I awoke on September 8th, the first day of school as my alarm clock started beeping as usual. The song "As Long As U Love Me" blared at the speakers and I took it as a sign that today was going to be awesome. I took a shower and dressed in my beautiful school uniform, and went to eat breakfast. All of family was sleeping and I went into to watch some MuchMusic before school. I turned on to see the new Backstreet Boys video, when suddenly the phone rang. I figured it was my best friend Oceane who was asking me if I was driving to school for the first day. "Hello?" I whispered, praying the phone didn't wake up my parents. "Hi, Is Emilie in please?" said an unfamiliar voice. "Yes, this is Emilie," I replied. "Who is this?" "Oh, well this is Magic 102's morning deejay Mark and Susan calling you," said Mark. "How are you this morning?" "Tired," I replied. I was trying to figure out why these people were calling me so early. "How are you all?" "We are excellent and we have a surprise for you," said Mark. "Really? What is it?" I said getting a little excited. "Well, do you remember last month entering that Meet the Backstreet Boys contest?" Mark asked. "Yes?" I whispered. "Well, you are the lucky winner!" Mark yelled and I screamed so loud by dog looked at me with shocked eyes and my parents started yelling at me. "Are you serious?" I shrieked excitedly. "Yes, Emilie, we are," Mark answered. "You and a friend are going to Toronto to meet the Backstreet Boys in person for their concert this Saturday night! You also receive hotel accomendations, limo transportation, and a tour of Muchmusic! Congratulations!" "Are you serious?" I said. "Because if this is a joke..." "Turn on the radio right now Emilie," Mark said and I went and turned on the kitchen radio to hear my voice. "Wow, I am so happy! Thanks so much!" I cried. "You are so welcome!" Mark replied. "What radio station is making all your dreams come true?" "Magic 102!" I yelled and listened as, off the air, Mark gave me some interesting facts about what was going to happen to me. I walked in and told my parents and realized I missed my bus. My parents gave me the car, but I said they better drive me in because I figured I was so excited I probably would have gotten into a car accident. I arrived at school to see one of my good friends Marnie propped up against her locker, waiting for me as usual. "Hey," I said. "What's up?" "Emilie! Omigosh!" I heard someone shriek behind me. "Is it true?" I turned to see Oceane standing there. "Yes!" I yelled. "100% true! I am going to meet the Backstreet Boys on Saturday!" "Aahh!" Oceane screamed. "Can I come?" "I don't know!" I said looking at her. "I mean, you know, someone else might want to come." "Emilie! Please!" Oceane screamed. "Well, who else would I invite?" I yelled and everyone in the hall was looking at us, but that day I didn't care. "Thanks so much!" Oceane yelled. "Girls, what are we so excited about?" asked my other two friends Ariale and YeoSung. "You didn't here?" Marnie said. "Hear what?" YeoSung replied. "Emilie is going to meet the Backstreet Boys on Saturday!" Marnie replied. "Really? Or are you playing a trick on me?" YeoSung asked. "It's true!" replied Oceane. "No tricks!" "Well, how?" Ariale asked and I gave them all the details, as excitement crept all over my body as Oceane and I prepared to meet the Backstreet Boys. ***** Saturday morning I woke up to see the sunny skies and I put on my radio. The limo was coming to bring Oceane and I to Toronto at noon, so I had lots of time to get ready. My parents had left for the day because my sister had a dancing competition that day. I took a shower and tried to fix my hair in a decent style, and it actually went good. I put on the new outfit on, while answering phone calls from all of my friends and mom's family wishing me a great time. The limo came at noon as expected and we went down to pick up Oceane. We drove to Toronto talking excitedly, and we arrived at the Skydome at around three. We checked in at the Skydome Hotel and decided to go eat something, so we headed to Planet Hollywood. The waiters there were incredibly hot according to Oceane. I thought they were cute, especially the waiter we had. Neither of us ate much. That was okay though because we were going to meet the Backstreet Boys. "So, Em, can you believe this actually happening to us?" Oceane asked me. "No," I replied as we went to the lobby of the Skydome Motel. "I always dreamed of meeting them, but in reality I am so nervous. I hope I look okay." "You look fine," Oceane said. "I wonder what AJ's hair will look like." "I wonder if they'll be cool and nice as everyone says they are in real life," I replied. "I hope they are." We waited ten minutes, until the radio station showed up to bring us down backstage. "Hello girls," said the man named Mike. "How are you?" "Very excited," I replied. "How are you?" "I'm great," Mike answered. "I just saw the guys. They know you are coming." "Cool," Oceane replied and we followed Mike, as we passed several security