Chapter Ten

Nick and I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door as I turned around to open it. There stood Brian and Ariale, and he looked a little frazzled about something. Ariale looked worried as well. "Nick, can I tell to you for a minute?" Brian asked him and Nick followed Brian into the hallway. "What happened?" I asked Ariale worried as she came in my room, closing the door behind her. "The management just called and there's a little girl in the Toronto General Hospital who has a cancer and they said she has like six days to live," Ariale replied. "Omigosh," I said softly. "Well, the Make A Wish Foundation called the BSB's management and asked them if the Backstreet Boys would ever consider going to meet this little girl and the management called Brian's cell phone," Ariale replied sighing. "They want them to go tomorrow to meet them. Kevin and Howie are going to fly in tomorrow morning to go meet her." "Well, they should go," I said as Nick came back in the room. "Did Ariale tell you?" Nick asked me. "Yeah, you should go Nick," I told him. "We are going," Nick replied looking glum. "I hate when this happens. Do you want to come with us?" I hesitated. I mean, this is what they always did and I didn't want to be a burden on them. "Should I really go?" I replied. "I mean, I don't want to interfere on anything." "It's okay Emilie if you come," Brian replied. "We like to have support there with us. Ariale would you like to come?" "Well, um, sure," Ariale hesitated. "Okay, how are we going to get there Brian?" Nick asked him. "Well, Johnny said that they can arrange a car to bring us up," Brian replied. "No, don't do that," I told them. "We can probably borrow the van and bring everyone up. Brian, maybe you could drive?" "Sure," Brian said. "Do we need security though Nick?" "I don't think so," Nick replied. "We can just drive straight up there and Howie and Kevin can meet us at the hospital or something like that. Johnny said they arranged for extra security at the hospital." "Well, I'll call Johnny back and see what he says," Brian said and he disappeared into the hallway. "Six days," Nick said sitting on the bed, putting his head in his hands. "This little girl has six days to live." "Nick," I said softly sitting down beside him. "It's okay. At least, she'll be happy because she's seeing her favourite band." "Yeah," Nick said shaking his head. "I just hate it when they have to die so young." "I can understand," Ariale answered softly looking out the window. "Me too," I said. Nick nodded and looked up. "It'll be okay." Nick nodded, standing up. Brian came in again. "Johnny says that'll be fine," Brian replied. "Are you okay, Nick?" "Yeah, I'm fine," Nick answered. "Fine, we'll leave early tomorrow okay?" We nodded in agreememt as Nick walked out of my room by himself, shaking his head. "Is he okay Brian?" I asked him concerned. "Yeah, he'll be fine," Brian answered. "Just let him think for a while. Anyway, what about those hamburgers?" "Coming right up," I replied as we all walked into the kitchen, to start cooking supper. We had a very quiet night, as we decided not to go to the club. I don't think anyone was up to it anyway. Nick was okay after supper, but he still didn't talk much. He kissed me good night around nine thirty and went downstairs. Ariale and I went to bed at ten because everyone else seemed exhausted. I awoke the next morning, to see snow falling lightly in small, sprinkling snowflakes. Ariale was still sleeping, so I walked into the kitchen to see Jordan getting some cereal. "Hi Emilie," he said. "Nick is in the livingroom." "Really?" I said walking in there. I saw Nick sitting on one of the love seats we have with Brandy sitting beside him. They were watching SpiceWorld. "Good morning." "Hey," Nick said smiling at me. "Jordan and Brandy got me watching Spiceworld." "Do you like it?" I replied laughing. "It's funny," Nick answered standing up and he followed me into the kitchen. "So, how are you this morning?" "Okay," I answered. "How are you this morning?" "I'm a little better," Nick replied leaning against the kitchen counter. "Sorry about last night, I was a little upset." "It's okay, Nick," I replied smiling at him. "I would be upset too. Did you eat anything?" "Yeah, Brandy made me some scrambled eggs and Jordan gave me some cereal," Nick replied smiling. "Great," I replied smiling back checking the time, noticing it only said 7:00am. "Wow, you're were up early." "Yeah, I'm used to it," Nick replied. "So, what would you like for breakfast?" "Oh, just a glass of orange juice is enough," I replied pouring us both some glasses. Nick took his orange juice and drank it all in one gulp. "Want some more?" He nodded and I laughed. "So, when are the other three lazy bums going to get out of bed?" I asked Nick. "AJ and Brian love their sleep," Nick answered as we went into the sunroom, and sat down. "How about Ariale?" "She loves her sleep as well," I replied as we watched the snowflakes. "Christmas is barely two months away. I love Christmas. So, are you guys off till January now?" "Yeah, well we have some premieres and parties to attend," Nick replied. "But, we'll be home for a while. We're spending Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Carter's. That will be nice." "Cool," I replied as I heard someone yawn in the kitchen. I saw AJ stanidng there with his hair messed up. "Finally," Nick teased to AJ and AJ scowled. "Yeah, man, all those dreams about the fine looking woman, you would want to stay in bed too," AJ answered. "Want some breakfast?" I asked him standing up. "We have cereal or whatever you want." "Well, Brandy and Jordan have instanted they make my breakfast," AJ replied. "Just relax, dear." I laughed and walked back into Nick. "AJ is wrecked," Nick said laughing. "Anyway, we'd better get ready. I'll go wake up Brian, if you wake up Ariale." "Okay, see you in a few," I replied and I walked into my bedroom. Ariale was all ready up, so I went to pick out something to wear. I wanted to look nice, so I picked out my brown cudoroy jumpsuit and a ribbed, ivory turtleneck under it, with brown tights and my brown loafers. I wore my hair down, and through in back in a brown headband. Ariale was wearing brown khaki pants, a nice blue sweater and her hair down in a claw slip. "You look nice Em," Ariale told me. "So do you," I replied smiling. "Maybe we should give the little girl something. Maybe Brian will stop by the store before we go." "Okay," Ariale replied. I grabbed my ivory coloured coat and my purse, and walked quietly towards my parents bedroom. I told them we were leaving and they said be careful. Ariale and I went into the kitchen, as Nick, Brian, and AJ were waiting for us. My dad had all ready given Brian the van keys and we were all set. "Hello Ladies," AJ said. "Are you ready to go? You take longer than Howie does. Just kiddin'." "AJ, you are such a twit," Brian told him as Jordan and Brandy came into the kitchen. "Are you leaving Sissie?" Brandy asked me and I nodded. "Yeah we are," I answered. "We'll see you later." "Bye kiddo," Nick said to her. "Great breakfast, thanks." We piled into the car with Brian in the driver's seat and Ariale took the front seat beside him, after she kept asking AJ if he wanted the front seat. AJ sat in the one of the middle bucket seats and Nick sat in the other one, while I sat in the very back seat. "I haven't driven a van in a long time," Brian commented as we backed out of the driveway. "Don't kill us Man," AJ shrieked and I laughed. "I won't AJ, not het anyway," Brian teased and everyone laughed. "How does the heat think work?" "Let me see," Ariale said looking down at the heater. "I think this turns it on." "So, what's the girl's name?" AJ asked Brian. "I think it's Jocelyn," Brian replied. "There, thanks Ariale." "No problem," Ariale answered smiling. I sat back and looked out the window, as Nick turned around to me. "So, what's up?" he asked me as he stood up and went to sit beside me on the backseat. "Nothing much," I answered as he put his arm around me and I laid my head of his shoulder. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah I did," Nick replied. "Those beds are really comfortable." "Yeah, they are Em," AJ said. "I have to say, your parents really know how to welcome guests to their house. When I used to go stay at a relative's, they would throw me on the couch with a blanket." "Thanks," I replied. "My parents are used to having people coming and going." I yawned. "Maybe you should go for a sleep," Nick suggested to me and I nodded as I fell asleep... ************************************************** "Em, we're here, wake up," Nick said shaking me gently. I awoke to see us approaching the Children's Hospital in Toronto. "Did I sleep the whole time up here?" I asked him sitting up. "Yeah, you did," Nick said smiling. "You look cute when you're sleeping." "Oh Nick," I laughed as Brian pulled up to the entrance. I noticed three security guards standing there. They noticed Brian and waved as we piled out of the car. "I'll park the car," the one guy said, taking the keys from Brian. "Hello," said a woman as we walked into the hospital. "I'm Sandra Whittaker, a representative of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We are so happy you came today. Jocelyn has been in and out of the hospital for the last year or so, and the doctors are giving her less than a week to live. Jocelyn is thirteen, and she has lung cancer which spread into other parts of her body." "Thanks for allowing us to come," Brian replied. "We have some things for her. How is she today?" "Jocelyn is doing a little better," Mrs.Whittaker replied. "She doesn't know she only has a week. She is such a sweet girl. This is such an awful situation for everyone. Her family is devastated. She doesn't know you're coming." "Well, we're praying for her," Nick replied sadly. "I hope you don't mind I bought my girlfriend and her friend." "We don't mind at all," Mrs.Whittaker said smiling at us. "Howie and Kevin aren't here yet, so I think we'll wait till they come. Would you like anything to drink?" "We're okay, thanks," AJ answered as I noticed a gift shop. "Ariale, want to pick something out for her?" I asked and she nodded. We walked into the the gift shop to see a row of teddybears, and I knew I had to get her one of those. I saw a huge brown soft one, and I picked that one that. We paid for it and I walked back to the guys, to see Howie and Kevin walking through the door. "Hello everyone," Howie said smiling at everyone. "Hello Emilie and?" "Ariale," Brian replied. Howie gave me a hug and shook Ariale's hand. "Hello Emilie and Ariale," Kevin said smiling at us. "So, what have you three been up to?" He asked turning to AJ, Brian, and Nick. "Nothing much Kevy," AJ answered. "How was your flight?" "Fine," Kevin replied looking at Mrs.Whittaker