~*~*Chapter Twenty

Emilie awoke the next morning, to see rays of light cascading around her bedroom. She looked at her clock, and noticed it said 7am, and she realized she had to go back to school to pick up her prom ticket. She got up, and walked into the kitchen, where Jordan was already up. She said hello to him, and went to get the morning paper, as she asked Jordan if Nick was up yet. He said no, so she decided to go downstairs and wake him up. She walked into the rec room, to reveal Brian conked out on the couch, with a blanket over him, and the press button in his hand still. She tiptoed by him silently, and walked past the three bedrooms downstairs. She heard AJ snoring in one, and Mike was sleeping in another. She saw Nick in the room directly below hers, and she thought he looked really cute as he slept like a baby. "Nick," she said softly, as she saw him, turn towards the left side, from the right. "Nick." "Emilie?" Nick whispered back, squinting his eyes open. "What are you doing? It's really early." "Good morning to you as well!" Emilie teased him softly, as he sat up. "I'm kidding," Nick replied, smiling at her. "Why are you up so early?" "I have to go pick up our prom tickets at school," Emilie told him. "You can go back to sleep. I just wanted to tell you. I'm taking Jordan with me because Brandy is still sleeping. Maybe I should bring her as well." "I'll come," Nick stretched, flinging the covers away from him. "Come here so I can give you a hug!" Emilie smiled at him, as he wrapped his strong arms around him. "Okay, we'll leave at eight," Emilie suggested, as Nick looked down at her. "Tonight's the night Em," Nick smiled, and she smiled back. "I can't wait to see you in your dress!" "I can't wait Nick," Emilie replied, as they let go of each other. "But, don't mention it please again because I'll get really excited and I won't be able to get anything done today." "Are you getting your hair done?" Nick wanted to know, as he grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from his messy suitcase. "Yes," Emilie smiled. "Well, we'd better hurry! I'll see you in fifteen! Sorry I am in a hurry!" "No problem," Nick replied, as Emilie rushed out of the room. "Oh, and Emilie, I love you." "I love you too Nick," Emilie replied, pausing at the door. She turned and headed up the stairs, creeping by Brian softly, so she wouldn't wake = him up. She walked upstairs, to see Brandy was already up. She told them to get dressed, and she quickly jumped in the shower herself, throwing on jeans, and a white shirt that buttoned up. Within fifteen minutes, they were in Emilie's Neon heading towards her school. "Emilie, are you going to be a fairy princess tonight?" Brandy asked her, as she pulled into the school. "I hope to be," Emilie answered with a smile, as she shut off the car. "Are you guys coming in or do you want to stay in the car?" "Stay in the car!" Jordan cried, and Emilie left them in the car, as she ran into the school. She saw Mr.Armstrong, and picked up her three extra prom tickets from him. She was back in no time, and headed to Tim Horton's to get her and Nick coffees. "Emilie? What colour limo did you rent?" Brandy wanted to know, as they drove in Tim Horton's. "A white one," Emilie answered. "Go in or drive thru?" "We can go in," Nick suggested, as she parked the car. "So, oh no! I forgot to call my mom last night!"=20 "Okay, here, use the car phone and I'll get a coffee," Emilie said, and she handed him the car keys. She whisked Brandy and Jordan into Tim Horton's, as she noticed the life was fairly small compared to what it could have been. "Emilie, can I have a sprinkled donut?" Jordan asked, as the sight of all those donuts could make any child seem in awe. "Sure, would you like something to drink?" Emilie asked him. "No!" Jordan replied. "Brandy? Have a sprinkled one too!" "No, I'm having what Nick has," Brandy answered, as Nick came into the donut shop. "Nick? What kind of donut are you having?" "Hmm, let's see, what's your favourite?" he asked, leaning down beside her.=20 "Chocolate glazed," Brandy whispered to him. "Do you like that kind?" "Of course I do!" Nick told her, standing up again. "Em, Brandy and I will have chocolate glazed." "I want that too!" Jordan cried, as Brandy rolled her eyes. "Okay, three chocolate glazed donuts," Emilie told the employee, as she handed Nick his coffee. "Thanks, I really need this," he smiled at her, and she smiled back. "How's your mom?" Emilie asked him, as she paid for the coffee and donuts. "She's surviving," Nick replied, as they went to sit down. "You know,she said get lots of pictures tonight and she wished she could have been here." >"Don't worry," Emilie said. "I don't think we'll have any problem with pictures with my mom here."