~*~*Chapter Thirty Four*~*~

.... about 20 minutes later .... "We're still about 20 minutes away, I'm not quite sure why there's so much traffic tonight - maybe there was another concert at the SECC" The driver gave his thoughts "Hmm.... maybe" "Oh dear...." "What is it?" The taxi came to a stop behind a long line of cars. "We seem to be stuck in a traffic jam. It's pretty long, I think it'll take longer to get to the hotel from here now. you maybe better off getting out now" "Maybe you're right. Thank you very much" Brian paid the driver and got out. "Good luck with whatever it is" the driver added. Brian turned to him, nodded and smiled in acknowledgement, and began to walk fast to the hotel, he could see the room better now, as he was halfway between the restaurant and the hotel. "Is that our room? Surely not - the light was off.... Oh my god, Lorraine!!" He thought, and started to run. ~~~~~ With the others ~~~~~ "Geez, what's taking so long?" "Nick...." Kev interrupted "I know, I know" he said before turning to look out of the window. He could see the hotel in the distance. "Wasn't the light off when we were in the restaurant?" he thought to himself. A look of realisation flew across his face, his eyes grew wide and he clapped his hand over his mouth. "What's wrong Nick?" Holly asked "Wasn't the light off when we were in the restaurant?" "Oh god...." Holly replied, mirroring everyone else's thoughts. ~~~~~ back at the hotel ~~~~~ .... about 35 minutes later after he came in (about 12:05am) .... "You may be scared, and you may be woozy from the chemicals, but I know you're enjoying this. If not, well, I'm enjoying it enough for the rest of us" He whispered in my ear in between every sickeningly satisfied moan before gliding his tongue all over my body. He circled my breasts, slid his tongue down the middle to my stomach, then downwards still. He stayed between my legs for about 5 minutes, before lifting himself back up to slide himself inside me for the 10th time. I felt every thrust his body made, I felt him come. Just as I prayed for it to be over once again, he pulled himself out and lay beside me. He looked over at me. When he looked, he didn't see a 16-year-old girl on the verge of becoming a woman, who had her dignity, pride, self-esteem, and innocence unfairly taken from her, he saw a 16-year-old piece of meat, ready to be mauled, torn apart, leaving behind a battered bundle of bones, left to rot forever. He got up and got dressed again. He came back over to me. "Was it good for you?" he asked before giving a sickly laugh, as I slipped further out of consciousness. He walked over to the desk across the room and wrote a note to Brian. " Well Brian.... Guess who?! Because of your stupidity of leaving Lorraine alone, she has now fallen prey to me. At first she tried to get away, but that ankle didn't do her any favours. I'm sure when she gets over her 'traumatic ordeal' she'll please you very well.... she's extremely good.... if you know what I mean, even drugged and tied to the bed... ha ha ha! Good luck trying to find me.... not! 'Dr. Carter' " "Now, we can't have you getting cold now, can we?" he said looking back at me. He pulled the sheets over me, leaving my legs sticking out. He then placed the note on my chest. "You were great baby, just great.... we should do it again.... maybe we will...." He added as he grabbed his bag and walked out of the door, leaving it slightly ajar. ~~~~~ Brian ~~~~~ .... about 12:15am .... "Good, I'm here, now I've got to get upstairs" he thought. He walked to the one elevator that was working and pressed the call button. "Damn! why is it taking so long?!" He was very anxious. He couldn't wait any longer, he took to the stairs for the 10th floor. "Geez, why did we have to have the top floor?!" he said out loud between the 3rd and 4th floors. While Brian was on the stairs, the elevator opened, and 'Dr. Carter' stepped out, walked out of the hotel and got into a taxi. Brian was getting tired, he stopped against his will for a rest on the 8th floor - well, he'd also been running for 20 minutes. "Just two more floors Littrell, you can do it" he said out loud "You've got to get to Lorraine, move yourself" He got up from the stairs and made his way to the top. He had got to the top of the stairs when Howie's mobile started ringing again. "Bri, where are you, we're still 15 minutes away, we're stuck in traffic" came Kev's voice from the other end. "I'm in the hallway of our floor, I got out of the taxi and ran.... when I saw the light on" He was walking along the hallway, when he saw the door ajar. "Oh god, the door's open Kev!" He said, walking faster. "We'll be there cuz" Brian heard as he got to the room before ours. "Well, get here as soon as.... oh my god, LORRAINE!!!" He shouted as he stepped into our room. "Bri.... Bri? What's happened, is she okay?!" Brian couldn't talk, he just stood in the doorway, shocked. "Bri, we're on our way" Kev said as he hung up. Brian did the same, but couldn't move, he just stood there in the doorway until the others caught up and they saw for themselves what I'd been through....