~*~*Chapter Nineteen*~*~

In every girl's life there comes the most important part of their lives, Prom. This is the most important night of all of highschool for Emilie and her friends Oceane, Ariale, Marnie, and YeoSung. They had waited their whole lives for the perfect dream date, the perfect dress, and even the perfect prom dance. Emilie had been dating Nick for a solid nine months, and unfortunately she hadn't seen him since the Florida trip back in January. Now, it was the middle of June and finally, after the Backstreet Boys European/Austrailian/Asian tour, they were finally off for one month and Nick was going to spend an entire five days with Emilie. He was going to prom with her and to her graduation from highschool... *The Day Before Prom* "Ariale, your toenail polish matches your dress perfectly," Emilie told her as she painted her own toe nails white. Emilie's dress was from Loralie and it was a pure white Princess gown that had two spahgetti strings with a plain satin bodice and the skirt was ankle length, with a flowing pattern. Emilie had been in love with it when she had tried it on. She had chosen a fake diamond tiara to wear with it, and her hair was going to be down in a mass of curls. She had chosen light pinks for her make-up. "Thanks Em," Ariale answered. "I hope Brandon likes my dress. I mean, it was hard to pick out a colour." Ariale's dress was red satin and was long with a slit up the side. It had a halter style top to it, and she had chosen nice black shoes to go with it. She had decided to wear her hair up and was really excited about going with Brandon. Brandon Martin was the crush from her work, that she had gotten the courage to ask to prom. "He'll love it," Emilie told her, as she grabbed her Teen People magazine and checked out some of the latest cloth fashions."So, want to come to the airport with me to pick up the guys?" "Of course," replied Ariale smiling and she laid back on Emilie's bed. . "Well, I can't wait to see Nick," Emilie told her with a big smile. "I miss Nick so much, but we wrote to each other constantly and our e-mails were constant. My parents are ready to kill me with the phone bill, but I have worked at that stupid restaurant for the whole year, and finally they're all paid off." "So, we survived exams, and now it's time to party," Ariale stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. "Party time," Emilie laughed, standing up as well, as she switched on the radio. Out flooded the song by Edwin Mccain called "I'll Be", and the words were evident in Emilie's head... I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life... "Oh, I love this song," Ariale yelled because Emilie had turned the radio up so loud. "This is about Nick and I," Emilie said, as a tear formed in her eye. "We have come so far, and this is our song." "Emilie, you have worked hard for this and so had Nick," Ariale told her. "I mean, Brandon and I haven't even been on an official date yet." "Thanks Ariale," Emilie smiled and she stood up, drying her eyes. "Well, we'd better get to the airport before the guys don't think we're coming." Ariale agreed, as they cleaned up their mess, and jumped in her new car, which was a Plymouth Neon, which she recently bought. It was violet and she loved it so much. She yelled at her parents that she was leaving and they seemed fine by it. They drove to the Buffalo airport, and within minutes, they were there.=20 "Ready?" Ariale asked Emilie and she nodded with tears forming in her eyes once again. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting for since Nick's birthday, her birthday, Easter, St.Patrick's Day, and St.Valentine's Day, which has all passed and they hadn't seen each other. She couldn't wait to hold him in her arms, to feel the breathless taste of his mouth, and to feel the warmth and love she remembered so much, though she hadn't had it in reality in over five months. The security men allowed them to go through security, and they waited near the American Airlines gate 45, as they guys plane = touched down. She noticed several more girls there as well, as she hoped they weren't hating for the Backstreet Boys, but it was evident they were. Emilie sighed, and some of the girls looked at her hard and long. Her picture was on the internet in several sights, declaring she was Nick's girlfriend, but that didn't bother her much. Most fans were pretty cool about, but some were unbearable. "Excuse me?" one asked Emilie. "Are you Nick's girlfriend?" "Yes," Emilie answered sighing. "Wow," the girl smiled. