Chapter Nine

Five weeks later... It was a cold, October Saturday morning, as I prepared breakfast for myself. It was windy out, and I was very happy in my blue jeans and red sweater. I love fall. In my opinion, it's the best time of the year. Thanksgiving had come and gone, and Hallowe'en was very near. Nick and I are still an item. I haven't seen him since the Toronto concert, but he was coming down today to see me with AJ and Brian. They were going to stay at my house. My mom was very excited about them, and had been planning a big dinner to welcome my first boyfriend here with all our family. My parents even gave me the car to go and pick them up, when their flight arrived from Orlando. I was leaving in ten minutes and had decided to bring Oceane with me. "Emilie, be careful in that car," Mom said to me as I grabbed the car keys. "Yes Mom," I replied as I headed out the door. I got in and headed to Oceane's house to pick her up. "Emilie, can you believe it?" Oceane shrieked, jumping in the car. "We are going to see the m again." "I am so happy," I answered as I pull out of her driveway. "I got Nick a dozen roses. Do you think that's cheesy?" "No," Oceane answered. "I didn't AJ anything because I didn't want to look to excited to see him." "Oh Oceane, I missed Nick so much," I commented. "Did you hear all those girls at school yesterday?" Oceane asked me. "They are so jealous of you. They are all mad that you are dating Nick." "I know," I laughed smiling. "I don't care though." We drove to the airport in silence, as we arrived and parked the car. I paid the parking fee and we practically ran into the airport to get the guys. We checked the arrivals board and saw their flight was arriving in ten minutes. We got permission to surprise them at the gate, and waited patiently as the plane arrived. We watched the passengers get off and I noticed three girls looking overly excited. "NIck, is so nice," the girl said. "I wonder who his girlfriend is." They chatted and I smiled at him. When I noticed the guys, tears formed in my eyes, as Nick's 6'5 frame became visible with AJ standing beside him and Brian behind him. I lost it, as tears flowed down my cheeks and Oceane started crying as well. AJ noticed Oceane first and he gave her a big smile, as she ran into his arms. Nick noticed me then, and walked towards me. "Hey Em," he said and I just threw my arms around him, and he pulled me close. "Hi," I said softly. "I missed you so much." "Me too," Nick said giving me a quick kiss. "You look so beautiful." "Thanks," I whispered. "You look good too." We let go of each other as he put his arm around me. I noticed Brian smiling at us. "Don't I get an hello?" he asked me and I laughed. I gave him a sisterly hug and so did Oceane, when I remembered the roses I was supposed to give Nick. "I have something for you," I told Nick. "I have something for you too," Nick said and we exchanged gifts. He gave me a box, and I opened it to find a white teddybear, which the words I LOVE YOU EMILIE imprinted on the front and a small bouquet of daisies along with it. "Oh Nick, I love it," I squealed hugging him again. "The roses are beautiful," Nick said. "Thanks." "Geez, you two act like you just saw each other after a whole year or something," AJ teased. "Well, it feels like a year," Nick commented looking down at my ankle. "It's healed." "Yeah, I got my crutches taken away last week," I told him. "How about we get going?" Brian suggested. "Do you live far from the airport Emilie?" "About thirty minutes away," I answered as Nick grabbed my hand and we walked towards the baggage claim as the guys grabbed their suitcases. I noticed AJ and Oceane were holding hands as well. We walked to the car, and got in, as Nick sat in the front with me, and everyone sat in the back... We arrived at my house to see the lawn being watered in the front, and my friends Ariale, YeoSung, and Alexis hanging out on the front lawn with my dog Mouse. They waved when we arrived as AJ and Brian stared at my friends. "Who are those fine looking females?" AJ asked me. "My friends," I replied. "There's Ariale, YeoSung, and Alexis. I'll introduce you." "Nice dog," Brian said as he got out of the car. "Thanks, that's Mouse," I answered getting out of the car. "Nice house," Nick told me smiling as we got out. "I can't wait to meet your family." "Believe me, they are dying to meet you," I replied smiling. "Brandy and Jordan have been on hyper overdrive all week." "Hey girls and guys," Alexis yelled walking over towards us. Mouse ran towards me and jumped on me. I knelt down and started to pet him, as Nick petted him to. "This is my favourite member of the family," I told Nick and he smiled. "Hi Al," Oceane said smiling. "Meet Nick, AJ, and Brian. Boys, these are our friends YeoSung, Ariale, and Alexis." "Nice to meet you," AJ said winking at them. Ariale and YeoSung smiled shyly. "So, how about we go inside?" I suggested. "Are my parents cool? Is anyone else here?" "Yeah, your grandma's here," Ariale replied as Brian kept staring at her. "I think