Lacey Callahan and Iesha Keshawn walked into their dorm room after their fabulous lunch at the Planet Hollywood with the guys. It was around three o'clock and Iesha had exchanged phone numbers with Kevin, so maybe they could go for coffee later on in the afternoon. Lacey noticed their answering machine button flashing, so she pressed the retrieve button. "I wonder who has called us," commented Iesha, as she opened her suitcase. She was supposed to be at her father's one hour before because they were going to have a family dinner before Iesha flew off to spend the holidays with her mother in South Africa. "Hi Iesha, it's daddy," the tape machine said and Iesha drop the purple shirt she was holding. "I am very sorry to tell you, but I am unable to make it for our dinner tonight because I have to fly out to Japan on business right now. Please understand honey. Your flight to SA leaves today at eight o'clock. Maybe one of your friends could bring you there. = Sorry honey. Merry Christmas." "Damn him," Iesha cried, as tears streamed down her face. "Iesha, it's okay," Lacey soothed her, putting her arm around her. "You don't understand Lacey," Iesha cried shaking her head. "My father hasn't spent Christmas with me in years. He won't even cancel his damn business meeting to spend one lousy hour with me. Mommy has always been there for me, but my father is never there for me." "I'm so sorry Iesha," Lacey whispered and Iesha looked at her best friend. "It's not your fault Lace," Iesha smiled through her tears. "You are the only one there for me in Canada anyway. Well, let's see. Would you like to go to the airport with me?" "Yeah sure," Lacey answered smiling back. "You know, you'll have an awesome time at your mom's. Your new sister is going to be there. Don't you love her?" "Yeah, Christmas with mom is always wonderful," Iesha answered, standing up. She picked up the purple shirt, and began throwing her clothes into it. "So, when are you going home?" "Well, my dad is coming to get me tomorrow afternoon," Lacey answered as she helped Iesha pack. "What are you going to do tonight?" Iesha wanted to know. "You are going to be all alone." "Well, remember Nichole? Well, she asked me if I wanted to go clubbing with her and her friends," Lacey replied.=20 "Lacey, party animal," Iesha commented, teasing her. "You haven't been to a club in your life and you're only 18. How are you going to get in?" Lacey thought of it and remembered Nichole said she would have no problem. "Nic knows some famous people or something," Lacey answered. "She already said I'd have no problem." "That's so awesome," Iesha said, as she smiled at her best friend. "Lacey, all your dreams are coming true. Do you realize that?" "Iesha, I know," Lacey answered, as she sat down on her bed. "I can't believe I was just in a Backstreet Boys video and now, I am going clubbing with a famous model. Oh Iesha, I wish you could come tonight." "No Lacey, it's your turn to be the star," Iesha told her as someone knocked on the door. "I wonder who that is," commented Lacey, as Iesha answered the door. She opened it to see Christian McKinnley standing there with two of his friends, Michael and Hunter, who happened to be Iesha's ex-boyfriend. Lacey stared at Christian. He was so hot, with thick blond hair that was on the longer side, blue eyes that made Lacey melt, and a smile that lightened up any room he entered. He was also a sweetheart, a huge football player, and very smart.=20 "Hello ladies," Christian said smiling at them. "I think we have the wrong dorm. Sorry." "Hi, who are you looking for?" Iesha asked them. "You can come in, but Hunter stay out there." Christian and Michael came in, and when Hunter tried coming in, Iesha slammed the door in his face. "We're looking for some girl named Tiffany Houston," Michael replied, as he glanced at Lacey for the first time. "Oh, she's the dorm next door," Iesha told them. "How come Hunter didn't tell you this was my dorm?" "Hunter wanted to aggravate you," Christian admitted and he noticed Lacey looking at him. "Hi, I don't believe we've met." "That's my roommate Lacey," Iesha introduced them. "She's not around much because she's a model." "A model? Really? Where do you model?" Christian wanted to know. "Catalogues and stuff, that's it," Lacey said softly and Christian smiled at her. "She just did a music video today," Iesha informed Christian and Michael. "Oh yeah, which one?" Michael asked her and Lacey wanted to kill Iesha. There was nobody she wanted everyone knowing she had been in a Backstreet Boys music video that morning. "Backstreet Boys," Iesha answered for her because she knew how nervous Lacey was around Christian. "Backstreet Boys? Interesting," Christian commented, as he saw Iesha's suitcase. "So, where are you going?" "I'm going back to my mom's house in South Africa," Iesha answered giving Lacey a Look to speak up. "Lacey's going back to Hamilton with her parents tomorrow night." "Oh really? I'm from Hamilton as well," Christian told Lacey. "Which part?" "The north side," Lacey