t meant to take, she had held the camera wrong while putting it back in its case, so the shot is at a diagonal angle, and me and B are kissing, actually, that’s a good photo! "Um, Mr. Littrell…" "Please, call me Brian" "Okay, Brian, I think we should leave Lorraine here, let her get some rest, and you too, Lorraine, you only have about nine and a half hours left, your crutches will be brought to you at 9am, and the doctor will come just before 10am to give you a final check up, then you can leave" "Thanks Laura" "No problem. Now, I’m off duty in a few minutes, and when I come to check up on Lorraine again, I expect her to be alone, okay?" "Fine, no sweat Laura" said B "Good" and she left with a smile on her face, she liked the way B said her name. "Oh, I don’t want you to go B" "I know, I don’t want to go either, that’s why I’m not" "What do you mean?" "Well, she said she wants to see you’re alone, well, I’ll just go out, saying that I’m just calling a cab to take me back to the hotel, when I’m gone, she’ll check up on you, you’re alone, she’ll go, I come back, simple" "You’re so sneaky! But I like your way of thinking, okay, she’s coming, see you later" B walked out as Laura came in, he told her he was making a phone call, and she checked up on me, and left. A few minutes later, B came back in. "You really are sneaky, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve done this before!" B came and lay beside me on the bed again, this time on my left side, and he balanced his feet on the chair by the side of the bed. We sat there talking for a few minutes, then he kissed me again, and I lay my head on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating faster again, but I didn’t say anything. A few minutes later, B looked down at me, and saw I had fallen asleep, he kissed my forehead, carefully lifted me up so he could slip out from underneath me, and he sat on the chair, crossing his arms and leaning them on the bed, he rested his head on his crossed arms. He watched me sleep for about half an hour, before saying "Goodnight, sweet Lorraine" then he laughed at his own joke (apparently "Sweet Lorraine is a song from WAY back, and when my dad wants to annoy me, he starts singing it - how embarrassing?!) and he then fell asleep with his head on his arms leaning on my bed.