Brian likes Ariale," Nick whispered to me and I smiled, glancing at them. "Come on in and meet my family," I told Nick as he grabbed my hand. We walked into the house, as Mouse made sure he was the first one inside the house. I let everyone go ahead, as AJ and Brian put their suitcases in the front hall. My mom came to the door with Brandy and Jordan. "Sissy," Brandy shrieked as soon as I was through the door. "Hello everyone," Mom said smiling at them. "How are you all? Hi AJ. And hello Nick. And Kevin?" "Brian, nice to meet you m'am," Brian said extending his hand. Mom shook it. "Would you like anything to drink?" Mom asked them. "We're okay," AJ said. "Thanks anyway." Oceane went ahead with everyone, leaving Nick and I with my mom and siblings. "Hi Nick," Jordan said smiling. "Hey Jordan," Nick said smiling patting him on the head. "How are you buddy?" "Good," Jordan answered as I saw my grandma walk in from the bedroom area. "Hello there," Grandma said smiling. "So, you must be Nick, the guy Emilie won't stop talking about." "Hello," Nick said extending his hand. "Nice to meet you." "Same here," Grandma answered smiling. "Would you like some tea?" "Well, I was going to show Nick and the guys their rooms," I told them. "We might go swimming or something." "Sure, go ahead," Mom said as they walked into the kitchen. "Sorry about this," I told Nick when everyone was gone. "My house is crazy all the time." "Don't worry about it," Nick replied smiling. "I'm glad your mom allowed us all to stay here for the weekend." "She doesn't mind at all," I replied. "Oh, Nick, I missed ya so much." "Same here Em," he replied giving me a big hug. "Your house is beautiful." "Thanks," I answered. "We'd better go find everyone else." Nick and I walked through the front room, and downstairs to where someone had turned on MuchMusic on the big screen tv, and were playing pool.YeoSung and Ariale were sitting on the couch watching the tv, and everyone else was playing pool. "Well, the two lovebirds decide to make an entrance," AJ teased us. "Yeah, well, at least they know how to hit a pool ball," Brian teased him and everyone laughed. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked them. "Got any beer?" Oceane asked me and I gave her a Look. "No," I lied, knowing my mom wouldn't be too pleased that I was giving everyone alcohol. "So, how was your piano exam?" I asked Ariale sitting down beside them on the couch. "Not too bad," Ariale answered. "I think I passed." "Awesome," I replied smiling. I noticed Nick hanging with everyone at the pool table. "So, I think Brian likes you." "Yeah Ariale, I saw the way he was looking at you," YeoSung commented smiling. "Yeah right," Ariale answered glancing at Brian. "He likes Alexis. Look at the way they're talking to each other." "Alexis has a boyfriend," I replied to her. "Come on Ariale, I'll introduce you to him." "Go Ariale," YeoSung pleaded her. "No," Ariale answered shyly as Nick and Brian came over to us. "Can we join your conversation?" Brian asked us. "Sure," I answered smiling. "You all know each other. Ariale was just telling us about her piano exam." " Oh yeah, you play piano?" Brian asked interested. "Well, I'm going to show Nick where you are all staying," I told them. "YeoSung want to come to." She nodded and I grabbed Nick's hand, and we walked into the downstaris bedrooms. I noticed my parents had set up three bedrooms. Each one had a double bed, a dresser, new carpet, and even new wallpaper. I hadn't been down there in a while, and it looked great. "These are our rooms?" Nick asked me. "I would be happy in a sleeping bag." "Well, my parents are very homey and I guess they wanted to make it nice for you," I told him. "Emilie, I've never been in here before," YeoSung said to me. "It's really nice." "Thanks," I replied. "So, which room do you want?" "Where is your room above?" Nick asked me slyly and I laughed. "This one," I said, leading him into the bedroom below my room. "Now, we can talk through the vent," Nick said pulling me close to him. "I have to go to the uh-," YeoSung said and she quickly left the room. "YeoSung, you don't have to go," I yelled at her. "No, don'tworry about it," YeoSung yelled back, as you could hear the embarrassment in her voice. "Sorry, she always gets flustered," I told Nick. "Well, Emilie, I love you and your family is awesome," Nick said softly. "I love you too," I replied and our lips met, and we kissed deeply, and we let go. Nick smiled at me and I smiled back. I still can not believe I fell in love with nick. I missed him so much, and over the last few weeks we've been talking on the phone about three times a week, and he e-mails me everyday. It seemed as he hadn't even been away from each other for so long. "I'm glad we have three whole months off," Nick told me smiling. "I forgot to tell you. My mom decided to stay at my grandparents for a month in Jamestown. Now, we can see each other all the time." "Really Nick?" I shrieked. "That's awesome. How would you like to come to my school for the day on