answered, finally speaking up. "How about you?" "The north side as well," Christian replied, as she stood up. "Which highschool did you go to?" "Huntington High," Lacey said smiling at him. "How about you?" "Oh, I was away at a boarding school in England," Christian replied, as he saw Michael motion they had to leave, as someone knocked on the door again "Hunter, I'm gonna kick your butt," Iesha snapped at the door. "Come on Iesha, baby, it's cold out here," Hunter whined behind the door. "You dumped me remember?" Iesha snapped back. "We're coming Hunter," Christian yelled back. "Well ladies, it was nice meeting you. Iesha, have fun at your mom's, and Lacey, maybe we could go for coffee sometime." "I would love to," Lacey said immediately and Christian smiled at her. "My numbers in the book, look me up," Christian told her and she smiled back. "I will," Lacey said, as the waved and within seconds were gone. "Lacey, omigoodness, yes," Iesha shrieked. "Christian likes you." "He was just being nice," Lacey informed Iesha. "You'd better hurry because we have to be to the airport in an hour." Iesha glanced at the clock and gasped. "We'd better hurry," Iesha said as she frantically finished her packing. ********************************* Lacey arrived back for the airport in a taxi, as she checked her watch, and noticed Nichole was going to be coming back in like an half-an-hour. She thought back to what a good day she had experienced so far. She had met the Backstreet Boys, been in their music video, and Christian had asked her out. She was beyond happy, and to top it off, Christmas was just around the corner. She wondered if Christian and her would be together at Christmas, but she didn't want things to go fast. She ran into the door, and looked through her closet for something to wear. She picked out a nice long, flowered skirt, a black, matching cardigan, and a pair of black loafers. An half-an-hour later, she was standing outside the residence as her familiar classmates said hello, and headed home for the holidays. Snow was falling all around Lacey in melodic patterns, and she smiled at the snowman that someone had built that morning. It was all most six o'clock, and she was already missing Iesha. She wished she could have come with Nichole and her to the club, but it was going to be a fabulous night because Nichole was so nice and she had hinted that some of the Backstreet Boys may be coming out with them. The same white limo that had picked her up that morning, pulled out, but a different driver stepped out. "Hello Miss," the driver said causally, as he opened the door for her. Lacey looked in the limo to see AJ, Nichole, an unfamiliar guy that Lacey guessed was Nichole's fiancee Travis, Brian, and Nick. She figured that some of Nichole's girlfriends were going to be there, but never would have imagined she was going clubbing with the Backstreet Boys. "Hi," Brian said, as Lacey stepped in. "How are you?" "I'm okay," Lacey answered smiling. She stepped in and sat beside Nick. "How are you all doing?" "Good Lacey, meet Travis, my significant other," Nichole said and Lacey smiled at Travis. "Nice to meet you," Travis told Lacey. "So, why are you so happy?" Nick asked Lacey and he could tell she was very happy. "Nothing much really," Lacey answered. "Come on Lacey, you are lying, something special happened, tell us," AJ said to her and Lacey smiled. "Well, never mind," Lacey replied. She wasn't about to tell them she was going out maybe with Christian. "Guys, leave her alone," Nichole told them. "Okay, so, where are we going?" "How about some dinner?" AJ suggested and Nichole laughed. "Alex, you are always so hungry," Nichole commented and everyone laughed. "McDonalds sounds good," AJ said and Lacey smiled, as Nick touched her arm. "Hey, come on, tell me why you are so happy," Nick bugged her and Lacey smiled. "Well, don't tell anyone else, do you promise?" Lacey asked him and Nick nodded. "Okay, well, there's this guy who had I have a enormous crush on and he asked me to go with him for coffee." "Lace, that's awesome," Nichole congratulated her. "What's his name? What's his story?" "His name is Christian and he's a football player," Lacey admitted and AJ pretended to look scared. "I'd better watch out for Christian," AJ joked and Lacey laughed. "So, Lacey, tell me about yourself," Nick told her, as they pulled up to the nearest McDonalds. "Well Nick, I like working out, hanging with Iesha, studying, and volunteering, I guess," Lacey answered. "Are we going in?" Brian asked them. "Should we?" AJ replied. "What if everyone recognizes us?" "Who cares?!" Nichole replied, as her stomach growled silently. "I just want to eat." "Okay, in we go," Brian said finally, and out they got. As they were walking in, Lacey noticed how slippery it was, and Nick grabbed onto her arm before she fell on her butt again. "Don't fall again, Lacey," Nick teased her and Lacey laughed. "I promise I won't," Lacey said laughing herself, as they walked through the front doors. She noticed as soon as they walked in, the whole