~*~*Chapter Eighteen*~*~

"B, what’s wrong?" I asked him again, he wouldn’t look me in the eye. He just looked out of the window, not answering. So I decided to leave him alone for a while, hoping he’d come and talk to me later, so I grabbed my bag, told him to come talk to me when he was ready and went and hobbled to a seat on my own, put on my earphones and listened to my CD Walkman (which was playing Backstreet Boy’s 2nd European album - Backstreet’s Back (brilliant album) , just so you know). I listened to it for a while, but quickly fell asleep, and stayed that way until I heard a loud horn sound from the front of the bus. "What the……?" I mumbled as I was jolted almost out of my seat. "Damn pedestrians!" I heard the driver yell. "Um, Mr. Bus Driver? It’s not illegal to cross the streets here in Britain not at traffic lights" "Well, it should be, and please, call me Dave" "Okay, Dave" "What’s goin’ on?" asked AJ, a little annoyed something had interrupted him and Brianna’s erm……romantic moment. "Dave here just found out the hard way that it’s not illegal to jaywalk in Britain." I explained. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked. "Well, I’m hoping for a McDonald’s" B said, walking up behind me, still not saying anything. "Mmmm, sounds good to me, let’s go!" AJ - does that boy ever think about anything apart from his stomach - and Brianna?! "To AJ’s delight, we were going to a McDonald’s, and even more to AJ’s delight, it was on Donna. "Yes guys, it’s on me, now go before I change my mind!" So, off we went, the guys in caps and sunglasses, as there were a lot of Backstreet Boys fans there ( a few had T-shirts on - you go figure). We all went and ordered, and as we all went to a large booth at the back of the restaurant, I told them I wasn’t in a group kind of mood, and that I was going to sit on my own, Lauren pulled me over to one side and asked me: "What the heck is going on?! Why won’t you sit with us? What happened?" I recalled the story to her, the joke, the choking, the crying, Nick giving me a hug while he was telling me the Scream 2 story, and how he had forgotten he had his arms around me, and B had to tell him to ‘stop hugging his girl’. "He’s been giving me the silent treatment ever since, I don’t know what’s made him do this, oh, tell me what to do Frack, what if he never speaks to me again? What will I do?" "First of all, stop worrying, of course he’ll talk to you again, I’ll make sure of that, wait here" "No, Lauren…" but, she’d already gone. I sat down with my back to them, I had just seen AJ and Kevin give each other what’s-going-on? Looks, and I couldn’t face going back over there to be bombarded with their questions. I had just got my oh-I’m-about-to-cry mood under control, when B came over and parked himself opposite me, bringing his meal tray with him. "Lauren said you wanted to talk, so, what is it?" He said in a not very caring mood at all. "I told Lauren I was afraid you were never going to speak to me again, not that I wanted to talk...but now you mention it, I would like to know why I’m feeling colder than a turkey in the freezer in the middle of summer?" "Because…you’ve..taken your coat off?" "That’s not what I meant B, and you know it" "Why are you giving me the silent treatment?" "I don’t know what you mean" "You know exactly what I mean Brian" I was on the verge of either shouting at him, or crying, and he could tell I was really upset, ‘cos I said Brian, instead of B. "Why wouldn’t you talk to me on the bus?" "I was thinking" "Oh, I wondered what that funny smell was, it must have been the rusty brain cogs rubbing against the sawdust" "Hey, that wasn’t nice" "Neither was ignoring me on the bus" "Okay, we’re even" "So, are you going to tell me or not?" ~~~~~~~at the guys’ table~~~~~~~ "Lauren, are you gonna tell us what’s going on, or do we have to force it out o’ ya?" said AJ, wow, that boy will stop at nothing to get the gossip will he?! "Don’t be so nosy AJ, let B-Rok and Rainey sort it out for themselves" "What is it? Don’t tell me Frick’s jealous of something now is he?!" asked Nick, laughing. "As I told AJ, don’t be nosy, I’m sure they’ll tell us when they’ve sorted it out, now sit still and finish your food" "Oooh, feisty!" AJ joked, but he shouldn’t have, because Lauren hadn’t appreciated it and kicked him under the table. He had to muffle his pain, otherwise their cover would have been blown, so he stuffed extra fries in his mouth to help ‘ease the pain’. ~~~~~~~back with me and B~~~~~~~ "You think what?!!!" I was practically choking on my fries, I had to laugh, but B looked upset, so I kept it in. "I think…Nick likes you" he repeated. "Yeah he likes me, so do the others, what’s your point?" "You know what I mean" "Actually, I don’t" he could see I was genuinely bemused by his statement, so kind of eased up a little bit. "Remember when he had his arms around you?" "Yeah…" "Well, he kind of forgot he had his arms around you, like he was getting used to it that way, and I didn’t like it one bit." "Oh B, is that all?!" I was relieved it wasn’t anything else! "What do you mean, is that all?" "I thought you were angry about something else, I couldn’t think what though, but I didn’t know that a friendly hug would make you feel this way" "Friendly hug?" "Yes dummy, Nick and I are friends, you know that, he’s happy with Lauren, and I’m happy with you, why would he jeopardize two relationships?" "I guess he wouldn’t. Wait, did you just say you were happy with me?" "yes, I’m very happy, and relieved that we sorted all that out, hey, that was my first fight with a boyfriend!" "First time for everything, ha, ha!" The way he said it, I knew what he was meaning, and I blushed so hard I swear smoke was practically coming out of my ears! "Let’s let that be the last one, I hate fighting" B put his left arm on my right shoulder, and said "And finally……they fought no more" "Oh B!" I laughed, sending coke bubbles to go up my nose, which made B laugh, but not like the last time! "Let’s go outside, go for a walk" B suggested, and I agreed. We went to tell the others we were going. "Where are you two off to?" asked Sarah "Off to see the ‘sights’!" giggled Nick, which made everyone laugh, B and I blush, and Lauren slap the back of his head. "Ow!!!" "Well, behave!" B and I left as Lauren and Nick got into a ‘discussion’ about friends, insulting them, and how not to get slapped on the back of the head.