~*~*Chapter Eleven*~*~

I woke up a few hours later, very dizzy from knocking my head on the door as we fell down the elevator shaft. I looked at my watch (you press a button and it glows). It said 8:59am. A few seconds later it beeped 9 o'clock, which stirred B. "Are you okay B?" I asked him. "I'm a little dizzy, and my neck is a little sore, but apart from that I think I'm fine. How about you?" "I'm dizzy too, I hit my head on the door on the way down, but I'm fine apart from that" "Good, let's get up and get someone to get us out of here" "Okay" As I stood up, my right ankle wouldn't move, and it was terribly painful. "Ow! That's agony!" "What's wrong?" B sounded worried. "My ankle hurts really badly" "Which one?" "My right ankle" Brian put his hands on my ankle, and as soon as he got to the sore bit, I let out a yelp. "Ouch!" "Sorry! I think it's broken, sit back down" he told me, taking charge. he stayed standing, and started banging on the door. "Hey! Anybody out there? Help! We're in the elevator, someone help!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, but no-one answered, you'd think that it was soundproof. "Hey, anybody, help us!!" he shouted again, but it was no use. "You'd think people would be up by now" He was getting annoyed. "Where is everyone, surely they'd have noticed we weren't there by now, are they blind or something?" "Maybe they fell asleep before we 'should' have got there, but I'm sure they've noticed by now, don't worry, they'll find us soon" "I hope so, I'm starving" "Trust you to think of eating at a time like this! Mind you, I'm quite hungry too, I haven't eaten since 5pm yesterday" --------------------------------------- "Hey Nick, did B-Rok come in last night?" asked AJ "No, his bed hasn't been slept in" he answered "Where do you think he is?" "I dunno, let's ask the girls, maybe Lorraine knows where he is" All the guys went to Brianna and Lauren's room, where all the girls were sitting around, giggling. All the girls except me. "Hey, you guys seen Lorraine since we left her and B-Rok at the elevators last night?" asked Kevin. "No, she didn't come in to our room at all last night" said Lauren, standing beside Nick. "I wonder where they are" "And what they're doing" said Nick with a smirk on his face, and Lauren slapped the back of his head. "Hey!" "C'mon Nick, you know you deserved that, Lorraine isn't like that, I know her, she's too shy and quiet" Lauren said, defending me. "Yeah, but people say the quiet ones are usually the worst ones" Lauren gave him a look that told him he'd gone too far. "I'm sorry, that was out of line, I shouldn't have said that" "Too right, Nick I never knew you thought things like that!" "There's a lot of things you don't know about me AJ" he said, mysteriously. "Nick, I've known you since you were practically in diapers, at all those auditions, I know you, okay" "Well, I've changed a lot since then" he said, looking at Lauren, who immediately blushed. "We seem to do nothing but embarrass these girls!" remarked Howie. "Yeah, but we enjoy it when you come and say you're sorry!" said Brianna, with a very mischievous laugh. "Come on guys, we've got to find them" said Kevin, I think he knew something was wrong. "I hope they're okay" he added. They all left the girls' room, and went to the elevator, the one B and I were in, and Nick pressed the button. They had waited about 5 minutes, when Howie said: "Guys, wasn't this the elevator B-Rok and Lorraine were in last night, I mean, if we were in the other one?" "Yeah, it was, so why isn't it coming?" asked Nick "Maybe it stopped between floors" Shay chipped in. "I think you're right, let's use the one we used, then get a bellhop to see if they've stopped." said Kevin. They got down, but couldn't find anyone. "Where is everyone?" ------------------------------------ "Where is everyone?" B was getting worried. "Try shouting again, maybe there's someone there now" "Okay. Hey, anyone there?! Help us!!!" ----------------------------------------- "Hey, did you guys hear that?" said Holly "Hear what?" Howie asked her. She heard it again "Help us!" she heard faintly "Someone's calling for help, it's a guy, from the elevators, I think it's Brian" They rushed to the elevators, and Nick banged on the door "Frick - you in there?" he shouted "Yes - get us out of here!" "Okay, I'll get someone" said Kevin "Get an ambulance too, I think Lorraine's broken her ankle" B shouted through the door, but they only heard him faintly. "Why the ambulance? What have you been doing in there?" "We were in the elevator, when it stops between the 5th and 6th floors.." he starts "Wait, 5th and 6th? How come you're down here?" "The cable broke, we've been in complete darkness since we got in it at 2am this morning, and the elevator fell from the 5th or 6th floor to here." "Oh, my God, is Rainey okay? Rainey, are you okay in there?" Lauren asked. "I'm fine, just dizzy" I said, but she couldn't hear me "What?" "She's fine, just dizzy she said" B repeated. Kevin came back with the hotel manager. "How many people are in there, are they okay?" The manager asked Nick. "Well, Brian is fine, but Lorraine we think has broken her ankle." "Okay, the ambulance is on its way, hold on" "We're not going anywhere!" I joked, which made them all laugh. "Nice to see you've still got your sense of humour!" said AJ, laughing so hard he started to choke, but was okay after Brianna whacked him in the back "Thanks babe" "No problem, babe" "But you gotta admit, the girl is funny" and there was silence. (in the elevator) "Are you okay Rain?" "Fine, with you here" "Do you want a hug?" "Yes, definitely" He lay back down beside me, and gave me a hug, telling me it was going to be okay. He kissed me again, then I rested my head on his chest, and lost consciousness.