~*~*Chapter Twelve*~*~

"The Ambulance is here" Kevin shouted from the entrance, he led them to the elevator. "How many are in there, and what condition are they in?" asked one of the paramedics. "There's two, a male and a female, Brian is fine, but when the elevator fell from the 5th or 6th floor, Lorraine, we think, broke her ankle" Kevin told them. "Guys?" B shouted from the elevator "What is it cuz?" "Lorraine's lost consciousness, get in here quick!" he said, very anxiously. "Okay, we're coming, hold on" the other paramedic said. They got the door open by using a coat hanger that was lying nearby. My ankle was put in a splint and the paramedics carried me to the ambulance on a stretcher. B was told to come with me, as me might have a concussion, and he could tell them what happened. "What hospital are you going to?" asked Donna, who had just come downstairs. The rest of them were going to follow on in the bus, bringing my bag and B's backpack with them. There was silence in the bus all the way to the hospital, until Donna spoke. "Does anyone feel like telling me what went on last night?" "Well, we were in the bar, just talking, when you said it was about 2am, and we should get to bed, so B-Rok said 'Race you to the elevator!', but Lorraine didn't know what it was, so B-Rok had to explain that an elevator was the American word for a lift, then they started talking about the differences between English words American words. Anyway, while they were talking, we went to the elevator, then they raced to catch up, but they got to the elevator just as the doors closed, so they had to wait for the other one" Nick informed her. "So how did Lorraine end up with a possible broken ankle?" "Well, the elevator stopped, and then the cable broke, and the elevator fell from the 5th or 6th floor, and they were in complete darkness for the whole night" Kevin finished "I'm glad B-Rok's okay, but I'm worried about Lorraine" "We should be there in a few minutes Donna" The bus driver called out. The whole bus was silent again for the rest of the journey. They arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, and the all ran into the Accident and Emergency waiting area. Donna went to the desk to ask where B and I were, while the others sat down on the really hard, uncomfortable chairs, still in the clothes they wore the previous day. "I hope Lorraine's going to be okay" Lauren said, breaking the silence "I'm sure she will" Nick comforted her "I hope so too, I promised her dad I'd keep an eye on her, what am I supposed to tell him- 'I'm sorry Mr Wightman, but your daughter is in hospital after the elevator her and Brian were in fell 5 or 6 floors because the cable broke' Yeah, he's really going to enjoy hearing that" "Oh God, we've got to tell her parents! Where's the phone?!" Lauren stood up suddenly. "Calm down there Lauren, it's over there" said Howie. Lauren went to the phone and dialled my number. -------------------------------------------- (Ring, ring.....ring, ring.....ring, ri-) "Hello?" My dad answered "Hello, Mr Wightman?" "Yes, is that you Lauren?" "Yes it is, um, I've got some bad news Tom" "What is it - is Lorraine okay?" "Um, no, She's in hospital here in Glasgow.. "What happened - I want to know everything. Did that Brian have anything to do with it - I'll kill him....." "Tom, no! It's nothing like that!! We were in the guys hotel, we all had separate rooms - anyway, we all went to the elevators, and Brian and Lorraine weren't quick enough, and the doors closed, so they got the other one, but their elevator stopped between the 5th and 6th floors, and they were in complete darkness for the whole night, well, since 2am, when we all went up to go to sleep, anyway, we all fell asleep straight away, and didn't notice that they didn't come in all night, but when we got up this morning, we noticed they were missing. We pressed the button for the lift, the one they were in, but it didn't come. Howie said that it was the one Brian and Lorraine had got in last night, because we were in the other one, so Kevin figured the elevator must have stopped, so we went downstairs in the elevator we used last night, and Kevin went to get the manager. While he was away, Holly heard a voice coming from the elevator - a guy's voice, and figured it was Brian, so we all rushed to the elevators, and he told through the doors that they had stopped between the 5th and 6th floor, and were in complete darkness, but he sounded closer than that so we asked why he sounded so close, and he told us that about 3am, the cable broke, and they fell in the elevator from a way up there, and Lorraine, we think, has broken her ankle, we don't know yet, we just got here, but Brian is fine, then the ambulance came and took Lorraine and Brian to the hospital, and that's where we all are now" she explained "So Brian had nothing to do with it?" "No, only that he didn't run fast enough to the