~*~*Chapter Sixteen*~*~

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The Florida sunshine shone rays down onto to >Emilie's neck, as Nick and her walked into the Magic Kingdown in the >early afternoon on Saturday. There was people everywhere, including >evident Backstreet Boys fans because of the sold out show at the House >of Blues concert that night. Emilie and Nick were going to meet up with >Ariale and Brian, as well as AJ, Howie, and Kevin later on in the >afternoon at the rehearsal for the concert. >"Wow, it feels so great to be back here," Emilie commented as they >walked down Main Street USA. She noticed the Main Street Cinema and >several shops lining the street, as an old trolly car drove by, and she >looked up to see dozens of brightly-coloured Mickey Mouse balloons. >"Same here," Nick agreed as they walked towards the Cinderella castle, >and Emilie just stopped and stared at the beautiful, architectural >angles on the castle. The castle was mostly greay, but some of the tops >were blue. >"Wow, that's beautiful," Emilie sighed smiling. >"I know, very romantic too," Nick flirted, as he pulled her close to >him. She smiled at him and the settled to holding hands. Nick's hat was >urned backwards now, and he had on ADIDAS sunglasses, but you could >probably recognize him because of the big contrast between Emilie's and >Nick's heights. He was all most 6'2, while Emilie was only 5'4. Emilie >was well recognized as well because her pictures was on quite a few fan >homepages, and she was regularly talked about in the Backstreet Boys >chatrooms she sometimes entered. >"Okay, my Prince Charming," Emilie teased him. "Where shall we go >first?" >"Never never land?" Nick suggested and Emilie laughed. >"That's Peter Pan, not Cinderella you goof," Emilie smiled and Nick >gave her his silly grin that was as trademark as his voice. >"Okay, how about hmm, I have no idea," Nick suggested and Emilie >thought herself. "Hey, how about Tomorrowland first?" >"Sure, that sounds great," Emilie answered and they headed to their >right, dodging three running children as their mother ran frantically >after them. >"So much fun," she sighed at Emilie and Nick, and they smiled back. >"I definitely don't want kids till I'm thirty," Emilie said as they >stopped in front of Alien Encounter and on the right was the >Timekeeper. >She had seen the Timekeeper with her mom last year, and she had no >desire to see aliens >"How about Space Mountain?" Nick suggested and Emilie smiled back. She >liked Space Mountain, even though the ride lasted all most three >minutes, it still scared her to death. She noticed a long line, and the >sign said a 40 minute wait. >"You don't mind waiting do you?" she asked Nick. >"Of course not," Nick replied as they they stepped into line together. >"Anyway, I am sort of nervous about the concert tonight. I mean, we >haven't performed since before Christmas, and we're going to be trying >out one of our new cuts. What if the crowd doesn't like it?" Emilie >sympathized with him. >"Don't worry, everyone will love it," Emilie assured him, squeezing his >arm. "I can't wait to see you perform." >"Great," Nick smiled as they waited in line... > > > Jocelyn Townsend explored the Magic Kingdom with her >sisters Amy and Carmen. Since last month, Jocelyn's cancer had become >much better. The doctors had started her on keymo again and she was >progressing nicely. She had just turned 14, and for her birthday, her >parents had flown the three girls to Disney World for five days. Amy >was now 19, and she had to take two days off work to bring down Jocelyn, >but they didn't seem to care. Carmen was 15, and in her opinion, the trip >was the most fun the Townsend family had had in a long time. Jocelyn's >frightening death experience had scared her to death. She just wanted >to get on with life, with Jocelyn in the family. >"This is so cool," Jocelyn commented as they walked into Tomorrowland. >"Wow, I am so happy to be here." >"We're happy to be here too kiddo," Carmen said as they checked out the >guys. Carmen had always been a tomboy, but since she had discovered >that her best friend looked kind of cute, guys were her passion now. Amy was >more quiet and shy, actually not having a steady boyfriend as of yet, >but everyone knew Amy didn't find herself very attractive. >"Carmen, why don't you two go on Space Mountain?" Amy suggested and >Jocelyn and Carmen nodded. >"Well, do you think Jo will be okay on there?" replied Carmen >concerned. >She knew Space Mountain was a fast roller coaster, and didn't want >Jocelyn getting sick or anything on the ride. >"You're right," Amy agreed. "How about that slow roller coaster?" >"Much better," replied Jocelyn, and Carmen and her walked towards the >roller coaster. She noticed it was called the Tomorrowland Transit >Authority, and they were about to get onto the escalater to go up, when >Jocelyn thought