~*~*Chapter Six*~*~

"Oh shit! Let's get out of here!" Nick yelled to me, over all the screams of of happy girls that had erupted. We started to run towards the doors. They seemed so far away. I looked back to see that a mob (small but powerful) had formed behind us. I tripped when I looked back and fell to my knees, but jumped back up quickly. But in falling, I slowed us down alot. I heard Nick yell from behind me. I spun around to see him being mobbed by the girls. He tried to get away, but they were holding on to his shirt. I pulled him away from them and we managed to get out the doors into the awaiting limo. When we got inside, Nick shut the door quickly, although security was holding them back now anyway. I watched them try to scramble through. "Lucy, are you alright? Nick asked. "I'm fine, are you-" I cut short when I turned around and saw him. There was a small trickle of blood running down the side of his face. "Oh my god, Nick you're bleeding!" I took off my white jacket and wiped away the blood with it. "What happened?" I asked. Nick reached to a spot just above his temple and felt it gingerly with his fingers. "I think I got hit with someone's keys or something, I'm not sure." "Oh, it looks painful." I said. I was now parting his hair to get a good look at the cut. It wasn't that bad, but it still looked like it hurt. "Hey, what's going on? Everyone alright back there?" called the driver. "Yes, we're ok. I just got a bump on the head, that's all." Nick replied. "Alright, let me know if you need anyhting." "Uh-huh," Nick said, "Ow!" "Sorry," I had touched the cut accidentally. "S'okay" he replied. "So, are the rest of the guys coming soon?" I asked the driver, while concentrating on blotting around Nick's cut. "Yes, ma'am. They are trying to find a way to get out without getting mobbed as well. They will be here soon and then we will be on our way back to the hotel." "Great," I said, "Ok, Nick, take this and hold it on the cut." He did as I asked, and winced. "You know, I'm completely ruining your sweater." Nick said with a smile. "Oh, that's OK. I didn't like it anyway." And don't let up on that compress, either." "Sorry." "S'okay" "Hey, man, don't take my word!" Nick gave me a playful shove. "Then don't call me "man", man!" I stuck out my tongue and he laughed. "It's a deal." he replied. "Hey, how's your head feel?" "A bit better, actually." "Good. I was afraid you were falling apart on me here. Just don't hurt yourself any more, Okay?" "I promise." "Hey, look, here come the guys!" I exclaimed. Howie was the first to enter the limo. "Nick, what happened to you?" He asked, concerned. "I got bonked on the head on my way out of the club." He explained. "Damn," AJ said, "Ouch." "Oh, it's not that bad" Nick said. "Speaking of the wound you recieved in "battle," I said, "Let's see if it stopped running like a faucet." I took of the "bandage", parted his hair, and saw that it indeed had stopped. "I think my buddy, mr. Carter here deserves a purple heart." Brian said, as we started to drive off. "Hey, Howie, where's Steph?" I asked. She wasn't in the car. "She had to go. Her parents wanted her to be home by twelve and she didn't want to be late. I kissed her goodbye, I really like her." "That's awesome Howie! Did you tell her?" "I'd say that the kiss told her." "Good point." I said, smiling at my own dumb question. "Hey, I wonder what time-" I looked at my watch, "It's two o'clock already! How time flies, right Nick?" "I looked over at him to see that he'd fallen asleep, leaning his head against the window. I put my Purse under his head as a pillow and stroked his hair. He looked so peaceful. We got to the hotel and when the car stopped, Nick woke up. When we got out of the car, he asked, "Don't you need a ride?" "No, I'll walk. I need the exercise." "Oh, okay, but do you mind if I come with you? I need to talk to you." "Yeah, sure, if you're up to it." I said. "I'm fine." He told the guys he was going with me and we started to walk. "You know, if I hadn't fallen and slowed us down, we both would have gotten out unharmed." "It's okay, don't worry about it." He replied. We walked in silence for a while, sticking to the not-so-busy streets so Nick wouldn't be recognised. "Um, Lucy?" He asked "Yes?" "I've known this for a while, but, I never told you...um...we're actually leaving early tomorrow morning to go on tour. They messed up the dates on us again." "Oh." I said quietly, as my heart silently broke. I paused, then said, "I guess I won't be able to see you for a long time then, right?" "Not necessarily." he replied. I looked up at him. "Why?" I asked, hopefully. "We can bring you on tour with us for a the next couple of months. That is, if you want to." He looked very hopeful. "Oh, no," I said, and looked back at the ground, "I can't!" My sister needs my help getting rent money and taking care of the house. I would love to come, I wish I could, but I have too many responsibilities." My eyes started to well up with tears. I looked away so he wouldn't see. But a tear fell to the ground, giving me away. "Lucy, don't cry." He whispered. He put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from walking further away. "Lucy, look at me." I did as told, and he wiped a tear from under my eye. "Don't worry, we can still write and talk on the phone. It's okay." he soothed. "No, it's not. Every guy I meet always ditches me." "Lucy, I'm not ditching you! I said I call and write, and I'll visit you as much as I can." "That's what they all say." I replied coldly and started to walk away from him. "No, Lucy!" He ran to me and took my hand. "I don't want to let this go." Looking into his eyes, I realized that I had to believe him. We got to the front of my apartment building and stood there in silence for a few minutes. "So I guess this time it really *is* goodbye." Nick said sadly. "I guess." I said. He pulled me into a big hug. "I'll miss you." he said, his voice cracking. "I had a lot of fun." I said, tearing up again. "Me too." he said quietly. "Can you do me a favor?" "Sure." "Smile for me, so when I can't see you I'll always have that picture in my mind." At this I couldn't help but smile, even if I hadn't wanted to. "Thanks." He whispered. I pulled away from him and explained that I had to get to bed. He let me go, but as I walked away I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Lucy, wait." He said. I turned around. "Don't forget about me." "Don't worry." I replied. I kissed his cheek and walked inside.