Donna and Jane gasped simultaneously. "Oh my goodness!" "Is she alright?" Donna asked "I think she's still unconscious from the Chloroform, I don't think she has woken up yet." Kev answered. "I want to see her, let's go" Brian said again, impatiently waiting for them at the door to our room. They walked in to find the girls in a group hug, Bree and Shay holding me up, my head resting on Bree's shoulder…. kinda like they wanted to show the group was behind me, that we were going to go through it all together. Brian walked over to them, and they parted, Bree got up carefully and Brian took her place holding me. "I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear over and over. Donna and Jane looked on, not knowing what to say. The police took the cloth and rope for evidence, and took Brian's fingerprints, to rule him out as a suspect, as his fingerprints were on the rope from untying me. I was still unconscious, so they couldn't talk to me, so they said they'd come back in the morning. They excused themselves and left. "I'll call Johnny, tell him what's happened." Donna said, walking out of the room, taking out her mobile phone. "I think you should all get some rest, you've had a rough night" Jane suggested. "Right mom, I think I need some rest" "Ditto Nick" AJ added. Everyone went out to their own rooms, Nick and Brian stayed obviously, Brian laid me down gently and tucked the covers over me, before getting changed silently. "Do you think she'll be alright?" Nick asked, concerned "I don't know…. I just don't know. Even after what happened in the hospital, she wasn't comfortable with me kissing her, she's going to be even more uncomfortable now, even though she still trusts me, she's just not ready" "I get ya B-Rok. 'Night Bri…. 'night Lorraine" "'Night Nick…. goodnight Lorraine" Nick and Brian didn't talk after that, they just lay there, not falling asleep until about 2:30am. The same with the others. There was silence on their floor. ~~~~~ later ~~~~~ "No… no… please, no" I whispered, moving my hands up to the corners of the bed, like they were tied again. I started to toss and turn slightly. "Please…. no…. leave me alone!" I said a little louder, tossing and turning a little more. "What's that noise?" Brian thought in his sleep, starting to wake up. He began to piece it together. Me. "No… no…. Brian, where are you? Help me Brian" "She must be acting out all her thoughts from earlier. Geez, she's calling for me, she really needed me, and I wasn't here for her…. Man, what kind of boyfriend am I?!" he thought guiltily. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He saw me tossing and turning, with my hands up where they were when they were tied. "My god, she's even put her hands back where they were!" "Kick him, kick him damnit! Damn legs, why won't you move?!" I said a little louder. "Leave me alone you bastard! Brian, where are you? did you get my pages? Get here soon…. please…." Brian got out of his bed and came over to me. He sat on the bed, took my arms away from the top of the bed and hugged me tight. I started to struggle even more, though my arms and legs wouldn't move. "No!! Please, get away from me…. Leave me alone!" I shouted, shocking Brian, and waking Nick. "What? Bri, what's going on?" "She's having a nightmare about what happened, she won't let me hug her, help me wake her up Nick" Nick got up and came over to the bed. Brian was still holding me, and whispering in my ear, so Nick took it upon himself to see if tickling would wake me up. "Leave me alone!...!" I screamed again. "Nick, what did you do that for?" "I was trying to wake her up goofball" "Lorraine, it's me, Brian, and Nick. It's alright, no-one is going to hurt you, we're here, you're safe now." "Go away, don't touch me!" Brian had to shake me rather violently to wake me up. "NO!!!" I said, as I finally woke up. "Rain, are you okay?!" Brian asked "I... ummm..... I..... Oh Brian, I'm so glad you're here, it was horrible" "I can imagine.... I don't want to, but I can imagine" "It was so awful, he grabbed me and put a cloth over my face, I lost feeling in my arms and legs soon after that. he got rope out of his bag and tied my arms to the bed. Then he went back to his bag and got some aromatherapy oils out, he said it was called Sensuality, he said it was "Quite appropriate, don't you think?!" He then took his clothes off...... and climbed on top of me.... he started rubbing the oil all over me, and because he didn't need to hold my hands away from me like at the hospital, he used both hands all over.... I felt him.... getting hard.... I could feel everything he was doing to me Brian.... and I couldn't do anything to stop him...." I started sobbing. Nick and Brian looked at each other, shocked. "Rain, you don't have to tell us any more, if it's too hard" Nick said "No.... I have to.... I have to tell someone. He... he slid himself..... inside me.... I could feel him.... thrusting, touching, his every movement.... I could hear him breathing, I could hear his moaning.... I felt him.... coming. All I could think of was that you got my pages and were on your way to help me.... I really wanted you to be there.... he kept doing it.... he pushed himself inside me 10 times, thrusting, coming. He said "You may be scared, and you maybe woozy from the chemicals on the cloth, but I know you're enjoying this, if not, I'm enjoying it enough for the both of us". When he'd finished he said...."Was it good for you?!" Then he walked to the desk to write a note... he came back over and said "We can't have you getting cold now can we?!" He pulled the sheets over me... the last thing he said to me was "You were great baby, just great.... we should do it again.... maybe we will...." Maybe we will... Brian, what if he comes back?? I'm really scared of what he'll do, what if he goes further next time and.... well, it's the last thing I ever do?!" "Ssshhhh.... we're not gonna think about that just now, he's gone, we've called the police, I told them everything I know, Jane, Donna, Johnny and Aaron know too" "Aaron knows?? He doesn't know what rape is surely?!" "He does now, he was adamant he was to be included in the conversation.... and he wanted us to tell you he was really sorry for what happened to you" Nick chipped in. "Poor little guy was too scared to go to sleep, though I'm sure he is now. Now, you need to stop thinking about that creep and what he did, although the police are coming back in the morn.... in a few hours, but you need to get it out of your system for the time being so you can get to sleep.... I'll stay with you if you like" B added. I nodded. "And I'll be just over here if you need anything" "Thanks Nick, I really appreciate that" Nick smiled in acknowledgment and went back to bed. I lay down and Brian lay down beside me (cue for a song... anyone?? LoL!!), sliding his arms around me. At first I flinched and Brian began to pull his arms away, but I took hold of them and folded them over my stomach, my hands on top of his, making sure he'd be there through the night. All was quiet for the rest of the night.