she noticed Nick and Emilie. >"Jo, come on," Carmen urgued her. >"No, I think it's Emilie and Nick," Jocelyn replied, as she started >walking towards the Space Mountain line. "Can we please say hi?" Carmen >said sure, and she definitely knew it was Emilie and Nick. Emilie >noticed them first before Nick, and she ran towards them. >"Jocelyn, hi," Emilie cried, giving her a big hug. Nick followed her, >smiling at Carmen. >"Hi," Jocelyn shrieked back as Nick gave her a hug. "What're doing >here?" >"I came down for the weekend," Emilie answered. "How about you?" >"Well, I turned 14 yesterday and my parents got us this trip for my >birthday," Jocelyn beamed and Emilie noticed how much more healty she >was looking. >"Wow, happy birthday," Nick smiled and Jocelyn smiled back. "How does >it feel to be 14?" >"So much better than 13," Jocelyn joked and they laughed. "So, anything >new?" >"Not much here," Emilie replied as they sat down on a nearby bench. >"School's been hell, but Nick and the guys are all most finished their >new album. They also have a concert tonight." Jocelyn's eyes lit up. >"Really? Where? Can I go Carmen?" Jocelyn begged. >"Sure, where are tickets anyway?" Carmen asked smiling. Emilie noticed >she had been sort of quiet. >"Well, they're sold out, but I am sure can get some tickets for you," >Nick promised and Jocelyn hugged him again. >"Thanks Nick," Jocelyn cried as she jumped up and down, and everyone >noticed Amy walking towards them. >"Hi Amy," Nick said and she smiled at him. "How are you?" >"Fine," Amy answered, not meeting his eyes. "I thought you two were >going on that roller coaster?" >"No, we ran into Nick and Em, so we decided to talk to them," Carmen >replied. Amy was acting like too much of an authoritarian and she just >wanted to slap her and tell me to stop being such a bitch. >"Wonderful," Amy commented and Emilie looked at her in surprise. "Well, >we'd better go." >"No Amy," Jocelyn said stubbornly. "You are acting rude. Get over it." >"Jo, shut up," Amy snapped at her and she stepped back. "I think maybe >we should leave Emilie and Nick alone." >"Just because you think you are the ugliest girl in the world, doesn't >mean that we shouldn't be able to talk to people who are better looking >than you," Carmen yelled at her and she didn't care how childish she >sounded. Amy was acting even more childish than her, and her attitude >stunk. >"Carmen, stop it," Amy cried and she looked away, as tears formed in >her >eyes. "I'm sorry. I had no idea that I was acting that way." Emilie >touched her arm gently. >"It's okay Amy," Emilie told her. >"Thanks," Amy smiled through the tour. "I just haven't been feeling >good lately." >"It's really okay," Nick told her and Amy smiled. >"We really should go," Carmen said standing up, as she noticed the >time. >It was all most time for Jocelyn's nap so she didn't overtire herself >and she also needed something to eat. "Which motel are you staying at?" >"The Carribean Beach," answered Emilie. "You?" >"The Days Inn," replied Carmen as Jocelyn reluctantly stood up. >"About the tickets, we'll call you if we can get some," Nick suggested >as Carmen scribbled their motel number. They said goodbye to each other >and Emilie stared at them as they walked away. >"Wow, Amy, she has changed," Emilie said softly, as Nick sat down >beside >her on the bench. >"Excuse me? Can I have the time?" a girl's voice asked. >"Yes, it's 2:50pm," replied Emilie with a smile. >"Thanks," she answered and walked away. >"2:50pm?" Nick asked standing up. "Geez, rehearsal is 3:00pm." >"Omigosh, we forgot," Emilie jumped in. "Come on, we'll make it." They >ran towards the castle, as they dodged children, grandparents, and >strollers. They ran down the Main Street and up towards the tunnels >that led to the front gates. They got on the monorail, and got off at the >Transportation and Ticket Center, while taking a bus towards Downtown >Disney. They arrived at 3:03pm and Nick totally forgot about the fans. >He hoped nobody recognized him, as he saw a long trail of fans outside >the House of Blues, hoping to get good seats for the concert. >They got off in front of Planet Hollywood, and ran towards the House of >Blues. >"Okay, walk causally," Nick whispered to her and Emilie and him >pretended they were just a normal couple, having fun for a hot Saturday >afternoon. They walked past the AMC theaters, past the Virgin >megastore, >and towards the front entrance of the House of Blues. Some girls yelled >at them because they said they were "butting in" line, but they ignored >them and walked towards one of the security guards at the front. >"Yes?" she asked snobbily. "If you are here for the concert, go to the >back of the line." >"Well, I am a Backstreet Boy and I need to get in," Nick said to her >angrily >"Yeah right boy," she laughed and Emilie glared at her. >"Look lady, do you want a big riot her?" Emilie snapped