Chapter Five

Nick and I walked into the party and I was walking on a cloud. We saw Oceane, AJ, Howie, and Brian standing near the door looking as if they were ready to go. We walked over to them and they all turned above and smiled at us. "You two took a long time," teased AJ looking at us with a goofy expression. "AJ, shut up man," Nick said giving him a Look. "Whoa, just playin' ya man," AJ commented laughing and Nick managed a smile. I smiled back and Oceane motioned me to come over and talk to her alone. We walked over towards the bar where Lance was standing. "Well hello there Emilie," he said giving me a smile. "What are you two up to?" Oceane rolled her eyes. "Nothing," I answered walking away from him. "I just have to talk to Oceane." "I hate him," Oceane commented stopping on the other side of the bar. "Hey be nice," I replied shaking my head at her. "He's not that bad." "Whatever," Oceane said shaking her head. "Anyway, so what happened with you and Nick? You look very upset." "Nothing really," I replied with a smile. "We hugged and it was incredible. How about you and AJ?" Oceane's face lit up with just the thought of hearing his name. "Well, we freaked on the dance floor a lot," Oceane replied with a smile. "Cool," I replied. "I am so excited about this club. Who is all coming with us?" "The guys and us," replied Oceane. "I think Howie and Brian are meeting someone there." I looked over at the guys and they were anxiously looking at us when I noticed some of the 'N Sync guys joining them, which unfortunately Lance was there as well. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's only looking and a nice guy, but I liked Nick and I didn't want Lance asking me to dance or anything. "Great Lance is coming," I told Oceane. "I hope he doesn't ask me to dance." "He won't," Oceane said smiling. "Aj will make sure of it." I nodded and we walked over towards the guys as they looked at us and smiled. "So, how about the club Bamboo ladies?" AJ asked us and we nodded even though we both had no idea where it was. I was sort of nervous because I've never been to a club before and I hoped I danced okay. "So, are you still cold?" Nick asked me as we followed AJ and Oceane out the door. "No, I'm very warm," I replied smiling at him. "Thanks for lending me your jacket." "You're very welcome," answered Nick as I saw Lance come up beside me on the other side. "So, Emilie, are you going to save a dance for me?" Lance asked me with a smile. "Well, I guess," I answered trying not to see Nick's reaction. "Well, actually buddy, Em's my date for the night," Nick said looking at him. "You know, we'll probably dance together all night and stuff. I thought you were going with that girl Chelsey anyway." Lance looked at him. "We broke up, remember?" Lance replied shrugging his shoulders. "Well, talk to you later." And he walked behind us. I turned around to see Justin and JC standing there with a smile on their face. "Wasup?" JC asked me and I smiled back. I turned back to Nick and smiled. "Your friends are really nice," I told him and he nodded as we followed AJ and Oceane into the limo which was taking us to the dance club. "So, do you all do this a lot?" "Not really," Nick answered as we stepped into the limo. I noticed AJ, Oceane, Brian, Howie, Nick, and I were the only ones getting into this limo. "It depends on the city you know. We always call the club ahead of time to tell them that we are coming. That gives us extra security and of course, Lance and the boys are all ready there." "Do you all meet nice girls there?" Oceane asked them. "Sometimes," Howie said. "They are older woman and it's cool to meet someone our own age." "Do you always bring a date AJ?" Oceane asked her and he looked at her. "Depends on who I meet at the concert or whatever," AJ answered. "Are you guys hungry because I'm famished." "Yeah me too," Brian agreed. "How about a McDonald's run before we hit the dance floor." Howie asked the limo driver to go to the nearest McDonald's drive thru. "What's everyone want?" Howie asked us pulling out his wallet. "AJ the usual?" AJ nodded and he asked everyone want they wanted and everyone ordered combos. He looked at me. "I'm okay," I replied. "Thanks anyway." "Emilie, you haven't aten since two o'clock and you had a salad," Oceane declared. "Have something." "Honestly, I'm cool," I replied. "Please Howie, don't order me anything." "Do you feel sick or something?" Nick asked me looking concerned. "No, I'm okay," I replied. "I'm just not really hungry. I'm sorry guys, order anything you would like." "Em, come on, you have to eat," AJ said to me. "Order her chicken nuggets. Do you