~*~*Chapter Fifteen*~*~

After the scene with Lance and Nick, they had a nice dinner and then left to go to Pleasure Island. Howie was still down about Kelly and was worried she may be in the clubs, because her and her friends usually went there on a Friday night. AJ was in search a girl, while Brian and Ariale seemed ready to dance. Nick and Emilie let everyone go ahead of them because they all ready had their tickets. "Emilie, are you okay?" Nick asked her as they walked towards the AMC theatres. "Nick, I'm fine," Emilie answered looking into his eyes. "I'm so sorry about Lance. I had no idea he liked me that much. I don't like him at all." "I know you don't," Nick said putting his arm around her. "I mean, Lance can talk to you and stuff, but I know you aren't comfortable around him." "It's okay around Brian, AJ, and Howie because I see them all time," Emilie replied. "But, Lance is different." "I know what you're saying," Nick smiled. "I just can't believe he said that tonight. I would never go against a friend like that. The guys think he's nuts." "Well, who care about him? Let's have a nice night," Emilie replied ask she noticed Brian signaling them to come into the club. They walked through the date, and followed the guys towards a club one of the clubs that played comtemporary dance music, and they entered. They walked in to hear "Ghetto Superstar" blaring out the speakers, as people of all different cultures and races, as well as all different themed outfits, danced away. "Check out all these women," commented AJ, smiling widely. "Over there Howie. Come on." They walked towards a group of about seven woman about aged 19 and started chatting with them. "Come on you two," yelled Ariale as LL Cool J's "Phenomenon" started playing. That was Ariale's favourite song, and they walked over to an empty place on the dance floor. Ariale and Brian started dancing really close, and Nick wrapped his arms around Emilie from behind, and she smiled at him. "Have you been here before?" Emilie yelled at Nick. "A few times," Nick replied into her ear. "You smell nice. What are you wearing?" "Ariale's perfume," Emilie smiled. "I forget mine." "Cool," Nick said and he spun her around to face him. "Do you know how much I've wanted to hold you in my arms after this long time?" "Yes, because I've felt the same way," Emilie replied. "Oh, how's Aaron and Angel? Brandy keeps asking about them because she had so much fun with them over Christmas." "They are great," replied Nick. "Aaron keeps saying his girlfriend is so wonderful." "Ah, that's so cute," Emilie said as she noticed Ariale and Brian come over to join them. They were holding hands, and smiling brightly. "We were going to go for a walk," Brian told them. "It's kind of hot in here." "Okay," Emilie told them, as they left. "More like they want to be alone." "A walk does sound nice," Nick told Emilie. "How about we go?" "Sure," Emilie agreed and they left the club. AJ and Howie started talking up several females, but most of the ones they had talked to so far were either engaged, married, or had a boyfriend. Howie wasn't talking much, as AJ encouraged him to be more outgoing, but at the age of 25, Howie didn't really want to do all the flirting anymore. He wanted to meet a girlfriend, someone he could eventually settle down with, and maybe get married too. He thought Kelly was that one, but he had been terribly wrong. "Howie, be more social, you are acting really snotty," AJ told him, as AJ's eyes landed on a brunette talking with a blond. The brunette was dressed causally with jeans, and a nice shirt. She was chunky, but AJ thought she looked sexy. The blond was pretty overweight, but she had nice hair and eyes would she turned around. "Over there Howie. Two beautiful woman for us." Howie reluctantly followed him. "Hello ladies," AJ flirted. "Can I buy you a drink?" "Hi," the blond said with a smile. "Sure. I'll have a screwdriver." "Two screwdrivers," he told the waitress and she left. "I'm AJ, by the way. And you're?" "I'm Leanza," she said with a smile. "This is Dianne." "Nice to meet you," AJ replied as Howie smiled. "This is Howie." "Hi Howie," Dianne said shyly and Howie noticed she was nice. "Want to go talk