Chapter VI

It is the night of the MTV Music Awards, and I am running around my hotel room in my robe, makeup half on, hair professionally done, for the first time in my life, when I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I call, putting down my make up brushes. "It's me, Donna." "One second!" I run to the door and fling it open. "Hello!" I greet her, cheerfully. She stands in my doorway, looking frazzled in her evening gown. "What's wrong?" "Do you have any black eyeliner?" She asks. "Yeah, wait one sec." I run back into my bathroom, and return, eyeliner in hand. "Thank you, you are a life saver! By the way your hair looks fantastic." Referring to my crown of golden ringlets and baby's breath. "Thank you! Yours does, too." Commenting on her short, dark brown hair. "Thank you, too, well, I need to go, if I want to be done in time, bye." With that she hurries down the hall, and I shut my door. About ten minutes later, I am dressed and ready to go, when there is another knock. "Who is it?" I repeat myself. Different answer, I open the door to find this large, massive man, also known as Lonnie, standing in front of me. "Hello!" "Hi, you look beautiful." He compliments me. I smile and thank him. "Well, I was sent up here to get you, are you ready?" "Yup, I just need to grab my purse." I find it in the bathroom, containing my usual Chap stick, a tube of lipstick, powder, a bit of money, and my camera, and extra film, I can be tacky, its my right. I turn off the light and follow Lonnie to the elevator. We ride down talking about music, and when we exit the elevator, I see the guys standing there, looking very handsome and stylish in their all black shirts and pants and leather jackets. When they see me, their mouths drop open and eyes widen. "What? Do I have something in my teeth?" "Wow." Is the only word uttered, out of Brian's mouth. After a few moments of standing there, feeling very uncomfortable, Donna jokes, "Boys will be boys." "Now, stop looking at me as if you have a hormonal problem and get going!" I say, pointing at the door, I start walking, Donna and Johnny walk beside me, the boys behind them, and Lonnie, and Andre behind them. I step into the first limousine, while Donna and Johnny go to the second one. Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ, and Nick follow me into the first limo and Lonnie and Andre join Johhny and Donna. Obviously, the boys have their speaking abilities back. "Tanya, you look really nice." Brian comments. "Yeah, really nice." AJ stresses. "No more compliments, I feel weird, enough as it is." "Let us get it out of our systems, on three, gorgeous. One, Two, Three..." The rest of the gang joins with AJ on: "Gorgeous!" "Thank you so much, no more!" I tap on the privacy window and the driver rolls it down. "Can you please turn on the radio?" "Yes, ma'am." And the driver rolls the window back up, and the radio starts playing, it just happens to be the end of "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)." "Everybody...Backstreet's Back, all right!" "I bet you guys are sick of this song, I know I am." I joke. They look at me, in horror. "I'm kidding!" They laugh, and sit back, relaxing. We sit and enjoy the calm before the storm. We arrive at the theatre, to screaming fans, flashing cameras, and anxious news crews. Each man steps out of the limo before me, so Howie holds his hand out to me and helps me out. I link arms with Howie and Brian and we walk towards the entrance. We stop a few times for photos and the guys even sign a few autographs, it's so cool! I whip out my camera and take a few pictures of the boys with their fans and sneak a few of other musicians. As we enter the theatre, we are shown our seats by a man decked out in a black tuxedo. I sit down beside AJ and Nick, we chat about what's going on around us, and what's going to happen when they go backstage for the closing show. "Hello and welcome to the 1998 MTV Music Video Awards!" About a half an hour later, the first category the Backstreet Boys are nominated for comes up. "And the winner for Best Group Video award goes to....." the announcer opens the envelope, "the Backstreet Boys!" We jump up and I give them all a hug, they go down to accept their award. "Wow, this is so cool! I just want to thank everyone I have ever met in my entire life, can't go wrong with that!" AJ comments. "Ok, thank yous, I'll start by thanking God and all his gifts He has given to us. I'd like to thank my parents, all my friends and family, Donna and Johnny Wright for their wonderful management, ah, this is so nerve racking remembering everyone, next!" Brian tries his best. Howie steps up "I'd like to thank my mom and dad, my brothers and sisters, Donna and Johnny, everyone at Jive, and Fatima! Kevin, you try." "I'd like to thank everyone at Jive, Fatima, Donna, and Johnny, my brothers, my mom, and my father, who I hope is very proud of me, this is for you, Dad." "I want to thank my mom, and dad, my brother, and sisters for all their support, everyone at Jive, Donna and Johnny, and Fatima. We can't forget our newest buddy, Tanya!" Nick blows me a kiss. "Yeah, go Tanya!" AJ shouts. I just sit there at smile, ready to burst. When they get back to their seats, I am ecstatic. I just laugh and hug them once more. The next category they are up for is Best Dance Video, comes after about five other categories, and 2 performances. "And the winner is..." Of course, "The Backstreet Boys!" They all jump up, I stand, clapping, they start to walk down, but Nick and Kevin turn around and grab a hold of me. "You're coming with us!" Nick grins at me. I shake my head no, this is their award, not mine. Being the strong, virile men they are, Nick grabs one arm, Kevin the other, picks me up and carries me to the stage, followed by laughter. I feel so stupid, but I have to admit, this isn't too bad. We reach the stage, with the entire theatre, getting a kick out of this sight. They set me down at the bottom of the stairs, but AJ and Brian hold on to my hands, so I don't run. They lead me to the podium. "Well, this is Tanya!" AJ shouts. The crowd laughs. "This has to be abuse." I say sarcastically. The audience love us. "Ok, I'm going