"Well hellloooo Glasgow!!" The crowd goes wild again, then calms. "My 'girl' is a little younger than the others, she's 16, she comes from Edinburgh, studying English, Art and German at school along with others, and her school broke up today for summer vacation, so has come here with two friends to celebrate......." ---------------------------------------------- "You know, that does sound like Lorraine," "Come on Jo, like anything good would ever happen to one of us" "I know, but if she is going to be with Brian - (sigh)" "Wait, he's about to say her name..." ----------------------------------------- "So, say a big 'howdy' to Lorraine!!!!" --------------------------------- "........" "........" Jo and May were both speechless as I walked on stage. "May, take a photo, Lorraine will want a memory of this!!" Jo shouted hurriedly. -------------------------------- Brian pulled me close and we did a bit of a slow dance, similar to what Kevin and Juliet did, then he spun me, and dipped me like AJ and Sarah did, then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and led me to my chair. I looked at Jo and May, just after May took a photo, she got us as Brian dipped me, then another as he gave me a kiss. They were really shocked - the looks on their faces was - well, it made me laugh. "What are you laughing at?!" Brian was puzzled (he wasn't singing, Howie was introducing the song) "The looks on my friends faces - I told them that I had been asked to be a security person looking after the smaller fans at the front - the last time they saw me I was walking off with Lauren - over there with Nick - to get our security badges!!" "Nice one - and they didn't guess?" "No, they weren't very convinced, but they believed me - which they probably never will do after this!" (meanwhile) "Guys, in this song, many of you will know, we bring out girls from the audience to the stage for us to sing to, and maybe all of you will know the song - 'I'll Never Break Your Heart'" The band then broke out into the intro, and Kevin began to say his "Baby, I know you're hurting..." bit, and I could see Shay was about to faint, but I kept my thoughts to myself, even though Brian had kind of noticed aswell, we kind of just smiled at each other, and he gave me a little cheeky wink as AJ started to sing. Looking deep into Brianna’s eyes, AJ began. "From the first day, that I saw your smiling face, I knew that we would be, together forever" Then Brian looked at me again, and gave me a cheeky wink, then started to sing. "Ooh, when I asked you out, you said no but I found out, darling that you'd been hurt, you felt that you'd never love again, I deserve a try honey, give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong" "You walked in, you were so quick to judge, but honey he's nothing like me" "I'll never break your heart, I'll never make you cry, I'd rather die than live without you, I'll give you all of me, honey that's no lie" I was in shock, quite frankly, I couldn't believe that I was ON STAGE with the Backstreet Boys, sitting opposite BRIAN LITTRELL at a table, and having him SING to ME!!!! I was so happy, I looked at Jo, and she had a look of hurt on her face and I started to feel bad that I was sitting with her man, but then I thought that he was my man too, and he had chosen me, but I still felt guilty. After the song, Brian and the other led us off the stage, and onto separate corners of the dressing room, and as it was only a square room, Nick and Lauren were practically right in the centre of the room because they were last off. They all gave us hugs and kisses on the cheek, and then went back on the stage for their encore songs. Before they went, they each gave us a piece of paper which they had written just after their prayer. The piece Brian had given me said: "Rainey, Meet me at the upstairs restaurant if not, I understand. If you can't make it, get a message to me so I know. Hope you come, love, B xxx" "Wow," I said after he had gone. "What is it?! Tell me!!" Lauren was really excited. We compared notes, and hers was similar to mine, except hers had Lauren and Nick instead of Rainey and B. "Did we all get the same notes?" I asked the other three. We had pretty similar notes, and we wondered why they had given them to us. "Maybe they really like us" suggested Holly. "Yeah, but maybe they gave notes to all the other girls on tour" said Brianna "Don't be so cynical Brianna!" I said, trying to make her laugh - it didn't. "Well, what if we're just going to be just some more notches in the bedpost to them - oh, sorry Lorraine, you're a bit young for that aren't you?" "Well, no, the age of consent in Britain is 16, so I'm in there, but I don't believe in premarital sex, and neither does B, so we're not going to do it just for the sake of doing it." "Well said Frick!" "Thanks Frack" "But what if we are just notches in the bedpost to them?" "Brianna, I'm sure they wouldn't give us those notes unless they really did like us. just relax!" Shay finally calmed Brianna down. "Oh no, I've got to tell my dad - and my friends, they'll wonder where I am, I'll go and find him now, will you guys come with me, so he knows I won't be on my own?" "Sure" they all said. I told Donna where we were going, so she could tell the guys if we weren't back in time to meet them off the stage. And then we went in search of my dad, amidst the deafening screams of the fans, we found him outside. "Dad!" "Hi Lorraine, why aren't you in there?!" "I had the most wonderful time...." and I told him the whole story, and then asked if I could meet Brian afterwards. I even showed him the note. "Well, I don't know Lorraine.." "Mr Wightman?" asked Lauren "Yes?" "My name's Lauren, I live in Arkansas, USA, and I have been talking to Lorraine for a while on the Internet, and we literally bumped into each other at the concert. She is with a friend, she won't be on her own." "And how old are you, may I ask?" "19 Sir," "I'm 17 - 18 tomorrow" said