~*~*Chapter Twenty-Five*~*~

"So, where are the rooms then, I feel weird when I don't unpack first." I said as we walked in the big glass front doors. "Umm.... there's actually a problem with the rooms" Donna said "What kind of problem?" "Well, the hotel is all booked up, and everyone has been sharing their rooms already, so they're all sorted out, when you two were, umm.... tied up in other things, so there's only one room left in the whole hotel" "Oh, I can see how that can be a problem" "We tried working it out earlier with everybody else in the crew, but we couldn't come to any conclusion - there would always have to be a girl and a guy sharing, whichever combination of people went in each room. So...." "Rain and I are sharing?!" "B-Rok, don't be getting any ideas, we know Rainey, she wouldn't let you man!" AJ laughed, as did everyone else when B looked down at the ground in mock sadness - or at least I hope he was joking, he wouldn't want to.... would he? Nah, we've only been going out for 3 days!!!! "Uh-uh, I'm not going to let you stay with Lorraine on your own, now, I know you won't do anything, but I just want to make sure, now, who wants to share with them?" No-one answered. "Oh come on guys, we ain't that bad!!!" "Oh yes you are B-Rok, we know what you say about her when she ain't around!" "We've been together the whole time we've been going out AJ, so how can I talk about her without her hearing?!" "What about when she was in hospital, you weren't always together then, and when we were at her house, first when she was in her back yard, and when she was on the phone to Lisa and Joanna, and when she was packing - so you lie - and you talked about her whenever you could - you are one love sick dude, man!" "What do you say about me?" I ask, obviously very interested! "Awwh, you don't want to know...." B started "Oh yes I do!" "Well, let me tell ya...." AJ started "Oh no you don't Bone!" "I'll tell you later" AJ whispered in my ear, I nodded with a smile. "Well, if no-one wants to share, we'll have to pick a name out of a hat - AJ, can I....?" Donna asked, holding out her hand for AJ's white cap with a blue Nike swoosh type symbol on it. "Oh, sure" he handed it over to Kevin who was standing beside Donna, while she tore up 9 pieces of paper - she was prepared to room with us?! She then wrote a name on each piece and folded each one before putting them in the hat. "Right, one of you pick one" she said to myself and B "This is surreal!" I laughed - well wouldn't you?! B picked out a piece of paper and handed it to me to read out - kind of like how they do at award ceremonies. "Can I have a drum roll please?" I asked, to which AJ started to pound on Brian's head - though not hard enough to hurt him. "And the winner is.... Mr. Nick Carter!" I announced. "So Mr. Carter, now you've won the chance to room for the night with a couple of complete lovebirds, how do you feel?!" AJ asked, pretending to be an MTV reporter, using Holly's bottle of water as a microphone. "Well, I'll miss the certain competitions Howie, AJ and Kevin have when rooming together, but I guess I can stand it for one night!" "Competitions?" asked Shay "Shay, you don't want to know!" Donna answered "Oh, okay" "And Nick, you'll have to put up with it for the whole week, until the girls' get their first break from working next Sunday" "What?! Oh man, I'm not sure if I can stand it for that long!" "Well, looks like you're stuck with me whether you like it or not!! Now, where's the food, we have a big competition in front of us, now, are you ready to have your butt whooped by a girl?!" I asked him, obviously knowing I was gonna win - I'm a girl - winning's what we do best, am I right ladies?! "Me, have my butt whooped by a girl?! No way, nuh-uh, not gonna happen!" "We'll see Nicky" I put a bit more emphasis on Nicky, just to annoy him - and it worked! "Don't.... call.... me.... Nicky!" "Woah, he's in the mood for a competition now, let the fun begin!" B shouted the last part, as we made our way to the restaurant in the hotel, which was occupied by a couple of people, who were about to leave as they were finished eating (well, it was after 8pm after all). A couple of bowls of Cream of Mushroom soup, a large serving of Chicken wings with salad and chips (Americans call them fries right?), a plate of breaded fish with potato salad (I don't actually like potato salad, but, this is fiction after all!), and a giant strawberry ice cream sundae later, I was declared the winner (but we all knew I'd win right?! Right? Now, just 'cos some of you like Nick is no reason to forget that girls rule!!!). "If I wasn't so full, I'd be real mad right now" "You're just a sore loser!!!! Ha ha, I won!!!!" "Geez, you give a girl some food and she goes crazy!!" "No, you give a GIRL some food and she'll go crazy, you gave ME some food - I'm Superteen - able to whoop any given guy's butt in a food eating contest hands down! - But, you did put up good competition, fair play to ya" "Well, I never thought I'd ever say this, but there is someone in this world that can eat more than Nick - I'm amazed!!!" Brian was actually amazed that someone could out-eat Nick. But just in case you all thought that Nick and I were cruel and kept everyone else away from their food, we didn't, they ate while we did, although, Nick and I took a tad longer than the rest!!!! After dinner we all decided to go up to the girls' room (it was the tidier of the two - except from my, B, Nick's room) and watch TV, while our food digested, and for Nick and I to stop feeling a bit queasy! On our way from the restaurant to the elevators (Well, the one that was working, there was still a sign outside the other one saying *Danger, do not use* - that would have been useful the other night!) I was fine, until we turned the corner to walk down the wide corridor leading to them. Suddenly I got flashbacks from the other night, not the closeness I had with Brian, but the feeling of being scared of the dark, how frightened I was when the cables started to break, the feeling I was never going to get out, the claustraphobia - I couldn't go back in an elevator for a while - I just stopped dead in my tracks. "Rainey?" Lauren asked me with a bemued look on her face. "Are you okay?" Shay added. All the colour drained from my cheeks (well, at leastI'd stopped blushing! Ahem!....), and I held on to my crutches tightly, otherwise I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay upright. The guys were walking about 10 paces in front of us, Brian was checking on Nick because he really wasn't feeling well (I think it was the fish), so they hadn't noticed we had stopped. "I.... I.... I can't" I stuttered "Can't what?" Brianna asked "I can't...." I said weakly, pointing to the elevator the guys were fast approaching. "Oh" they said together "Well, do you think you can make it up the stairs?" Holly questioned "Umm.... I don't think so, but I'm really scared, I can't get in there - not so soon, it was too scary, I just can't" The guys had reached the elevators, and were looking round for us (at the elevators, there were afew corridors which crossed over). Howie spotted us, and the look on my face, we exchanged glances, mine of fear, his of understanding, I saw him whisper to B, and I looked down, I hate people seeing me scared (I don't know why, maybe it makes me feel like a failure or something - oh well, I'm weird!). B walked quickly over to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Are you okay?" He asked. I could only manage a shake of my head into his shoulder. I felt like a little baby, and I hated it, but I couldn't get away from the feelings that elevator gave me. "You can't make it up the stairs, you have to get into that elevator, don't be scared of it, and I'll be there, holding you close, don't worry, nothing's going to happen." "How can you be sure, we went in the other elevator thinking it was fine, and look what happened" "Yeah, well, that is a good point, but you can't stay scared of it forever." "I can have a good time trying" "Rain, we'll only be in there for a few seconds, then we'll be at our floor in the girls' room watching TV, please?" "A few seconds?" "Yep, that's all" "Come on girl, you can do it!" AJ said, patting me on the back "Thanks AJ.... I'm not happy about it, I'm still really scared, but I'll get in it, but only if Brian holds me like he said he would" "Will do, come on, it'll only be a few seconds" We all got in the elevator, and as the doors closed, I tightened my hold on B.