> > As soon as I opened the door to my apartment I heard Bessie. "Lucy, hi, you're up late enough." Bessie shut off the T.V. > "Sorry" I said. > "Don't be. I was just saying..." > I sat down on the couch. "I thought you'd be mad." > "No way." She replied, "It's your life. But I WAS wondering where you went." > "Out with Nick and the guys to a dance club. Nick ended up getting mobbed and hit his head-" > "Is he okay?" She asked, concerned. > "Yeah, he's fine. Anyway, I just found out on the way home that he's leaving tomorrow to finish the tour." > "Sad goodbeys, eh?" > "Yeah. He's going for a couple months. He asked if I wanted to go, but..." > "Please tell me you said yes." > "No, I didn't. I have to work. I have responsibilities." > "Oh, come on! Go ahead. I'll be fine, if that's what you're worried about." > "That's what he said." > "See?" > "So you really think I should go?" I asked. > "Yes! I don't need you to be here for me. I'll miss you but I can see that you DO really want to go." > "Well, I do, but..." > "Do you have his phone number?" she asked. I reached into my pocket for the piece of paper he gave me and pulled it out. > "Yes." I said. > "Well then, get on the phone and tell him you're going!" > "Thank's Bess." I said and gave her a quick hug before picking up the reciever and dialing. His phone rang three times. A very groggy voice answered. > "Hel..hello?" he asked. > "Hi, Nick? Did I wake you? It's Lucy." > "No! No, you didn't wake me," He seemed to have instantly sobered-up. "So what's up?" > "Is it to late to change my mind?" I asked. > "Of course not! What made you decide?" > "My sister." > "Really? She's okay with it?" > "Yeah, she's great. you should meet her." > "Well, is she awake now?" He asked. I looked over to her spot on the couch. She was listening intently. > "Yes she is." > "So let me talk to her." > "Alright." I said. I covered the mouthpiece with my hand."Hey, Bessie, come talk to Nick." > "Really?" > I handed her the phone. > "Hello?" she asked. I could only hear her end of the conversation. "Hi, Nick...yeah, sure, that'd be great....Really?!..No, I won't..Yeah she says you're great...I don't know, I didn't ask her.......Well, I have to go, I need my sleep...Ok, here's Lucy." She handed the phone back to me. "He's great." she whispered. I put the phone to my ear. > "So what Did you two talk about?" I asked. > "Oh, nothing. Just stuff." > "Is that all you're gonna tell me?" > "Yup" he replied. > "So when should I be there tomorrow?" > "Around nine." > "And when will we be back?" > "December 20th." > "Just before Christmas." > "Yeah, well, I think we'd better get going to bed now so we can get up early enough." > "Good idea. Goodnight." > "G'night." > >*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*(The next day) > > > I walked to the bus station, my one bag, a large backpack, was stuffed to the brim. I had only brought the essentials plus a lot of money so I could buy some other stuff on the road. > I got to the door of Nick's room and heard the other guys talking on the other side. > "Nick, I swear, every time we're getting ready to get on the road, you takt the longest." I heard Kevin say. > "That's because he has to clean up this big ol' mess." Teased Brian. It seemed that Nick ignored him. > "Hey, Nick, when's she gonna come?" said AJ, "If she doesn't get here soon we'll have to leave her behind." > "Shut up," Nick replied, "And "SHE" has a name. Lucy'll be here soon. I know she will." I put my ear to the door and listened. > "So do you like her, man?" Brian asked. > "Yeah, I think so." Nick said. > "Oh, shit." AJ sounded very serious. "Look at him. he's got that look on his face." > "What look? What are you talking about?" Nick asked, sounding very paranoid. > "Oh my god he does." said Howie. > "What!?!" Nick exclaimed. > "Nick, do you love her?" Brian asked quietly. > "Geez, I don't know!" Nick exclaimed, "Maybe." > "Nick, listen," Brian said, "there's no such thing as 'I don't know' or 'maybe' when it comes to this kind of thing. Either you do or you don't, and you know it. If someone says they're not sure it means they're not telling the truth. Either that, or they're in denial." > "Okay, you want the truth? Fine then," Nick's voice was getting louder. "I'll tell you the truth! Okay? I DO love her! I love her more than anything and I would have died had she not been able to come with us! Are you happy now? Because if you don'y have any more questons to ask me, leave me alone!" > .......Silence....... > I leaned against the wall and, in shock, I slid down to the floor. I couldn't believe he'd said he loved me. The whole time I was in love with him and I thought he only liked me. It was just too good to be true. I'd never thought anyone would love me, and noone had before Nick. I had always worried I'd end up dying alone. I thought I was ugly. I thought I was a horrible person. Maybe I was wrong. > "I decided to finally go in the room, see how Nick was doing, give him a hug. I opened the door to see Nick packing by himself and the others chatting together.