~*~*Chapter 11*~*~

Christmas Time... December 11th was the date that read on my calender when I checked it on a cold Monday morning. Five more days and I was free for threee weeks of Christmas vacation. The snow was falling briskly outside, and I was excited at the possibility of them canceling school for a snow day. No such luck though. My school bus arrived, shining as yellow as Winnie-The-Pooh at the usual time, as I got on it with my ivory parka, my white boots, and matching fashionable earmuffs and mittens. I said hello to the busdriver and headed to the back of the bus to see my friend Ariale all ready on. "Hello," I said sitting in the very back seat. "Christmas in thirteen days. Can you believe it?" "Hi, I know," Ariale replied turning towards me. "I am so excited. So, did you do the English homework?" "Unfortunately yes," I replied smiling. "I wrote a traditional love poem which featured Nick and I." "Really?" Ariale laughed. "Well, at least everyone will know what you are talking about. Where are the guys now anyway?" "Well, they are supposed to be in Germany till last night and then Nick's flying down to Buffalo today," I replied smiling. "They are spending Christmas this year at their grandparents in Jamestown. I haven't seen him in so long, and we've only talked three days ago. I can't wait to see him." "Brian wrote me a letter last night," Ariale answered. Since, we had gone to see Jocelyn in the hospital, Ariale and Brian have formed a strong bond of friendship. By the way, Jocelyn became a miracle, and didn't die those six days the doctor's told she was going to. She actually is still living, and Nick and I were going to go visit her before Christmas. "Oh yeah?" I replied. "Can I hear the intimate details?" "Sure," Ariale said. "It just said that he missed me and that he'll call me when he gets back to Orlando. Sweet eh?" "Brian is very sweet," I smiled. "Oh Ariale, I can't wait to see Nick. I miss him so much." "Miss who?" asked someone and I looked up to see one of my best mates Christine standing there. "Nick," I replied smiling. "My boyfriend." "Oh," Christine replied with a knowing smile. To be honest, nobody at my school knew I was dating Nick from the Backstreet Boys, just my close friends. Everyone knew I was dating a guy named Nick. "When do you get to see him? Where is he?" "Oh, he was away on business," I answered meekly. "He's flying to Buffalo to see me this weekend." "Cool," Christine answered smiling. "My boyfriend and I are going sledding tonight. Very romantic eh?" "It could be," I laughed and we talked more about our Christmas vacation plans... Ariale and I arrived at school to see my friend Marnie sitting by her locker. She was reading her new issue of People magazine and when she saw us, she waved. "Hi Marnie," I said smiling. "Anything on Bon Jovi?" "Yeah, he might be touring in the spring," replied Marnie standing up. "I can't wait. Maybe you and Nick could come." "Sure," I laughed. "So, want come upstairs to my locker?" "Yeah sure," Marnie answered as we walked upstairs. "Hi Ariale. So, is Kevin coming down with Nick?" "Marnie, I don't know," I smiled. Marnie was a big crush on him, but she's 18 and he's 27, so I don't think the relationship would actually work. "Well, tell him I said hi," Marnie laughed. "Sure, I will," I answered. "Hey Oceane. Hi YeoSung. What's up?" "Hi," Oceane yelled down the hall. "Five more days. Have you heard from Nick?" "No, not since Friday," I replied walking towards her. "How about you? Have you heard from Brian?" Oceane asked Ariale. "Yeah, I got a letter from him last night," Ariale answered as a dreamy expression was evident on her glowing face. "He's so sweet." YeoSung laughed at her and we all giggled. "What's so funny girls?" asked some guy coming down the hall. "Your face," Oceane muttered. "Oceane, that's mean," I said. "Oh nothing, we're just talking about well, nothing much." The guy smiled and kept walking. "Who is that?" Marnie asked and I shrugged as the school bell rang. "Well Em," Ariale said. "We'd better get to English. Bye girls. See you at lunch...." Lunch time seemed like an eternity and our school was as cold as Frosty the Snowman. I shivered as I walked into the caferteria with Marnie and we decided to break down and have some fries. "So, Marnie, what do you want from Santa this year?" I asked her as we got some lunch. "You know, who I want," she answered with a goofy smile. "Yeah, I don't know if I can get him for you," I answered smiling back. "Oh, I miss Nick so much. I've been thinking about him all morning and I just want to hug him so bad." "You will, have patience girl," Marnie replied and I smiled. We paid for our lunches and headed towards the lunch table wher Oceane, YeoSung, and Ariale were all ready sitting. "So, do you AJ will come down with Nick?" Oceane asked me as I sat down. "I have no idea," I shrugged. "I hope so for your sake." "I hope so to," Oceane replied as we heard screaming on the other side of the cafeteria. "What's going on?" YeoSung asked and we all turned around to see girls standing up screaming and running towards someone or something. "Who knows?" I replied turning back to Oceane. "Omigosh," exclaimed Oceane. "Is that AJ?" "Yeah right," I replied shaking my head. "Good try." "Look," Marnie