over there?" "Sure," Howie agreed and they left. "So, Leanza, where are you from?" AJ asked her as they got their drinks. "Montreal, Quebec," answered Leanza with a smile. "My little sister dragged me down here to see some group called the Backstreet Boys perform at the House of Blues next week." Signal signs went off in AJ's head, but he was happy she was the older sister. "I'm from Orlando," AJ said. "What do you do?" "I'm an university student," Leanza sipping her drink. "I'm studying biochemistry." "Harsh," AJ commented. He hated science. "I'm a singer." "Oh yeah? Do you have any albums out?" Leanza asked interested when she heard a shrill scream. She turned to see her younger sister Catharine, nicknamed Cat, scream because her older sister was sitting with a Backstreet Boy. "Omigosh," Cat screamed and Leanza scowled at her. "Cat, what is your problem?" Leanza snapped at her. "It's AJ," Cat yelled and AJ inwardly groaned. "Hi AJ. I'm Cat." "AJ, so?" Leanza replied shaking her head. "AJ from the Backstreet Boys," Cat said proudly and Leanza looked at AJ. "You're a Backstreet Boy?" Leanza asked him. "Yes," AJ grunted as Cat threw her arms around him. Cat was about 15 and Leanza looked about 21. "Great," Leanza commented standing up. "I come to a club and I meet a Backstreet Boy. Thanks for the drink. Come on Cat, before you have a heart attack." "Where are you going?" AJ asked her. "I don't know," Leanza answered. "I just wish my sister wouldn't have recognized you. Now, she won't leave us alone at all." "AJ, is Nick here?" Cat asked him. "Yes, he's here with his girlfriend," AJ answered hoping she'd get the hint. "Girlfriend where?" Cat said shocked. "Nick has a girlfriend?" "Yes," replied AJ. "I think he's over there somewhere. Maybe you can dance with him." Cat had an determined look on her face, as she left and Leanza smiled at him greatly. ************************* Brian and Ariale were thoroughly enjoying each other's company. They had left the club to be alone, and since then, Brian had not been recognized once. He was wearing a hat though. Ariale was in heaven as they held hands, and checked out the many shops lining the Downtown Disney area. "So, how's life been since we last saw each other?" Brian asked her as they entered the All Star sports store. "It's been okay," Ariale answered putting a sweatshirt up to him. "I did well on most of my exams, and when we get back on Monday, our final semester of school starts. My job is okay as well. They were sort of uptight about me having the weekend off in such short notice, but they were okay with it." "That's great," Brian answered. "I've been okay. I mean, the studio is one of the most stressful parts of my career, and this cold has made it impossible to sing as well as I wish I would." "Is this album going to be like the last one?" Ariale asked checking out the baseball hats. "In some ways yes and in others no," Brian replied. "Enough about that. So, what are we going to do the rest of the weekend?" Ariale smiled at him. "Hmm, I wonder," she teased and Brian smiled back, pulling her close. "Oh yeah, tell me what you have in mind," Brian teased her and Ariale led him out of the store. "Well, first, I would love a walk along the most beautiful beach Disney has to offer with you by my side," Ariale began as Brian stopped, pulling her close. "I think I can arrange that," Brian promised, and their lips met, as the wind blew Ariale's brown hair around, as she ran her fingers through Brian's hair and his hands through hers. "That was incredible," Ariale whispered, as she let go of him. "Oh Brian, I love you so much." "I love you too Ariale," Brian whispered back, kissing her on the forehead. