Chapter Four

Oceane and I returned to our seats as thousands of fans started screaming because their beloved Backstreet Boys were on stage again. I was very excited. Needless to say, the rest of the concert was awesome. The finale was probably the best part of the show, besides when Nick asked me to come on stage, was when they sang "Everybody" complete with coffins and their costumes from their video. I loved it and before they left offstage, Nick winked at me and I was all most in heaven. "Let's go change and then come back downstairs to the restaurant," I suggested to Oceane and she nodded. We walked out of the Skydome area and followed the thousands of fans. Some of them cried as the night they had been hoping for, for so long was now at a close, and all they had was a head full of memories. I was excited and so was Oceane. Fans noticed me. Some smiled and some game me looks of envy that made me want to run into my motel room for safety. "So, do you think AJ and I will hit it off?" Oceane asked me as we walked towards the elevator that will take us to our motel rooms. "I mean, he never really looked at me while I was on stage." "You know AJ's a flirt," I replied as we stepped into the elevator. "You have to expect that behaviour from him." "How about Nick and you?" Oceane asked me and I was caught off guard. I remembered back to the sweet things he said to me while I tried to decide what I was going to say to him when we saw each other again. "What about us?" I answered stepping off the elevator. "We are cool. I would love to be friends with him." "Friends? Come on Emilie. I know you like him, even maybe love him," Oceane said to me and I looked at her. "Look Oceane, I don't know the real Nick Carter," I replied as I unlocked our motel room. "I only know the perception as a fan. I would love to get to know the real Nick Carter and so far, he's been wonderful. Do you love AJ?" Oceane looked at me with shocked eyes. "Hell yeah Emilie," Oceane replied checking herself in the bathroom mirror. "Who wouldn't love AJ McLean?" "I should have known," I replied and started to look through my clothes for something decent to wear. I choose my favourite pair of Levi's and also a violet coloured shirt which was very comfortable. I quickly changed while in the motel room while Oceane was in the washroom. She walked out and looked at me wierd. "What are you wearing?" she asked. "Clothes," I replied ignoring the face she was giving me. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair back into a ponytail. "Emilie, don't you realize who you are going to see?" Oceane snapped at me. "You can't wear jeans to this party. You have to wear something more dressy." "Are you my mother Oceane?" I snapped back. "I want to be comfortable and do you think the Backstreet Boys are going to be all dressed up? I think not. Leave me alone. You wear what you what to wear, and I'll wear what I want to wear." I turned away from her and she looked at me with angry eyes. She sighed and then went about preparing herself. Fifteen minutes later, we were walking into the Hard Rock Cafe with me in my jeans and Oceane in a short skirt and tank top. I noticed not many people were there and I walked up to the hostess and told her we were there for the VIP party. She asked for ID and then we followed her into a large room off set from the main restaurant. In this room, there were several square tables, a dance floor, and a bar. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, having a great time. Oceane didn't even say bye to me. She headed straight towards AJ who was talking to Brian. I saw Nick talking to some girl, so I decided to get a Coke and chill till he came to see me. "One Coke," I said to the bartender and he handed it to me. I walked towards an empty table. I sat down and watched the people on the dance floor. I saw AJ and Oceane getting their groove on as well as Justin Timberlake and some girl dancing away when I felt someone watching me. I looked up to see Lance Bass from 'N Sync standing above me smiling. "Hi, sorry to scare you," he said to me smiling. "Hi, you didn't scare me," I replied smiling back. "Mind if I join you then?" Lance asked me and I hesitated. I mean I didn't want Nick to think I liked Lance or anything, when I didn't really find him attractive. "Well, sure," I replied, not wanting to be rude. "I'm Emilie." "I'm Lance, but of course you probably all ready knew that," he said and I smiled. "So, how did you like the concert?" "It was awesome," I answered. "I loved it." "Cool," Lance answered smiling leaning towards me. "Anything we could have improved on?" "Well, no really," I replied moving back. "Want to dance?" he asked me all of a sudden and I looked at him surprised. "I guess," I replied and I guess he thought it was a signal to grab my hand. We headed towards the dance floor as Oceane noticed me and gave me a wierd Look. I replied with a quick smile, knowing everything was cool with us again. Lance and I danced through this dance song and when it was over, I quickly thanked him for the dance and walked towards where I saw Brian was sitting with Howie hoping to talk to them. "Hi Em," Brian said. "Come and join us." "Thanks," I answered sitting down. "What's up?" "Nothing much," Howie answered smiling. "Brian and I were just talking about going to some dance clubs down here tonight. Know of any good ones?" "I have no idea," I replied. "I've never even been to one. Let me just say, I