to go now, you guys, do your thanks." I try to pull away, but AJ and Brian just pull me back. "Well, we just want to waste your time because we don't have anymore thanks, so Tanya here can thank someone." Howie jokes with the audience, while AJ and Brian pull me over to the microphone. "Go ahead!" Howie instructs me. "Hi,” I say hesitantly, "I, um, guess I should say I love you and is everyone back home." I back away, AJ, still, holding my hand. We are all lead backstage, by models or spokesmodels, something like that. "What was that?" I ask, stunned at their actions. "We thought it'd be funny." Nick admits. "Yeah, real funny, you know how stupid I felt out there. I...I..." I sob. "Are you ok? We didn't think you would get upset." Kevin tries to console me. "It's ok, you weren't stupid, you deserved to be out there, you're a part of Backstreet, you can't deny it." Brian helps, smiling at me. I look up at him, "Really?" I choke out. "Really." He answers putting a hand on my cheek. I get out a slight smile, when a technician informs the boys they should start warming up for their performance. "I'll take her back to her seat." The technician offers, and I accept. Back in my seat, surrounded by five empty seats, I await for the Backstreet Boys performance. I listen to the various stand ups, announcements, and other categories. "And now, for what all you females with raging hormones are waiting for...the Backstreet Boys!" Ben Stiller shouts. Screaming and clapping start along with their music, "I'll Never Break Your Heart." "Baby, I know you're hurting, right now you feel like you could never love you again. Now all I ask is for a chance to prove that I love you." Kevin says in his deep, sexy voice, making every girl swoon. After a few verses of Brian and AJ crooning, the music changes and the boys jump out of their chairs. "Everybody, groove to the music. Everybody, jam!" They step in front of the chairs and start into their dance routine, they spent hundreds of hours perfecting. But Nick has a different idea. He jumps off the stage and runs to me. What is he doing!? I think to myself. He scoops me up and takes me back to the stage, protesting the entire time. The music changes again, to, of course, "Get Down (You're The One For Me)." He better not be thinking what I think he's thinking! "Get Down, get down, and move it all around! Oooh baby, you look so fine, I'm gonna make you mine!" He is! He hands me a mic, and nudges me to go. I look around, totally paralyzed, what do I do! I can't just stand there, so I try my hardest and start the rap. "Bang, bang, bang!" I can believe they are actually making me do this, in front of hundreds of notable musicians, not to mention celebrities, and thousands of television viewers, but they are, and I am. When I finish, I put the mic down to my side, and smile, what else can I do? The song finishes, and the crowd explodes! The boys bow, I stand there, dumbfounded, just staring out into the massive sea of people, starting to stand. Nick and Brian run to me and grab my hands and bow with me. I smile sheepishly, biting my bottom lip. The lights black out, and Kevin, AJ, and Howie join Brian and Nick in giving me a big hug. "And that’s it, from Los Angeles, California, good night and leave me alone!" Ben Stiller jokes. Later that night, I am dancing away with all the notable musicians and celebrities, as mentioned before, at the After Awards Party. I have spotted everyone from Puff Daddy, to Aerosmith, to Leonardo DiCaprio with a various model friend. I take a breather, and take a seat at a close table. When I realize I am sitting next to Steven Tyler of Aerosmith! I introduce myself and he remembers me as “the poor girl who was carried to the stage by the Backstreet Boys.” “Yep, that was me, unfortunately.” “Well, you handled it very well. I liked your rap, it suprised me!” “Thank you, I--” I am interuppted by Howie running over and begging for me to dance with him. I stand and thank Mr. Tyler for keeping me company for that short period, and how nice it was to meet him, then Howie drags me to the dance floor. “When The Lights Go Out” by Five starts pumping out of the speakers. At the end of the song, “Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” begins, Howie places one hand on the small of my back and holds my right hand in his. About fifteen seconds into the song, someone grabs my hand out of Howie’s and pulls me away. I look up and see a familiar face. Leonardo DiCaprio. “I beg your pardon, I was dancing with someone.” I say, politely, trying to pull away. “Why go back there when you can dance with a real man?” He slurs, obviously had a bit to much to drink. I hate it when people insult my friends. “For your information, I was, repeat, was, as in past tense.” I spit back. Pulling back, again, he has a very strong grip on my wrist. “Hey, man, let her go, you’re hurting her.” Howie steps in, noticing me whince. Leo completely ignores Howie, “You’re lucky I want to dance with you. Do you know how many women would love to be in your shoes?” “Don’t give me that.” I am getting tired of his attitude. “I have known you for a total of two minutes and I already know you are an egotistical, self-centered, unfeeling jerk.” I fume, with each insult I poke him hard in the chest. I spin on my heel, and notice I have an audience. Which includes Steven Tyler, with a smile on his face. Finally, he gets a kick in the butt. Steven thinks. I apologize to them and hurry away, with Howie chasing me. I stop, still on the dance floor, and cover my eyes with my hands. I look up, to see Howie standing there, open arms, wanting to finish our dance. I walk over to him, he circles his arms around my waist. I place my head on his chest, hiding my face from his view, and wrap my arms around his neck. “Are you ok?” He asks, looking down at me. “Yes, just a little shaken up. That’s never happened to me before.” “It’s ok, he’s had too much to drink, anyway.” We dance close for the rest of the song, and AJ comes over and wisks me away. I spend the rest of the night dancing away. Bouncing around between Howie, AJ, Nick, Brian, and Kevin. I trey to forget about the little episode earlier, and have a good time.