While we were trying to calm ourselves down, Jo and I decided to sing along to my BSB CDs, May wasn't that keen on singing, so just sat on my bed while Jo and I were really giving it some, dancing about on my bedroom floor, which doesn't really have much space at the best of times, but today there was a lot of bags on the floor, so we kept tripping up on them while singing - it was sooo funny, but I'm glad none of us had a camera, well, we did, but we were saving our film for the concert, especially me, because I have a zoom lens on my camera, so I was under strict orders from the others to leave it alone until the concert started - also, I'm glad we didn't have a video camera. that would just have been soooo embarrassing!!!!!! We were at the time singing to 'If I Don't Have You', which is on their 2nd European album, which I have on tape. Anyway, we were giving it everything, and we were so into it, we didn't hear it finish, we just kept on going! Eventually I realised, and pressed what I thought was rewind, and Joanna just kept on going, we started to sing 'I'll Never Break Your Heart' in true BSB style. For all the songs, I took Kevin's, AJ's and sometimes Brian's parts, and Jo took Nick's Howie's and sometimes Brian's parts because she has a higher voice than me. Anyway, we were really going for it when May realised she couldn't hear the tape rewinding. "Hey, Lorraine, shouldn't your tape make a noise when it rewinds? "Damn! I pressed record instead!" I shouted while turning the tape off. "Let's listen to the tape, just see what we sound like - go on, it'll be funny!" Jo really was in the mood for a laugh (as she usually is, hee hee!!). We all sat on my bed listening to the tape, and actually found that we were quite good, not exactly angels or anything, but not that bad, we'd both been in the school choir for a couple of years running, but Jo had more experience than me, she had been in a theatre group which had put on musicals, so she was really good, I knew that already. I didn't know about Jo, but I was quite proud of us! "Hey Jo, we could be as good as the Backstreet boys if we tried!" I said, only half joking "Yeah right, we could never be that good!" was the answer that came back. "Girls, are you ready to go?" Yelled my dad from downstairs. "YES!!!!!!!" We all shouted in unison, and we all ran down the stairs at top speed, me at the back 'cos I grabbed the tape out of the machine to laugh at on the way. The roughly hour long journey to Glasgow from my house in Edinburgh was quite fun, Jo and I would sing along to my CDs, May joining in occasionally, even my dad would hum along sometimes because he'd heard the songs so often before! About 3/4 of the way there, there was a Wimpy restaurant, and since we had been too excited to eat before my dad shouted us dinner. I would have preferred to got to McDonald's but there wasn't one around, which really got on my nerves. We got to the SECC about 6:30pm, and since the show didn't start until 7:30pm, we bought our souvenirs, arranged a meeting point with my dad for after the concert, then we went to the toilets to check our makeup, and to empty our overexcited bladders. Then we made our way to our Front Row seats! We sat and talked for what seemed an eternity, and as I was of the end of the row, I couldn't hear very well, so my gaze began to wander around the stage - and then I saw someone stick their head out from behind the guitar stand, look at the audience, look at me, and wave! I quickly realised it was Brian - Brian had actually waved at me!!!! smiled and waved back, as you do, and then a security guard came up behind him and led him backstage. I was smiling so much that my face began to hurt!! The security guard nearest us told us that when the concert started, the first three rows could go up to the barrier, so we were even more hyped!!! I looked behind me at all the people who would be trying to get to the barrier, and at the people in the unlucky 4th row, and most of them looked back at me with really evil looks on their faces, as if they were going to get to the front even it meant killing me! After that I made a silent promise to myself that I wouldn't look behind me until the concert was over, man it was ugly back there! No offence to anyone who has been the fourth row before! I was lost in one of my daydreams (as usual!), when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled round to find a big burly security guard standing over me.