I awake, tiptoe over Nick and Brian, and make my way upstairs in my pjs. I walk into the kitchen to find my mother and sister making breakfast. “Good mornin’” My mommy greets me.. “Mornin’. What are you making, Jen?” I ask looking into the metal mixing bowl. “Taste it.” I dip my finger into the mysterious concoction and taste it. I make a face, sticking out my tongue in disgust. “What is that?” “A bunch of stuff. I’m going to feed it to the guys and see what they do.” “That is a horribly fantastic idea, can I help?” “Nah, we’re almost done anyway.” “Ok, I’m going to go watch TV, and basically waste time.” I walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. I turn the TV on to MTV and realize it is my Fanatic episode. It is close to the end, and they show clips of the play. The last and longest clip is the finale’s last note, long and high. I hear my voice hit the note and hold it. Mike zoomed into a close up my face, I change the channel quickly. “Good morning.” Nick sets his tall, muscular, baggy jeans and white wife-beater clad frame on the couch next to me. “Good morning. What happened to your shirt?” “Brian kicked me out before I could get it.” “How come you never go with out a shirt?” I ask, flirtatiously. “I’ve got baby fat.” Nick replies, sheepishly. “That’s so cute.” Softy pinching his tummy. He drops his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer. I lean my head on his shoulder and we watch cartoons together. Brian trudges up the stairs, finding Nick and I on the couch. Not wanting to disturb us, he heads for the kitchen. “Good morning Brian.” Jenny says, shyly. “Mornin’, it smells good in here, did you make all of this yourself?” He asks her. “No, Mom went back upstairs to change.” “What’s in here?” He asks, lifting the pot’s lid off. “Mac and cheese. ”She answers . “You made macaroni and cheese for breakfast?” Brian asks, suprised. “Well, it’s your favorite, right? So, I decided if I make it now, you can take it with you.” “Thank you, that’s so sweet.” Brian gives her a hug. She looks down at the ground, but obviously, ready to burst from happiness. “You know, you and your sister don’t look alike.” “I know, Tanya looks like my dad, she told me I am a mix between both of them.” “That’s nice of her. ”Brian says, sarcastically. “Well, if you see my mom and dad together, you would think it too.” Back in the living room, AJ and Howie have joined Nick and I. We watch Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd duke it out. I hear an noise and turn, to see Kevin’s tall, well-built frame lumbering up the stairs. My mother, followed by my brothers emerge from the upstairs. “Breakfast time!” She calls. “Wait, where’s Brian?” I ask. “Not downstairs.” Kevin answers. “In here!” Brian calls out from the kitchen. I walk in to see Brian and Jenny helping each other set out plates and silverware. “Brian,” I wag my finger at him, “are you putting the moves on my little sister?” “I--” He tries to answer, but as I walk towards him, I trip over a misplaced shoe, smacking my elbow on the countertop, cutting the skin. I break my fall with my arms, getting blood on the floor. “Tanya!” My mother rushes to me. I sit up and cover my cut with my other hand. “Are you hurt anywhere else?” “Yeah.” “Where?” “My dignity.” She laughs and goes to retrieve the first aid kit. Nick helps me to a chair. “I feel like a total loser, right about now.” “You’re not a loser, Cheese Whiz.” Jenny assures me, with her pet name for me. “Thanks.” “You’re not a loser, but you are a total klutz. Who here didn’t see that shoe?” I make a face at her as my mother returns with the kit. “This might hurt a bit.” She warns shaking the bottle of aneseptic. “That means it’s going to hurt like heck.” I will not cuss in front of adults, it’s a respect thing. Nick holds my hand and squeezes it. I look up into his handsome face and deep blue eyes. I melt. “Done.” My mother breaks my trance. I check my elbow to see it clean and bandaged. “Ok, breakfast!” An hour later, the guys and I are back on the stylishly cramped bus, traveling down the highway, headed for New York. “How many times have you guys been to New York?” I ask AJ, as I slide into the kitchen booth next to him. “Maybe half a dozen times or so. We’ve done a couple concerts up here, but mostly interviews and stuff like that.” “I probably saw all of those interviews. Let me think, hmmm, there was Rosie O’Donnell, Regis and Kathy Lee, I don’t know, who else.” AJ laughs at me. “That’s funny.” “What?” I ask, not thinking what I said was the least bit amusing. “Sometimes I forget that you were once a fan.” I giggle and shake my head. “I still am. But you don’t understand, I was like one of the biggest. You didn’t see my closet did you?” “No, why?” “It is one of those big walk-in kinds, and every wall is covered. Well, sorry to say, it wasn’t all BSB stuff. I had weird ads and quotes and stuff like that.” “Oh, really?” AJ raises an eyebrow. “Yes, really.” “Sure ya do.” “And what are you implying?” “I know your walls were covered with BSB stuff. Scary-like covered. Wall-to-wall. Ceiling to floor.” He gives me a mischievously evil grin. “You are such a dufo!” I insult him, lightly elbowing him in the stomach. “You are a very violent person.” “Oh no, only to you.” I say with a sweet smile. “Thank you oh-so-much.” “You’re very welcome.” ____________________________________________