restaurant became quiet, and everyone just stared at them. Nichole and Travis stood off set from everyone, and looked over the menu by themselves, as she heard Travis' cell phone ring. Lacey watched as Travis grew worried and then, Nichole grew worried as well. "Guys, Travis has got to go to work because one his co-workers had an car accident," Nichole told everyone frantically. "We are going to get a cab and go home. I'm sorry, Bye Lacey. Talk to ya later." Nichole and Travis hurried out the door, leaving Lacey with AJ, Nick, and Brian. "I hope she's okay," Lacey said softly, as she glanced after Nichole and Travis. "Me too," Brian commented, as they looked out the window, to see a huge snowstorm beginning. "Iesha, I hope she makes it to South Africa okay," Lacey added and they all looked at her. "Maybe we should go back to the motel," AJ suggested, as he became worried. "It's okay about three miles from here, and Lacey, you can come back with us because of the storm." "I agree," Nick said. "My mom didn't really want us going out tonight because the storm looks really bad." Lacey and the guys left in silence, as the snowflakes fell around them, and Lacey became very worried about = everyone, including herself. "Lacey, have you been to the Skydome Hotel?" Brian asked her, when they were safely in the limo. "No, actually just to the Skydome for a baseball game," Lacey answered. "Is that where you're staying? I thought you'd be staying at the Royal York or something like that." "Actually, the Skydome was the only place that was avaliable because we just booked the motel rooms yesterday," Brian replied and Lacey nodded. They arrived at the motel, and Lacey was amazed at how nice it was. They went to the underground parking, and were met by about five bodyguards. hey nodded hello at Lacey, and the guys were escorted onto the elevators, and then up to the lobby, where they immediately headed towards the penthouse level. Lacey was nervous because she had never experienced anything like this before, and had to keep pinching herself to show that this was reality. "Lacey, you are awfully quiet," AJ told her and Lacey looked up in surprise. "Am I? Sorry, I was just thinking about the snowstorm and I hope everyone is really okay," Lacey answered, as they entered onto the elevator. She noticed everyone looking at her and she felt embarrassed of how she was going on. "Lacey, they'll be okay," Brian assured her, smiling at her. She smiled back, as she hoped he was right. Iesha Keshawn could not believe her luck. Canadian Airlines had cancelled the flight due to the enormous snowstorm that had just came out of nowhere, and now Iesha was stuck at the airport with nobody. She tried contacting Lacey, but there was no answer and her father was long gone to Japan. She sat down on a nearby bench, and just started crying. This was supposed to be a good Christimas, but now she was stuck at the airport by herself. "I can't believe this happening," yelled a familiar male voice that made Iesha jump up. She looked over to see her father standing there, standing angrily into a cellular phone, carrying a briefcase. "Daddy?" Iesha whispered, as she walked towards him. "Iesha, you haven't left yet?" Mr.Keshawn said, pressing the end button on his cell phone. "Daddy, how could you do this to our Christmas? How could you not even want to see your only daughter on Christmas?" Iesha cried, as tears cascaded down her face. "Iesha, the meeting is important," Mr.Keshawn tried to explain, but he knew he could never convince his own daughter. "More important than your own flesh and blood?" Iesha screamed and people started to stare. "Of course not honey, you are the most important thing to me in the world," Mr.Keshawn hugged Iesha, as tears flooded down her face. "Daddy, I miss you so much when I'm in South Africa," Iesha whispered into his ear. "I hoped that when I came to Canada, we could have a good relationship, that we could become close again." "Oh Iesha, I wished for that as well," Mr.Keshawn replied, kissing her own the forehead. "You are my baby." "Daddy, can you please cancel your business meeting and spend some time with me now? Please?" Iesha pleaded, and for the first time, Mr.Keshawn looked deep into his daughter's eyes and he saw the four-year-old little girl, he has lost so suddenly 14 years before, and a glowing sensation of regret and love spread throughout his soul, heart, and mind. "Iesha, I will, I love you," Mr.Keshawn said softly. I love you too daddy," Iesha whispered back and they hugged again. ************************************************ Lacey walked in behind Brian, Nick, and AJ to see = several people hanging around, including some she recognized and others she didn't. She noticed Nick and Brian took out their room keys to their rooms and went in. AJ said he was sharing with Howie, and that they would be back in a minute. Lacey took the oppurtunity to see the others, and she recognized one of their BSB managers named Donna Wright. She hadn't seen her at the video shoot, unless she had been there, but