I awoke the next morning to here the phone ringing like crazy. I yawned and pushed by strawberry blond hair back from my face and decided to look at the clock. It read 10am and I figured it was my mother calling to see if I had survived the night before. I yawned and picked it up. "Hello?" I grumbled lying back on my pillow. "Hi honey," Mom said cheerfully. "How was your night out?" "Good," I replied yawning again looking over at Oceane who was still sleeping. "Oceane's still sleeping." "Well, late night, anyway, your father and I are taking Brandy and Jordan down to get some breakfast and then probably down to the Eaton Center for the day," Mom explained and I nodded. "What are you doing today?" "Well, Nick wanted to do something together," I replied. "Maybe I'll come down for breakfast though to see you." "Okay, see you there, bye," Mom replied and hung up the phone. I threw the sheets and back and yawned. I didn't want to even attempt awaking Oceane up, so I decided to write her a note. I jumped in the shower, throwing on shorts and a t-shirt before blowdrying my hair and attempting to erase the raccoon eyes with the magic of a little cover up. When I was ready, I debated whether I should call Nick, but decided maybe I shouldn't. I'll just wait till I get back to the room. I left the room and headed down towards the elevator. I got on and went down to the lobby floor and stepped off. I saw my parents and sister and brother all ready sitting there drinking coffee, tea, and juices. "For one?" the hostess asked me. "Well, I'm joining my family over there," I replied and she nodded handing me a menu. I walked over to the table and sat up. "Emilie. guess what?" shrieked Brandy as she wore a silver medal from her dancing competition. "You won?" I replied and she nodded. "Good for you." I sat down with my parents as my father read the business section of the Toronto Star and my mom read the Life part. "So, how was your night?" Mom asked me again and I knew she was itching for all the details. "Great," I replied. "The clock was cool and Oceane and I had a great time." "So, are you and Nick going out?" Jordan asked me with a joking look in his eye. "No, we aren't," I replied as I saw the waitress come up. The breakfast was fun, considering I hadn't seen my family in over a day. I sort of thought they wanted me to come with them shopping, but Nick and the guys were only in town for the day since they had to go to Montreal the next night for a performance. "Well, we're staying another night here," commented my mom and I nodded. "So, we'll see you tonight." I replied with a thanks and we waved bye to each other, and I stepped on the elevator for a ride up to my room. I walked on my floor to hear laughter coming from my room. I opened the door to see Oceane on the phone, obviously with AJ. "Hi Emilie," she said when she saw me and I waved back, sitting on my bed. I switched on the tv, pressing the mute button, and put on Muhcmusic. I noticed a Backstreet Boys video and I smiled at I watched it as Oceane hung up the phone. "Okay, Em, here's the news. AJ just told me they have to do a cameo on Muchmusic at one and then take YTV's Hitlist at three, at where the crew is coming down here to film them. They said we could go with them if we wanted. Nick apologized because you guy couldn't do something today." "No, that's okay, I really want to go to Muchmusic and YTV," I said standing up. "That'll be so cool." "AJ said Nick and him will meet us in the lobby at noon," Oceane said smiling. "This is too cool." I agreed and decided to head down to the gym to get my weight training and treadmill walking down, so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I grabbed my sneakers, said bye to Oceane, and headed down to the gym. I walked into the gym and immediately saw Kevin and Howie working out near the bigger weights. I waved and they waved back, as I settled near an avaliable treadmill. I hopped on and started at walk at aboout 3 kilometres an hour. When I was finished, I headed towards a stack on smaller weights. I did my two chest exercises and that did a row sort of exercise with a piece of tubing they had. I worked my front, middle, and back shoulders as well as my triceps and biceps. I also did a tubing exercise to tone my inner and outer thighs and did a bunch of ab exercises, and then moved to my lower back exercise. I was very tired when I was done, but I soon hopped on the treadmill for another 15 minutes and I was finally done. I got off and grabbed a quick drink at the water fountain, and decided to go say hi to Howie and Kevin. "Hey, how are you this morning?" I asked them and they looked up at me. "Great, how are you?" Howie replied. "I feel much better now," I answered as they started lifting these huge weights. "Well, I'll see you later." "Okay, are you coming to Muchmusic with us?" Kevin asked and I nodded. We waved goodbye and I headed out of the weight room and down the hall, towards the elevator. I got on with like four girls, who were obviously trying to get up to the pent house level. "It's her," the one girl said as I got on. "Maybe we could help us." "Excuse me," the girl said. "Aren't you that girl who Nick bought on stage last night?" "Pardon?" I replied in French and looked at them as if I didn't know what they were talking about. "Nick? Porquoi?" "Never mind," the other girl snapped and I shrugged my shoulders. I got off on my floor and walked back to the room. Now, Oceane was lying on the bed watching cartoons. The clock read 11:15am and I jumped into the shower. I got out and threw on a light