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." But, she went over and told everyone there she knew, and they were all so excited, staring at Emilie. "Poor you," Ariale told her and Emilie sighed. She saw people begun filing out of the plane, and once again tears formed again, and she forced out all the screams, the cries, and concentrated on seeing her boyfriend after such a long, and hard wait. She waited, and the only thing she saw was blond hair, above practically everyone, remembering how Nick had complained about how tall he was getting. She smiled at the thought, and when she saw him, she lost control. Brian noticed them first and waved, and AJ came next, as the girls started running towards them, but the Backstreet Boys were prepared with about five bodyguards. They shielded the guys, as Emilie and Ariale went around to see the guys. Nick smiled at Emilie and she practically leaped into his awaiting arms. "Hi Em," Nick said and she smiled at him. They hugged tightly, as tears formed in both of their eyes, and they kissed deeply. They hugged again, and they wouldn't let go off each other. "Nick, I missed you so much," Emilie told him, as he wiped a stray tear away from her washed-out cheeks. "Hello ladies!" AJ said to Ariale and Brian. "We missed you too!" "I missed you two AJ," Emilie told him, and she gave him a big hug. She gave Brian one as well, and she noticed Brian and Ariale would barely = look at each other. "Emilie, you are going to make me cry as well!" AJ teased, and Emilie smiled at him. "Where's Amanda? I thought she was coming down too!" Emilie asked AJ. "She wished she could, but she had some things to do for the group," AJ replied, as the fans started screaming louder. "Maybe we should sign some autographs guys." "No, we shouldn't," Nick said, looking at the fans. "This is our time off, and we should be able to be normal for a weekend, without having to worry about our careers." "I agree," Brian agreed with Nick, as the bodyguards approached the guys, informing them, that they'd better leave before it got out of control. "Um, I drove here, but I don't know what to do if they follow!" Emilie said, all of a sudden. "What should I do?" "I'll drive," Brian suggested, taking her car keys. "Come on, we'd better hurry before anything happens." "Run for your life," Nick yelled, and he grabbed Emilie's hand, and they followed Brian, Ariale, and AJ towards the parking lot, as the bodyguards followed, and the fans were right behind them. They ran towards the car, as everyone jumped in quick, and they were off in five seconds, about one mile ahead of all the fans. "I wonder who knew we were arriving," AJ commented, as he turned around to see about five cars following them at high speeds. "I didn't tell anyone," Emilie told them, as she began to worry. "We know you didn't," Nick said softly, smiling at her. "It's not your fault." "It always happens Emilie," Brian said from the driver's seat. "It doesn't matter where we are going, who we are going to see, someone always manages to find out which flight we are on. Ariale, how are you? You are very quiet today." "I'm fine," Ariale answered nonchalantly, as she looked out the window from the front window. Brian looked in the rearview mirror at Emilie as if to ask what was wrong with her, and Emilie shrugged her shoulders. "So, Em, how's life?" AJ asked her, as Emilie looked beside AJ's head to see a truck pull up beside them full of about three fans, that we're screaming at them. "Omigoodness! Are they nuts?" Emilie asked shocked. "Why don't they just leave us alone?" "We will never know," AJ said, as the guys knew well enough not to pay attention to the girls. "Just ignore them," Nick said, as he put his arm around Emilie. "I can't believe this," Emilie said, shaking her head. "It's never been this bad before!" "Well, I guess our third album is going well," Brian joked, and Emilie smiled. "Ariale, have you heard it?" "Yes," she snapped, continuing to look out the window. "What's wrong?" Brian asked Ariale, in a low voice. "Please tell me." "Nothing that you should be concerned about," Ariale answered, ignoring Brian's sad eyes. "Ariale, are you still mad about our break-up?" Brian asked her, and Ariale turned around to face him. "God, Brian," Ariale said angrily. "Don't you think I should be? You dumped me out of nowhere!" "Ariale, the break-up was mutual," Brian informed her, as Emilie, Nick, and AJ stared at them in complete shock. "Whatever," Ariale replied. "Brandon would never dump me."