none of the models saw her. "Wow, hey Lacey!" said a familiar voice and Lacey turned to see Keiki standing there with Christian. "Hi, nice to see you again," Christian smiled at her and Lacey just stared at him. Several thoughts went through her head, as she looked from Keiki to Christian and back again trying to figure out how they know each other. "Lacey, meet my older brother Christian," Keiki introduced them and Lacey nodded understanding now what was going on. "Oh, I'm sorry," Lacey laughed. "I was like, what are you doing here?!" "Thanks a lot," Christian teased her and Keiki laughed smiling. "So, why are you up here?" Lacey wanted to know. "Well, our dad produced the BSB video, he owns the company that provided the location this morning," Keiki explained. "And we are just attending a business meeting because they are just going over finaly preparations = for the video. It was awesome. I was so excited to have the oppurtunity to do it." "So, you didn't know about the video?" Lacey asked Christian, as she saw Brian and Nick walk out of their room. "No," Christian answered honestly. "I've been so wrapped up in school, I had no idea what my family was doing." "Hey you," Brian said to Keiki when she saw her. "How are you?" "Hi Brian and Nick," Keiki beamed proudly. Her friends were going to die when they found out the BSB recognized her instantly. "So, what shall we do now?" Nick asked Lacey and Lacey smiled at him. "How about we go for that coffee Lacey?" Christian asked her and Lacey beamed. "Sure, that'd be cool," Lacey answered. "Wait a minute, you are the Christian we've been hearing about all night?" Brian asked Christian and he looked confused. "Omigoodness, this is priceless," Keiki shrieked as Lacey went red and everyone looked at Lacey. "What's going on here?" Christian asked Lacey and Lacey just started laughing with Keiki. "Oh guys, this is way too much," Lacey said and Keiki started screeching. "Okay, here it is. I run into my crush as I am upstairs hanging out with the Backstreet Boys when there's a snowstorm outside. This is way too much." "Oh, okay," Christian said looking even more puzzled. "Forget it Christian," Keiki told him. "So, Brian and Nick, what are you up to now?" "Well, Keiki, we decided to do something fun," answered Brian as they saw AJ and Howie join them. "How about you all come?" "Actually, I have to go," Christian replied as he pressed the elevator button. "Maybe we can get that coffee sometime later Lacey. Kei, are you coming?" "I guess so," Keiki answered shaking her head and she headed after Christian. "Wow, my day has been so wierd," Lacey sighed, as she collasped on a nearby couch. "So has mine," Nick commented, and he collasped in chair on the other side of her. "I can't believe that guy is the Christian one you've been talking about," AJ said as his cell phone rang. "Excuse me." "It's his woman," Brian teased AJ and Lacey laughed. "I should call my girlfriend as well. See you two in a few." "So, Nick, what's up?" Lacey asked smiling at him. Nick couldn't believe how much more confident she was this afternoon from the video shoot that morning. "Nothing much Lacey," Nick answered standing up. "You know, we never had dinner. Want to order some pizza?" "Sounds good to me," Lacey replied, and she followed him into his motel room. Well, it wasn't exactly a motel room, it was like a mini apartment with two separate bedrooms, a kitchenette, and a small livingroom. "Hello Nick and-?" Donna said as they passed her. "Hi, I'm Lacey, Mrs.Wright," Lacey smiled and Donna said hello, but she looked like she was in a hurry. "So, you know who my manager is?" Nick wanted to know, as he picked up the room service menu, and they decided to order three pizzas because = they knew everyone would be hungry. Nick ordered it, as Lacey flicked on the television to Muchmusic. "So, are you travelling with your parents?" Lacey asked Nick, as he grabbed them two Cokes. Lacey smiled at she noticed his Nintendo set up in front of the tv. "Not this time," Nick replied. "We go home tomorrow though. I can't wait to get home for the holidays." "I should call mine," Lacey said standing up. "Can I use your phone?" "Sure," NIck replied, and he handed her his cell phone. "Can I use the calling card on this?" Lacey asked him and Nick told her don't worry about it. She dialed her number, as her mom answered and she explained where she was. Her mom said okay, and that her father would pick her up at the Hotel in the morning, because she said Lacey could = book a room there if she wanted because the weather was bad. "Everything all right?" Nick asked Lacey and she nodded putting the = phone down. "My mom wants me to stay here tonight," Lacey said. "She's going to book me a motel room for the night." "Well, you can stay on this floor because we have an empty room down the hall," Nick informed her and Lacey beamed with excitement, as she couldn't imagine any place better to be in a snowstorm, then hanging out with the Backstreet Boys at the Skydome Motel, playing videogames and eating pizza....