pink, and white flowered, knee-length skirt with a light pink top to match. I also put on black loafers as Oceane went into the shower. I blowdried my hair and decided to curl it with my curling iron, and added two flowered barrettes. "Ready?" I said when Oceane looked ready and we headed down towards the lobby. I saw AJ, Nick, Aaron, Mrs.Carter, and Mrs.Mclean just stepping off the other elevator. "Hello girls," Mrs.Mclean said when she us. "You both look adorable." "Thanks Mrs.Mclean," I replied with a smile. "You look great too. Hi.Mrs.Carter and Aaron. How are you?" "Great, Emilie," Mrs.Carter replied. "How are you?" "Great," I replied with a smile as Aaron tugged on my sleeve. "Hi Aaron. What's up?" "I beat Nick again on the video game," Aaron told me. "That's awesome," I said to him as I gave him a high five. "Don't say hi to me," Nick said getting me a sad puppy-eyed face/ "Hi," I replied pretending not to notice him and he started to whine. "I'm kidding. How are you today anyway?" "I'm wonderful," Nick replied smiling. "How are you?" "I'm awesome," I said as I noticed two limos outside. "Isn't your mom coming with us?" "No, not today," Nick replied as we climbed in the limo. "They usually don't come on interviews." "Cool," I said to Nick settling down in the limo. I saw Kevin, Brian, and Howie all ready in there. "Good workout Em?" Howie asked me. "Yeah, it was," I answered. "How was yours?" "It was great," Howie answered. "So, have been to Muchmusic before?" AJ asked Oceane and I. I nodded and Oceane said no. We talked a little and when we noticed Muchmusic, all you could hear was screaming. "Okay, there is expected to be many fans here," Kevin said to us. "So, be cool, and Lonnie will lead us in." "Okay," Oceane and I agreed as Lonnie opened the door. We had to go in two at a time. When it was Nick's turn, he grabbed my hand and we walked into Muchmusic together quickly. "Is that Nick's girlfriend?" I heard girls saying and I just ignored them. We headed into MuchMusic and the first person I saw was Master T, standing there, waiting to greet the guys. "Hello," Master T said. "Thanks for coming down again. Can we get you anything?" "No, we're okay," Kevin answered. "So, where do you want us to go?" Master T and Kevin went off as Howie and Brian followed them listening as they set the interview up. "So, this is the life of a Backstreet Boy," Nick told me and I looked out the main window, fascinated by all the fans that were there. "Wow, this is crazy," I said to him. "How do you handle it?" "It's hard, but you have to be very patient and be able to compromise," Nick replied as we started to walk around the set. "Hi Nick," said an unfamiliar girl. "Is this your girlfriend?" "A friend," Nick replied to the girl as he guided me to an area where Oceane was sitting. "Sorry about all these girls, but you have to expect this when we come for public appearances. Anything happens, stick close to Lonnie and the guys, okay?" "Sure," I replied as Nick went and set up for the interview. We saw Master T settle down with the guys and it was fun to watch them get interviewed. "Hello to everyone out there watching," Master T said into the camera. "As you know, we're done here with the Backstreet Boys who played the Skydome last night. How was the concert?" "It was incredible," Howie answered. "Just seeing all our Canadian fans again was awesome and we can't wait to come back again." "You've talking about a new album soon," Master T said. "When can we expect to see it?" "Probably this October," Brian replied. "We've working out it over the summer and have some awesome cuts on it as well as many talents people who have helped us to put stuff together on it." "So, we get this question asked to us all time by your female fans," Master T said. "Do you have girlfriends?" "No, we don't," AJ said. "We do date around, I'll admit, but as far as having a girlfriend at this point in time, would be too hard because of our crazy schedules." "What type of girls do you look for though?" Master T asked them. "Someone nice, good sense of humor, sweet personality," Nick answered as he winked at me and I blushed. "Cool," Master T said. "Well, thanks for coming down to talk with us. Sorry, to cut it so short. Now, here's the new Backstreet Boys video "That's The Way I Like It". Thanks for the interview guys." The camera turned off as Nick came over to us. "So, what did you think," Nick asked me. "Great job," I answered smiling. "You are all very professional." "Yeah, especially AJ," Oceane replied. "He looked so cute." Nick and I laughed as Oceane headed over to him. "Well, sorry about not being able to do anything together today," Nick told me. "Don't worry about it," I answered smiling. "This is much more awesome, believe me. I love Muchmusic and the Hitlist, I can't wait to meet Aashna. She's so cool. I watch the show every week." "I'm glad you're not mad," Nick said as Kevin signaled that we had to leave. "Come on, we'd better go." We hurried outside and into the limo, as AJ stood outside the sunroof blowing kisses at all the fans and waving hello. Some of the girls were crying and I heard one even fainted. "This is too crazy," Oceane commented. "How do you deal with this?" "Very carefully," AJ answered sitting down. "You have to be always willing to talk to your fans and smile and have pictures taken of you. That's just the way it is." "Off to the Hitlist," Kevin commented. "And then we are off all night." "Where are we doing the interview for the Hitlist?" Brian wanted to know. "At the motel," answered Kevin, as we drove to the Skydome...