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone before." "I'm sure you say that to all the girls," Ariale teased as they settled to holding hands. "Maybe," Brian replied and Ariale punched him playfully, as they saw Howie's ex-girlfriend Kelly walking towards them. She was with a guy, and they were holding hands. Brian could never get over what Howie exactly saw in Kelly. She was beautiful with light brown hair, that set off her olive skin, and all most gray eyes, and a thin build, but her personality was a bit of a ripoff. "Look who it is." "Who?" Ariale asked curiously looking around. Emilie nor her had met Kelly yet. "Kelly, Howie's ex with another guy," replied Brian shaking his head, as Kelly recognized him. She tugged her boyfriend's hand to obviously avoid walking near Brian. "She's with another guy all ready?" Ariale asked in shock. "I guess so," Brian said as Kelly and the guy headed the other way. "Who cares about her though? Don't mention to Howie that we saw her because he's so down about it." "I won't," Ariale promised as they headed down, as she noticed an ice cream parlour. "Want some desert?" "I thought you were my desert," Brian said slyly. "I can be if you want," Ariale flirted as Brian and her kissed again.= "Nah, ice cream sounds better," Brian replied and Ariale laughed. They went to check out the flavours of ice cream, and Ariale decided on a blueberry frozen yogurt, as Brian decided on an apple and banana yogurt. "That's disgusting," Ariale told him and Brian laughed. "Try some," Brian replied and he fed her some of it, as Ariale looked >ike she was ready to gag. "As I told her, that's so gross," Ariale commented and Brian smiled. "You just have no sense of adventure," Brian replied as they sat on a bench to eat their ice cream. "Littrell, I could beat your butt in adventure any day," Ariale challenged. "Name the time and place, and I'll be there." Brian looked up at the challenge. "Okay Ari, how about we go to the Magic Kingdown tomorrow and whoever goes on all the rides the most wins?" Brian suggested and Ariale agreed. "I'll be your butt," Ariale warned as she ate her yogurt. "Sure Ariale, be there or be square," Brian replied looking serious and Ariale had to laugh. "This is really stupid," Ariale laughed and Brian laughed as well. "How about we just take a walk on the beach?" Brian replied and Ariale answered yes by throwing blueberry yogurt on his cheek, and he dabbed some of his yogurt on her nose. "Emilie, want to go to the Virgin Megastore?" Nick asked her, as they walked past the AMC theaters towards the huge Virgin Megastore that was two stories big. When you walked, there was cd's of all kind of the enormous bottom floor, and on the top floor they had magazines, books, and computer games. Emilie noticed the Backstreet Boys cd cover on a big poster in the front of the store. "Sure, I love music," she answered with a smile, as they walked hand in hand into the store. When Nick went in, he took off his sunglasses and turned his baseball hat backwards. "Wow. I love this store. I spent like 50 dollars last year when I came down for Spring Break." "You've been here before?" Nick wanted to know and Emilie nodded. "My family and I come down a lot during Spring Break," Emilie answered, checking out the new Brandy cd. "Look, this cd is cool. I like Brandy. I think I'll get it." "Well, I'm going to check out the alternative cd's," Nick said letting go of her hand. "Meet you in a few." Emilie nodded in agreement, as she listened to Brandy's and MA$E's smash hit "Sittin' On Top Of The World". Nick, meanwhile, headed towards the alternative cd's determined to find the new Barenaked Ladies cd. He has just heard their new song "One Week" and had really liked it. He hoped he wouldn't get recognized and he noticed some of the female cashiers eyeing him carefully. He shrugged their stares off, and walked over to the cd's. "Emilie Parker? What are you doing here?" asked someone as she tapped Emilie on the shoulder. Emilie looked up to see her cousin Julie standing there. "Hey Julie, I was just going to ask you the same thing," replied Emilie smiling. "I'm here with Nick and the guys for the weekend. What about you?" "My mom and grandma are here," Julie replied smiling. "Where's Brian?" "Oh, he's with my friend Ariale," Emilie replied reluctantly. "They are dating now." "Really? That's sweet," Julie replied as they walked towards the racks of cd's. "So, how are things with Nick and you?" "They are awesome," Emilie answered with a smile. "It's been five months of so much love. How about you? Are you still dating that hockey player guy?" "Oh, Scott?" replied Julie and she shook her head. "So, are you going to the House of Blues concert tomorrow night?" Emilie