~*~*Chapter Seventeen*~*~

The lights dimmed as Emilie and Ariale stood with Julie near the all most front and center of the stage. Even though she had been to four BSB concerts in her whole life and Ariale had been to two, they both still experienced the thrill of excitement that shot through your bodies. The screams began, as Julie screamed the loudest, jumping up and down. They had all enjoyed Solid Harmonie who had put on an exceptional show. The guys appeared on the top of the stage, and all the girls went wild. They started to sing "Let's The Way I Like It" and exploded onto the stage. Nick sang his solo part and waved at Emilie as he sang. She waved back and Julie screamed louder. "This is so awesome," Ariale yelled at Emilie and she nodded excitedly. The guys then exploded into a dance set featuring the songs "Too Close" by Next, "It's All About the Benjamins" by Puff Daddy and the Family as well as a few others. Then, they started "Hey Mr DJ", and Emilie was dancing through them, when she felt someone push her from behind. She was pushed into the orchestra pit really hard, and starting to yell, as the pain shot through her body. "Get back now," Emilie yelled at the girl behind her, but she pushed hard. "Now please. You're hurting me." "Sorry," the girl said. "I can't help it though. This chick keeps pushing behind me. Wait a minute. You look so familiar." "Really?" Emilie yelled back, as the pushing seemed to let down a little. "I don't think we've met before." "Neither do I," the girl smiled and she pushed back at the girl behind her. "Wow," Emilie commented as she turned around to see Howie begin his solo called "My Heart Stays With You" which was a possible track on the new album. He had 20 roses, and he handed them out to several girls. He gave one to both Emilie and Ariale, when she noticed him stare intently at someone near the left side of the stage. "Kelly?" she saw Howie say and Emilie turned to see Howie's ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend, as Kelly smiled triumphantly at him. Howie looked hurt and continued on with his song. "What a bitch," Emilie said to Ariale. "Kelly's here with her boyfriend." "Really? What nerve she has," Ariale commented as she looked over at Kelly. Kelly noticed her, and gave her a Dirty look. "Ugh, oh well," Emilie replied as AJ came on and sang "Lay Down Beside Me". Then, Kevin sang "Nobody But You", and all the older woman in the audience went crazy. Then, Brian came out and set up his guitar to do his solo called "That's What She Said". "Oh Bri," Ariale whispered as tears formed in her eyes. Brian smiled at the audience and noticed Ariale. He got off his seat, and went in front of her. He sat on the stage in front of her and started to sing to her... There are people who say what you wanna hear Even on a rainy day, they' tell you the sky is clear When you really, really love someone, am I right to say that you want them near? And if you can't even tell, things that want to hear And if you care you tell them things that you wanna hear Chorus Always forever Oh the things she said Never say never The simple lies that she fed I will never leave you All the love I thought she had But can you blame me, no Cause that's what she said... He continued to sing, as he reached out and took Ariale's hand. He smiled deeply at her eyes, as Emilie noticed tears in her eyes as well. When he was finished, he bent forward and gave her a long hug. Everyone in the audience started screaming, as Brian squeezed Ariale's hand again and walked backstage. "Oh Em, that was awesome," Ariale told her. "I know," Emilie said and she looked up as Nick appeared on the top of the stage. "Hello everyone out there," he said and everyone screamed. "Well, I am going to sing a song called "Heaven In Your Eyes" and I am dedicating it to a very special woman in my life. It's to my beautiful girlfriend Emilie because she is the heaven in my eyes." Emilie started to cry, as Nick flashed her a smile, as he began to sing... Open up your heart to me And say what's on your mind I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life, this time Chorus And I need you tonight I need your right now And I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right And I see Heaven in your eyes... Nick continued the song, as Emilie and every other girl looked at Nick in amazement. He started to walk down the stairs, as Emilie noticed tears in his eyes as well, and he walked towards her. He stopped in front of her, looked down at her... I figured out what to say to you Sometimes the words come out all wrong And I know in time you will understand And what we had is so right this time Chorus All those endless times we tried To make it last forevermore And Baby I know I need you I know deep withing my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right I see heaven Chorus Cause I see heaven in your eyes Nick finished with him jumping down into the crowd, and pulling Emilie close to him, as the fans screamed. "I love you so much Emilie Parker," Nick whispered into her heart, as tears cascaded down Emilie's face. "I love you Nick," Emilie whispered back as the other guys started to walk on stage. "You'd better go up." "Yeah, talk to you later," Nick replied, and he kissed her forehead before he jumped back on stage. "Well Nick, you are certainly the Romeo for the night," AJ teased him and everyone in the crowd laughed. "Thanks Bone, at least I can get a girlfriend," Nick replied and everyone laughed again. "Well, Frack, you know," AJ started and Brian walked out. "Boys, stop fighting," Brian smiled and the crowd went wild. "I think we should pick it up a little. How about it?" "I agree," Nick replied. "We should sing a song that was released on our European and Canadian albums. Ready?" The guys jumped