Kevin called Shay up first. "Hey, guys," He shouted to the audience. "Hey guys, can we have a bit of hush for a minute, we have some people we want you guys to meet..." The crowd quietened a little, just enough for practically the whole place to hear. "The first person is 17, turning 18 next week, she comes from Hickory, North Carolina, she is taking Biology and Politics in her last year at school, and this is her first Backstreet Boys concert in Scotland- give it up for Shay!!!!" The crowd goes quite crazy, which surprised me, we were where they all wanted to be, and they still cheered? They must all be really nice people!! Shay went to the seat that was meant for her, after Kevin made her do a twirl for the audience, blushing like a summer bride with her 'time of the month' - in other words - she was very red! ---------------------------------------------- (From where Jo and May were.....) "I wonder where Lorraine went - I know she was supposed to look after the little ones, but I thought she could at least see a bit of the show" Jo was getting worried "Yeah, but I'm sure she'll get signed stuff for her trouble or something" May said trying to calm her down a bit. It didn't work very well. "What if something has happened to her - what will we say to her dad - sorry Mr. Wightman, but we lost Lorraine, she was asked to keep an eye on the little kids in the crowd at the front barrier, her and her Internet friend went to get their security badges, and never came back, I'm really sorry," "No, you won't say that to him" "Then what will I say to him then??" "He'll interrupt and tell you to call him Tom like he usually does." "May, that's not helping my nerves - where is she? I hope she's OK." "Jo, Lorraine's a big girl, she can look after herself, I'm sure she's having a good time wherever she is. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some photos to take" "But what about the film, she said not to waste it?" "She showed me how to load the film, it's under control, she had 2 spare in her bag, which she gave to me when she came over with that Lauren girl. Don't worry Jo!" Little did they know just how much fun I was having!........................ --------------------------------------------------- I was getting increasingly nervous, even more so than Lauren and Shay, which at first I thought was practically impossible - but now I wasn't too sure. I looked out on the stage, and Brian was looking at me from centre stage, he gave me a reassuring it'll-be-okay smile. That made me feel better. I looked at Jo and May, they were half looking at the stage ( well, Brian and Nick respectively), and half looking for something - or someone. "Oh no, they're looking for me, I've got to tell them I'm OK" "Where do you think you're going?" asked Donna as I started to get up. "Well, I left my two friends in the front at the barrier - there they are, Jo is the smaller one in the Benetton Jumper, and May is in the white V-neck T-shirt, I told them I had been asked to look after the littler fans at the front, and when I left them, I told them I was getting a security pass so if anyone gave me hassle I could show them some ID. Now they're looking for me, I've got to get a message to them, tell them I'm OK, can I write a note, and someone can take it to them?" "Sure, here's a pen and some paper - but be quick, Howie is about to introduce Holly" I quickly wrote a note: "Hey Jo, hey May, just to let you know that I'm fine, I'm at the other side of the stage, I can see you, so don't worry, I'm having a good time, and in a few minutes, you'll get a big surprise! Just have the camera ready - if you haven't used up all three films, eh May?!!! Don't worry Lorraine" "There, can a security guy take it to them?" "Sure" Donna took the note to a security guy, showed him who my friends were, and I watched him take it to them. They read it and smiled. ------------------------------ "It's as if she can read our minds!!" laughed Jo "See, I told you she would be OK!!" "Alright smartypants, you were right, look, Howie's about to introduce his girl. But I wonder what the surprise is" "I guess we'll find out soon enough" --------------------------------- "Now, we have another girl coming on stage.." Howie started saying, and the crowd was starting to get a little jealous, I saw a few people in the front looking like they were about to kill someone, one or two of them had given me the same look earlier! "Her name is Holly, she's 19 years old, she comes from Toms River, New Jersey, she has recently left school, her favourite food is grilled cheese, and her favourite colour is purple - like mine, so Go wild for Holly!" The crowd gave her quite a warm welcome, and that settled her nerves a bit. Howie pulled her close and did a little slow dance with her, and showed her to her seat. ------------------------------------- "God, Lorraine will be really jealous when Brian introduces his girl!" said Jo. "And you won't be?!" "Well, maybe a little, what about when Nick brings out his girl?" "I'll take a photo, then I’ll get Lorraine to enlarge it and use it as a portable dartboard - simple!" "Woah, and you say I'm obsessed?!!" ------------------------------------------- "Oh God, I'm next!" Brianna exclaimed, she was really getting nervous. "How do you know?" Lauren was confused - was Brianna psychic? "AJ's looking at me, and pointing to the stage - I think that gave it away a bit" OK, maybe she isn't, just good at reading signs. "Wassup, wassup?!" AJ started, and this sent the crowd wild. " I think that means y'all are doin' good! Anyways, the next person to come out here isn't from Scotland, she has come all the way from Florida, in the good old US of A! She is 21 years old, she was studying music at Florida State University, but has just had her last exams, and decided to celebrate by coming to see the Backstreet Boys. Give her a big Backstreet Boys concert welcome to Brianna!!!" And out she went, and AJ spun her, dipped her and smiled at her to calm her down, which I think worked. She then went to sit down. Next up was Nick and Lauren - Jo and May were going to get a bit of a surprise! "Hey guys, how are ya?!" The crowd goes absolutely MENTAL!!! I was really taken aback by this - I never knew how popular Nick was - to me, Brian was the favourite, but I guess I was wrong. "I'm gonna introduce you to a new friend of mine, she is 19, she's come from Little Rock, Arkansas, all the way from America, she’s 19, her birthday is September 13th, she likes cheese pizza, like me, she has been to a Backstreet Boys concert before, and has met us all before, say hi to Lauren, people!!!" "Go for it Frack! You'll be fine" "Thanks Frick, see you out there!" She went out there, and Nick put her in a headlock, but she pinched his bum, so he let go, and as she was almost as tall as him - she ruffled his hair. "Hey!! Watch the hair!!" -------------------------------------- "Hey, isn't that Lorraine's friend??" Jo was puzzled. "Yeah it is, I thought she was doing security work?" "So, if Lauren's there, where's Lorraine - you don't think.....?" "Nah, nothing ever happens to any of our friends, mind you...." "Get the camera ready!" "I've got it all under control! Relax!" --------------------------------------- Brian looked at me again with an are-you-ready-for-this? look, I nodded, and took a deep breath, and waited to hear what he was going to say about me.