~*~*Chapter Thirty Three*~*~

~~~~~ at the restaurant again ~~~~~ "I should have listened to Bri, we should have gone back to the hotel early to check on her! Man, what if that creep's come back and he's...." Nick began to get very agitated. "We should go back aswell, we've got to help" "I'm with Bree, let's go" They all go up, Kev paid for the meal and they all got into a taxi back to the hotel, although a squeeze, but they did it. "Damn, why did we have to go to a restaurant almost an hour away from the hotel?" "I don't know.... we just saw the advert and went, we had no idea this was going to happen, well, we don't actually know what's happening" "It's a 911 message Howie, go figure!" "Nick! I know you're scared for Rainey, we all are, but there was no need for saying that to Howie" "You're right Holly, I'm sorry D" "It's okay, shake" They shook hands, and as Nick sat back in his seat, his pager went off again. "Oh my god...." He said "What is it?!" Lauren asked "911 - help.... she's in real trouble now guys... excuse me, sir, are you sure we can't go any faster?" "Not unless you want me to get arrested we can't" "Oh, well, how long do you think until we get to the hotel, it's extremely urgent" "Just over 50 more minutes I'd say, even though it's about 11:30pm, there's a lot of traffic tonight." "Oh, thank you" ~~~~~ in Brian's taxi ~~~~~ "Excuse me sir, but how much longer do you think it will take to get to the hotel?" "Well, with all this traffic, it could be about 45 - 50 minutes." "Oh, it's just that it's really urgent that I get back" "I'll try my best" "Thank you" "Damn, why can't we have those little hover-boards Michael J. Fox had in Back To The Future 3?!" he thought to himself. All he could do was sit back and pray that I was okay. Howie's mobile started ringing, he grabbed it and answered before the second ring. "Bri? How far away are you?" Kevin's voice asked . "About 45 - 50 minutes the driver said, he's doing his best" "Damn.... sorry.... we're about 5 minutes behind you, we're keeping Nick's mobile free, just in case" "Good thinking" "Good luck man" "Thanks, but the so-called doctor will need more when I get to him!" "Bri, don't go overboard, you could get arrested too" "But...." "I know, you want to protect Rainey, that's understandable, but you could get charged for assault, even though you're just protecting her, and you don't want that, not when she really needs you" "You're right.... I'll try, but I can't make a promise I might not be able to keep" "Just try to keep it down okay?" "Okay.... Oh my god, we have to tell her parents! "You're not in any fit state to do that, leave that to me Bri" "Alright, see you in a while" "Goodbye Brian" ~~~~~ In the others' taxi ~~~~~ "We've got to tell her parents" Kev said "Oh yeah! How could we have forgotten - I promised Tom at the concert I'd look after Lorraine.... I'm not doing a good job at all - so far she's lost a friend.... even though we did find Aaron again.... she's been stuck in a blacked-out elevator for about 7 hours, the cables broke, sending her and her boyfriend 5 or 6 floors, she fractured her ankle, she's now having to get around on crutches, when she went to get it checked out again, she was almost raped by a guy pretending to be a doctor, and now when we leave her alone, the psycho comes back to finish what he started! Oh god - if he is there, she can't get away, she can't walk properly!!" Bree exclaimed. "I don't think he'll blame you for this, you didn't know" "I hope you're right AJ, I really don't like seeing people angry.... especially at me!" "I'll call, what's her number?" Kevin asked. Bree told him and dialled the digits and waited for someone to pick up the phone. "Hello?" my dad answered "Hello Mr. Wightman, this is Kevin Richardson" "Oh, hi Kevin! What makes you call at a time like this?" "I'm sorry it's so late, but I had to let you know...." "Know what, what's wrong?" "Well...." ~~~~~ at the hotel ~~~~~ "I'm walking slowly along the hallway, there doesn't seem to be anybody here.... just you and me, isn't this lucky?!" He said, laughing as he said so. "Yeah, lucky for you they all went out for tea" I thought to myself. If only I could block the door. I threw the sheet off the bed and stood up to scan the room. The only thing was a three-person sofa in the far corner, but I had neither the strength nor time to move it. I had a sudden feeling of Deja vu`. I was trapped once again, I had no way out. About 30 seconds later I heard the door knob turn. "Oh, you've got the door locked.... well, isn't it lucky I have a key" He put the key in the lock and started to push the door. I ran over and pushed against it with all my heavier-than-most-of-the-BSBs weight. But he was still too strong for me. "As I said, I like to finish what I start" He brought out a cloth which was doused in some chemical. I tried to get away, but with my ankle, there was nowhere to go. He came in and locked the door behind him. He grabbed me from behind, wrapping his right arm around my chest, putting the cloth to my face. It didn't knock me out completely, just enough so that I was powerless against him. He threw me on the bed and ran out of the door, bringing what looked like a doctor's bad with him. "I knew this would come in handy sometime" he said while taking my clothes off.... I wasn't out could, I could see what he was doing, though fuzzy, but my arms and legs weren't doing what they were being told to do by my brain, which was to knee the jerk where it would hurt and get the heck out of there. I was at his mercy, and it didn't look like I was going to be shown any, he pushed me back on the bed once he'd taken off everything from my top half. "My, my, aren't we a big girl?!" he sneered. He went to take off my pyjama bottoms, and my underwear. "Curves, all the more to hold on to" "Kick him, kick him damnit!" I kept telling my legs, but they weren't moving at all.... I really was powerless. He went to his bag and pulled out two pieces of rope and another cloth. He took my right wrist and tied it to the right post on the bed, and did the same with the left, he then wrapped the cloth around my mouth just in case I shouted for help. I was completely naked, tied to the bed, and gagged, I could do nothing to stop him. He went to his bag again and brought out a little bottle in aromatherapy oil. Sensuality. "Quite appropriate don't you think?" He laughed. He went to his trousers and unzipped the fly. He dropped them to the ground, and did the same with his jacket and shirt. He got rid of his boxer shorts and started to pour the oil over my body. He forced his tongue into my mouth as he did in the hospital, but as he didn't need to hold my hands away from me this time, he used both hands to rub the oil all over my breasts, down my sides, my stomach, and as he pulled himself level with me, he rubbed it down my legs too. I could feel him getting hard on top of me, but I couldn't do anything, the che micals were starting to set in. I began to get woozy.... but I could still hear every satisfied moan he made, I could still feel every move he made on me, I felt every movement of his tongue, I felt his every breath on my body, I felt every rub of his hands, I felt him as he pushed himself inside me....