~*~*Chapter 12*~*~
The next day, my parents gave me permission to skip school, which I could have done anyway since I am 18. Brian, AJ, Nick, Ariale, Oceane, and I were all going to go Christmas shopping. I couldn't believe that Ariale and Oceane were going to skip school as well because they are so focused on their studies. I awoke as the snow had tapered off a little, and the sunshine was trying to make an entrance through the crystal blue sky.
"Emilie, wake up," yelled Mom into my room as my alarm clock started ringining.
"Coming," I yelled back putting on my lovely bath robe. I walked out, half dead, into the kitchen where Dad was cooking up a storm with pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. I noticed Brian was helping him, while Brandy and Jordan fought over who was going to be Brian's assistant. AJ and Nick were no where to be seen.
"Hi Sissie," Brandy said smiling at me.
"Hi," I replied as I grabbed a coffee. "So, how's everyone this morning?"
"Okay," Brian replied as he helped Brandy butter the toast. "How are you?"
"I'm very tired," I admitted. "How was shopping last night with Ariale?"
"Great," Brian answered. "We didn't get much shopping done." He gave me a sly smile and I laughed.
"Emilie, would you like pancakes?" Dad asked me.
"Sure," I replied. "Thanks. Do you need any help?"
"No, we're okay," Brian replied as Jordan all most spilt the orange juice everywhere.
"Okay, where's the other two?" I asked Brian. "AJ's probably still dreaming of Gwen Stefani."
"Who's Gwen Stefani?" Jordan asked me.
"Someone famous," I replied. "I don't think you would know who she is."
"I might," Jordan yelled and I shook my head to him. I walked into the livingroom, and sat down on one of the two green love seats we have, and watched Muchmusic. They had nothing particular on except some heavy metal videos which usually give me a headache. I turned it to CNN as the weather report came on.
"There is a severe Snowstorm warning for the North East including New York, D.C., and Pennsylvania," the meteorologist said. "It's expected to include blizzard like winds, heavy snowfall, and hail in some areas. We strongly caution travel for the remainder of today and there will be further details as they come in." I jumped up and ran into the kitchen.
"Did you hear about the snowstorm?" I asked them.
"No, what snowstorm?" Dad replied.
"CNN said there is a blizzard coming towards the North East of America, which ultimately means us," I replied. "They strongly caution travel today and that we should remain where you are at now." I looked out the patio doors as the snow seemed to get stronger in a matter of seconds.
"When are Ariale and Oceane coming here?" Brian asked me as the doorbell rang. Brandy ran towards it, as I heard the familiar voice of Ariale walking in, as the phone rang at the same time. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I said into it.
"Emilie, did you see the weather report?" Oceane shouted at me.
"Yeah, I don't think we'll be going anywhere today," I replied shaking my head.
"I know," Oceane whined. "I want to see AJ so bad though."
"I'll have him call you when he gets up," I told her and we hung up with each other. "Hi Ariale, nice weather eh?"
"Beautiful weather," answered Ariale laughing. "Brian and I got no shopping done last night. I guess we're going to have to get things another time." I pulled Ariale into the bedroom hallway, shutting the sliding door.
"So, I want full details," I told her and she smiled.
"Well, my mom was really impressed by Brian," Ariale replied sighing happily. "We all shopped together for a while, and then Mom went off by herself, leaving Brian and I by ourselves. We walked around and we were joking about something, and then suddenly he just kissed me-"
"Really?" I shrieked. "Ariale that is so awesome."
"Yeah, hold on, let me finish," Ariale silenced me. "So, we kissed and then we smiled, and then kissed some more. Brian told me I was one of the most intelligent, beautiful person he's ever met and that he said that he was really starting to like me. He asked me out, and vola, we are a couple now."
"Ariale? I am so happy for you," I cried as I hugged her. "Brian is so sweet. You two make an awesome couple."
"Thanks," Ariale answered with a smile as the sliding door opened, and we turned to see Nick standing there. He looked so cute. His hair was a mess, and his pyjamas were wrinkled. He looked so tired, yet when he saw us, he smiled.
"Good morning," Nick said to us. "I heard the whole story Ariale. Congratulations."