= "Ariale, hun, please just listen to me," Brian said softly, as he saw tears form in her eyes. "I'm sorry Brian," Ariale replied, as tears streamed down her face. "I had no right ragging out on you like that." "What's wrong Ariale?" Brian asked her. "He dumped me! He dumped me for someone else!" Ariale cried, and Emilie looked at her in shock. "Brandon dumped you?" Emilie asked her. "Who else Emilie?" Ariale snapped back. "What am I going to do? I can't go to prom without a date!" "We can go as friends," AJ suggested to Ariale, and she turned around to look at him. "Seriously AJ? You don't care about Amanda?" Ariale asked him, and AJ shook his head. "Amanda doesn't care," AJ told her. "Besides, we are going as friends." "That's nice," Ariale told him, managing a smile. "Thanks!" "No problem," AJ replied, with a smile, as Brian sighed. "B-Rok, are you going to the prom as well?" "Nah, I think I'll just hang out with Mike and Monica," Brian replied. "Besides, Leanne might fly down for a few days." "How's Howie and Kevin?" Emilie wanted to know, not believing how strange Ariale was acting. "Good," Nick said, as he sensed Brian's uneasiness. "They're going to fly down for your graduation." "Really? That's really nice of them," Emilie said, as she noticed the fans in the truck had went off an exit, and that now there was no other cars around. They headed back over to Canada, as rain began pouring softly on the car windows. Everyone was silent, as Brian kept glancing at Ariale every five seconds, and she ignored everyone he gave her. They arrived at Emilie's house, as the rain started pouring really heavily, and Emilie saw that her parents cars were there. "Emilie, my mom is here to get me," Ariale commented, as she got out of the car. "Bye. See you tomorrow." Emilie waved at Ariale's mom, and she saw Brian watch them go. "I'm sorry Brian," Emilie told him, as she saw the sadness in his eyes. "I don't know what has gotten into her." "Emilie, neither do I," Brian replied, shaking his head. "Brian, I didn't really want to go to prom with her," AJ said. "I just said that so, she'll feel better." "Well, you'll have to go with her now," Brian said, and Emilie waited, as AJ and Nick went inside. She heard the squeals of Brandy and Jordan, that Nick had finally arrived home, and AJ was an added bonus. "Brian, I feel so bad for you," Emilie told him, and he looked at her. "You know, Em, you are totally different then any girls that any of us have ever met," Brian said to her, and Emilie was caught off guard. "Besides Leanne of course." Emilie smiled at him and he smiled back. "What do you mean?" Emilie wanted to know. "Well, even though you are Nick's girlfriend, all of us love you like a sister," Brian said, and Emilie felt tears come to her eyes. "You are really a sweet person to all of us, not just Nick. We feel like you are = like the little sister, that none of us never had." "Brian, I love you guys too," Emilie beamed.=20 "Well, we want you to know, that if you ever need help with anything, ever in life," Brian promised. "We will be there for you. Any guy bugs you, any problem at all, just tell us, and we'll help ya." "Thanks Brian," Emilie said softly, and he gave her a big sisterly hug. "Or should I say big bro?" ********************************************************************** "No fair!" Jordan screamed, as Brandy and him played checkers on the kitchen table. "Don't cheat Brandy!" "I'm not Jordan!" Brandy screamed back, but she gave Emilie, Brian, AJ, and Nick a knowing Look that signaled she was. "Brandy," Emilie said sternly and she gave her a bright smile. "Nick? How's Aaron?" Brandy wanted to know, as she hopped off her chair, and went to stand beside him. "Fine," replied Nick. "He misses you." Brandy beamed, as she hummed a Spice Girls song, and went to her bedroom. "I think she is growing up and becoming boy crazy," AJ observed, as Mrs.Parker came into the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't mind me going away this evening?" Mrs.Parker asked them, as she frantically looked for something. "I mean, we can always cancel." "No Mom," Emilie said, as she stepped off her stool. "You and Dad deserve a night away. We'll be fine." "I know you will," Mrs.Parker sighed. "Where is that diamond earring of mine?" "Mom, I think Mouse hid it," Jordan told her, as he leaned over in concentration over the checkerboard. "Someone want to play with me? I would like someone who doesn't cheat!" "I'll play," Brian volunteered, and he sat down at the table across from Jordan. "Mouse! Come here boy!" Mrs.Parker called the dog, and it pranced it with a bark. "Where's my earring?" He repsonded with a bark, and stuck his tongue out. "I don't think he has it Mom," Jordan commented, as he looked at Mouse. "Why do I even bother?" Mrs.Parker sighed, and she disappeared into the bedrooms. "So, boys, how about some pizza for supper?" Emilie suggested, as she got out four Cokes. "Sounds good," AJ said, as he looked outside to see the rain had stopped falling. "So, are you ready for tomorrow?" "Of course I am!" Emilie replied enthusiastically. "It's finally my senior prom!" "Emilie! Come here!" Mrs.Parker yelled and Emilie ran into her parents room. "What's up Mom?" Emilie asked her. "Okay, you guys can have whatever you want for dinner," Mrs.Parker said, as packed