~*~*Chapter Twenty Eight*~*~

We stayed that way for at least 10 minutes, neither one of us wanting to leave the room. Slowly we made our way over to B's bed, and laid down, never breaking from the kiss. Although we'd only been going out for 4 days, it just felt so right, the kisses deepened, and B began to run his hands up my legs, working his way up to my waist, my sides all the way up to my neck, his kisses then started to make their way to my ears, my neck, then slowly to my chest. I had a button up shirt on (B also had a button up shirt on - mine was light blue, his was royal blue) that tied at the bottom, which B started to unbutton, exposing my fresh underwear underneath. While he was undoing my shirt, I made a move onto his, ever-so-slowly, from the top downwards, revealing his smooth, tanned, and well-toned body. "B, your heart's beating faster again" "You do that to me you know - and yours is beating fast too" "Well, you do that to me too" B slid over so he was on top of me, letting his hand slip down to my skirt, and he began to lift it up to my waist towards the tie in my shirt which was now undone also. I slowly pushed B over so I could get on top of him, to undo his trousers (or pants - wherever you're from!). As I straddled him, he let out a soft moaning sound, his eyes closed, with that cute little crooked smile slowly getting wider. About 30 seconds later, his trousers (or pants) were on the floor next to the bed, along with both of our shirts, which were closely followed by my skirt, leaving us both in our underwear. Just as B was about to unhook my bra, the door burst open. "Hey, are you guys coming down for…" Nick stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh sh*t!!" B said as I fell from his stomach back down beside him, grabbing the unmade sheets to cover my embarrassment. "I..umm... oh no" I mumbled, unable to think of anything else to say. None of us could say anything, we just sat and stood in silence for a few seconds, but it felt like hours. "I.. uh... think I'll just go downstairs.... yeah" Nick muttered, quickly walking out of the door. "Hmm.... well.... that sure ruined the moment" "You're right B, but we should have realised they'd be wondering where we were.... come on, let's go for breakfast, I'm hungry" "I'm hungry too...." he said, with a smirk "Hungry for what though?!" I slid off the bed and put my clothes on, though they had a few creases in them, they'd be stretched out by the time we got to the restaurant. B did the same. "But what will we say to Nick when we get down there - what if he's told the others?" "Don't worry, I'll have a talk with Nick when we get there, I've been meaning to talk to him anyway" "Okay... B?" "Yeah?" "Will walk down the stairs with me?" "Still scared huh?!" "No..... well, yeah" "Okay, let's go" We walked out of the door together, though not realising it wasn't a very wide door, but we got through, B's arm around my shoulders, my arm around his waist. 5 minutes later we were in the restaurant, the others greeted us like normal, only Nick didn't, but we understood - or at least we thought we did. We all had breakfast, which to me was great, I was really hungry, even after all the food I had eaten the night before!! Nick however, was off his food. "Nick, you alright?" "Fine Brian, just fine" "You were like this earlier, what's up man?" AJ asked, taking some time out from eating his omlette and talking to Brianna. "Like I said Bone, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired this morning, I think I'll just have my coffee and go for a walk, clear all the sleepiness out of me" "Good idea Frack, I'll come with you, I want a word in your ear anyway" "You don't need to Brian, really" "No, it's okay, we need to have a one-to-one talk, in private, come on" Nick and B got up and walked out of the restaurant. "What's the deal Rain?" asked Brianna "Well, I.. uh...." I couldn't exactly tell them what Nick had just walked in on could I??!! But I kind of told the truth. "Well, they were both acting really weird last night, they're probably just talking about that" "Oh right... like I get that, but anyway, when are we going to the studios? I want to get there as soon as possible, I want a good start to the day" "Woah, take a chill pill girl!!!! We'll get there!!!" "Okay" "I just hope Nick and Brian get back in time to come with us, we all want to be here on your first day to root for y'all" "Awwh, thanks Kev!!" "Careful Kev, she'll start crying any minute!!" "What do you mean Bree?" "She knows me too well, she knows I cry at anything!! Titanic, Armageddon, the Lion King, The Little Mermaid..." "Armageddon? So that was the noise I heard!" "Yes AJ, that was the noise you heard - I'm a little sensitive I guess" ~~~~~ outside ~~~~~ Brian and Nick walked around the grounds of the hotel to the back, where there was a fountain with a marble rim around