As they neared the room 15 minutes later, they saw Brian standing in the doorway like a statue looking inside. "Brian.... Brian, are you okay?" Nick asked. They got to the door, and Brian moved to let them in, the shock beginning to wear off.. "Oh my god!" Nick cried as Brian rushed over to me to untie my wrists. He held me close, expecting me to hold him back, but I was too weak. My head tilted backwards, my arms limp at my sides. He laid me back down. That's when he saw the note. "There's.... there's a note guys" he finally got out. "What does it say?" Nick asked "Well Brian.... guess who?! Because of your stupidity of leaving Lorraine alone, she has now fallen prey to me. At first she tried to get away, but that ankle didn't do her any favours. I'm sure when she gets over her 'traumatic ordeal' she'll please you very well.... she's...." He couldn't get the next bit out. He handed it to Nick to read out. "She's extremely good.... if you know what I mean, even drugged and tied to the bed. Ha ha ha! Good luck trying to find me.... not! 'Dr. Carter' .... wait, Dr. Carter?!" "Yeah, when he told Lorraine when he was 'nice Dr. Carter' she thought it was hilarious.... but she's not laughing now though" Brian explained, looking at my tired, lifeless, ill-used limp body lying on my bed with tears in his eyes. "Drugged?" Shay said, confused. She noticed something on the floor. It was a cloth. She picked it up and could smell something on it. "Yuck" she mumbled. "What is it ?" Kev asked "I don't know, but I'm guessing that jerk used it to knock Rainey out, it reeks of Chloroform" She dropped it back on the ground, but her gloves still had some of it on them. (I know it's July, they were thin gloves) "This will never come out" she thought to herself. "Oh Lorraine.... I told you in the hospital I wouldn't let you out of my sight any more.... I'm so sorry" "Brian, you had no way of knowing" "Yeah, but still Kev.... she even mad a joke about tonight turning into another Scream 2.... she was half right.... it was more like Scream… she's like Neve Campbell, she got the call, which was probably why she paged us, she just wasn't killed…. Looks like she almost was. Man, if this is a Scream… then what about Scream 2??! I had a funny feeling all night, I shouldn't have left her alone. Even if she was just sleeping I could have stayed with her.... this is all my fault" "Bri.... don't blame yourself, we all thought she was safe, that creep had been taken to the police, even she thought it was okay" "I know, but.... she's.... she's lost her innocence, know what I mean? He just took it away from her, he didn't even care, that just makes me so mad" He balled his hands into fists and banged them angrily down on the bed, though being careful not to hit me. "Guys, we gotta get her dressed somehow, do you mind....?" Bree said after a while "Oh, sure, c'mon guys, let's go" Kev said, ushering them out. "Yuck, what is that stuff on her?" Holly asked. "Smells like aromatherapy oils…. Looks like 'Dr. Carter' likes a bit of…. Sensuality" Bree answered, smelling me. The girls got some tissues and wiped all of the oil off and got me back into my underwear and pyjamas after a bit of a struggle and through a few tears, and they tucked me in the bed. They then sat around me on the bed. "She's like our little sis'.... how could someone do this?! I can't believe anyone could" Bree said, again breaking the silence. "It happens everywhere, I guess Lorraine was just unlucky this time" Lauren replied. "Yeah, you're right, but it's still hard to take in. And I know this will be harder to get over for her, it's killing Brian too. Did you see the look on his face when we walked in? He was completely... well, horrified, shocked, disgusted, scared, guilty.... poor guy" Holly said, her voice getting shaky. Shay gave her a hug to help calm her. ~~~~~ with the guys ~~~~~ Brian walked in and flopped onto AJ's bed. (There's a lot of that going on - remember Nick in chapter 27?!) He looked up at the ceiling and began to cry, not caring that the guys were looking at him. "He's a mess, he really blames himself for all this. But we shouldn't have persuaded him to stay, we should have let him go when he said he wanted to.... it's our fault" Kev thought. He walked over to the desk and picked up some tissues and handed them to Brian. "Thanks" he replied "Don't worry, we've called the police, we'll tell them what happened, I'm sure they'll do everything they can, I mean, he has.... raped more than one girl.... geez, they're not even women, they're young girls!" Kev said, realising the level of danger that man had put me in. "Young, practically defenceless girls.... man I hope he gets a life sentence!" the usually quiet Howie suddenly piped up "We have to catch him first D" "I know, no need to state the obvious AJ" he said sarcastically. "Woah! You're always so good-tempered - what's up man?!" "Certain situations cause temper changes.... I'm sorry man" "Hey, no problem" All this time Nick had been sitting at the window, staring out with his head resting on his knees looking out sideways to his right like he had the night I was in the hospital with Brian keeping me company. "Nick, you okay man?" AJ asked "Fine" He answered, not looking at him. He couldn't, he was crying just as hard as Brian. Kevin grabbed some more tissues and walked over to the window and sat opposite Nick on the ledge, handing him tissues aswell. "Now, you can bite my head off if you want, but I think, although we're all taking it hard, I think you're taking it even harder because you like Lorraine more than you're letting on you do" As he said this, Nick slowly turned his