have very strict parents." "That's good though," Brian commented. "That shows your parents really care about you." "Yeah," I agreed as I saw Nick walked towards us. "Hey Emilie, guys," Nick said standing up. "Where have you been?" "Just hanging around," I replied hoping he never noticed I danced with Lance. "Cool," Nick said. "So, guys, are we going to the clubs or not?" "I think so," replied Howie. "Is AJ coming?" "Yeah, Oceane and him are coming," Nick replied and he looked at me. "Want to come Emilie?" "I would love to, but I have to ask my parents first," I replied. "Okay," Nick said. "I have to go to the lobby to ask them," I said standing up. "I'll just go and come back again. Wait for me okay?" I started walking away. "Nick, you can't let her go outside by herself this time at night," Howie said. "I know," Nick said. "Emilie, wait, I'll come with you." I turned around when I saw Nick asking his mom if she could come with me and she said sure. "Nick, won't you get recognized?" I asked him stopping. "I don't want you safety to be in jeopardy." "What about your safety?" Nick asked me. "You can't outside by yourself at night." "Nick, I just don't want anyone bothering you. I'll be fine," I replied looking at him. "Emilie, I'm coming with you and nobody will recognize me because I am wearing my hat," Nick said. "Come on, just let me take you." "Nick, that's nice of you but-," I said pleading him not to come. "Emilie, please, just let me come," Nick said and I nodded. We walked out the room and into the main restaurant where we exited through the kitchen door, so we wouldn't have to walk in the restaurant where everyone would recognize Nick. I walked into the cold air and never realized how cold it was until I was actually out there. I shivered and hugged myself. "I hope my parents are in the lobby," I commented as I walked quickly towards the lobby. "You're cold, take my jacket," Nick said taking his Tommy windbreaker and placing in over my shoulders. "Thanks, but you're cold," I replied with a smile. "I'm fine," Nick said. "I'm much bigger than you. Believe me, I'm fine." I smiled at him and we walked into the lobby as I saw my parents walking in. I ran to them. "Mom, Dad," I yelled and they turned around and looked at me. "Emilie, what are you doing?" Mom asked me. "Oh, I'm at a VIP party for the Backstreet Boys and they want to know if I can go to a dance club with them," I replied looking at them with a pleading Look. "Who's here with you?" Mom asked and I pointed at Nick. "Mom, Dad, this is Nick from the Backstreet Boys," I said introducing them to each other. "Nice to meet you, Mrs.Parker, Mr.Parker," Nick said shaking their hands. They seemed to be impressed by how charming Nick was being. "Well, I guess you can go," Mom said. "As long as there are guys with you." "Be careful," Dad said and I wanted to jump with joy. I thanked them a zillion times as Nick and I walked out of the lobby and into the cold air. "I can't believe they are letting me go," I commented smiling. "I am so excited." Nick smiled at me. "So, Emilie, can we be serious for a minute?" Nick asked me. "Sure Nick, what's up?" I replied getting very nervous. "Well, I just wanted to ask you something, I mean, it's kind of dumb, but do you like Lance?" he asked me and I looked at him. "Oh Nick, of course not," I answered as I looked up at the stars in the sky and started to think of how ironic it was that Nick was asking me if I liked Lance, when I knew there was no way Nick could like me. "This night has all been a dream and I am sure I'll wake up eventually, and notice it was all a dream. I shouldn't even be here. There are several other fans who deserve to win this contest even more than I do, and here I am. Nick, I don't deserve to be here. I mean you are so much better than me. You are cute, sweet, nice, sincere, and what am I? A big loser who only dreams of getting great guys like you. I just wish there was some way I could change myself, that I could be more attractive, but I can't. Maybe I should just go back to the motel room and dream some more." "Emilie, come here," Nick said and I looked at him as he signaled me to sit beside him. "Look, the first time I knew that we were going to have to hang with you, I was like great, another obbessed fan who knows more about me than I do, but you seemed different. You walked in the room and you seemed shy and you didn't run right up to me. You said hi to my mom which most fans don't do and you also were cool with Aaron, and didn't treat him differently. And I knew you were special. You are different from those other girls. You want to know the real Nick Carter, not the one who the fans think I am. You want to know me for me. You don't even care that I am Backstreet Boy. That is the thing I've always wished for." "Nick, how did you know that?" I asked him as a tear formed in my eye. "AJ told me because Oceane told him," Nick answered and I started to cry. "Come here." He motioned for me to come towards him and he gave me a gigantic friendly hug. "Thanks Nick," I whispered. "No guy has ever cared for me before." "Well, all those guys are stupid if they wasted getting to know you," Nick said letting go of me. "Well, you are right, I would love to know the real you," I said to him. "Thanks, that means a lot to me," Nick said and he wiped away a stray tear that had flowed down my cheek. We got up and walked back to the party, ready for our night of partying at the clubs...