~*~*Chapter Five*~*~

As soon as Nick opened the door, the sound blasted through my skull. There were flashing lights, a disco ball, and the air was full of smoke. A few of the people had multi-coloured hair or revealing clothing, but for the most part everyone just looked like average joes like us. We stood by a wall and waited for the rest of the guys to come in. Nick started tapping his foot to the song, some techno-beat remix-of-a-remix, and I smiled and pretended not to notice. It was pretty cute, though. Brian came up to us. "Hey, you guys gonna just stand there and bob your heads? C'mon, get into it! Nick, teach her some moves. I've gotta go to meet some ladies, so just have fun and don't get too drunk." With that he walked over to a group of girls standing near a corner. "So, anything specific you want to learn?" Nick asked me. "Oh, no, no, I don't dance." I said, nervously. "What do you mean you don't dance? Everyone dances! Come on!" He took my hand and started to pull me onto the dance floor. "No! Nick, I'll embarass myself! Nick! Stop!" "Look, just do this." He started moving his hips. "You want me to do that? I can't. I've never been to one of these places in my life! I'v never been tought to dance." "You're being tought right now! Please, just try it. "Alright," I said reluctantly. I tried to do it, but then started to laugh. "I AM making a fool of myself!" "No, you're really good! Listen. I've got a better idea. Just do whatever you like. Music doesn't have rules. You've just got to get into it!" Just the 'Broken Bones' by love inc came on. 'Finally something good' I thought. I watched Nick for a minute, looked around the big room, and tried to copy the other people. It was actually getting really fun, and I found that I WAS getting into it. I moved to the beat beside Nick for the next few songs, and realized that I wasn't that bad. I looked up, expecting to see Nick, but he was gone. I looked around, calling his name, but then realized that not even the people right beside me could hear me. I walked to the bar, looking for any of the guys, and saw AJ sitting there with a drink in his hand. "AJ, how old are you?" I asked. "Nineteen" he replied, questioningly. "Then you're under age." I glanced at the drink. "Lucy, I don't drink alcohol! It's sprie, man! You really think I'd be able to get anything else?" "No, sorry, I just get a little paranoid, that's all." "No problem," he replied, "Where's Nick?" "I was going to ask you the same thing." I said. "Oh, well, I'd better go look for him." I left AJ at the bar and walked around some more. I saw Brian chatting up a storm with some girl. I decided to let them be, and kept walking, But Brian noticed me. "Hey, Lucy, what's up?" he asked. "Have you seen Nick?" "Yeah, I think I saw him go into the washrooms." Brian replied, "But then, he might be hanging with the guys. I doubt it, though. He's not the kind of guy that would just ditch someone." "Well, I'd better go look for him. Thanks, Bri." "See ya." He turned back to his friend. I walked off towards the washrooms. I soon saw Nick walk out of the men's room. "Nick, I've been looking all over for you!" I called. He walked over to me in a hurry. "I told you I was leaving." He replied. "Did you? Sorry, I guess I didn' hear you." "Sorry for what? Don't be," He said, "So, what do you want to do now?" Before I could answer, the opening bars of 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' by Savage Garden boomed over the speakers. "It's time for a few slow songs, so grab your date and get on the floor!" Said the over-excited DJ. "Lucy," Nick didn't hesitate, "Will you dance with me?" "I'd love to," I replied, "Slow dancing is the one thing that 've always been able to do." "Good, then." He put his hands on my waist and led me back out to a clear spot on the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck. This whole thing was so wonderful. I loved the music, the environment of the club, and, I soon realized, the man I was dancing with.. I moved closer to him. He smiled down at me and put his arms all the way around mt waist, pulling me right up to him. I leaned my head on his chest and let the music invade mt soul. I never wanted these few minuteds to end. We danced through the next song, and then another one I knew came on. I realized that it was 'I'll never break your heart' that the guys sang at the concert. I started to laugh. "What? What's so funny?" Nick asked. Before I could answer, he laughed, too. "Oh, it's the song!" "This is so weird!" I exclaimed. "Iknow. I don't think I'll ever get used to it," He said, "I feel like belting out the words right now!" "No, no don't." I said seroiusly, "You'll get people's attention." "So?" "So look around." I said, "Everyone's singing it. You've got a lot of fans in here." "Yeah, I don't want to start anything." He said, pulling his hat down further over his eyes. "I wouldn't worry that much," I replied, "and besides, I want to be able to see your eyes." Nick smiled. The song was nearly finished, and as we danced through the last few bars, he sung the words softly to me. When the song ended, the DJ announced that they were going back to their regular dance mix. A girl pushed betwen us, forcing us apart. "Oh, I'm sorry, I....." When she looked up at Nick her eyes went wide. "I...uh, I gotta go!" she finished and ran off. "Uh-oh. Nick, do you think she recognised us?" I was worried. "Probably, but it happens all the time. I do think we should get going, though, just to be safe. Besides, It's geting late." "Good idea." I took his hand and we through the crowds of people. Then we suddenly heard a scream. "NICK? NICK CARTER, FROM THE BACKSTREET BOYS? IS THAT *YOU*?!"