Lacey Callahan pushed her strawberry blond hair back from her face, as she looked out of her motel window and was amazed at the snow that was transgressing down heavily upon the skyline of the city of Toronto. Their were several cars careened off the streets, as stranded motorists waited on abandoned vendor's corners, waiting for some sign of CAA. She could also see two stalled GO trains, as passengers sat in the train, some sleeping, some reading, and others just wondering when they were going to be home for the holidays. Lacey felt comfortable in her room, as she put on the Blue Jays jogging pants, and her wool cardigan, as well as some other sports apparel, that she had bought since she had none of wardrobe, or toiletries with her except a brush, some make-up, and her deodorant. "Hey Lacey, the pizza is here," AJ McLean knocked on her door, as Lacey's stomach grumbled with hunger. "Aweosme, coming," Lacey replied, as she opened her door, and followed AJ down the Penthouse floor towards Nick's and Brian's room where they had three pizzas waiting, freshly baked out of the oven. "Do you like your room?" Howie asked her, as she and AJ entered the room. "It's great," Lacey replied, as she took a napkin and piece of pizza. "I have a great view, and I looked outside to see the snow coming down harshly. Have you heard anything about the flights?" "Yeah, the news said that all flights are cancelled until further notice," Kevin answered, as they watched Muchmusic. "Wow, Iesha's stranded at the airport all alone," Lacey said, beginning to worry about her best friend again. "Maybe I should call and make sure she's okay." "I don't think you'll get through," Donna Wright, the Backstreet Boys manager, commented as she entered the room with some paperwork in her hands. "I don't think that you will all be getting home tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry. American Airlines had cancelled all the flights, so you probably won't be home until Sunday." Lacey felt bad for the guys, because she knew they had just come off an European tour, to shooting this Christmas video right away, and now they were unable to get home to see their families. "No problem Donna," Brian replied whole-heartedly. "We have lots of time to get home." "Okay, well I'm going to hit the sack," Donna said, as she took a bottled water and a piece of pizza. "Don't tire Lacey out too much guys." "We won't," Nick promised and Donna left the room.=20 "This is pizza is good," Lacey said, as she took another bite and glanced at the television screen, as Moist's video played. "So, Lacey, was that your first video shoot today?" Brian asked her, as Kevin and Howie excused themselves, saying they were tired, and wanted to get lots of sleep. "Yes it was," Lacey answered, as she finished off her pizza, and leaned back on the comfortable couch. "I've done a few catalogue shoots, but this was the first major gig that I have done. How about you all? Did you have fun on the video shoot today?" "Of course we did," AJ replied, as he took his third piece of pizza. "We always have fun on our video shoots." His cell phone started ringing, and Lacey got up. "Well boys, I am going to go down to the lobby because I have an incredible craving for an ice cream sundae," Lacey said, as she stood up and they all looked at her as if she was crazy. "Are you sane? I mean, it's below zero outside and you want to go and eat ice cream?" Nick asked her and Lacey laughed. "I love ice cream," Lacey replied smiling. "Come on guys! What else fun are we supposed to do on a cold, December night when a snowstorm is raging outside? We might as well enjoy it well it lasts!" "As crazy as it sounds, the ice cream actually sounds good," Brian commented, and he jumped up to join her. "Well, I guess I'd better come," Nick replied, as he reluctantly stood up. "Aaron and Angel would go in a second." "Yeah, so would my younger sisters," Lacey smiled. "How old are your sisters?" Nick asked her, as Brian went to ask AJ if he wanted to go with them. "Well, Rose is four and Emma is one year," Lacey answered smiling. "They are so adorable. I miss them when I'm at school." "Yeah, I miss my siblings as well," Nick commented, and Lacey saw the loneliness he must feel on tour without his family. "I would as well Nick if I was away as much as you," Lacey said softly. "I guess I shouldn't complain." "Bone's coming," Brian said, coming