~*~*Chapter Three*~*~

"Excuse me miss, but were you the one that waved at Brian a few moments ago?" He asked, and even though he was polite, I couldn't help being scared of him!! "Um, y..ye..yes I was," I stuttered, man the Backstreet Boys have some scary bodyguards. "When was this?!!!!" came the reply of my two friends who as you know had been deep in conversation at the time. "You two were deep in conversation when it happened, and I didn't want to be rude by butting in, and you probably wouldn't have believed me anyway, so I kept it to myself, that was why I was smiling so much earlier, when you looked at me strange" I explained. The security guy spoke into a walkie talkie type thing, he said "Is this the girl, Bri? Stand up, if you please miss," "Um, ok" I said feebly as I got up out of my seat, then it hit me what he had said - " Is this the girl Bri?", meaning that he was talking to Brian, he had seen me, but why was this guy in front of me? "....yes.......that's her........" came a really crackly voice, but I could tell it was Brian, I could never mistake that beautiful Kentucky accent! But was still wondering. "Ok then," said the security guy. "Can you come with me please?" He asked me. "Um, sure, but why? Have I done something wrong - is something the matter?" I was getting quite worried at this stage. "No!" The guy laughed. "There's nothing wrong, I'd just like a word with you that's all, if you don't mind" he may have smiled, but he was still scary!! "Oh, ok, if you say so" I said, handing May my camera. "Try not to take many photos in one song, or of Nick!" I teased her. "Ok miss Lorraine!" she said, giving me a salute, well, it was more mocking, but you know what I mean. "I shouldn't be too long though, but in case I am, be careful with it, ok?" "Sure thing" I then showed her how to use my camera, and as it's a special kind of camera, I showed her how to load the film. "See you in a bit then guys" " Bye Lorraine" they said as I walked off with the security guard. He led me to the exit, through that, and to the black curtain through which there was backstage. "Why are we going backstage?" I was really worried now, what if I was in a bit trouble for waving at Brian. "I've got someone who'd like to meet you" "Someone BACKSTAGE wants to meet ME? Are you serious?!!! You’re having me on aren’t you?!!!" "Completely serious" And because he was so big and scary, I believed him. "She's here Bri!" he shouted to a group of guys in really bright outfits, who had their backs to us. One of them, the second smallest, I noticed, turned round, and as soon as I saw him, recognised him straight away, and not just the man in my dream. There were only three words I could think of to say….. "Oh, my, goodness........."