into one of Emilie's favourite songs called "Let's Have A Party" and the crowd went wild. They all got excited and Emilie danced along with everyone else. They then played their own instruments to "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", and the went through some of their romantic ballads including "All I Have To Give", "I'll Never Break Your Heart", "Anywhere For You", and "Darlin'". They then sang "As Long As You Love Me" and faked the audience out by leaving. They came back and a double take of "Get Down" and "We've Got It Goin' On" as they ended with "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". The guys went backstage, as the lights went on, and everyone screamed for an encore, but Emilie and Ariale both knew the guys were very tired. "Well Emilie and Ariale, you two are both so lucky," Julie told them. "Thanks Julie," Emilie replied smiling, remembering what Nick had just done. That was the most romantic thing any guy could ever do for anyone and she was so happy. "Well, tell them all I said hi," Julie said and she waved bye, as she followed everyone outside. Emilie noticed girls staring at her in envy, so Ariale and her quickly headed backstage to see the guys walking around. "How did we do?" Kevin asked them as they sat down on the couchs. "You were incredible, all of you," Ariale replied, as she sat down beside Brian. "Thanks beautiful," Brian replied and they kissed each other quick. Emilie didn't notice Nick anywhere, so she got up to go find him. She found him coming out of one of the dressing room, and she noticed he had changed into jeans. "Hey," she said and Nick smiled at her. "That was so nice what you did out there. Thanks so much Nick." "Hi Em," Nick replied, taking her in his arms. "You're welcome. Well it's true. You are the Heaven In My Eyes." "Really? Wow, Nick," Emilie beamed as her and Nick kissed deeply. They let go, as they decided they'd better get back to everyone. They walked into see everyone chilling, sipping sodas, and eating some chips and popcorn. "Hello you two," Howie said when they entered the room. "We were trying to decide what to do tonight. Any suggestions?" "How about something relaxing?" Nick suggested. He had been so stressed out lately with the new album, that all he and the guys wanted to do was just chill. "Hmm, how about a movie?" suggested Kevin. Emilie and Ariale both knew the guys never got to go movies very often. "What's playing?" AJ asked standing up, as he stretched. "I think Saving Private Ryan, Something About Mary, Ever After, and some others," replied Ariale. "Well, you are the movie guide this evening Ariale, aren't you?" Howie teased her and she blushed. "How about we get a bite to eat because it's 10:30 all ready and I don't want to go to a midnight show," Kevin said and everyone agreed. They decided to walk over to the Disney Marketplace and go to the McDonalds there. It was neat because it had several LEGOtm up and there would probably be kids there which wouldn't matter much. Emilie caught sight of a flash of blond hair, and knew right away it was Kelly. She turned to see Howie, and he was chatting away with Kevin and AJ, as she noticed he hadn't noticed Kelly yet. Kelly noticed him though. "Hello Howard," Kelly said sweetly, as she hung on her new boyfriend's arm. "I loved your show." "Hi Kelly," Howie said, as she watched him become a cross between hurt and upset. "Well Kelly, we didn't give a crap what you think about the show, so why don't you take your Playgirl boyfriend and get lost?" Emilie snapped at her and everyone looked at her in surprise, and Nick looked the most surpised of them all. He had never seen Emilie yell at someone, let alone tell them off. "Well Parker, we can see your fat ass is still with Nick, which is of course because of pity," Kelly snapped back. "Give it up Emilie. Nick doesn't love you, you are just a little fling, a little nothing." "Kelly, you are so pathetic," Emilie said standing right in front of her. "You go and tell Howie how much you love him, while you are cheating on him with this skank you call your boyfriend, and then you have the nerve to show up at the concert, with this piece of trash hanging off your arm. Now, that's pity." Kelly's boyfriend glared at Emilie as Kelly stood back, shocked at what she had just heard. "You'd better tell her to shut up before I smack her," Kelly's boyfriend told Howie. "Buddy, you aren't going to smack anyone," AJ told him. "Get your lame ass outta here now." "Do we have a problem here gentleman?" asked Lonnie, showing up at the right place, at the right time. "Yeah, this guy said he's going to smack Emilie," AJ told her and Lonnie glared at him. "Is that so? Well, I don't think you want to do that man," Lonnie said calmly, and within seconds the guy was running for his life. "Howie, you are a loser," Kelly muttered and she ran after her cowardly boyfriend. "I don't think that guy would have had the nerve to smack you," AJ told her, and Emilie smiled at him. "Now, that is one side of you that we have never seen," Nick told Emilie. "Where did that come from?" "Well, that girl pissed me off," Emilie replied shrugging. "I mean, you don't go around making someone feel bad." "Thanks Emilie, but you just ignore girls like that," Howie replied smiling at her. "I mean, there's been worse then her." "No problem," Emilie answered, as they entered McDonalds... Nick awoke the next day, as he looked over to see Brian sleeping. He layed back and couldn't believe how incredible the last two days with Emilie had been. He had never felt this way before about any girl, and there was just something about Emilie that drove him wild every time he was near her, hugging her, smelling her, tasting her breath. He really truly loved her, as he heard Brian steer in the bed beside