like those?" "Sure, I'm sorry guys," I said. "I'm really okay." "I'll order you nuggets and girls it's our treat," Howie commented and I looked at Oceane and she shrugged. "You don't have to pay," I told Nick. "I have money." "Hey, everything's cool," Nick said smiling. "If you really aren't feeling well, just tell me okay?" I nodded as we drove up to the drive thru window and Howie gave the limo driver the money. "Is the Backstreet Boys in there?" yelled the cashier from the window. "Oh yeah, it's us," AJ yelled back and Oceane giggled. "Yeah right," she yelled back in digust and slammed the drive thru window. "Touchy," AJ commented and everyone laughed. We got our food and everyone chowed down. I took my nuggets and started to eat them and sipped the Coke Howie had ordered for me. "Let's put on the radio," suggested Brian and Oceane switched it on as Backstreet Boys latest hit "That's The Way I LIke It". "Oh that guy sounds so sexy," AJ said in a high pitch and we all laughed. "I wonder who that group it is. Do you know Oceane?" "Sounds like Hanson to me," answered Oceane and AJ looked at her in mock horror. "Hanson? Really? Oh I have to get their cd," AJ answered and I giggled loudly. "Where's Kevin anyway?" Oceane wanted to know as she ate a fry. "Doesn't he come out with you all?" "Nah, Kevin's a civilized man," AJ answered. "He's too embarrassed to be seen with us in public." "AJ, you are such an idiot," Brian said and I started to giggle again. "Gentleman and ladies, we are at the dance club," said the limo driver. "Woo hoo, let's party people," Oceane screamed and we stepped out of the limo. AJ got out and gave his hand to help out Oceane. Howie got out and offered his hand for me. "Thanks," I said and he smiled at me. "This is so big." The building was about three stories and took up half the block, and you could hear the music blurring outside on the street. "Come on Oceane, let's get groovin'," AJ yelled and grabbed Oceane's hand and they practically Ran ahead of us. "AJ is so wrecked," Brian commented. "And Oceane has so much energy for someone so short. Thanks Gawd, you are so much more quiet Emilie." "Thanks, I always have been more quiet," I replied smiling. Brian paid our cover charges and I once again protested to let me cover my charge, but he said don't worry about it. Nick took my hand and guided me through a long tunnel towards the dance floor. We walked in and I was amazed. There was people everywhere and the music was blaring, and you could feel the energy in the air. "This is awesome," Howie commented starting to dance. "I'm heading down there." Brian and him went off and Nick and I looked around at everyone. We spotted Oceane and AJ dancing away in all most the center of the club. "Wow, this is so awesome," I told Nick and I waited for a response. I didn't get one and I turned around one side. I didn't see Nick anywhere. "Nick? Where are you?" I was kind of scared now. "Sorry," Nick said showing up beside me with a Coke. "I just went to get you a Coke." "Thanks," I said looking at him. "Tell me next time you leave because I was scared." "No problem," Nick promised me as we put our drinks down at a nearby table. "Want to dance?" I nodded as the opening riffs to "Ghetto Superstar" blasted out the speakers. We found a spot near AJ and Oceane and began to dance. To be honest, I am a horrible dancer and Nick is a really good one. Actually, they are awesome and I am so bad. I saw some girls eyeing Nick and AJ and they were beautiful. One of them approached Nick and smiled at him. "Hey, you have great moves," the girl said smiling sweetly. "Want to shove me some of them?" "Sorry can't," Nick replied cooly. "I'm here showing them to someone else." She looked at me then at Nick. "Well, you know where you can find me if you get bored," the girl said and she walked away. "Don't worry," Nick told me. "Some of these chicks are very catty, believe me." "I know," I agreed smiling at him. "It's okay. I totally understand because I know girls are going to look because you are so cute." Nick smiled at me. "Well, I have a challenge as well because I noticed some guys looking at you," Nick replied. "Yeah right, nice joke," I replied laughing. "They must be blind then." "Emilie, stop putting yourself down," Nick commented. "I'm not putting myself down and you shouldn't either. I think you're beautiful just the way you are." I smiled as a slow song played on the speakers. It was the Titanic theme song. Nick pulled me close to him and we danced to the song as I saw Oceane and AJ dance very closely. I really wished that they would work out. Oceane deserved a great guy and I think he