points. We saw the Backstreet Boys' bodyguard Lonnie Smith and remembered how big he was since we saw him at the Buffalo concert before. Oceane looked scared, but he gave us a friendly smile and we smiled back. "He's big huh?" Mike said and we nodded. We walked down this curving huge hallway until we reached the Blue Jay's dressing room. "Well, girls, the Backstreet Boys are in that room. Are you ready?" "Yes," we whispered as Mike opened the door. The first thing we saw was Nick propped on a couch, sipping a Coke while he and Aaron played Nintendo on a humongous screen tv. AJ and Howie were playing pool as Kevin talked on a cell phone and Brian was chatting with some guy. I noticed AJ's mom and Nick's mom, but nobody else looked familiar. "Hello boys," Mike said. "This is Emilie and Oceane. The contest winners." They all looked up and stared at us. "Hey What's up?" AJ coming over to us. "Hi, nothing much," I replied smiling at him. "How are you?" Oceane was virtually speechless. "I'm cool," AJ said. "Hey." He smiled at Oceane and Oceane attempted a smile, but nothing came out of her mouth. "Hey," Howie said. "You're Emilie?" "Yes, nice to meet you," I said smiling at him. "Yeah, same here," Howie said winking at Oceane. "Nick! Stop cheating!" Aaron yelled and I looked at them and laughed, as Nick gave us a sly Look. "Hello girls," AJ's mom Denise said. "You two looked really nice." "Thanks Ms.Mclean, how are you?" I asked. "Hi Mrs.Carter." "Hello," Mrs.Carter said smiling at us. "Where are you all from?" "We're from Niagara Falls," I answered. "How do you like Toronto?" "It's nice," Mrs.Carter answered. "I like it here. Are you excited about the concert?" "Of course," I replied. "I can't wait for it!" "Well, Mom, Nick keeps cheating," Aaron said to his mom. "Hi!" He said smiling at us. "Hi Aaron!" I said and looked at Oceane who was still speechless. "Aaron, you won anyway," Nick said standing beside them, as he smiled at us. "Want to play?" Aaron asked me. "Sure," I said. "I promise not to cheat!" "Ha ha Nick!" Aaron said and he raced over to the tv. "Have fun," Nick said. "He's one great player." "Well, I'm a really bad player, so of course, he'll probably win," I answered. "Come on Emilie!" Aaron yelled at me. "I'm coming!" I said and went over grabbing the Nintendo game piece and started to play. "What game is this?" "It's Nascar Race Edition 5," Aaron said concentrating on the screen. "Cool, I'm really bad at this," I said to Aaron with a smile. "Yeah you are," Aaron said. "Maybe I should play against the computer." "Sure, good idea," I said putting the gamepad down. "I know you'll win. YOu are an awesome player!" "Thanks, I'm much better than Nick," Aaron said. "But don't tell him that!" "I won't, I promise," I answered and I got up. I turned to see Oceane becoming herself, again chatting it up Nick, AJ, Howie, and Brian as they stood around drinking Cokes. "Hey Em, come on over!" AJ said and I went over to them. "So, did you cheat?" Nick asked me. "No," I laughed. "I am so bad, that if I cheated I would still lose." They all laughed and Oceane gave me a bright smile. "So, any questions you all have for us?" Brian asked. "Not really," Oceane said. "We could asked if you have girlfriends I guess." "Oceane, that's private," I said blushing. "Well, we don't," Howie said. "We do date though." "Date me," Oceane said to AJ and I all most died. "Sure, how about we go to the Hard Rock after the concert?" AJ said. "Seriously?" Oceane said. "Sure why not?" Aj answered. "Cool," Oceane said trying to appear calm, but I knew she was screaming with excitement inside. "How about you? Who's your date?" AJ asked me and I must have blushed as bright as Elmo. "Um, nobody I guess," I replied. "AJ, you embarrassed her," Brian said. "Nick, why don't you two go together?" Aj said. "No, it's okay," I said smiling. "I wouldn't want to bother you or anything. Just talking to you here is a great honor!" "Cool, but we would love to hang out with you after the show," Brian said. "We haven't met nice girls like you in a long time." "Really?" I said. "I would love to, but only if you would like us to." "We want you to," Howie said. "We're having a party after at the Hardrock." "Emilie and Oceane, time to take your seats!" said the Mike guy. "Okay," Oceane said. "See you after the show AJ!" "Same here, have an awesome performance and good luck!" I said. "Nice meeting you," Nick said. "Emilie! I won! I won!" Aaron yelled at me. "Awesome Aaron, I knew you would!" I replied and he came up and gave me a hug. "Thanks," I said. "Doesn't the older Carter brother get a hug?" Nick asked looking at me. "Hmmm, I'll have to think about that one," I said. "Hmm, I guess so!" And Nick gave me a hug. I was so amazed and then Mrs.Carter gave me a hug! I was so excited! "See you after the show," Nick said. "When we sing "All I Have To Give", we'll be thinking about you." "Aah, so sweet!" I blushed as we followed Mike out the door and it shut behind us. I looked at Oceane and she looked at me and we screamed...