elevator" "Oh, so what hospital are you at?" she told him which one. "I don't have the car, so I can't get there, can you tell Lorraine that I know about it, but can't get there, and that I'm think of her?" "Sure, I'll tell her as soon as she wakes up" "Wakes up?" "As the paramedics came, Brian shouted that she was on the floor, he had told her to keep still, and he asked her if she wanted a hug, because she didn't like the dark, and she said yes, so he lay beside her and gave her a hug, then she lost consciousness " "Good thing Brian was there, I'm sorry I didn't trust him, can you tell him that?" "Of course" "Thanks for telling me" he said and he hung up. Lauren went back to the group, just as B came back. "Are you okay Frick? Is Lorraine okay?" asked Nick "I'm fine, just a bruise, nothing serious" "What about Lorraine?" Lauren asked "She hasn't broken her ankle, it's just sprained, so she'll be on crutches for the next few days to a week, and she has a slight concussion, so she has to stay here for 24 hours so they can keep an eye on her" "That's what I should have been doing, I told her dad I would" "Don't stress Brianna, there was nothing you could do, you didn't know the elevator was faulty, there was nothing you could do" AJ said as he gave her a hug, calming her down. "Thanks AJ, I needed that" "No problem, anything for my girl" "Your girl?" Brianna said, a bit annoyed "Oh, AJ, you in trouble now!" joked Nick "It's just that you haven't officially asked me yet - Brian and Lorraine were the first ones of us to get together" "Oops, my bad! Brianna Rachel Henderson, will you be my girlfriend? "I'd love to Alexander James McLean!" And to 'seal the deal' as it were, they hugged and kissed right there in the middle of the Accident and Emergency department, and B took a photo. "Hey Rok - what you doin'?" "Rain would want a photo wouldn't she, and I'm getting you back for when you did it to us!" "Okay, okay, we even" the said as they shook hands. "Have you seen her yet Rok?" "Rain? No, not yet" Then a doctor came in and said that I had woken up, but only two visitors were allowed in at a time. "I think that Rok and Lauren should go in first, Lauren is her best friend out of us all, and, well, Rok is her boyfriend after all" They all agreed, and B and Lauren walked into the little cubicle thing I was in (well, I was in a bed, against a wall, and the curtain was drawn around), and B came up to my bed, sat beside me and leaned down and gave me a kiss. "Mmmm" I said when he pulled back up. "How are you?" asked Lauren, putting my bag on the end of my bed, just so I knew she was there aswell. "I'm fine, a little dizzy still. I've only been here less than an hour and I'm bored already!" "Well, at least you can laugh, you gave me a shock after I gave you that last kiss in he elevator, you rested your head on my chest, and you lost consciousness, I was so scared I thought I'd lost you, you were completely still, I could hardly feel you breathe!" "I'm sorry I scared you, I'll try not to do that again. Have you phoned my parents?" "I phoned your dad, he can't get here, he hasn't got the car yet, but he says he's thinking of you, oh, and B, he says he's sorry that he didn't trust you at first" "Oh, that's okay, I’m his only daughter - sixteen year old daughter's first boyfriend, he had every right, considering the age gap, but I'm glad he trusts me now" "Lauren, can you phone my dad again, tell him to phone Jo, she'll tell May, and Jo will phone Lisa, she's my best friend, she only knows I went to the concert, she knows nothing about this!" "Okay, I'll go now" "Can you send the others in?" "The doctor said you can only have two visitors at a time - too much excitement" "In here? I need all the excitement I can get!" "Okay, I'll get them, get well soon 'kay?" "Okay, mum" "Ha, ha, very funny, I mean it!" She said as she walked out, pulling the curtain behind her. "She's right you know, you should get some rest, help your ankle get better quicker" "B, with you here, I feel better already" "Really - you mean that?" "Of course, now, kiss me" "What will the doctor say?!" he said in a weird voice. "It's doctor's orders" And he leaned down and kissed me again, it was such a passionate kiss, that I was so wrapped up in it, I didn't hear Howie cough intentionally, to let us know they were there. "Oh" B said as he pulled away quickly "Hey B-Rok, the doctor said no excitement - what you trying to do, kill her?!" joked Nick "Ah, but Nick, I would have died happy" "I bet you would have!" He was about to say something else, but was cut short by Shay slapping the back of his head "Hey!" "Nick, you know Lauren would have done it, I was just filling in while she's on the phone" "Okay, but don't do it again, you hit harder than Lauren!" "That just depends on whether you behave yourself or not, it's up to you!" "Yeah, yeah, okay" he said, sitting on one of the chairs in a bad mood.