yelled and I turned around to see a 6'1 frame with blond hair being swarmed around it by girls. Could it be? It couldn't. He was supposed to be in Orlando till tonight. "Nick?" I whispered softly as tears started to form in my eyes. "AJ," shrieked Oceane as she got up. "Omigosh, it's AJ." I stood up to see my boyfriend trying to walk towards me with all the girls around him and AJ and Brian were with him. "Brian, it's Brian too," Ariale commented and I noticed tears in her eyes. AJ noticed Oceane and us and poked Nick in the ribs. Our eyes met and tears just flowed down my cheeks. He smiled at me, and I noticed tears in his eyes. "Nick," I screamed and the girls turned to look at me. "You're here." "Hey, Em," he said trying to get through the girls. "Sorry, but I can get through to see my girlfriend?" "Emilie Parker is Nick Carter's girlfriend?" asked one of the snobby seniors at our school. "What a lucky witch." They allowed him to come through, and we ran into each other's arms. We were both crying and I kissed him gently. "Oh, I missed you so much," he whispered into my ear. "I love you." "I missed you too," I answered pulling him closer. "I love you too." I looked up to see AJ hugging Oceane and Brian talking to the rest of my friends. "Merry Christmas," Nick said as he got down on one knee. "I want to sing something to you..." He got down and started to sing... There is something special about this time of year The Christmas feeling's everywhere I just got home to join you I've been away too long But now I'm back to share my love Friends are reunited One big family filled with love To last throughout the year Chorus Christmas time Time to share our love Come and join The tidings to the world Christmas time The best time of the year Yes, it's Christmas time Oh, oh Christmas time You and me together To sleigh ride in the park Loving straight from my heart Snowflakes are falling greatly The smell of chestnuts in the air And Christmas lights, they gleam across the sky It's Christmas time Chorus Do you remember? Do you remember? Everything so right When I held you close to me (oh yeah) Do you remember those cold Christmas nights Where we saw the world in harmony? Chorus I looked up at him and saw everyone watching us, as some oohed and aahed and some clapped. I was just stunned. Nick smiled at me and I started to cry again. I got up and throw my arms around him, as AJ made kissy noises, teasing us. "That was beautiful," I cried. "Oh Nick, thanks so much. I love you." "I love you too, Emilie," Nick kissing me. "You are so beautiful. I am so glad to see." "Can you sing to me now Nick?" some girl yelled and we laughed. "Very romantic, Nick," AJ said smiling. "Oceane, what song can I sing to you?" "How about Too Close?" Oceane suggested innocently. "Oceane," YeoSung said completely shocked. "Not here. Not at school." "So, can you all skip last perioud?" AJ asked us. "I have spare," Marnie replied. "So, where's Kevin?" "Hello gentleman," I heard a voice and I turned to see the vice principal Mr.Armstrong standing there. "How are you?" "Great sir," Brian answered extending his hand. "I hope our visit is okay because we just wanted to surprise our friends." "Oh, no problem," Mr.Armstrong replied. "These are some of the finest students we have here. Aren't you the Backstreet Boys?" "Yes we are," AJ answered. "Wonderful," Mr.Armstrong said. "Welcome to our school." He winked at us and walked away. "Wow, I thought he was going to kick you out," Ariale commented to Brian. "Nah, we wouldn't," Brian replied. "So, how have you been?" "Me, I've been okay," Ariale said smiling at him. "I'm so happy to finally see you again. I got your letter." "Oh yeah?" Brian said and they went to a clear cafeteria table and started talking by themselves. "Emilie? You're dating Nick?" asked a girl from my Gym class. "Yeah," I replied with a smile. "Nick this is Liz. Liz, meet Nick." "Hey, how are ya?" Nick asked extending his hand. "Great, you are so talented," Liz smiled. "Can I have your autograph?" "Sure," Nick replied and he signed her binder. "Thanks so much," Liz replied walking away. "See you in gym Em." I smiled at her and turned to notice the most popular guys staring at me, which included my old crush. "So, Emilie, want to show me your school?" Nick suggested and I nodded. "Sure," I replied. "We'd better go to the office and get a slip, so I can show you around. Marnie? YeoSung? Oceane? AJ? Any of you want to come?" "Sure," Oceane replied. "Hey Em, why don't I go to the office with you and we'll be right back?" "Okay," I agreed as Oceane and I left, as Nick and AJ talked to YeoSung and Marnie. "So, how does it feel to see AJ?" I asked her as we walked towards the office. "Great," Oceane replied as I slammed into someone. I looked up to see my old crush looking down at me. "Sorry," I said and walked around him. "No problem," he answered grinning at me. "He's looking at you with sparkling eyes," Oceane commented. "Too bad for him," I replied shrugging my shoulders. "He had lots of time to date me. I have Nick now and I love you him." "You go girl," Oceane said and I walked towards the secretary. She asked me some inner details about the Backstreet Boys and I gave them to her. She gave us three guest slips for Brian, AJ, and Nick, in case