some toiletries in an overnight bag. "If the guys want to go out tonight, they can borrow your father's car or your car, but I don't want Jordan or Brandy going out anywhere? Okay?" "Yes Mom," Emilie said, and she walked out of their bedroom, and into her own. She shut the door, and walked over to her closet. She glanced at her prom dress, and smiled. Tomorrow night was going to be the most amazing night of her senior year, and she couldn't wait to share that with Nick. She laid down on her bed, and thought of the past year in detail. She remembered the first time Nick and her had met, and remembered all the special moments they had shared together. She looked at their framed picture on the wall that they had taken when they were in Florida in January and she smiled. "Emilie?" Nick said softly, knocking on her bedroom door. "Come on in!" Emilie said, and Nick appeared at the door. She sat up, and quickly closed her closet door, so Nick wouldn't see her prom dress. She definitely wanted it to be a surprise. "Hey, why are you in here all by yourself?" Nick wanted to know. "Just thinking about how awesome tomorrow night is going to be," Emilie replied, as she laid back on her bed. "Yeah it is," Nick replied, as he sat on her computer chair. "So? Tell me what you're dreaming about." "Hmm..I'm dreaming about me being Cinderella and this cute, blond haired guy, who happens to sing for a living, comes and rescues me from an evil...evill..whatever...and he is so much like Prince Charming, and he sweeps me off my feet and tell's me I am the most beautiful girl in the world," Emilie answered, smiling at the ceiling. "What's your dream Frack?" "My dream is that Cinderella will make my dream come true and kiss me like she never has before," Nick answered deeply, and Emilie looked at him."I think Cinderella can do that," Emilie answered softly and Nick came over onto the bed, and their lips met in a soft kiss. He left go, and laid down beside her on the bed. "Did your wish come true?" "Yes," Nick answered. "She's laying right beside me." "Prince Charming is laying right beside me," Emilie replied, and she rolled over on her side, and looked into Nick's deep blue eyes. "This is corny," Nick laughed and Emilie laughed as well.=20 "We sound like a sappy Hallmark card," Emilie joked and they sat up. "No seriously, you are my modern day Prince Charming." "And you're my modern day Cinderella," Nick told her, and Emilie beamed. "How about we do something unusual?" Emilie said standing up. "I know! Let's go into one of those Backstreet Boys homepages and see all the rumors about you!" "Sounds fun!" Nick said, and he smiled. "I bet they all say all this = dumb crap. I hate rumors." "So do I," Emilie said. "But, you have to know what people are saying about you." They hooked up to the internet, and the first sight they = went to, they entered a BSB fanpage and clicked on rumors. "Rumors about Nick, click that," Nick instructed her, and Emilie watched as pictures of her came onto the screen. It said: This is Nick's girlfriend Emilie Parker. They say she's nice and sweet, and Nick and her are so happy, but we all know she is a witch underneath. So, fans, it's your call? Do we like this new witch or is she just using our beloved Nick to become famous? Repsond please!! "Nick, this is horrible!" Emilie cried. "I have never done anything to this girl!" "Hold on, let's read what fans have said," Nick replied, and they both read down to the fan's comments. I hate her too! Nick should be mine! -Frack's Girl She is a retard! Nick, break up with her! We all hate her! -Olivia I love Nick more then Emilie ever could! -Mrs.Nick Carter I think you should all get a life. I met Emilie in Florida last January and she is so cool! -Becky "Becky? Who's that?" Emilie wanted to know. "Let's post a response," Nick suggested, and Emilie let him sit down in front of the computer. She watched him type: Look, I don't care what you think of Emilie, but you don't even know = her. All you are is jealous, because Nick is dating someone he loves and because you can't get him. Why don't you get a life? I mean, you are truly pathetic! -Pen "Pen?" Emilie laughed as she finished reading his response. "Yeah pen," Nick replied, as he pointed to the ball-point pen in front of the computer. "Good name," Emilie smiled, as Nick exited the sight. "How about we go play some checkers or something?" Nick suggested and Emilie said sure. They walked out of her bedroom, to notice that Mr and Mrs.Parker had left for their night getaway. "AJ! Stop tickling me!" Jordan shrieked in laughter, as Emilie and Nick walked into the livingroom. Brian was sitting with Brandy on the couch, as they read a story back and forth to each other. "Tickle Emilie! She hates to be tickled!" "Oh really?" Nick teased Emilie, and