him. "Ariale, I love ya," Brian muttered and Nick laughed, as Brian awoke as his laughter. "Well are you laughing about this early in the morning?" Brian asked him and Nick shook his head. "Nothing, just thinking about what we should do today," Nick replied sitting up. "Any suggestions?" "Well, Ariale and I have a romantic day planned before they fly out tonight," Brian answered rubbing his eyes. "Oh," Nick replied. "I want to do something extra special for Emilie, but I have no idea what to do." "Well, think hard," Brian replied. "Because you aren't going to see her for a long time." "I will," Nick replied, as he layed back down into bed... *********************************** The Sunday afternoon sky was overcast, as a light breeze swayed the palm trees back and forth. Brian and Ariale were finally taking their beach walk, along a small, romote beach, outside of Orlando. There was barely anyone there and they were having so much fun. "Brian, this is the last time, the last time for over four months," Ariale said softly, as she sat down on the warm sand. "I know Ariale," Brian replied, sitting down beside her. "But, we can manage. I mean, you have school and I have the European/Asian/Austrailian tour and we'll soon be home. I mean, there's always the prom right?" Ariale glanced at him. She hadn't formally invited him to be her prom date because she hadn't been sure he wanted to go with her. "Brian, you want to go to prom with me?" Ariale asked and Brian looked taken back. "You don't want me to go with you?" Brian replied and Ariale's face lit up. "Of course I want you to with me, but I wasn't sure you wanted to go with me," replied Ariale. "Ariale, of course I want to go to prom with you," Brian said surprised at what she had just said. "Why wouldn't I want to go with you?" "I don't know," Ariale answered smiling at him. "Oh Brian, I've always dreamed of a perfect prom and with you as my date, I know it will be more than perfect. It will be magical." "With or without me, it would have been a wonderful night," Brian replied and Ariale hugged him. "So, how do you like Florida?" "It's nice, but very hot," Ariale answered, as they walked hand-in-hand along the ocean shore. "I went here when I was younger with my family, but now it's so much nicer with you beside me." "Well, it's nice to be here with you as well," Brian replied honestly. "Ariale, you make me very happy." "Brian, you make me more than happy, you make me feel alive," Ariale told him, and they looked deep into each other's eyes, as their passion of their love egnited a spark, and a flame began, showing their love was going to last forever... Emilie and Nick were having fun, as they splashed around in the pool for a while, and were now sunbathing by the pool. They had both ordered Cokes from the bartender, and there were families everywhere among the crowded pool, as several young girls recognized Nick, and giggled each time they passed by him. Either of them minded though, and even a few times, Nick would smile or wink at them, which would make them get giddy with excitement. "So Carter, I think I have some royal competition aganist me," Emilie told him and Nick laughed, glancing at her. "Well, what can you say, I am a ladies' man," Nick told her and Emilie punched him playfully. "How about we go grab a bite to eat?" Emilie suggested and Nick said. sure. They walked into Old Port Royale and decided to get some pizza, which was Nick's favourite of course. "Lots of cheese please," Nick told Emilie and she told the cashier double cheese. "Is the cheese really good on it?" asked Emilie as they carried their pizza to a table for two. "Of course Em," Nick replied, as they sat down. "So, how about a video game marathon after this?" "Hmm, you're the expert," Emilie replied, taking a bite of her pizza. "Of course, even Mouse could beat me." "There's just certain rules you need to follow," Nick told her and Emilie laughed. "Nick, you are so cute when you try to convince me to like video games," Emilie smiled and Nick smiled as well. "Well, you look so cute when you pretend to stomach three tonnes of cheese on your pizza just because I like cheese on my pizza," Nick teased her and Emilie laughed again. "Look, I love cheese," Emilie replied, but Nick's face was all goofy looking, which made Emilie start choking and she took a huge gulp of her Coke. "You have to chew before you swallow," Nick teased her and Emilie smiled. "So, we have four months apart," Emilie told him, turning serious all of a sudden and Nick looked down. "Emilie, I know, how are we going to manage?" Nick asked her and Emilie tried to sound brave. "Nick, we can do it," Emilie assured him. "We have the phone, we have e-mail, we have faxes, heck, we even have UPS." "I don't think they'd ship something as big as me," Nick joked and Emilie smiled. "Yeah, I don't think they do," Emilie agreed. "We can do it Nick. We have these memories and we have so much more to look forward to as well." "Definitely Emilie," Nick replied. "I'll think of you every day and you do the same. The tour will be over soon, and we'll soon be in each other's arms making more memories." "Let's seal it with a kiss," Emilie suggested and their lips met... *I would like to thank Libby's Backstreet Boys Site becuase that is where I got the lyrics to That's What She Said and Heaven In Your Eyes. The website address is vzone.virgin.net/libby.armstrong/bsb.htm. I would also like to thank everyone who has e-mailed me complimenting my story, including Nichole, Dayana, Aishah Bertina, and everyone else who e-mailed me. You are all awesome and may all your dreams come true. A special thanks to Becky and Beany, Lani, and also Lisa and Cheryl for featuring my story on their BSB sites. Their sites are the best Backstreet Boys sites on the net. :o). Emilie*