Shay "And I'm 19 also" said Holly "I'm 21, and very mature Sir, and if you are at all worried about Lorraine, well, as any parent would be, I assure you I will keep an eye on her for you if you'd like" added Brianna. "I trust you Lorraine, it's that boy I don't" "Dad, Brian is a very nice guy, he's a proper gentleman, he will take care of me, I will be all right, you can come and meet him first if you want, and if you say no, then I'll be very upset, but I'll understand, and come home with you." "That sounds reasonable I suppose, I'll be there at 11:15, and I'll bring Joanna and May" "OK, it's the least I can do after I left them like that, I hope Jo doesn't hate me" "Why would she hate you?!" "She likes Brian aswell" "I'm sure that if she's a friend, she'll understand" "OK, so I'll see you there then?" "Yes, no go and enjoy the rest of the concert!" "OK, thanks dad!" "Hey, I haven't said yes yet!" "You will" "I can't believe it, he's practically said yes!!!" "Yes, practically, that's not definite yet" Holly really was trying to bring me down wasn't she?! We all went back to the dressing room to 'calm down', but we couldn't really, all you could hear from outside was us practically screaming as loud as the other fans in the arena!!! A few minutes later the concert finished and the guys came back to the dressing room, actually not expecting us to be there. "We wanted to surprise you. and I needed to tell Brian that I talked to my dad, and he trusts me, but not you, so before he lets me hang out with you, he wants to meet you, is that OK?" "Sure, fine with me" "Just be yourself and he'll like you, he has a sense of humour" "OK, where is he?" "Well, he's meeting us at the restaurant when we were supposed to meet you. And, as I came with two friends, and I kind of left them with really not a very good excuse, I kind of thought I could say sorry to my friends by bringing them along to meet you, if that's OK?" "Yeah, fine!" "Good, now Joanna likes you almost as much as I do, and she is a bit of an actress, so she may overreact, or maybe not, I don't know, just try not to fall in love with her, and May likes Nick, I'm not sure what Lauren will think of that, but I think they'll just leave with my dad, they have to be home. Are you sure it's OK with you guys? I just feel bad for leaving them, and I saw the look on Joanna's face when I was on stage, she looked pretty hurt." "No, that's fine, isn't it guys?" That was Kevin that time "We understand, you gotta keep in with your friends, that's cool" that was AJ. " Um, I hate to say this to you lovely ladies, but we um, kinda need to get changed, so um, can you leave us for a few minutes?" Nick really is a shy guy! "Sure, we'll sit on those chairs out there and talk to Aaron" I was blushing, I don't know why. Oh well.. "Aaron? He should be asleep!" Ah, big brothers! "Don't worry Nick, we'll talk him to sleep, we'll just go on about you guys, that always works on my parents!" "Ok, see you in a few" Then we left then to it and went in search of young 'dribble-man' as I had secretly named him. "Hey Aaron!" "Hi Lorraine, did you enjoy the concert?" "Did I!! It was the best thing that ever happened to me!" "So you're glad B-Rok chose you?" "Yeah, I guess I am." "So, Aaron, tell us about when you were up there on stage, were you nervous?" Lauren asked. "Well, kind of, but because I've done so many, the nerves kinda go away, but it was good fun though" "I can tell, you were really going for it out there!" "Um, thanks" Gee, the Carter family really are shy! We talked for a few minutes more, then the guys came out, so we all slowly made our way around to the upstairs restaurant in the SECC, the guys and Aaron (who had quite a lot of fans aswell) trying not to be spotted by fans leaving the arena who had been sitting at the back. We got to the restaurant without any hitches, and talked until 11pm (the concert finished at 10:30pm), and I left them to find my dad, Joanna and May. "I'm going to get my dad, Joanna and May, I'll be back in a few minutes, OK?" "Do you have to?" "Yes B, you have to prove to my dad that you're a fine, trustworthy young gentleman, think you're up to it?!" "Of course!" "I was hoping you'd say that" I quickly went to get my dad and my friends, who still couldn't believe what had happened earlier. "Lorraine Wightman, how come you didn't tell us?! We got the shock of our lives when we saw you on that stage!" Jo said, shoving my bag in my face, which I quickly put on my back. "Well, Joanna Deary, I was kind of sworn to secrecy, and I wanted to give you two a surprise - looks like it worked!!" "I still can't believe you didn't tell us - you've got some serious making up to do." "Well, May, I think I have the answer to that, did you tell them dad?" "No, I thought you'd do that" "OK, well, when we all came off stage, the guys gave us these little notes (I showed it to them) - hey careful - I'm framing that! Anyways, I'm going to meet up with them, and dad isn't so sure, so before I can hang out with them, he's meeting Brian, and the others obviously, and we thought you'd like to come meet them aswell." "Oh, my God, are you serious?!" "Yes May, I'm serious." "But, your parents want you home by 12:30, so we have to leave soon, with or without Lorraine," "OK, let's go!!" "Woah, hold up Jo!! Now, they are just normal guys, so, this is going to sound so condescending, but can you try and not scream - they don't really like that. Oh, and Aaron Carter is there aswell." "Aaron is there too - cool!" So off we all went to the restaurant, Jo and May didn't scream, as they promised, and they got their souvenirs signed, and I did too, then we had a photo taken with the BSBs, Aaron, Jo, May, Holly, Brianna, Shay, Lauren and myself, my dad took the photo. then my dad had a word with Brian. Then Jo, May and my dad left, so they could get home, after leaving the camera with me in case there were any mad moments, which with the BSBs, you could be sure of!