it. They both went and sat down on it. "So, what did you want to talk to me about Bri?" "I think you know what I want to talk about" Nick clasped his hands in his lap, and stared at them , refusing to look B in the eye. "Nick, I don't hate you for it you know" "But I...." "You were only looking, it wasn't as if you were going to jump her right there in front of me or anything!" "I still looked, I mean, she's your girlfriend for goodness sake, you just... you just don't do things like that to your friends" "I know you feel really bad about it, we can just forget the whole thing happened" "No we can't Bri" "Why ever not?" "Because...." The whole time Nick was looking at his hands, then he got up, and started to pace in front of Brian, this made him nervous. "What's the matter Nick?" "I.... I...." "Well come on, spit it out!" Brian joked, but Nick didn't laugh. "Cat got your tongue?!" "God damnit Bri, I'm trying to tell you!" "Sorry...." "I.... I... I like her Bri" "I know you do, so does everyone else" "No.... I like her.... a lot" "Oh...." They were silenced for a few minutes, not able to look each other in the eye. "I'm sorry Bri" "No... it's okay.... well, she is beautiful and everything.... but what about Lauren?" "I don't know - I like her too.... help me Bri" "I'd love to tell you to follow your heart, but if you choose Rain, and she chooses you, I'll have to kill you" He said with a serious look on his face "Awwh sh*t Bri - you're kidding right.... right?" The look on Noick's face was a picture, B couldn't do it any longer, he had to laugh "That wasn't funny" "I'm sorry, but you do see where I'm coming from?" "Yeah.... how can you be so understanding? I mean, I looked at your girlfriend while she was getting undressed, and I just admitted to you that I like her a lot - why aren't you mad at me?" "I honestly don't know.... because we're best friends, because I love Lorraine, I trust her, I trust you" "Thanks bri... for being such a good friend" "Awwh, shucks!" Brian pretended to blush, and the two best buds hugged. "Shall we go back in now?" "Not until you promise that before you make a move on Rain, should you choose to, you'll let me know first?" "Of course" "Okay, let's go!" ~~~~~ back in the restaurant ~~~~~ "Where are they, we have to be at the studios in 45 minutes!" "Kev, calm down, they'll be here soon okay?" "I hope you're right Shay, I'd hate to have to whoop their sorry behinds in front of ladies" "Oooh, such gentleman! Come on, let's go out to the car, we'll wait for them there" "Yes sir!" we all said together, giving him a salute one by one before running through the hotel to the limo. We waited a good 5 minutes before Brian and Nick came out to the car. "Come on guys, we only have just over half an hour!" "Geez Kevin, you got ants in your pants or what?!" "Real mature Nick, just get in the car" "Someone's not a morning person" "Well, I had a bit of a rude awakening this morning" "Sorry!" Howie piped up from the other corner of the limo. Nick and Brian got in, B next to me, Nick opposite, next to Lauren. Lauren put her arm around Nick, I noticed he tensed up, as did Brian, but I didn't think anything of it (I do that a lot don't I?!). We got to the studios about half an hour early, meeting Donna outside. She was wearing shorts, which surprised the guys, they thought it was cold. "C'mon guys, Johnny's waiting for us, let's not keep him waiting, he's really excited about meeting you girls!" She said excitedly, grabbing my hand and leading us all into the studios ready for our first day in the studio as a group! We got into the studio, and met Johnny, who was really nice to us. We didn't get much of a chance to talk to him, he wanted us straight into the recording booth. He was so excited about the whole thing he was about to explode! "I got one word for that man.... de-caff" Bree said, acting more like AJ every day! We walked over and went into the booth, there were already five mocrophones and headphones already set up for us. "What songs did you sing for Donna at the hospital?" Johnny asked me. I was getting a little too excited about all this, I could hardly talk. "Umm.... umm......" "What she means is we sang 'Anywhere For you' for the guys, then for Donna we sang 'Lay Down Beside Me', 'As Long As You Love Me' and 'Forever' by Damage" "Umm... yeah... what Bree said" "Right, well, I want you to sing those songs again.... katie, can you bringsome glasses of water for the guys?" Johnny said to a girl hovering in the corner - she obviously knew who the Backstreet Boys were, she was just really shy. She walked out of the room as normally as she could, but she was awfully excited! Nick watched her as she walked out, then gave Brian one of those what-am-I-going-to-do? looks. Brian chuckled to himslef and rolled his eyes, he knew Nick now liked this Katie girl aswell - this was going to be a long day!