=20 "So? What's the game plan for the rest of the day?" Nick asked her, as Brandy and Jordan ate their donuts, as they watched the customers come in and go. "Well, I am getting my hair done at one o'clock with Oceane," Emilie answered, as she sipped her coffee. "How about your tuxedo? Would you like me to pick it up?" "Well, could Brian, AJ, and I borrow your car when you and Oceane go to the hairdressers?" Nick asked, and Emilie said sure. "Sure, no problem," Emilie said. "Nick? Will Aaron go to my prom with me when I am in OAC?" Brandy asked Nick. "I think so," Nick replied, smiling at Emilie. "I think I am going to have a blue dress!" Brandy said. "Jordan? Who are you going to prom with?" "Girls are gross!" Jordan said. "They have cooties." "We do not!" Brandy shrieked, as Emilie and Nick laughed. "Okay you two, finish off those donuts," Emilie instructed them. "I think we'll leave for the prom at four thirty. Does that sound okay?" "Sure," Nick replied. "It's nine thirty. Maybe we should get going." They drove home, to see AJ and Brian up with Monica and Mike, fixing some bacon and eggs. The phone rang as soon as they got home, and Emilie went to answer it. "Hello?" she said into the receiver. "Who's this?" "Hey Em! It's Oceane!" Oceane screamed into the phone. "Is AJ there?" "One minute," Emilie replied and she handed the phone to AJ. "I'm going to the florist. Monica, want to come?" "Sure," Monica answered. "Can you four handle Brandy and Jordan?" "Yeah sure, no problem," Brian replied, as Jordan helped him mix the pancake mix. "See you!" "Bye," Emilie answered, and Monica and her headed out to her car. "Wow, tonight's the night Monica!" She turned to see her parents pulling into the driveway. They waved, as they went into the garage. "Why are they here so early?" Monica wanted to know, as they drove downtown to the florist. "I have no idea," Emilie answered. "They are home early! Maybe they wanted to help us all get ready." "I remember prom vividly," Monica commented, as they pulled into the florist's parking lot. "We had so much fun, Mike and I. Nick and you will have loads of fun! Just wait and see!" "I know we will," Emilie answered, as a bright smile cascaded across her glowing face... Emilie was in her bedroom, as Brandy zipped up her dress for her. Oceane and her had gone to the florist, and Emilie's hair was now a mass of curls. Oceane had headed home to get ready as well, and it was now four fifteen. Monica had helped her with her make-up, and Brandy stood back to admire her older sister. She thought she looked beautiful and definitely wanted to look like her when she grew up. "Sissie, you look so beautiful!" Brandy breathed, as she gave her a hug. "Can I come?" "I wish you could kiddo, but only us seniors can go," Emilie apologized, as she looked in the mirror. "Emilie, are you ready yet?" Mrs.Parker yelled. "Nick is waiting." "Coming!" Emilie yelled back. "This is it Brandy! Wish me luck!" Emilie opened the of her bedroom, and turned towards the front hall, where her mom was waiting with the video camera. "Say hi Em!" Mrs.Parker said cheerfully, and Nick popped his head in from the kitchen, and stared in awe at his girlfriend. "You look so beautiful Em!" Nick complimented her, as Mrs.Parker filmed them as they embraced. "Thanks Nick, so do you!" Emilie whispered back, as tears started forming in her eyes. "No need to cry!" Nick said, wiping away a tear. "You going to smudge all your make-up!" "Emilie, you look gorgeous!" AJ commented, as he smiled at her. "Thanks AJ," Emilie replied, as she saw Brian standing there in jeans. "Brian, you aren't coming?" "No," Brian replied. "You look great Em!" "But, Brian, I got you a ticket," Emilie insisted. "Please come!" "Yeah B-Rok," AJ said. "You need to get out man!" Everyone stared at him and finally Brian broke down, saying he would come. "Pictures!" Mrs.Parker sang happily. "We'll go outside!" AJ, Nick, and Emilie headed behind Mrs.Parker out onto the front lawn where Mr.Parker and Jordan were playing some basketball with Mouse, who was lying near the net. "Where should we stand?" Emilie asked her mom, as Jordan walked over to them. "Emilie? How come you have all that gunk on your face?" Jordan wanted to know, as he curiously looked at them all. "I'm going to prom, remember Jordan?" Emilie replied, as Jordan nodded. "What's prom?" he