~*~*Chapter Four*~*~

When they got there we all decided to go do some thing and sense there was no beach we headed over to Gothem. A cool dance club at first nobody noticed them but then a few people began to recognize them. So they did a few autograph signing then the people left them alone As we were sitting there Brian decided he wanted to dance so he grabbed my hand and pulled me on the dance floor . As we were getting in to the second song we noticed that we were the only once dancing the rest of the people had made a circle around us and were clapping. I started to blush but we both kept on dancing. Then a slow song came on and I was like oh no what now! I looked over at Laura but Nick and her were dancing then I looked to Elizabeth for help but she was dancing w/ Howie. Brian said to me in his cute southern accent "May I have this dance?" then he took my hand and placed it on his shoulder then he did the same to my other hand then he placed his hands around my waist. He held me real close. As we danced my heart skipped a least 4 beats. When the song ended he looked straight in my eyes and he leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips, and for about 20 seconds time completely stopped. He looked bashfully in to my eyes and I smiled to let him know that it was ok. He smiled right back and we decided we were done dancing so we headed back to our table. That's where we sat for the rest of our night. We just talked and he held my hands from across the table.