looked at her in puzzlement. "Who's playing?" Emilie wanted to know. "The Backstreet Boys," replied Julie a little too loudly, which made their whole row of girls turn around. "Backstreet Boys? They are here somewhere," one of them told Julie and Emilie. "My friends saw Brian and his girlfriend walking around outside, and Howie and AJ went at the club according to another girl. Why? Have you seen them?" Julie smiled at Emilie. "No, I haven't," Emilie lied. "If you see them, tell me." "Sure, no problem," the girl replied with a smile. "But, I get first dibs on Nick." "Em, I found it," Nick said coming up to her as the girl stared. "Hi Julie. How are you?" "Hi Nick," Julie smiled and the girl screamed, as all most the whole store turned to stare. "Nick? Is it really you?" she shrieked and all her friends stared. "Yeah," Nick replied. "It's me." "Wow," she cried, as tears flowed down her cheeks. Nick, good-naturedly gave her a hug, and they took a picture together, as Emilie and Julie talked about what the concert. "Ready?" Nick asked Emilie and Julie, and they nodded. Nick took Emilie's hand, and they walked towards the cashier. "Here, I'll get that for you." He took the Brandy cd from Emilie and paid for it. "Nick, you didn't have to get it for me," Emilie protested. "It's okay," Nick answered smiling at her. "You deserve it." "Thanks sweetie," Emilie kissed him quickly. "Oh, Julie told me about the House of Blues concert tomorrow night? Is it true?" "Yeah it is," Nick answered with a smile. "It was sort of supposed to be a surprise though." "I'm sorry I ruined the surprise," Julie apologized as Emilie noticed Julie's mom and grandma. Emilie waved at them, as Julie left them and went over to her. Nick and Emilie walked out of the store, as they turned around to see they were being followed. "Great," Nick muttered as he caught sight of Ariale and Brian eating ice cream. "There's Ariale and Brian. Let's go." "Okay," Emilie agreed and they walked over to them. "Ice cream looks so good. Want one?" "Sure," Nick replied. "Mint chocolate chip of course." Emilie smiled at him. "Same with me," Emilie replied and she went in to order to small ice cream cones, as Nick waited with Ariale and Brian outside. That's when she saw him. There stood her ex-crush in line with his sister and he turned around to look at her. She wondered what so many people were doing in Florida. He turned around, and his eyes looked straight into Emilie's. She looked away, hoping he wouldn't notice her. "Wow, hey Emilie," yelled his sister. "Hi," Emilie smiled as the guy glanced at her. She pretended not to notice him. They soon left, as Emilie breathed a sigh of relief, and she ordered her ice cream cones. She walked out and handed one to Nick. He thanked her, and they sat down on the bench. "So, what have you two troublemakers been up to?" Brian asked them. "Just causing lots of trouble," Nick answered and Emilie laughed. "Oh no," Brian said in fake mock horror. "You didn't?" "We did," Nick answered back and Emilie and Ariale looked at them in complete puzzlement. "Did what?" Ariale asked curious. "Tickled you," Brian replied, and he playfully tickled under her chin. "Brian, no, we have to be civilized, no stop," Ariale shrieked laughing. Emilie laughed as well, as she felt the cold air hit her bare arms hard. She hadn't noticed how cold it could get in Florida at night, especially during the winter. The ice cream was also making her cold, so she threw it out, and hugged herself close. "Cold?" Nick wanted to know and Emilie nodded. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. She was still shivering, and Nick was only wearing a t-shirt. "Come on, we'll buy you a sweater." "No, I'm okay," Emilie answered, but Nick insisted on it. The last thing he wanted was Emilie catching pneumonia or something before their big gig the next night. "Em, I can tell you are cold," Nick said as they entered a store and Nick picked up a nice, flowered cardigan, and bought it for her. "Nick, I could have bought it," Emilie protested and Nick smiled back. He wrapped it around her shoulders, and then rubbed then to make sure she was warm. "Better?" Nick asked her and Emilie nodded with a big smile...