asked AJ, as Emilie and Nick posed near the front lawn. He stood behind her, and walked her arms aorund her waste. He smiled up at him, and he kissed the top of her head. "Corsages!" yelled Brandy. "You forgot them!" "Thanks," Nick said, as he took the beautiful, pink rose corsage from Brandy. "This is a wrist one Em!" "Nick, it's beautiful," Emilie breathed, beaming at him. "I got you a boutiniere." She pinned a red carnation to his tuxedo, as they exchanged a quick kiss. "I'm ready," Brian said, coming out from the front door. "You look fine man," AJ joked and Emilie laughed, as the sleek, white limo pulled up. The door opened before the limo driver could open it, and out jumped Oceane. She walked towards them, as Emilie looked to see AJ and her eyes meet. "Hi everyone!" Oceane cried. "Are you all ready to party?" "Yes!" AJ said, as he smiled at her. "You look good Oceane!" "Thanks," Oceane replied, as she waved at the video camera. "You don't look too bad youself!" "Thanks, I think," AJ said, as someone drove by and beamed the horn.="We'd better get going," Emilie said, as she checked her watch. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Love you! Be home at two! Thanks! Bye Jordan and Brandy!" "Bye everyone!" Mrs.Parker screamed, as she kept filming them, as they got into the limo. "Have fun! And be careful!" "Wow, this is nice," AJ commented, as he sat down beside Oceane. "So, where's your date for the night?" "I don't have one," Oceane answered. "I wanted a great dance partner and I just wanted to go with someone as a friend, so I thought I would ask you if you wanted to go!" "Well, I'm a great dancer," AJ said confidently, as Nick and Emilie glanced at Brian. He looked down, and Emilie's heart went out to him. "Brian, are you okay?" Emilie asked him. "Oh yeah, I'm fine," Brian answered quickly, managing a smile. "So, here you two are," AJ saidm as the limo pulled out the driveway. "You are both graduating. How does it feel to leave higschool?" Emilie looked at him and started thinking. She had been so busy the last couple of weeks, that it had never occurred to her, that she was actually leaving her school. She knew she was going to miss it terribly. "I'm kind of sad," Emilie admitted. "I mean, I am going to miss highschool and everything. It is going to be hard going to live on my own for university." "I can't wait to get out of here!" Oceane disagreed, and AJ laughed. "Oh, I can't believe I forgot to mention this!" Nick exclaimed and everyone looked at him. "Forgot to mention what?" Brian asked. "About the US and Canadian tour this summer that we are going to do!" Nick replied, as Emilie looked at him with a bright smile. "That's so awesome!" Emilie cried. "I mean, last summer's tour was so successful and you are going to actually do it again? Awesome!" "Well, we were wondering if you would like to come on tour with us for a couple of weeks?" Nick asked her, and Emilie looked at him. "You could live on the tourbus with us and experience how we travel and what we do!" Emilie beamed, as Nick smiled at her.=20 "That sounds awesome!" Emilie said.=20 "Are you nuts Em?" AJ teased her. "Just think, you get to see five slobs get up at five o'clock in the morning, tired as Hell, but well aware that we have an radio interview at six o'clock. We eat chili and beans for breakfast, while Nick snores in his sleep, but we are going to have a lot of fun! Trust me!" "Sounds great to me!" Emilie replied and everyone laughed. They were silent, as they pulled up the entrance of the motel and Emilie glanced at the limo clock to see it was five thirty already. "This is it! Party time!" Oceane screamed, as she jumped out of the limo. "Look! I wonder why they came with!" said the snobbiest girl in OAC named Chantal. "I mean, they are all so hopeless!" Her date was the school's varsity basketball player and she looked beautiful in an silver dress that had sequins all over it.=20 "Oceane, wait up!" AJ called, as Chantal watched him step out of the limo in a flourish and she couldn't believe it! It was AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys or so it looked like, and he was with the losers of their school!=20 "Tom, look!" Chantal exclaimed, as she watched Emilie get out and gasped.