into the room. "I think I convinced Howie to come to!" "The more, the merrier," Lacey commented, as AJ and Howie came into the room. "Whose idea was this anyway?" Howie asked. Lacey smiled at him because he looked half asleep. "Lacey did," Nick replied. "Do you think I would think of something this crazy?" They all looked at him and Nick looked away. "Guilty Carter!" Lacey teased him, and he started chasing her down the hall. They ran past many rooms, and Nick caught her quickly, causing both of them to tumble to the floor. Unfortunately, Lacey went butt first, and started laughing loudly, that loud hiccups escaped her mouth. "Now, who's guilty?" Nick teased her back, as she laughed some more. "You two are crazy!" AJ joked and Lacey smiled. "Okay, you two, we'd better go downstairs before we start an earthquake or something." "Definitely!" Brian agreed, but their was a goofy expression on his cute face. "So, AJ, how's Amanda?" "Great," replied AJ, as they stepped onto the elevator. "I miss her a lot." "I miss Leanne as well," Brian replied. "How about you Lace? Do you miss Christian?" "Not yet," Lacey answered, as a dreamy smile crept across her face. "Actually, I barely know him!" They stepped off the elevator, as Lacey noticed her worse nightmare standing in front of her. There stood her evil nightmare that had made her highschool years, a living hell. It was Bruce Weatherstone, standing proudly beside his friends, as he seemed to be stranded in the Skydome Motel, after his car broke down. Lacey remembered all the names he used to call her because of her weight, his constant sexual remarks towards her, and the way he embarrassed her every day in the cafeteria. "What are you looking at Lacey?" Nick asked her, and she looked at him. "Oh, I have to um-go to the washroom," Lacey said. "Go get a table and I'll meet you in there." Lacey wanted to see what Bruce was going to say to her now. She wondered if he had changed at all. "Well, well, well, Larissa Callahan," Bruce smiled devilishly. "How quaint we would here on such a night? You are looking as attractive as an over-dosed pig as usual. How's the hamburgers?" "Bruce, shut up," Lacey snapped at her. "No baby, I want you and all your fat rolls," Bruce replied, grabbing her arm. "Leave me alone, you snake!" Lacey snapped at him, pushing his arm away. "You may have bothered me in highschool, but there is no way you are going to bother me now! I am much better then you!" "Yeah right hoe," Bruce laughed meanly in her face. "I will always be better then you." "You think your ugly face and steriod-induced body will get you anywhere in life?" Lacey replied angrily. "Or your half-brain that one half was fried with drugs, and the other is just empty?" Bruce's face lit up with anger, and he raised his hand, striking her hard across the face. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Bruce said, pushing her away, as tears crept down Lacey's face. Meanwhile, AJ had hung near the front of the restaurant with Howie because he sensed there just wasn't something right with that guy. He looked away for a split second, only to see Lacey grab her face, and run away from the guy in tears. "Howie, did you see that?" AJ said to him. "I think they jerk just hit Lacey!" "Are you sure you aren't exaggerating things?" Howie asked him, ooking in the direction where Lacey had last been, and he didn't see her anywhere. He then saw her, standing near the elevators. "Go see if she's okay." "I'm going," AJ replied, and he walked over to her. The first thing he saw was a huge red handmark on her face and tears streaming down her once cheerful face. "Lacey, what happened hon?" Lacey looked into his eyes and shook her head, implying that everything was fine. "Lacey, I still want you baby!" Bruce yelled at her, and AJ turned to him. "Who is that freak show?" AJ asked Lacey, and she clicked the elevator to go upstairs. The door opened, and Lacey went inside it, as AJ followed her in. "Lacey, did he hit you?" "N-no," she whispered, as she sobbed. "Everything's fine." "Come on hon, tell me, please," AJ said softly, as tears streamed down Lacey's face. "He's a jerk! I hate him! I hate him AJ! I hate him!" Lacey shrieked, as she choked on sobs. AJ wrappped his arms around her, as she sobbed harder. "It's okay Lace," he said softly. "You'll be okay." They stopped on the penthouse floor, and they stepped off. He glanced