(I’ve got to warn you people, this is going to be a loooooooooong story!) We made our way to my house in the limo, which was really exciting for me and the other girls because we’d never been in one before. "Oooh, they got a TV!!!" called out Holly. "And a Hi-Fi system!" added Lauren. "Woah, cable??!!" Shay piped in "And they got a mini-bar!!" that was Brianna. "Awwh, guys, you left me with nothing to say something about in a really excited way like you did!" I said, pretending to be hurt. "Awwh, don’t worry, they did, they forgot about the refrigerator" B said, putting his arm around me. "Geez, you guys got a fridge in here too?!!! Now I know I’m traveling in style…… let me through!!!" I climbed over everybody (very carefully), and squeezed in beside the fridge, which Nick had (surprise, surprise!) planted himself next to. I opened it and shouted: "Oh my god, you’ve got Rice Krispie Squares in here!!!!" (I’m not sure if you get them anywhere else other than the UK, they’re literally rice krispie squares, they’re like the cereal, little bits of rice, cooked, put in a square shape and mixed in with melted marshmallow - yummy!!) "You like them?" asked Howie, in a voice that made me think that he doesn’t like them much. "Oh, I love them!! They’re my favourite thing in the entire world, besides B that is!" "Great, my competition is a little marshmallow snack, I think I can win over that!" B joked. "I’m not too sure Frick…she seems really happy with it!!" Nick played with B. Well, I was actually really happy, I can’t live without Rice Krispie Squares!! "Hey, I’ve hardly eaten for three days, I need this, not even a McDonalds can fill me up sometimes!" "Awwh, my baby’s hungry, come here" "B, I don’t really see how a hug is going to help my hunger, but okay, can I take one of these?" "Take as many as you want of them" "Thanks Howie, something tells me you don’t like them?" "I had a nasty experience, and I can’t really say what it was in the presence of ladies, all I can say is that I can never look at one of those the same way ever again!" This sent all the guys into fits of laughter, like little school children, which was good to see they hadn’t lost their sense of humour, but it left us girls more confused than ever. "What are you guys talking about?" asked Brianna, but it was no use, the guys were laughing hysterically, we weren’t going to get a straight sentence from them until we got to Donna. We arrived to find Donna clutching a folder full of papers, most of which had been signed by everybody else’s parents, all except Brianna’s and my own, and trying to get someone on her mobile phone. "Darn it" she said, then trying again. "Hey Donna!" I called to her. "Hi Lorraine, I’m glad you thought about your parents, I was so excited about signing you girls, I completely forgot how old you were, and that because you are under 18, I’ll have to be your legal guardian, and I can’t believe that I forgot about all your parents!! What must you think of me!!" "Don’t worry Donna, they don’t hate you or anything!" "Thanks for the ego boost AJ" "Even though that was sarcastic, you’re welcome" "But he’s right, we don’t, you’ve done a great job on these guys, I just hope you do a good job with us too" added Shay, and this wasn’t sarcastic. After that, we all piled back in the limo, and chuntled down the motorway to my house. We got to Edinburgh in about an hour and a half, after that, I had to go sit up front with Dave the ‘I hate pedestrians’ bus driver (even though we’re now in the limo) , and give him directions to my house. We arrived at my house and the limo parked down one of the adjoining roads (I live in a cul-de-sac, if you know what that means - if not, it’s a street that doesn’t have an end, it goes straight round again) where the people who live in the flats park their cars (it’s an adjoining road because I live in one of the houses, not the flats - it’s very confusing until you come and see for yourself). "Very nice, so where’s your room?" B asked when he saw my semi detached house. We heard a giggle when he said that last part, and knew it had come from Nick, because it was shortly followed by an "Ow!!" and a "Remember our little talk in McDonalds?" "It’s right above the garage" I said, ignoring Nick’s giggle, we both knew what he meant by it, pointing the part of the house which is joined to the house next door’s garage. "Good for sneaking out at night - you can slide right down the roof!" "AJ!!!! I’m not that kind of girl thank you very much! "Yeah Bone, I got me a good girl - none of that clubbing, drinking sort of girl for me!" At this, AJ just mumbled a "Sorry" and looked out of the window. His eye caught someone looking at the limo. "Hey Rainey, do you know her?" He asked me. I looked out of the limo and groaned. "Oh no, not Claire" I said, closing my eyes. "Claire?" B asked. "One of my two all-time worst enemies - I got blessed with having her live on my street. She bullied me in primary school, as 10-year-olds do, because I was…umm…on the wrong side of slim, let’s put it that way. Two years that went on for, but luckily she grew out of that phase, but not before mentally scarring me for life." "Not a nice person then" "Well observed Lauren! Oh I’m sorry, that sounded nasty!!! I didn’t mean it like that - I just get tense when I’m around her" "That’s okay, I understand" "Shall we get out now, or shall we just wait ‘till she’s gone?" "You sure we can’t wait?" "Come on Rainey, she can’t be as bad as that, surely" "You don’t know Claire like I do Holly" I very carefully got out of the limo, to find Claire with a somewhat bemused expression. "Since when do you travel in a stretch limo?" "Since when did you care how I get around, trying to compare it with your efforts - oh, sorry, you do a different kind of ‘getting around’ I completely forgot" I started to get really worked up - as I do around her, and so the guys started to get out of the limo, B came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "You okay honey?" he asked me, making Claire practically drop her mouth to the ground. She stayed like that for quite a while, I just had to say something. "You know, if you’re trying out for the fly-catching contest, right now you’d win hands down" She shut her mouth at that point. "Since when did someone like Brian Littrell like someone like you ?" "That’s for me to know and for you to cry yourself to sleep over at night ‘cos you’ll never know!" This made B laugh a lot, but he tried to keep it to himself. "Shall we go inside and rest your ankle Rain?" "Yeah, come on guys, let’s go" And with that, we all entered my house (I had my keys, but it wasn’t totally locked, my parents were in), leaving Claire with a very shocked look on her face. "Did you guys see her face when B walked up behind me?! That was a photo moment!" "I know I was, I took a picture!" Lauren said, she had grabbed my camera from Nick before getting out of the limo because he was apparently being really stupid with it. We all walked into my living room to find my parents having a cup of coffee and watching TV. "Hi mum, hi dad!" I hobbled over to them and gave them quick hugs. "You know the guys, or at least you should - this is Nick, AJ, Kevin, Howie, and my Brian, and these are Lauren, my friend from Arkansas, Shay, Brianna and Holly. Oh, and this is Donna Wright, the Backstreet Boys’ manager, or one of them I should say" "Hi" they all chorused "Hi" my parents answered "I thought you were still in Glasgow!" "Oh, that would be my fault" Donna started "I tried ringing you earlier, but nobody answered" "Oh, we were out doing the shopping, what did you want to talk to us about?" my mum piped up. The guys all took chairs around the living room, Donna next to my parents on the three-seater sofa, Nick and Lauren on the two-seater sofa, myself and B on the little poufee type chair thing, and the others on the floor. "Well…um…I’ll tell you the whole story…"