tearstained face round to meet Kevin's eye. He turned a little more and gave a look to Brian, who'd also turned round to look at him. They exchanged glances. Kevin saw this look as did AJ and Howie, who'd heard him talk to Nick. "I also think Brian knows" he added. Nick turned round and looked out of the window again. "What about Lauren?" Howie asked "I don't know" he mumbled, barely loud enough for them all to hear "I mean, I like Lorraine, a lot, and Brian knows it, but he also knew before that I wouldn't try anything on her.... I certainly wouldn't do anything now.... but I like Lauren aswell.... and Katie" "Katie?!" AJ, Kev and Howie said at the same time "Someone's testosterone has been going mental recently!" AJ joked, hoping to lighten the mood. It didn't. "I like them all, but I don't think anything will come of me going out with either Lauren or Lorraine" "Well, at least you made a decision. Now you've just got to tell them" "No Kev.... only Lauren, Lorraine doesn't know what I feel about her, if it's only a short-term feeling, there's no point in telling her. She doesn't need to know" "Alright. Now, as Howie said, what about Lauren?" "I'll have to tell her the truth, there's nothing going on between me and Katie yet, but there could be, I want to tell her before things develop with Katie and I" "Do you think that's a good idea, there'll be friction, especially with Katie as Johnny's assistant, and Lauren in the girls' band" "You're right, but I have to be honest with her" "Come on, let's go and see if they're okay, I need to see Rain" Brian said, getting up from the bed. "Are you sure you're okay Bri?" "Yeah Howie, just peachy" He answered as he walked out. They got outside into the hallway when they heard the elevator doors open. They turned around and saw a man and a woman standing there. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a Mr. Kevin Richardson?" "That's me" "Hello, my name is Detective Inspector Greene, and this is PC (I think that stands for Police Constable)Woodward" the man said, extending his hand to Kevin. Kevin shook his hand, and PC Woodward's hand aswell. She saw Brian's tearstained face. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?" "Well, it was my girlfriend who was raped, I'm a little upset at the moment" "Understandable. We're here to talk to.... umm...." she said, looking in her notebook "Lorraine Wightman" "Yes, that's it. Can we see her?" "You can see her, but she's unable to talk at the moment" Kev told her "Oh, why is that?" "Because.... she was drugged by Chloroform on a cloth, she's still woozy from it, our girlfriends have been getting her dressed again and putting her to sleep. Also I think she's too traumatised by it all to talk about it just now" "Alright, we can talk to her when she feels well enough. But we still need all the information we can get about what happened." she continued. Brian had to tell the policewoman the whole story, which was extremely hard for him to do, as you can imagine, but he was the only one, except me who could tell the story, he knew the most about what happened out of them all. They all stood in the hallway while he told the story. Halfway through the sickening tale (hey, did you like the way I used sickening tale... gives the story another little edge don't you think?? I thought so - but then again..... I just write the thing!....), the elevator doors open, and Donna, Jane Carter and Aaron came out. "Man Donna, mom, that was great!! Thanks for taking me to the movies!" "No problem. but it's way past your bedtime, you should be in bed little guy, go on, off you go!" Donna let go of his hand to go into his room to get changed, before Jane went to tuck him in. Aaron saw Nick, and immediately had to tell him ALL about his great night out. "Nick, Nick!!! I went and saw The Mask Of Zorro at the movies, man it was great. I wanna be just like him when I grow up! Nick... Nick?!" Jane and Donna had noticed the police officers there, and Jane ushered Aaron into his room, with a little persuasion, and came out to see what the problem was. "What's going on? Okay AJ, what did you do?" Donna asked suspiciously. "Me?!?!! Nothing!!! It's a long story... but I guess Bri will have to start from the beginning again" Brian groaned, but started again anyway. He had been going a few minutes when Aaron came back out to see what was going on. "And I came back in and Lorraine was just lying there" were the first words Aaron heard "What happened to Rainey?" "Aaron, I don't think you should hear this, go back to bed" Jane told him. "No, I want to know what happened to her!" "Really Aaron, it's not a good..." "She's my friend too mom, I want to know!" "Alright.... Brian?" Brian had to start again for the third time... which was very hard for him. As the explanation went on, Aaron's eyes grew wider and wider. Donna and Jane couldn't believe what they were hearing "What's rope?" He asked when Brian had finally finished. "Rape Aaron, and I'll tell you in your room" Jane said, and they went back over to the door. Aaron turned round. "Tell Rainey I'm sorry for whatever happened" "We will AC" Brian smiled at him The police asked a few questions about that 'Dr. Carter' looked like and what he was wearing and so forth, they also told them about the note, which the wanted to see, for evidence. Jane came back, telling them that Aaron wasn't going to be sleeping tonight, not after he learned what 'rope' as he called it was, he was too scared. Donna and Jane wanted to see me, as did the police, so Brian and Nick led them to our room and, they found the girls sitting around me on the bed, still knocked out from the Chloroform.