~*~*Chapter Ten*~*~

"Well, we could sit in the bar for a while" suggested B "Good idea, I'm a little thirsty anyway" I said "Me too" added Holly "I could murder a McDonald's!!" "Nick!!" We all said at once, sending us all into fits of laughter. "What? I'm hungry?!" "I hate to break it to you guys, but there's not a MaccyD's for a few miles, you'll have to wait until tomorrow" came Donna's voice from behind us. " And, it's getting late, it's almost 2 am, go up to your rooms and get some rest. You're on the top floor, I've booked the whole floor, just choose whichever room you want. "Cool!" I said. "Race you to the elevator!" shouted B, getting out of his seat. "Race to the what? Oh, the lift? Right, American talk" "What do you mean 'American talk'?!" B asked "Well, you have different words for different things in America, like, my cream trousers, you called them pants when you were talking to those girls" "You could hear?" "Yes, every word, and I thought it was really nice that you told them I was your girlfriend, I thought you guys had to keep relationships secret" "Usually we do, but I had to tell about you" "You did? Awwh, B, that's so sweet!" "Now, race you to the elevator!" "Your on!" We ran to the lift, sorry, elevator, just as the one with the others in it closed, so we waited for the other one to come down, and we got in. "All alone at last" B said as he pulled me close at the same speed that the door closed, slow and sensual. "Rain, you're blushing again!" "I can't help it, I'm just hot, that's all" "Well, maybe you can help warm me up, I'm about freezing here!" And he held me closer. Suddenly there was a jerk, and the elevator stopped. It jerked so hard that we both fell on the floor, I fell on top of Brian. "Oh, sorry" I said, starting to get up, but B pulled me back down. "You know, you don't have to get up" he said playfully "What if someone's getting in?!" "They won't be, the elevator's stopped" "How do you..." I was about to say 'know', but the lights went out before I could finish my sentence, and I couldn't feel the elevator moving anyways. "B, I don't like the dark" "Don't worry, I've got you" He said, holding me close, and rolling us both over so he was on top of me. I could feel myself blushing again. "You know, even in the dark, I can see you blush!" "I'm just easily embarrassed, that's all" "Why are you so embarrassed?" "Well, it's just that I've never had much luck in the love department before, that's all" "I don't believe that" "All the guys I know only see me as a friend at the most, so it's kind of hard to get them to see me as anything else" "And I've never been in a stopped elevator in pitch darkness with a guy before, it's a whole new experience for me" "Well, as I said, I've got you" He said, pulling me to my feet and leaning me against the wall of the elevator. "I hope so, because I'm scared" I whispered, almost crying. "Don't cry, I don't like seeing people crying" "B, we're in pitch darkness, you can't see me, remember?" "Shhhh...." was the last thing I heard him say before he held me close again, and kissed me like I'd never been kissed before. -------------------------------------------- "Where are Brian and Lorraine? shouldn't they be here by now? asked Nick. "Nick, they had to wait for the elevator to come back, they'll be a while yet" said Kevin. The girls were lying on their beds that the had chosen, in two separate rooms, and the guys were in two separate rooms, but the others were taken up by Donna, and all the other crew that were staying there, who had taken six rooms, so eight rooms altogether were taken, but everyone had failed to notice that there was only nine rooms on the floor, so B and I were going to have to share. Nick and Kevin were the last awake, but in a matter of minutes, they too were asleep. -------------------------------------------- After what had seemed like an eternity, B and myself finally pulled apart. "Wow" was all I could say "Have you done this before?!" B asked, actually expecting to hear me say yes. "No, that was actually my first kiss, and it was as romantic as I had always wanted" "Really? You kiss like you've done it for years" "Um thanks" I was blushing again (surprise, surprise!) "I'm not making you blush again am I?" "Well, just a little. I always wanted my first kiss to be with someone I really care about, in a really romantic place, and that's what it was, I couldn't have asked for it to be any better" "You mean, the place couldn't have been any more romantic - a blacked-out elevator, stuck between floors?" "Yes, and it was with someone I really care about, it was perfect" "You mean that?" "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't, I really care about you, Brian Thomas Littrell" "And I really care about you, Lorraine Jennifer Wightman" As soon as he said my name. he swept me up against him, and kissed me like the world was about to end. As it was dark, we couldn't see where we were going, and Brian stumbled backwards, pulling me with him, and we fell against the door, still in each others arms, but we were forced apart by the elevator jerking again, like a string, breaking one thread at a time. "B, what was that?" "A kiss I thought, did something change while I wasn't looking?!" "B, that's not what meant, I think the elevator cables are tearing, it jerks every time we move, I think we should keep still for the rest of the night, not stand up or anything that could move the elevator, just to be on the safe side" "Sure, besides, I don't mind lying next to you for the night!" "B!!" "Sorry, but it's true" "Shhh, just kiss me...." We kissed for what seemed eternity, when, actually, it was about 5 minutes, then we held each other for about an hour. After about an hour, we felt the elevator jerk again, and I was really scared at this point. "B, what if the elevator cable is breaking, will we fall to the bottom?" "I think we might, but let's not think about that, we're not that far from the ground anyway" "Brian, we're in between the 5th and 6th floors, that's a long way to fall. I'm really scared B" "Do you want to know something?" "what?" "I'm scared too" All we could do was hold each other, we had one last kiss, before the last cable broke, sending us crashing to the ground floor.