at her. "If you >don't let us in-." >"Honey, what are you going to do?" the guard yelled at her and people >began to stare. >"Look," Nick said and he took off his sunglasses. The lady looked at >him, and recognized him right away >"I'm so so sorry," the lady stammered. "Go on right in." >"It's Nick," yelled one of the girls and they all screamed him name. >Nick walked into the lobby, and then towards the theater, where you >could here AJ goofing around on the stage with Howie and Brian. Nick >and Emilie walked in, and AJ noticed them right away. >"You're so dead Carter," AJ yelled at him and everyone in there stared >to stare. >"I know we're late, but we lost tack of time," Nick yelled back, >praying >that Donna wasn't going to yell at him. >"Don't worry," Brian yelled at them and Nick approached the stage. >Emilie noticed Ariale sitting on edge of the stage, looking over a >magazine. She also noticed production crew and the House of Blues >employees getting everything set up nicely. >"Hey," Ariale smiled when Emilie sat down beside you. "Why are you >late? >"We ran into Jocelyn and her sisters," Emilie answered glancing at the >new Teen People Ariale was holding. >"Really? Well, I guess you were allowed to be late then," Ariale smiled >and Emilie smiled back. "How is she anyway?" >"Jocelyn's much better and her sisters are really nice, except Amy >seems >really depressed," Emilie replied, as she front something hit her back. >She looked to see AJ squirting water on both of them. "McLean, you are >the one who's dead." AJ laughed as Emilie chased after him, and she >grabbed a water bottle near Howie, and cornered AJ in a corner. He >squirted water all over him, completely soaking him >"Emilie, I was just joking, but you have a pretty good aim," AJ laughed >and Emilie tossed him a towel. >"Older brothers are good for one thing," Emilie told him. "I guess >Mike's football techniques and constant teasing would come in handy one >day." >"Haha," AJ said and Emilie smiled at him. She noticed the guys setting >up, so she walked off the stage, and took a seat with Ariale on the >floor on the venue. They watched the guys go over their sound check for >about 30 minutes and Emilie smiled as she watched them. Finally, they >were done, and Donna informed them that they had one hour to go and >come >back because they had one meet and greet to do. Emilie hadn't met >Mrs.Wright, but was anxious to, so Nick introduced them. >"Donna, this is Emilie," Nick said as they were about to leave. >"Hello there," Donna smiled at her brightly. "Nice to meet you. Nick >has said so much about you, and I would have liked you earlier, but we've >been so hectic because of the album, among other things." >"Nice to meet you as well Mrs.Wright," Emilie smiled back. "I can >totally understand. >"Well, Nicky, you'd better go get ready and be back on time tonight," >Donna teased him. >"I'll make sure he's here," Emilie promised and they all smiled. Donna >rushed off because one of the microphones weren't working right. Emilie >and Ariale left the House of Blues throw the back door, and were taken >back to the motel in a limo. > > > Emilie arrived back with Ariale on the bus that dropped >them off in front of Planet Hollywood. Ariale was wearing a nice skirt >that was black and a v-neck stripped black and green shirt, with boots >and her hair was done up in a claw clip. Emilie had chosen a sundress >which had small rosebads on it, with white sandals and her hair was >down in a mass of curls. Both she and Ariale were wearing sunglasses so >nobody would notice them. Once again, Emilie had to endure going >through the dront door, and she noticed Julie standing near the door. >"Hey Julie," Emilie said to her, and noticed she was by herself. "Why >are you here by yourself?" >"Hi," Julie replied smiling. "Well, my mom and grandma didn't want to >come, so here I am." >"Well, come on in with us," Emilie suggested, when she heard someone >call her name. >"Are you Nick's girlfriend?" a girl asked and Emilie turned to see a >chubby 13-year-old standing there with her mom and brothers. >"Yes I am," Emilie answered smiling at her. "What's your name?" >"I'm Becky and these are my brothers and my mom," Becky answered >excitedly. "Can I have your autograph and picture?" >"Sure," Emilie replied and she signed a paper for her, as her mom took >several pictures. >"Thanks," Becky said beaming and Emilie smiled back. She started to get >yelled at by many other fans waiting, but she turned and waved to them, >and then retreated into the venue with Julie and Ariale.= >"Wow, this is so exciting," Julie commented excitedly, as Emilie and >Ariale walked right past Lonnie, but he stopped Julie. >"I'm sorry, but you can't go in there," Lonnie told her and Julie >looked crestfallen. >"Hey Lonnie, that's my cousin," Emilie told him and he nodded. >"Sorry, go ahead then," Lonnie said and Julie beamed again. They walked > >into the venue, to see about five girls waiting anxiously to meet the = >guys. They must have been the winners of the meet and greet. >"Hi," they yelled at them and Emilie walked over to them. >"Hi, how are you?" Emilie asked them, taking off her sunglasses.