"Thanks Nick," Ariale said. "I'd better go get Brian." She walked away as Nick followed me into my bedroom.
"Hello Sweetie," he said to me as I shut the door behind me. He pulled me into a big hug and I smiled.
"Hi Frack," I teased and he laughed. "Or is it Frick?"
"I dunno actually," Nick replied smiling as we looked out my bedroom window. "Nice weather eh? I wonder when I'll actually be able to get my Christmas shopping done."
"Same here," I replied as I turned towards him. "So, what are you getting for your Mom? I have no idea what to get my Mom."
"Probably her favourite perfume," answered Nick. "Does your Mom wear perfume?"
"Yeah, I think she does," I replied and Nick laughed. "What? What did I say?"
"You don't even know if your mom wears perfume or not?" NIck asked me and I shrugged. He flew towards me, and tackled me down to the floor. We kissed softly, as I heard banging on my door.
"Parent patrol," I said softly. Nick and I jumped up, and I opened the door to see AJ standing there.
"Hello," AJ said looking at us. "Where's Oceane? Aren't we going shopping?"
"Look outside," Nick answered pointing towards my windows.
"Damn," AJ said looking outside. "I guess both my questions are going to be answered with a no right?"
"How'd you know?" Nick kidded and AJ smirked.
"Very funny," AJ said and we walked out of my room. "So, has Oceane called?"
"Yeah, she said call her back," I replied as the aroma of breakfast hit us.
"Well, she can wait," AJ replied as we entered the kitchen. "I am going into the kitchen." Jordan and Brandy were spread around the kitchen counter top eating their breakfast, as Ariale and Brian plus my parents were eating their breakfast at the table. AJ, Nick, and I sat down as the snow fell heavier outside.
"I'm glad you made it over here before the storm hit," Mom told Ariale. "The weather looks really bad."
"Are we going to school today Mom?" Brandy asked her.
"No, you aren't," Mom replied as she tooks a sip of her decaffinated tea. "The weather is way too bad." Suddenly, the door rang and everyone jumped.
"I'll get it," I answered and I ran towards the front door to see my older brother Mike and his fiancee Monica standing there. Both Mike and Monica attend university in Toronto, and they must have had their last day of school the day before.
"Hi Em," said Monica as I opened the door. We gave each other a hug. "Who's all here?"
"Just Nick, Ariale, AJ, and Brian," I answered as they came in. "How was the drive up here?"
"It was bad," Mike answered. "So, we get to meet the Nick now huh?"
"Yeah," I answered. "Be nice Michael, or I'll kick your butt." Michael is 20, and he has a tendency to be a jerk.
"I will," he promised as he walked into the kitchen. I followed behind Monica and everyone stared at us when we walked in.
"Hello Mike, hi Monica," Mom said standing up. "I didn't know you were coming home today."
"Yeah, we finished early," answered Mike, giving her a hug.
"Do you know everyone here?" Dad asked them and Monica shook her head.
"Well, Nick, Brian, and AJ, this is my brother Mike and his fiancee Monica," I introduced them as they all shook hands with each other.
"Nice to meet you," Monica said when she shook Nick's hand as my parents got up, as well as Brandy and Jordan.
"We'll leave you all alone," Mom said and they left the kitchen.
"I never knew you had an older brother," commented Brian to me.
"She doesn't want people to know we're related," Mike joked and everyone laughed.
"Well, Mike and I don't get along very well," I replied honestly. "But, he's home now for Christmas, so I guess we should be friendlier."
"It gets better now," Nick said. "BJ and I were always close, but now when I'm away I appreciate seeing her all the time and we are very close now." I nodded as Nick squeezed my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"So, what's your university majors?" AJ asked Monica and Mike.
"I'm in physcology," replied Monica.
"Early childhood education," Mike replied as well. "Are you going to pursue College after being a Backstreet Boy?"
"Yeah, hopefully," answered Brian. "I don't know yet. How about you? We are looking for a 6th Backstreet Boy, if you would like to join or something?" I looked at Brian in horror.
"Sure, where do I sign up?" Mike asked and I looked at him.
"I don't think so," I shrieked and everyone laughed.