=20 "Wow, she's hot," Tom commented and Chantal shrieked. She saw a tall, gorgeous, blond hair guy step out behind Emilie and he reached for Emilie's hand. She looked closer and realized it was Nick Carter from the backstreet Boys. "Looks who she's with!" Chantal shrieked, as she saw Brian Littrell get out the limo as well. "Wow!" "Maybe she's not a loser after all eh Chantal?" Tom teased him and Chantal glared at him. Emilie clasped Nick's hand as they walked through the shiny, glass doors of the motel. "Are you ready for your big night Em?" Nick asked her, when suddenly she saw two familiar figures standing near the front of the room, looking sleek and sosphicated in black tuxedos. "I think Kevin and Howie are here!" Emilie cried and Nick looked over. He smiled at them, and they smiled back. "What's going on?" "You'll find out later," Nick replied, as they got in a line to give their prom tickets in. "I would like to say hi to them!" Emilie said. "I'll be right back!" Emilie walked over to Kevin and Howie, who were sipping champagne, and smiled at them. >"Hey Em!" Howie said, giving her a hug. "You look beautiful!" "Thanks, you guys look great!" Emilie replied. "How was your flight here?" "It was good, you look really nice," Kevin said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "So, why are you all here?" Emilie asked, as Howie and Kevin looked at each other. "Well, it's a surprise!" Kevin replied, as Emilie looked over to see an unfamiliar women come out of the washroom and walk right over to Howie and Kevin. "Have you two seen Brian?" the tall blond woman asked. She looked beautiful in an simple, elegant black dress. "Hi! Are you Emilie? You look very nice! I am Leanne, Brian's girlfriend!" "Oh hi!" Emilie smiled at her. "Nice to meet you! Thanks! You look great as well!" "Have you seen Brian?" Leanne wanted to know and Emilie said yes. "He seems kind of down though," Emilie informed her, as she headed back to Nick. "I know he misses you a lot!" "I missed him too," Leanne replied, as Brian caught sight of her, and they hugged. "Nick, what in the world is going on?" Emilie asked Nick, staring up at him. "Please tell me!" "Can't sorry," Nick teased her, as they went into the ballroom and Emilie stopped, to admire the beautiful scene laid out in front of her. There was gold and white balloons strung everywhere, with 10 seat tables complete with delicate white table plates, shining silverware, and loads of beautifully dressed girls and guys. "Nick, wow, it's so beautiful!" Emilie breathed. "I know it is," Nick replied back. "Come on, want to get pictures done?" "Sure!" Emilie replied, and they headed in the line to get the pictures taken. She was right behind Chantal and her boyfriend Tom, and Emilie noticed she was giving her a wierd look. "Emilie? How much did your daddy pay Nick to bring you here tonight?" Chantal asked Emilie cattily, and Emilie glared at her. "Not as much as your dad paid for your fake hair extensions!" Emilie replied, and Tom started laughing hard. "Nick, how can you date someone, someone who is..such an loser?" Chantal asked Nick and Nick looked at her. "What? Look, Em's no loser," Nick told her. "Can we an peaceful evening tonight without you bothering my girlfriend? Emilie Parker is my girlfriend willingly and I love her." "Aw Nick," Emilie blushed smiling at him. "That was so sweet!"=20 "Tom, how come you never talked to me like that?" Chantal yelled at Tom. "Because I don't love you?!" Tom answered innocently, but jokingly which made Nick and Emilie laugh. "Tom! I love you!" Chantal shrieked. "You have to love me!" "Of course I love you!" Tom whispered into her ear, as they went up to get their pictures taken. "That's way too funny!" Nick said grinning at Emilie and she smiled back. ********************************************** "So, what are you three going to do to embarrass Emilie and her friends?" Leanne asked the guys, as they sat in the motel bar having some drinks. "We are going to be doing a little concert," Howie answered, sipping his Labatts Blue. "You know, we have never performed at a prom before." "Yeah, we haven't," Brian agreed. "Maybe we should play all prom gigs next year!" >"I don't think so," Kevin replied, shaking his head. "So, what's Nick planning to do to surprise Emilie?" "Well, he's going to pretend that they are going to be dancing and then he's going to go on stage, and we are going to come out and sing "Get Down"," Howie answered. "Then, we're going to do some slow jams the rest of the night like Brian's going to do "That's What She Said" and Nick's going to dedicate "Heaven In Your Eyes" to Emilie." "When did Nicky get so romantic?" Leanne wanted to know. "Since he met Emilie probably," Brian answered, sipping his beer, as they all looked over into the ballroom, as everyone had arrived at the prom and they were all seated at each of their tables...