=20 >"Great," the one said with a big smile. "I'm Tori and that's Tara." >"I'm Emilie, and that's Julie and Ariale," Emilie replied, sitting in a >nearby stool. "Are you excited?" >"Beyond words," Tara said excitedly. "Are you meeting the guys as well >or do you know them?" >"We sort of know them," Ariale hesitated. "Actually, I'm Brian's >girlfriend and Emilie is Nick's girlfriend." >"Really? You are so lucky," Tori commented. "Can I take your picture?" >"Sure," Emilie answered as they both posed for a picture, and Julie >took it. >"Who are you?" Tara asked Julie. "Are you AJ's girlfriend?" >"Of course not," Julie said shaking her head. "I'm Em's cousin." They >heard the guys laughing, and Tara and Tori became speechless as the >guys >came out to meet them. Ariale and Emilie stood back, but Julie went >right up to the guys. >"Julie, come back," Emilie told her and Julie rolled her eyes, and went >and stood beside her. "We can't interfere with them because they won >this oppurtunity." Julie rolled her eyes again and Ariale looked ready >to yell at her. >"It's not fair," Julie commented. "I mean, I haven't even met the guys >yet." >"Julie, you've met Nick," Emilie reminded her and Julie still wouldn't >budge. Nick looked over at Emilie and he smiled at her. She smiled >back, and she mouthed something to her, but she didn't quite understand what >he was trying to say. >"Hey Emilie," someone yelled at her and Emilie turned to see Donna >walking in with a bunch of papers. "Could you help me for a minute?" >"Sure," Emilie replied and she walked over to help her. "What's up?" >"Well, we need to get these papers sorted out," Donna replied >frantically. "They are the lists of lyrics to the songs, so that the >lighting crew knows which lighting concept goes with which song. Can >you help me sort them out?" >"Okay, sure," Emilie said and it took them about 15 minutes, but they >finally got everything sorted out. >"Thanks, I really appreciate it," Donna said greatfully and Emilie >smiled back. She walked back to Ariale and Julie, as she noticed the >guys starting to go their own ways before the concert. Tara and Tori >were led back outside again, and Julie was asked to leave as well >because she was way too hyper. Emilie was a little glad she was leaving >because she was really being difficult. >"Hey, beautiful," Nick said to her, as he gave her a hug. "You look >great." >"Thanks," Emilie answered, as they gave each other a kiss. "Are you >still nervous?" >"Nah," Nick answered smiling, and they were told to get behind >backstage because they were going to let the fans in. Emilie and Ariale went >backstage, but the guys were whisked away to get ready, so they sat in >the recreation/waiting room before the curtain. They had no idea who >was opening, but she noticed a band called Solid Harmonie sitting in the >waiting room. Emilie had only heard one of their songs called "I'll Be >There For You", and they were awesome singers. >"Hello," the blond girl named Beki said and Emilie smiled at her. "I'm >Beki." >"Hi," Emilie replied. "I'm Emilie. Nice to meet you all." >"Same here," Mariama said. "I'm Mariama, that's Melissa, and then >there's Elisa. Who are you all?" >"Well, I'm Ariale and we're dating Brian and Nick," answered Ariale and >the girls nodded with recognizition. >"That's where I've seen your pictures before," Elisa smiled. "Come and >sit. Want a Coke?" >"Sure thanks," Emilie said sitting down on one of the couchs. "So, are >you nervous about performing?" >"Not really," answered Melissa. "I mean, we just started performing in >America and I really like opening for the guys. They are so much fun." >Emilie nodded in agreement. >"We heard you got AJ good," Beki laughed and Emilie laughed. >"Yeah, I squirted him with a water bottle," Emilie laughed and they all >cracked up. The master of ceremonies told Solid Harmonie they were >going on stage in five minutes, and Emilie decided she would like to see >them >perform. She walked out into the crowd with Ariale and took a seat in >the VIP section... > >*Solid Harmonie is a group four woman group under the Backstreet Boys >label of Jive Records. I have heard that their cd single was avaliable >at a Toronto Backstreet Boys concert. I think Solid Harmonie are >awesome singers and their dance song is incredible. We need to get them in >Canada and America, so they can have success here as well as they have >in Europe. Check them out at their website www.solidharmonie.com or at >www.cybervenue.com and request their song on their local radio station. >Any further information e-mail me at emmarosebsb@hotmail.com. Thanks, >Emilie.* >