she went bright red. Nick, don't! I'm warning you!" Emilie shrieked, as Nick wrapped her arms around, as he tickled her stomach. She started laughing, while trying to push him away. "Please! No! Please!" He left go of her, and they both fell back onto one of the love seats in the room. "So, you hate to be tickled?" Nick teased her and she punched him playfully. "What do you think?" Emilie replied, with a huge smile and Nick smiled back. "So? What shall we do now everyone?" "Let's play school!" Jordan said, jumping up. "I'm the teacher and you're all the students!" "How about we watch a movie?" Brandy suggested at the same time. "I haven't seen Cinderella in a long, long time!" "Cinderella it is," Emilie replied, as Nick and her exchanged knowing Looks. "So, did you order the pizza?" "I did!" Jordan said proudly, as he climbed onto AJ's lap to watch the movie. "You know what? I am only five, but I can spell computer! My teacher taught me!" "How do you spell it?" AJ asked him. "C O M P U T E R," Jordan spelled and they all clapped. "Very good, little buddy," AJ said, as the phone rang. "I'll get it!" Brandy sang out, and she ran to the kitchen phone. "Hello?" "Hi! Is Nick there?" said an unfamiliar voice. "Um-whos this?" Brandy asked. "It's Mrs.Carter!" the prank caller replied. "You aren't Nick's mommy!" Brandy shouted into the phone. "Is this Emilie Parker's phone number?" the girl asked. "Emilie! Some girl is on the phone faking to be Nick's mom!" Brandy shouted at her, and Emilie came to the phone. "Just hang up," Emilie said, and Brandy slammed down the phone. Emilie called the operator and screened out the number, that had just called, so the fan didn't phone there again. The phone rang again, and Emilie looked on the caller ID to see Oceane's phone number come on. "Hello?" she asked, picking it up. "Hey Em, what's up?" Oceane asked. "Are you ready for tomorrow night?" "Of course Oceane!" Emilie replied, as she heard the movie start, and Brian and Nick came into the kitchen. "Are you?" "Definitely!" Oceane replied. "So, is AJ there? I want to ask him if he wants to go as friends to the prom." "Um, well, he's going with Ariale," Emilie said, as she looked at Nick and Brian with a worried Look. "Is going with who?" Oceane shrieked. "Ariale," Emilie answered calmly, as Oceane sighed. "Ariale Johanssen? Are you serious? I thought she was going with Brian!" Oceane snapped and Emilie heard the doorbell ring. "Hold on," Emilie said, and she heard Brian get the pizza. "Um, well, I guess she isn't now." "Can I talk to AJ?" Oceane screamed and Emilie said one moment. She put the phone on hold, and called for AJ to come and get the phone. "Who is it?" he asked, as everyone helped themselves to pizza. "Oceane," Emilie said. "She wants to know why you are going to prom with Ariale and not her." "She wants to go to prom with me?" AJ asked, exasperated, and he picked up the extension. "This is so crazy," Emilie sighed. "Everything is all messed up. AJ is going with Ariale, and Oceane wants to go with AJ. I can't believe this is all wierd. Ahh!!" "Emilie, take a breather," Nick said, giving her a piece of pizza. "It's not your fault everything is all messed up!" "Yeah Emilie!" Brandy said, staring at her older sister. "Okay guys, but if-forget it," Emilie said, and she sat down at the kitchen table besides Brian. AJ hung up the phone, and walked back into the kitchen. "Guys, this is crazy!" AJ said, taking a piece of pizza, and sitting down at the kitchen table as well. "What am I supposed to do now? I want to go to prom with Oceane as friends, but Ariale wants to go with me-". He was cut off by the phone ringing. "It's Ariale!" Jordan yelled and he picked up the phone. "Hello? Hi Ariale! One minute, AJ! Ariale wants to talk to you!" AJ sighed, and went and picked the phone up again. "So many women, so little time," Brandy commented and Nick, Brian, and Emilie looked at her. "Where did you learn that phrase?" Emilie asked her 7-year-old sister. "Oprah," Brandy answered, chewing on her pizza. "She is very cool." "Great," Emilie said, as AJ hung up the phone again. "Now, Brandon is going to prom with Ariale again!" AJ said, as he sat at the table. "No more phone calls!" Jordan said and they all agreed with him... *A NEW FEATURE!! Each chapter I will feature a BSB sight on the web, that I think is awesome! If you have a BSB sight that you think is hype, and would like me to feature, e-mail me at emilie@backstreet-boys.com.. THE FIRST ONE IS: "BACKSTREET BOYS in CANADA" and the website sight address is www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/3324/. The sight features a chatroom, a BSB dreamworld, and concert reviews! Also, I need suggestions for my story, so if you have one, e-mail me at emmarosebsb@hotmail.com.* -Emilie :o)