"Holy sh.." I mumbled as I opened the front door. I quickly closed it again. "Rain, what's up, why aren't we going out?" B asked. "Well, unless you want to be mauled by about 25 screaming girls and be photographed by almost every photographer in Edinburgh, I suggest we stay inside until it quietens down." I explained. "Okay, I see your point!" We all went back inside and watched MTV, another BSB video was on -'Anywhere For You', to my dismay, I found that they were having a Backstreet Boys day. "Aaah!! I can't believe I forgot about this!!! Oh well, at least my tape is in!" I turned up the volume loud so everyone could hear, and the girls started singing along, which made my neighbours very confused at the whole thing! So I sent my parents on the case to tell them the whole story, they even got screamed at when they opened the door 'cos they thought my dad was Kevin! Well, until they realised Kevin wasn't a 49-year-old man with greying hair!! "Awwwh, I love that song and video!" I sighed with a bit of a goofy look on my face. "So does that lot outside by the sound of it!" said Howie, carefully looking out of the window, making sure that none of the still singing, however out of tune crowd outside could see him. "Oh, that remimds me, I gotta get something from upstairs, I'll be right back" I said, going as fast I could, I went upstairs and grabbed my backpack, with my CD walkman, I grabbed a few CDs out of the racks, more film, even though i still had three films left from what B bought me, and I grabbed my book of song lyrics that I'd been writing for a couple of years, I thought they might be useful now!!!! I made my way downstairs and put my backpack with my suitcase and went back into the living room. "I wonder how they knew we were here?" "I'll give you one guess Nick" I replied "Claire" chorused B, Kev, AJ, Lauren and Brianna. "I should have known she couldn't keep her nosy trap shut, why I oughtta…" I said with apparently so much venom in my voice that B looked at me very shocked indeed. "Woah Rainey! I never knew you could hate a person like that, for such a sweet and nice girl like you it's a bit of a shock to hear you talk like that!" Kevin interrupted me. "Sorry Kev, guys, Donna, well, I'm nice so much of the time, when I just want to really shout at someone, I guess I kinda bottle it all up inside and sometimes I just let it out all at once - not many people get to see that side of me I'm glad to say. You guys were just unlucky this time!" "Well, you do kinda have a good reason to hate her, I mean, she had no right to bully you like that at school, so you were a little overweight, it just means that there's more for me to snuggle up to!" "Brian!!!!!!" I said, blushing profusely, everyone else laughed at me including Donna (how nice of her!) "Hmmm…anyway, shall we go, we don't want to keep Johnny waiting do we?!" "Okay, let's roll!" said AJ, grabbing Brianna and walking towards the door behind Howie and Holly . B took my hand, carried my backpack (well, my hands were full of wooden crutches!) , and led me to the door behind everyone else, Howie and Holly went first, then AJ and Brianna, After them was Kev, my suitcase and Shay, then Nick and Lauren, the looks Lauren got - woah!! When B and I stepped and hopped outside, everyone went quiet. The girls saw me, they all went to my school, and were in my year - they were too shocked to say anything!! "Um…hi" I said to them all. "Lorraine, you're going out with Brian Littrell?!" one said, I recognised her, Mary. "Yup!" I said proudly, clutching his arm, and my crutches tighter. "Cool!" "Prove it" Claire said (the one who got them all there in the first place) "What?!" "You heard me, if you're really going out, prove it, if you're telling the truth, it shouldn't be too hard" she looked proud of herself, like she pinned me on something. But I was about to prove her very wrong! "Okay, you ready B?!" "Definitely Rain!" And we kissed right in front to everyone, they all gasped, and then composed themselves, and a couple took photos. We parted soon after. "Happy now Claire?" She didn't answer. "We've got to go now ladies, shall we Rain?" "Come on, let's go B" we then walked and hobbled over to the limo where everyone was waiting for us. "Well, that was quite a show there you guys, Rain, you sent everyone speechless!" "It's a gift I guess! Now, making all those people speechless is hungry work, Nick, you're always nearest the fridge, why is that? Anyway, toss me over a Rice Krispie Square would you please?" I asked Nick as the limo pulled away from the pavement on our way to Lisa and Jo's houses. "Sure" Nick said with a laugh, he tossed it over, and the other guys started to laugh hysterically again. "Oh no, not again, stupid me for asking for a Rice Krispie Square! When are you gonna tell us what you're on about?!" "They haven't told you about the Rice Krispie Square incident?" Donna asked me. "Nope, not yet, whenever it's mentioned, they all laugh hysterically, like little kids!" I said the last part louder, but it made them laugh harder. "Well, let me enlighten you…" Donna started "NO!!!!" the guys shouted at the same time. "No Donna, please don't!" pleaded Howie, something tells me that he really doesn't want anyone knowing! Donna giggled and didn't say anything more about it as Howie begged… sorry, requested. "Awwh, come on guys, how bad can it be, how much damage can a little Rice Krispie Square do?!" "Trust me Rainey, you don't want to know!" laughed Kev, the poor guy had tears in his eyes from laughing! "Well, if you say so…" "We say so!" they said again. The topic was never mentioned again, but the guys knew we were thinking about it all the way to Lisa's house. We got there about half an hour later, well, you try driving a black stretch limo first of all through a one way system with a roundabout that's right outside my house, and then working your way around Edinburgh - this may be fan fiction, but the roads where I live are most definitely real! We had to park the limo at the end of Lisa's street, it was a dead end at the end of it, so not a good idea. We walked up her street, which took a while, 1) she lives at number 31, and 2) I was still on crutches. We finally made it to her flat (do you guys call it an apartment?) and I buzzed her place ~~ on the intercom ~~ "Hello?" "Hey it's Lorraine and the guys" "Who, I've never heard of a Lorraine?!" "Lisa, quit playing games…oh, cue for a song I think!" This made the guys laugh, but they didn't start singing. "But seriously, quit it and let us in" "I've never heard of a Lorraine, if you don't leave, I'll call the police!" "Lisa, is Joanna with you?!" (she always does this when Jo's around her house, I don't know why!) "No, what makes you say that?!" she said, but there was laughter in the background, so I knew Jo had gone round to Lisa's while we were hiding out from the masses at my house. "Lisa…" I said, getting tired of the joke (well, they do it almost every time I go over there and Jo gets there before I do. "Okay…" she said, pressing the button (finally!) to let us in.