as she approached us. "Hi." "Hello," Mrs.Whittaker said. "I'm Sandra Whittaker from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We are so happy you both could come." "No problem," replied Howie smiling. "Well, ready to go see Jocelyn?" asked Mrs.Whittaker and everyone nodded. Everyone was unbelievably quiet as we walked towards the elevator and up to the intensive care unit. "Are you okay?" Nick whispered to me as he reached for my hand. "I'm okay," I answered back looking up at him. "How are you?" "I'm trying to stay calm," replied Nick. "This is a hard thing to do." "I understand," I replied and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. We followed Mrs.Whittaker past several rooms and I didn't look in, because I was afraid I would break out in tears any minute. We stopped at a private room. I saw family outside, and I noticed Jocelyn's parents and maybe a few of her older sisters. Everyone looked at us when we arrived and gasped. "Sandra, the Backstreet Boys are the surprise?" asked Jocelyn's mom. "Yes," Mrs.Whittaker smiled. "Boys, this is Jocelyn's parents Sandy and Greg and her sisters Carmen and Amy." "Hi," Brian said. "Nice to meet you." "No, nice to meet you," Sandy said as she started to cry. "This is so nice of you to do for Jocelyn." "Go ahead in boys," Mrs.Whittaker said gently. Nick squeezed my hand and went ahead into the room with the parents and Mrs.Whittaker, leaving Ariale, Carmen, Amy, and I in the hall. "Hi, are you the Backstreet Boys' cousins or something?" asked Carmen, as she sniffled. "No, we're just friends," I replied smiling at her. "How are you doing?" "We're surviving," Amy answered. "It's really hard to see your younger sister dying. Oh, I'm going to miss her so much." She started to cry, which set off Carmen. I looked at Ariale and we started crying as well. I watched Brian come out of the room, in tears as well. "It's okay Brian," I told him patting his arm and he just nodded. "Em, come in," Nick said to me softly reaching for my hand. "Nick, are you sure?" I whispered. "Go ahead in please," Carmen said. "Jocelyn won't mind." I took Nick's hand and walked into the room to see little Jocelyn lying on the bed. She was talking to Howie and laughed at something he said. "Hi Nick," Jocelyn said weekly. "Is this your sister?" "Hi," Nick smiled. "This is a friend of mine named Emilie." "Hi Jocelyn," I said as she smiled at me. "Nice to meet you." "Hi, it's okay Nick," Jocelyn smiled. "You can admit it's your girlfriend." AJ laughed and so did everyone else. "So, who's your favourite Backstreet Boy?" Kevin asked her. "Hmmm...probably you AJ," she said. "Cool," AJ said giving her a kiss on the hand. "You are so sweet," Jocelyn said sitting up. "Can I have your autograph?" "Sure," Howie replied. "What would like us to sign?" "My t-shirt please," Jocelyn answered smiling. All the guys signed the t-shirt as Brian came back in. "Are you okay man?" Kevin asked him softly. "Yeah, I'm okay," Brian replied smiling at Jocelyn. "Emilie, could you sign it too?" Jocelyn asked me and I nodded. I signed it "To the #1 BSB Fan Jocelyn. Hello. It was very nice to meet you. Luv Always, Emilie." She smiled when she read it and I decided to give her the teddy bear. "Oh, that's so sweet of you," Jocelyn's mom said to me. "Thanks Emilie," Jocelyn said hugging it. "I'll call her Emilie after you." "Well, honey, the boys have to go," Mrs.Whittaker said. "Bye Jocelyn," we all said. I leaned forwrd and gave her a hug. She smiled at me. "You're beautiful," she whispered to me. "Nick deserves you." "You're beautiful too," I whispered back as tears formed in my eyes. I let go of her as everyone hugged her. We all waved bye and stepped into the hallway. "Thanks so much," Carmen said smiling at everyone. "Jocelyn is greatful and so are we." "No thanks you," Howie replied smiling. "It was nice to meet your sister. She's a sweet angel." Everyone said goodbye and I followed Ariale, Mrs.Whittaker, and the guys onto the elevator. "Thanks so much for everything," Mrs.Whittaker told us as we got off the elevator. "You're welcome," Kevin replied. "If you ever need anything else, just tell us." Mrs.Whittaker smiled a thanks and she walked away. "Wow," AJ commented. "She has high spirits for having cancer." "Yeah I know," Howie replied. "She's a nice kid too." "It's sad," Nick said as we saw the bodyguard. "Why do they have to die so young?" "We'll never know Nick," Kevin answered. "I'll get the van," one of the bodyguards said. "Thanks," Brian said. "Van? I thought someone drove you up here," Kevin said to us. "No, Emilie's parents lent us her van," Brian replied. "And I drove up here." "Oh," Kevin replied. "Well, Howie and I are off to the airport. Nice seeing you again Emilie and nice meeting you Ariale. Bye." The limo pulled up for them and they left in a flash. The bodyguard pulled up the van as AJ took the car keys this time. "I'll drive B-Rok," he said getting into the driver's seat. "Give you a break." "Thanks," Brian replied. "Emilie and Ariale, would you two like to go anywhere?" Brian asked us. "Anywhere is okay," Ariale replied and I nodded in agreement. "Okay," AJ said and he decided to go to McDonalds because he was hungry... *This story is dedicated to all the cancer patients. Hope you feel better. :o). And also to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and all the wonderful work they do for children every day. May God Bless you.*