anyone asked why we were here. I thanked her and we walked back into the cafeteria, to see some girls talking to AJ and Nick. They were talking to each other friendly and I smiled. "There's Em and Oceane," Nick said standing. "Nice meeting you all. Talk to you later." "Bye Nick," they said in chorus and smiled at me when I passed them. "Welcome back," Nick said to me. "So, where are we off to first?" He held my hand and we out of the cafeteria. "How's your mom? And your family?" I asked him when we were outside the cafeteria. "She's wondeful," answered Nick. "Everyone misses you. They want you to come over for a day to visit. My grandma would love to meet you." "I would love to meet her too," I replied with a smile. "That would be awesome." "Yo, wait up," AJ yelled at us and we waited for them to catch up. "Can you'll skip?" "Oceane, Ariale, Marnie, and I all have spare," I said. "Of course, we can leave." "I should stay though," Ariale replied. "Because I have to go Christmas shopping tonight." "Hey, I'm in town till Wednesday," Brian told her. "How about you and I go together?" "Sure, that sounds nice," Ariale answered. "My mom's going too. You can meet her." "Ah, how sweet," AJ commented and Oceane wacked him. Brian and Ariale made plans, as Marnie decided she was going to stay as well, and Oceane decided to stay as well. "AJ, want to get together tonight or something?" Oceane asked him. "Sure, babe," AJ answered. "We're staying at Em's house again, so how about we go to the movies and just chill out?" "Chilling out sounds much better," Oceane replied. "I hate going to the movies." Everyone said goodbye, leaving Brian, AJ, Nick, and I as we walked outside. "Guys, how did you get down here in this snow?" I asked them as I saw a stretch white Limo sitting in front of the school. "Limo are the safest means of transportation on snow," AJ replied. "Oh," I said. "I thought Skidoo's were." Everyone laughed and I smiled. "So, how was school today?" Brian asked me. "Okay," I answered. "It was interesting. So, do my parents know you're coming?" "Of course," Brian replied. "We've been planning this for weeks." "Really?" I said. "Oh, you are so wonderful. Thanks so much." "You're worth it," Nick smiled and he hugged me. We got into the limo and drove away. "How was Germany?" I asked them. "It was cool," Brian replied. "Our shows went awesome. I can't wait to go home for the holidays." "Me either," AJ said. "I miss my family. My mom and grandma are waiting. I think she was happy to get rid of me for a few days." "That's because you are such a pain in the butt," Nick told him. "And you aren't?" AJ teased. "What about the whole episode about the show?" "AJ, I was sick," Nick answered. "Why are we talking about this anyway?" "I have no idea," AJ said and I laughed. The guys were nuts, and now close to Christmas, they were even more nuts. "So, how are Howie and Kev?" I asked them. "They are cool," Brian answered. "Kev and I are going home for the holidays back to Lexington and Howie's in Orlando, staying at his house with his girlfriend." "Howie met someone? That's great," I commented. "Just Brian and I need someone now," AJ whined. "Not me," Brian said. "At least, I don't think I do. I think I really ike Ariale." "Ariale really likes you too Brian," I told him. "Yeah, she's a sweet girl," Brian said. "Be good to her man," AJ said. "I dunno about Oceane. I wonder if we'll get together at all." "Who knows?" I said as we pulled up at my house. We all got out of the car as Mouse, my dog, ran towards the car. "Hi Mouse," Nick said leaning down to pet him. "How's my favourite buddy?" "Roof," Mouse barked back wagging his tale. "Hello children," yelled Mom from the front door. She had her video camera with her, filming us coming in. "Welcome back. How are you doing?" "Hello Mrs.Parker," Nick said smiling at her. "You look very lovely. I'm great, how are you?" "I'm wonderful," Mom answered giving Nick a hug. "Hi Mrs.Parker," Brian and AJ said in unison and she gave them hugs too. "You are all my adopted sons for the night," she joked and we all smiled. "Nick," yelled Brandy, my sister, running towards the door. She had been sick for the last few days with the flu. "Hey Brandy," Nick said giving her a hug. "How are you feeling?" "I'm okay," Brandy answered. "How's Aaron?" "Aaron's great," Nick answered. "He said hi." My sister is only seven, but she has a huge crush of Aaron. "Really?" she shrieked and Nick nodded. She ran in towards her bedroom. "Well, would you like some hot chocolate?" Mom asked us as we took our coats off. "Sure," Brian answered. "That sounds great." AJ and Brian followed her into the kitchen, as Nick and I hung up the coats. "So, here we are," Nick said to me. "Yes, here we are," I repeated. "This Christmas is going to be so special. My first Christmas with a boyfriend." "Same here," Nick admitted and I looked at him. "You've never dated?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Yeah, I've dated," Nick answered. "But, you are the one who is my first serious girlfriend. The first one that I've ever loved." "Same here," I replied. "Well, Em, we are going to be together forever," Nick said to me and I agreed. "Of course we will," I said smiling, and we sealed it with a kiss as the snow fell silently outside...