was exactly what she needed. "This has been the best night of my life," I told NIck. "I'm glad it has," Nick said. "I'm glad we met each other." "Me too," I answered smiling. "You are so nice." Nick smiled at me as the song ended. Out blasted, what other song then "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". "I wonder why they are playing," Nick said to AJ. "Yo, let's show Toronto what we're really about," AJ winked at Nick. "Be back in a minute," Nick said and he signaled for Howie and Brian to join him. Oceane and I watched in amazement as the guys went right in the middle of the dance floor and started dancing and lip singing to their song. It was so cool. Many girls screamed as so did Oceane and I. It was so awesome. When they finished, some girls ran up to them and they talked away. AJ thanked them and then headed back to Oceane, as Nick headed back to me. "Wow, that was great," I told Nick. "Thanks," Nick said laughing. "That was one of Aj's crazy ideas again." Nick smiled at AJ and I yawned. I looked at the time and noticed it was like one thirty in the morning. "Nick, it's getting late," AJ told Nick. "I think we'd better go." They looked tired to, so they told Howie and Brian that they were leaving and they said they would be along in a while. We walked out to the limo and got into it. Instantly, Oceane laid against Aj's shoulder fell asleep and I fell asleep on Nick. "So, did you have fun tonight?" AJ asked Nick as we slept. "Yeah, it was cool," Nick answered. "Did you have fun with Oceane?" "Yeah, she's cute and I like her a lot," answered AJ. "How about Emilie? You like her?" "Yeah, she's awesome," Nick said sighing. "The only problem is she has no confidence whatsoever. She still thinks she's ugly, and AJ, she lost 70 pounds." "Man, are you serious?" AJ asked and Nick nodded. "I would have never known." Nick down at me as I slept and smiled. "Yeah, man," Nick said. "She's so different rom the other fans we've met. Not to be mean, but most of the fans we meet are like Oceane, wanting to impress us and wear those skimpy clothes." "Yeah, I appreciate it," AJ laughed. "I'm serious. Emilie's not like that," Nick said looking at him. "She's really a sweet girl and I know she has a good heart and she is smart. You know what she wants to be when she grows up?" "What? A singer? A biochemist? What?" Aj replied. "A teacher," Nick answered. "Cool eh?" "Eh, I think you are becoming very Canadian," AJ commented and Nick laughed. "No, but do you understand what I'm saying Bone?" Nick asked him. "Yeah, I think I am," AJ nodded thinking. "I mean even Kevin commented on how much he likes her. She is very sweet, but so is Oceane." "I think I'm really starting to like her AJ," Nick answered looking at me again. "How about Oceane? Do you like her?" "I think I do," answered AJ smiling as I began to stir. I woke up to see Nick and Aj looking at me. "Emilie, you snore so loud." AJ teased. "I do, I'm sorry," I replied sitting up. "Did I fall asleep?" "Yeah you did," Nick replied. "You don't snore, don't listen to AJ. He's a freak." I giggled as we arrived at the motel. We all got up as AJ woke Oceane up. We walked into the lobby and went onto the elevator. "What floor are you two on?" AJ asked us. "3rd floor," I replied yawning. "Oh excuse me." "No problem," Nick said as we stopped at the third floor. We got off and Oceane had to be practically dragged off because she was so tired. "Well, ladies, we had an awesome time tonight," AJ said when we came to our room. "Thanks for the enjoyable evening." "No, thank you," I replied with a smile. "You have made our night magical." "Yeah thanks," Oceane said to AJ and she went and followed him a little down the hall. I saw them give each other a hug and whisper into each other's ears. "Oceane seems to have woken up very fast," I smiled at Nick and he nodded. "Well, Emilie, I had an awesome time tonight," Nick said smiling. "What to do something tomorrow together?" "I would love to," I replied smiling back. "Just call me at the room and we can decide." "Okay, sounds great," Nick replied and he gave me a hug. "Thanks again, Em. Sweet dreams." "Sweet dreams to you as well," I replied as Oceane and Aj came over towards the room. "Well, good night AJ." "Night Em," he said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and Nick gave Oceane one. They waited till w were inside the room and then Oceane looked at me. "So, are you and NIck getting together tomorrow?" Oceane asked me. "Yeah," I replied grabbing my night gown. "What about you and AJ?" "Yeah we are," Oceane said. "Well, good night." And she fell asleep on her bed with her clothes on...