at her face, and it was turning a deep shade of purple. He looked over to see Kevin grabbing a Coke from the machine and he stopped, as soon as he saw Lacey's face. "What happened?" he wanted to know. "Some jerk downstairs hit Lacey," AJ answered, as Lacey was shaking, and she sat down on one of the couchs in the waiting room. "Who? Did you report him?" Kevin wanted to know. "Are you okay Lacey?" "No, it's not going to help," Lacey replied, shaking her head. "I'm just going to bed." She stood up, and walked quickly towards her room, which was near the elevators. She shut the door behind her, as AJ and Kevin stood wondering what to do next. "Did you see what happened AJ?" Kevin asked him. "No jerk should hitting be a girl." "I have no idea who he is," AJ said. "All I know is that Lacey hates him." The elevator door opened to reveal Howie, Brian, and Nick. They all looked concerned as they stepped off the elevator. "What happened?" Brian asked, as soon as they were of the elevator. "Where's Lacey?" "Some guy hit her downstairs," AJ informed them. "Who? What? When?" Nick asked quickly. "Is she okay? Where is she?" "She's in her motel room," Kevin said. "I don't want to go in there." "Someone knock and see if she's okay," Howie urgued them. "Nick, you go," Brian volunteered him, and he slowly walked over to her motel room, and knocked on the door. "Lacey?" Nick asked, as he knocked on the door. "Yes?" Lacey answered back, as she lay on her bed sobbing. "Lacey, can I talk with you?" Nick asked her and he heard her walk over to the door, and open it. "Nick, I'm okay," Lacey informed him, and he saw the nasty scar on her face, and knew she truly wasn't. "Lacey, what happened?" Nick asked her, as he went into her motel room. "Please tell us! We want to help you." Lacey walked out of her room to see all the guys sitting in the livingroom. They all stared at her when she came out, and she felt bad for avoiding them before. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "Lacey, why are you apologizing to us?" AJ asked her and she shook her head, as a whole new batch of tears flooded down her face. "Keep it all inside it's going to help you much hun." "I know," Lacey cried, as she sat down on the couch beside Howie, who put his arm around her. "Who is he Lacey? Tell us. We can help," Howie said softly. "His name is Bruce and he's a jerk," Lacey began, wiping the tear away from her face. "He tortured me in highschool and now he still is. I hate him! He always makes me feel so ugly, so fat, so horrible." "Bruce what?" Kevin wanted to know, picking up the phone by the elevator. "Bruce Weatherstone," Lacey answered. "Kevin, don't report him. Please don't." He put down the phone. "Lacey, want me to kick his butt?" AJ asked her, and she shook her head. "No," Lacey answered. "Let's just forget about it. I shouldn't have aid anything to him. It's partly my fault." "Lacey, no matter what you said, nobody has a right to hit you," Brian informed her, and Lacey looked around at them all. They all had genuine concern for her in their eyes. "Lacey, we just don't want to see you hurt," Nick said sitting on the perch beside her on the couch. "Thanks," Lacey replied, attempting a smile. "I appreciate it. Thanks." She stood up, as she walked into her motel room, and shut the door softly behind her. "What are we going to do?" Nick asked, as Kevin picked up the phone. "We are reporting him because this guy shouldn't get away with hitting Lacey," Kevin said confidently, as he called the front desk. "Hello?" the front desk clerk said. "How may I help you?" "Hi, this is Kevin Richardson, and I want to report something to security," Kevin said, sitting down on the coffee table. "Yes Mr.Richarson? Are there fans bothering you?" the clerk asked. "No, we have a friend up here visiting us," Kevin said. "She went downstairs to get a bite to eat and a guy in the lobby hit her on the face. Now, I don't know how you handle these cases, but I hope you handle this one properly. Thanks. His name is Bruce Weatherstone and he left a really bad scar on her face. Thanks." He hung up the phone, as the guys "Well, what do we do now?" AJ asked and they all looked around at one another. "Go to bed I guess," Brian replied. "I hope she's okay..." *************************************************************** Lacey woke up the next morning, and looked outside her window to see the snow falling