At breakfast, they found a group of fans sitting at a table in the corner (well, they were wearing Backstreet T-shirts, so I went out on a limb and guessed), they hadn’t noticed the guys walk in (how did they manage that??), so the guys and girls went and sat at a table at the opposite side of the restaurant. When the waiter came to take their orders, Kev asked him how long the fans had been there, he told them that they had been waiting for two days, but somehow weren’t there whenever they went out. "Guys, they’ve been waiting two days, I think we should at least go and say hi" said Howie - what a sweetheart! "You’re right D, let’s go over, last one there’s a rotten egg!" Hmm, was that Nick? Something tells me it was! The guys went over, the girls thought it best to stay where they were. The 4 fans turned round when they saw the guys (well, minus B of course, and just for the record, Kevin was last to the table - the rotten egg!), 2 of them practically flipped out! They were hyperventilating almost, the other two were covering their screams rather well. "Hi there!" came Nick’s rather too friendly response, seeing as one of the girls was about my age, the eldest of the group, which upset Lauren a bit. Brianna put her arm around her to tell her he was only being nice. "Hi!" they all said back, in between stifled screams. "We’ve heard that you guys have been waiting for us for two days, that’s quite a long time, aren’t you bored yet?" that was Howie. "Not anymore!!" said the eldest, who they found out was called Jenny, the other three: Harriet, Melanie and Simone. This sent the girls into fits of nervous laughter, and the guys laughed aswell, but at the fans, they sounded like they had accidentally sucked up a whole helium balloon each! They sat and talked for a while, the girls’ got their respective things signed, and a couple of photos taken, they thanked the guys, then they said their goodbyes, and walked slowly to the door, I don’t think they could walk straight!! The guys went back to the girls, and sat down as their breakfast arrived. They were about to put their first forkfuls in their mouths, when they heard screaming from outside. They didn’t panic though, they recognised Jenny, Melanie, Harriet and Simone’s voices. And after that all you heard was ""Awwh my god, I can’t believe we just met them!!!!" "I wonder where Brian was though" That was Simone, she was a big B fan. She was a little disappointed, who could blame her? But the guys weren’t up to telling her the whole story, and she didn’t ask, so it was never mentioned. After their little outbursts, all was quiet in the hotel, and they ate the rest of their breakfasts in peace. When they were finished, it was almost 8:30am. "Shall we go get Rainey and B-Rok now?" asked Lauren "Yeah, let’s go" answered Nick and Howie at the same time. And so they went. They got to the hospital to find me falling onto Brian every second because I hadn’t gotten used to my crutches yet. "You’d think they had mind of their own or something!!" I said, rather annoyed at myself. As if to prove my point, as I took another step ,I lost my balance and fell against B’s chest - again. "Oh, shhh……I mean, shoot" "Yeah, sure you did!" Lauren’s hand hit the back of Nick’s head again. "Hey!" "C’mon Nick, you know the score, you slam my friend, I slam your neck, you should know that by now!!" and with that he went into a corner to sulk - again. "Is it me, or has Nick been crying?" I asked Lauren, I figured she’d know. "Yeah, he was still a little jealous that you’ve had the vast majority of Brian’s time since you met him, he kept saying that Brian should be playing Mario Kart with him instead - typical really!" "He did? we’d better talk to him" B and I said together. We walked (and hobbled with occasional falling) over to him and had our talk, which was pretty much like the last one we had the last time, except this time we had a group hug, just the three of us, and I gave him a hug after, just to let him no there was no hard feelings, and as I’m almost the same height as B, I had to really strain my neck to smile at him, he smiled back, and I turned (well, tried to turn) round, and I lost my balance again, but this time I fell on Nick, who grabbed me so I wouldn’t fall, but he slipped on something on the floor, and we both tumbled to the ground. "Ow!!!!" we both yelled, I yelled because I landed on my sore ankle, Nick yelled because I had landed in his lap. "Ow, you’re heavy Lorraine!!" "Gee thanks Mr. Compliments, I’m not that much heavier than you, thank you very much!" "You’re heavier than him - with the amount he eats?!!!" B was a little confused "B, I could eat him under the table anyday!!!" "Is that a challenge?!" Nick asked, a little puffed out from the big weight falling on him (me). "Yeah, you up for it Carter?!" "Just give me a fork and point me to the table!!" "Speaking of being up for it - shouldn’t we get up?" "Yeah, need a hand?" "Would be useful" Nick helped me up, and B handed me my crutches. "I’m never going to get the hang of these thing!" I said as I almost fell over again "Well, if you can’t walk, you’ll have to be carried!" said Kevin. "What do you mean - none