~*~*Chapter Five*~*~

We found Jo and May after fighting our way through the flood of girls (and a couple of boys) who had run to the front barrier. "What took you so long?!!" said May, who seemed to be really worried about me. "Um..um... well you see....." I hadn't tried to think of an excuse! I needed help - quick! "The security people wanted some fans to look out for the little ones at the front, the ones where some security people can't get to, and Frick was the nearest one to them, so they asked her to do it, isn't that right, Frick?" "Yup, that's about it really, nothing major" "And you are..?" Asked Jo, looking at Lauren. "Oh, I forgot! Jo, May, this is Lauren, one of my Internet friends who I literally bumped into around the corner, isn't that weird, anyway, Frack, this is Jo and May, two of my good friends." "Frick?" asked May. "Frack? asked Jo. "Well, we've been talking on the Internet for a while, then started writing by ordinary mail, so we're quite good friends now, so we call each other Frick and Frack, I call Lauren Frack because she likes Nick, and she calls me Frick because I like B, simple really, anyway, we have to go, we've got to get some kind of passes that say we're fan-security, so people won't cause us hassle if we tell them to back off a bit, we'll see you in a bit, and May?" "yeah?" "Take some photos, good ones, and try out the zoom if you need to, but try not to take that many of Nick OK?!" "Sure, if you say so" "Thanks very much, see you two in a bit then?" asked JO. "Ha, you can bet on it!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!" I started laughing, I just couldn't stop. "What's so funny?" said JO. "Nothing, just that you will see us later, I just got a fit of the giggle that's all" "Oh, OK" "C,mon Lorraine, we have to go" And with that, we set off to fight our way back through the crowd of fans, dang, that guy was cute! We found getting backstage easier after leaving the bear-pit that was front row. "Woah, I never knew it could get that crowded up front!" I said breathlessly. "Well, at least it's not round here, look, there's some seats, let's get them" We sat down, and half watched the show, we were too happy and hyper to pay full attention to it. We were mid-conversation when a little blonde-haired boy came up to us, and plonked himself right in-between us and started sucking some kind of sweet on a stick. "Hi....I'm ....Aaron, nice to meet you..... are you two..... going on stage later .....with the..... guys?" He said between sucks. "Well, nice to meet you too, and yes, we're two of the girls who are going to go on-stage with the guys," I said, trying not to laugh because Aaron (Carter) had failed to notice that he had purple dribble running down his chin, but I just had to tell him, he was going on stage soon, and he was wearing a nice, newly-cleaned white T-shirt, I couldn't let him mark it. "Um, Aaron? Have you lost something?" "I don't think so, what is it?" "Well, your mouth seems to have lost some vital fluid" "Huh?" "You're dribbling! Come here" I said, pulling him close so I could wipe it off with one of my tissues. "Oh, thanks" I don't think he likes girls much! "You're welcome. Oh, I'm Lorraine, I'm going to be with Brian on stage, and this is Lauren, she's going to be with your brother, Nick" "Really, cool, they'll both enjoy that" "What do you mean?" asked Lauren "They love singing, and they love having a girl up there to sing to." "Really?" Lauren was getting suspicious that maybe Nick wouldn't like her, and that she'd only be a prop or something. "Don't worry Lauren, he told me he likes you, that's why I'm over here, just to see what you're like. I hope Nick's not in any trouble?!" "Oh, no, not at all! I actually think that's quite sweet, you two looking out for each other like that, I'm actually flattered. So, what's the verdict?" "I think you're a pretty nice person. So, can I tell him you like him?" "If you want, but maybe he wants to find out for himself. Leave it our little secret just now, maybe we can tell him later, OK?" "OK. Do you want to meet the other girls who are going on stage?" "Sure, why not" I said, I hadn't seen them yet. He led us through to what I thought was the green room, but it was blue - strange. "Here's the other two Donna!" He shouted, to, I guess, Donna Wright. "Hi there you two! We wondered when you two were going to show up!" "Sorry" We both said "Well, I was talking to Brian, and then I had to go and tell my friends that I wasn't going to be at the barrier, but I didn't tell them why, but I left my camera in their capable ( I hope! ) hands, and then when we came back, we weren't told where to go, so we sat down through there, then Aaron came up to us and sat himself right between us and started dribbling..." "Hey!!!" "Sorry, but you were!" "OK, at least you're here now, now here are the other girls, Brianna, Shay and Holly" "Hi, I'm Lauren, nice to meet you" "Hi" came the response of all three girls "And I'm Lorraine" "Hi" was said again. "So, who's going with who? I'm with Brian." "And I'm with Nick" "I'm going to be Howie's partner, I'm really excited!" said Holly. "AJ's my man!!!" that was Brianna "And, as you can guess, I'm Kev's girl" said Shay, I could tell she was trying to keep her scream in, but she failed "AAAhhhhhhh! I can't believe it, I've actually met Kev - I can die happy now!" "Hey, don't do that, you've got a show to do first!" said Holly, sending us into fits of nervous laughter. "What happens if we faint on stage?!" Lauren was getting increasingly aware of what was ahead of her. "The guys have to hold us closer!!" I said, trying to make a joke to calm her down. It worked thankfully. "Maybe I'll pretend to faint, I want to get as close to Nick as possible!" "Oh, Frack, you're terrible!" I laughed "Well, Frick, won't you be fainting?!" "Not in front of 8 - 10,000 people I'm not! Embarrassment central!!!!" "Frick & Frack?" asked Holly. I recounted the whole Internet story to her. "Wow, small world eh?!" "I can't believe it either!" Lauren said. "Holly, your mum is here to see you," came Donna's voice "She only wants to tell you where to meet her after the concert Holly" said Donna. "OK, I'll be back in a few," and then she left. "I'm soooo hyped, aren't you?!" "Oh yeah!!! I'm just trying to hold it in, but as you saw earlier, I'm not that good at hiding my feelings!!!" said Shay, I was now thinking that we should have a bet of who would faint first, I had a good idea who would!! I noticed the guys through the glass windows, Brian waved at me again, and I waved back, mouthing "Good luck B" he smiled his beautiful crooked smile at me and walked to the side of the stage with the others. Now, don't get me wrong when I talk about B's crooked smile, you know how it tilts to the left slightly - don't think I'm dissing it, I'm not, I love it, it's one of his best features! "You can go the side of the stage girls, but don't get in the way of the people setting up the different songs, OK? I'll bring Holly when she gets back" Donna told us, rather excited girls. We went to the side of the stage, and my goodness, can us fans scream!!! I could see Jo and May, but they couldn't see me, May had just taken a photo, of Nick I supposed, and Nick at this point was the nearest one to us, maybe we got in the photo!!! But she still didn't see us poking our heads round the curtain. We watched 'our men' do their thing, and all too soon, we were called up one by one by our guys to go to the seats that were set out for us.