harshly outside. She knew her father wasn't going to risk going out in this weather to get her. She walked over to the mirror, and saw her scar was now a nasty shade of purple. She looked away, and went into the shower. She got out and threw on some jeans and tied her hair back into a quick ponytail. She looked at the clock, and decided to call her parents before she headed back to out to get some breakfast. "Hello?" Rose answered the phone happily. "Hey Rose, it's Lacey," she said, as her little sister shrieked with delight. "Lacey! When are you coming home? I want you to help me build a snowman! Please! Oh Please! Please!" Rose cried and Lacey laughed merrily at her little sister. "Okay Rose, I will be home as soon as I can," Lacey replied smiling. "Is Dad or Mom there?" "Yes! Hold on!" Rose shrieked, as her mom came on the phone. "Hi Lacey," Mrs.Callahan said, as Emma gurgled away. "How are you this morning?" "Good Mom," Lacey answered. "How are you?" "Okay, honey," Mrs.Callahan replied, as she shifted Emma on her hip. "Your father can't come get you until the snow lets up. Iesha called and she's okay. She is stranded at the airport with her father and is very happy that you are the hotel. She asked how things were going." "Oh great," Lacey commented. "I was worried about Iesha a lot." She heard someone knock her door, as Emma started crying and Rose was pestering her mom. "I'd better go Lacey," Mrs.Callahan sighed. "I will call you when your father can get you." "Bye Mom," Lacey said, as she hung up the phone. She opened the door to see Nick standing there by himself. "Hey, how are ya this morning?" Nick asked her, as she let him come in, closing the door behind him. "I'm okay," Lacey replied, as she opened the bar and got out two orange juices. "How are you? Did you sleep well?" "Yeah, I slept like a rock," Nick answered, sitting down on a chair. "So, how's your face?" "It's fine," Lacey replied quickly. "I just talked to my mom and Rose. Rose was like, Lacey come home because I want to build a snowman. It was = so cute!" "I remember those days," Nick nodded, as he saw Lacey sigh. "Lacey, I know you are avoiding last night. Do you want to talk about it? The guys and I would like to help you." "There's nothing you can do Nick," Lacey replied, shaking her head. "I have tried everything possible to make people stop making fun of me, but there is always a Lin or a Bruce who want to laugh at people l like me because we are fat. They don't even care what we have to offer in intelligence, or creatively. No! It's just that if you are skinny, you are wondeful, and if you are fat, you can't be successful in the world. People's prejudices are just too harsh these days." "Lacey, have you listened to yourself lately?" Nick asked her, and Lacey was caught off guard. "What? What do you mean?" Lacey said, looking at him. "Lacey, you are talking as if all people care how you look in life," Nick said, sitting down beside her on the bed. "Look, when I was little, I was no Romeo. I was a loser. I wasn't popular, and all the so-called popular people laughed at me. I didn't give up though. I hated school and look where I am now. All my dreams have come true, and I didn't care what others think of me. You have to be determined, and not look at those others." "Nick, so many people say that to me," Lacey replied, as tears formed in her eyes. "And I try so hard. Nobody seems to be able to want to give me a fair chance." "You think they don't," Nick commented. "Look Lacey. People today are so self-centered. Many people just care about themselves, and they have no time to worry about how someone else looks. The only people that do make = fun of others are those who don't feel confident about themselves. They need someone as an escape of their own miseries, and they look towards people who they think aren't as good as them." "Nick, you have helped me a lot," Lacey said softly, wiping a tear from her face. "You and the guys have accepted me and I am so greatful for that." Nick smiled at her, and Lacey smiled back. "Lacey, you are very cool to hang out with," Nick said and he remembered back to the conversation the guys and him had had before they all went to bed. "We were all pissed off that guy hit you. We were all ready to beat him up." "I know," Lacey said, smiling at him. "I sound pathetic, don't I?" "No, you sound like a person who has been hurt," Nick