of you could carry me without a struggle!" "Well, let’s find out…" Kevin scooped me up, and followed the others out of the hospital to the bus which was waiting in the car park. "Wait, where’s my bag?" I asked "Don’t sweat, I grabbed it while you and Nick were, erm, indisposed" said Brianna. "Thanks Brianna" "That’s okay, it means I get to take a photo now!" and with that she took my camera and got a shot of Kevin carrying me, with hardly a problem at all, which was surprising. He set me down just outside the bus, and I hopped on, literally. "Thanks Kev" I said as I sat down next to B. "No problem" and he went and sat next to Shay and started talking to her about something ,but it must have been funny because Shay was laughing her head off. Nick and Lauren went up the back of the bus and started on a game of Mario Kart, (in the end, Lauren thrashed him (go girl, doin’ it for the girls!!!). AJ and Brianna were a little further to the front, and were kissing like there was no tomorrow!! Howie and Holly were whispering in each other’s ears, I think Howie was talking in Spanish, ‘cos I couldn’t work out a single word he said, except the occasional ‘Holly’ here and there. B and I were listening to B’s CD Walkman, a mixed CD. The first song to come on was ‘Nice and Slow’ by Usher. "Do you remember the first time we danced to this?" B asked me. "Yeah, you held me really close, I could feel your hear racing, you could feel mine racing, it was so romantic, it was right before I noticed we’d lost Aaron" "Yeah, how did you notice he was gone anyways?" "I didn’t see him running around the way he always does, the place was too quiet, if you took away the music." "I see what you mean, he is a little over-excitable sometimes isn’t he?" "A little??!! If the Energiser Bunny ever ran out of batteries, Aaron could be the new bunny , and be able to run on no batteries at all!!" Even though it wasn’t that funny, B suddenly went into such a fierce laughing fit he had tears running down his cheeks and he was practically choking. "B, it wasn’t that funny! You can quit pretending now… B?" He was really coughing badly now. "B, are you okay??? Do you want me to get help??" He started pointing to his back, so I thumped him a couple of times, and he stopped. "Brian Thomas Littrell, don’t you ever do that to me again, I thought you were gonna start coughing up your insides if you weren’t careful!" he could sense the anxiousness in my voice. "Don’t worry Rain, it’ll take more than a joke to kill me!" "Could’ve fooled me, you really scared me" "What, elevator scared?" "Yes, even elevator scared, and that nightmare I had in the hospital where you…you know….." "Died?" "Oh, I can’t even say it" "I’ve brushed with death before, remember, I know what it’s like to be scared" "I know, but try not to scare me like that again, please?" "I won’t, I promise" Then he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug, one, because he wanted me to stop worrying, and two, because he wanted me to stop crying. "Frick, Rainey, you okay?" asked Nick, who as still in a mood about being beaten (sorry - completely thrashed) by Lauren, he had walked up the bus when he heard B coughing, heard him stop and now heard me crying. "I’m fine" we said together. "Fine? Then why were you coughing, and why are you crying?" "Well, Rain said something that I thought was funny…" B started "Yeah, it was hysterical…apparently" I joined in "I thought it was. Anyway, I start laughing, but I get some air caught in my throat, and I start choking, I couldn’t breathe, and Rain got a little scared.." "Try terrified B" I joined in again "A little terrified, and so I pointed to my back to tell her that I wanted her to hit me a couple of times, and then I stopped. She started crying because she was relieved I was okay, no biggie." "No biggie?! I thought you were gonna choke to death and you say no biggie?!, you and Aaron really don’t know the word fear do you?!" "Fear? What’s that?!!!" "Very funny Frick" Nick said as he put his arms around my shoulders (B had stopped giving me a hug when Nick came and asked about what happened - just so you know) "Oh, he knows what fear is, he practically wet himself when we watched Scream 2" he whispered in my ear, loud enough for B to hear, but it made me laugh anyway. "I only practically wet myself, he DID!" this made me laugh even harder. "Hey! I only jumped out of my seat, I just happened to be holding a glass of water at the time, that’s all, stop embarrassing me!" "Well, stop hugging my girl!" "Oh!" he let go then, I think he had forgotten he had his arms around me, then he blushed, that boy really goes red when he’s embarrassed!!! "Oh, B, he was just being friendly, leave him be" "Yeah, sure he was, why don’t you go be ‘friendly’ with Lauren?" he was getting a bit agitated, was B jealous of a little hug? "I can’t, she beat me, so I’m in sulking mode for at least half an hour, you know what I’m like" "Yeah I do, so why don’t you go bug Donna for a while?" "Sure, no need to nasty…geez" he said the last part as he walked away, giving me a ‘what’s wrong with him?’ look, and I gave him a ‘don’t worry about it’ look back. "B, what’s wrong with you?"