Monday?" "Sure, I would love to," Nick answered as he heard someone knocking on the door. I turned to see my dad standing there and I was glad Nick and I weren't even holding hands. "Hi Dad," I said. "I was just showing Nick his room." "Hi Nick," Dad said. "How are you?" "Great, Mr.Parker," Nick answered shaking his hand. "How are you?" "Good," Dad answered. "Emilie, are you eating here or not?" "Sure," I replied. "We can help you with the stuff." "Emilie, my dad's here," Oceane yelled to me. "Alexis is coming with me, see you later." "Bye," I yelled back. "I'm going to Emilie," YeoSung yelled back too. "Well, dad, it's just the five of us because Ariale's sleeping over," I told him. "Thanks anyway." "Okay," Dad replied and he walked towards the stairs. "Why are all your friends leaving?" Nick asked me. "I don't know," I replied shrugging my shoulders. "'Sup?" AJ asked us from the hallway. "Which room is mine?" "Any room you would like," I answered walking into the hall. "Nice rooms," AJ said walking into the room beside Nick's room. "Your parents are really cool Emilie." "Thanks," I answered. "Thanks so much for coming AJ. You too, Brian." "Brian and Ariale are having an intimate conversation about animals or something," AJ replied. "So, are we going to have your Dad with the barbecue?" "Yeah, we should," Nick said. "Want to go out later?" "Well, sure," I replied. "Would you like to go to a club or something?" "Sounds good," AJ said and I grew a little nervous. "What's up?" Nick asked me. "This is dumb, but I haven't been to a club since the Bamboo," I told them. "Don't worry," AJ said. "You'll do great and remember, you are going with the hottest dancer, me." "Oh AJ," I laughed as Nick laughed too. "Well, excuse me, I'm going to get a shower," AJ said. "Thanks Em for everything." "No problem," I replied smiling as AJ disappeared into his room and Nick and I went back to the rec room to join Brian and Ariale. "Hello," Ariale said smiling at me when I looked at the tv screen to see Rapid Fax. "Turn it up," I said to Ariale and she turned it up. "Many of you have been writing, calling, e-mailing, and faxing if Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys has a steady girlfriend and we received an official press statement from their management," the host said. "It says, "Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys does have a girlfriend and is happily dating someone.' Well girls, I'm sorry to break all your hearts, Nick has a girlfriend, but hey there's always the rest of the boys, right? See you next hour." "Well, everyone knows now," Brian commented. "I don't see what the big deal is." "All the fans love Nick," I replied. "I can't blame them for that." "Well, they should know," Nick replied sitting down in a nearby chair. "I do have a right to have a girlfriend." "Yes you do," Ariale said. "Everyone has the right to a relationship." "Definitely," Brian agreed with her and they smiled. "So, who wants streaks? Hamburgers? Hotdogs?" I asked them as I jumped up. "My dad is barbecuing. Brian? Ariale?" "I'm have a hamburger," Ariale said. "Same here," Brian replied. "Well, I'm going to see my grandma," I said to them heading up the stairs as Nick followed. I opened the door to as I heard some giggling on the other side. I opened it to see Jordan and Brandy giggling at SpiceWorld. "Hi Nick," Jordan and Brandy said in unison. "Hey guys," Nick said. "What are you watching?" "Spiceworld," answered Jordan as the phone rang. I ran to answer it, noticing my parents and grandma was outside. "Hello, is this Emilie?" said Nick's mom. "Hi Mrs.Carter," I said cheerfully. "How are you?" "Wonderful honey," Mrs.Carter answered. "How's my son? Is he behaving himself?" "He's been great," I replied laughing as Nick walked into the kitchen. "Here he is. Nick, it's your mom." Nick nodded and picked the phone up and started talking to her. I went out through the sliding door, to see my grandma and mom having tea. "Hello," Grandma said. "Hi Grandma," I answered sitting down. "Where's your honey?" Grandma teased. "He's a lovely boy. Boy, if I was forty years younger, he would be a fine catch." "Grandma," I blushed laughing. "Who phoned?" Mom asked me. "Nick's Mom phoned," I replied as Nick walked out onto the patio. "Hi," Nick said. "My mom says hello." "Well, next time she calls tell her we've kidnapped her son forever," Mom replied and Nick laughed. "Come and sit down," Grandma said, but Mom hesitated. "How about you show Nick the rest of the house," Mom suggested and I stood up. "Sure, come on Nick," I grabbed his hand and led him into the house. "Want to see my room?" "Sure," Nick replied and I led him into my room. My room had Backstreet Boys posters everywhere. "Nice room. It must be scary waking up to those pictures everyday." "No, I love to wake up to my sweetie's face," I replied. "It's so beautiful." "Well, you're beautiful," Nick replied. "Nobody is as beautiful as you." "You are," I replied back laughing. "Mouse is." "Well, yeah, I can see the features," Nick laughed and I laughed too...