answered, as they heard another knock on the door. Lacey got up, and opened it to reveal Brian and AJ standing there. "Good morning," they said in unison. "How are you?" "Hey guys, good and you?" Lacey replied, letting them pass into her motel room. "Fine," AJ answered, looking out her motel window. "I sort of hoped I could have flown home to see Amanda today though." "They said on CNN that the storm is supposed to last until tomorrow night," Brian told them. "I want to go home as well." "Well, are you up for some breakfast?" Nick asked them, as someone knocked on the door. Brian opened it to reveal Howie and Kevin, both looking already to start the day. "Breakfast everyone?" Kevin asked them and everyone followed him towards the elevator. They rode down to the main level, and accompanied by bodyguards, they were led towards the restaurant called Windows. Lacey = turned to see Bruce sitting there with his friends, having breakfast. "Hey look," AJ said. "It's the retard." "Don't remind me," Lacey said, shaking her head. She walked right by him, with her head held high, and he laughed when she walked by. "Nice scar Callahan," Bruce laughed, and his buddys looked at Bruce as if he was nuts. "Weatherstone, I wouldn't be laughing," the one hissed. "Look who she's with." "Who cares who's she with?" Bruce replied, but when he saw the BSB's bodyguards, he cringed. "Bruce, kiss my ass," Lacey said to him, and Bruce snarled. "Want me to hit you again?" Bruce threatened and Lacey glared at him. "Man, you aren't going to be hitting anyone," AJ told him, as he glared at him.=20 "You have no right hitting a woman you freak," Nick added and Bruce stared at them. "I can kick your butt too," Bruce said to Nick and Nick looked at him. "Sure you can," Nick laughed at him. "There's ten of us and one of you." "I suggest we run, now!" his friend commented and within seconds, they were all out of there. "Thanks guys!" Lacey told them. "I really appreciate it!" "No problem," AJ said smiling at her. "What are friends for?" Lacey smiled at them, as she turned to see Iesha walk through the door. She almost ran into Bruce and his friends. She was with her father. "Iesha!" Lacey cried and ran to hug her best friend. "I am so glad you are okay! Hi Mr.Keshawn! How are you?" "Hello Lacey," Mr.Keshawn replied smiling at her. "We're okay. We are glad we made it here!" "Iesha, how did you get there?" Lacey asked her. "Well, I talked to your mom and she said you were staying here, so we got a cab here," Iesha replied, as they walked over to the restaurant, while Mr.Keshawn booked them a room for the night. "A cab? How in the world did it get through the snow?" Lacey wanted to know. "Well, it only stalled like four times," Iesha laughed, as she waved at the guys. "What happened to your face?" "This guy hit me," Lacey answered. "Long story. Anyway, come and have breakfast with us!" "Sure, hey guys," Iesha said, smiling at them. "Long time, no see!" "Hey Iesha," Kevin said smiling at her. "We are glad you made it here safely." "So am I!" Iesha commented, smiling. She sat down beside Kevin. "Aren't you all flying out soon?" "Not until tomorrow night," replied Brian, as he took a sip of his coffee. "How was the airport last night?" "Very uncomfortable," Iesha answered, taking off her coat. "My dad and I had to sleep on the floor. I actually slept though!" "Can I help you?" the waitress asked and everyone ordered their = breakfast. "Iesha, I am going to get some sleep," Mr.Keshawn told her, after he was introduced to everyone. "Here's your key." "Dad, is it okay if I hang with Lacey and the guys?" Iesha asked him and he said sure. They had a great breakfast, as Iesha and Kevin got to know = each other more, and Lacey joked around with the guys. She hadn't had more fun in her life, then she had that night. After breakfast, AJ, Howie, Brian, and Kevin decided they wanted to go work out, and Iesha headed upstairs to get some sleep. "So, it's just you and me," Nick said, as Lacey and him entered the penthouse level. They said hello to Donna as she passed them, and several other people. "What do you want to do?" "How about a walk in the snow?" Lacey suggested, as she grabbed her winter coat. "Sounds fun," Nick said, and he got his jacket from his room. As they about to enter the elevator, the power flickered off, leaving the only light in the room, a small ray of sunshine from the outside...