"Emilie, I'm just kidding," Brian joked and I looked at him with a glassy stare.
"Relax," AJ said smoothly. "Anyway, I'd better call Oceane. She's probably having a heart attack by now."
"I'm going to go to the washroom," Ariale said standing up and she walked into the bedroom.
"Me too," Nick said standing up with Brian. "See you in a few." They left with Mike heading into talk to my parents, leaving Monica and I alone at the table.
"So, what do you think of Nick?" I asked her and she smiled.
"He's cute," she answered with a smile. "I remember when you used to talk about meeting him, and now you're dating."
"I know," I smiled. "Listen to want he did yesterday. He walked in our school cafeteria, and sang me their song 'Christmastime'. It was so sweet, I cried." AJ walked into the kitchen, after using the livingroom phone.
"Hello ladies," he said with a smile. "Oceane says hello Monica. She wants you to call her."
"Okay thanks," Monica answered smiling. "So, are you all staying here for the night?"
"Yeah, I guess Nick has Mike's room huh?" AJ said and I nodded.
"Well, actually, Mike is staying at his friend's tonight because they haven't seen each other is so long," Monica said.
"Oh okay," AJ replied sitting down. "No fights are going to happen now." Brandy came into the room then.
"My house is crazy," I commented shaking my head. "Yes Brandy?"
"Well, I was just wondering if I could call Aaron?" she asked me and I looked at her.
"Well, I don't know," I replied. "Ask AJ."
"AJ, can I call Aaron?" she wanted to know. AJ looked at me, then at Monica, and then at Brandy.
"Well, I don't know," AJ answered with a smile. "Maybe later. I'm sure Nick will call home and the you can talk to Aaron okay?"
"Thanks AJ," Brandy said, as she hugged him and ran out of the room.
"Monica, ready to go?" Mike asked as he walked into the room. "We have to go see Monica's family."
"Yeah sure," Monica said. "See you later guys." They walked outside, leaving AJ and I in the kitchen. I stood up, as AJ stretched.
"What did Oceane say?" I asked him.
"She said that she's bummed we couldn't get together and I said we can probably see each other tomorrow," AJ replied as he started walking towards the downstairs. "I'll be back."
"Okay," I said as I finished the breakfast dishes and went in my room to get dressed. Ariale was on my computer checking her e-mail.
"I hope you don't mind," she said and I signaled it was okay. I choose jeans and a sweater, and took a quick shower. I threw my wet hair back in a scrunchie, and walked out into the kitchen. I saw the snow has turned heavier and I saw Jordan and Brandy standing near the sliding doors.
"Emilie, can you take us outside to build a snowman?" Jordan asked me.
"Well, sure, I guess," I replied watching the snow. "If it's okay with Mom and Dad."
"Awesome," Jordan yelled and ran to ask my parents. Five minutes later, I found myself outside, bundled up warm, with a shovel and gear to build the best snowman alive, according to Jordan and Brandy. We each started rolling big snowballs, as a few skidoos rode by.
"AJ, come help," Brandy yelled as I turned to see AJ and Nick standing there.
"Hello boys," I said smiling. "I bet we can build a better snowman than you."
"I know you can," AJ replied. "That's why I'm going to throw snowballs instead." He bent down and threw a snowball at me. It hit me on the back. That started a full fledge snowball fight, as Nick and I threw snowballs back and fourth. AJ was throwing them at Brandy and Jordan, and he pretended to always miss them. It was cute. Suddenly, as I was ducking from Nick's snowball, I felt something make my foot twist. I collasped on the floor, as a sharp pain slithered up the same foot that I had sprained.
"Emilie, are you okay?" Nick yelled running towards me. I grabbed my foot, as tears formed in my eyes.
"My foot hurts," I whispered, as I collasped on the snow and nodded off...
I awoke to find myself inside, lying on my bed with pyjamas on, and a heavy comforter over me. Nick was sitting on my computer, glancing at me every few seconds, as he played an online video game. I looked to my right to see empty food packages lying there.
"Hey," I said to him and he smiled at me.
"Hi Em," he said standing up and sitting beside me on the bed. "Em, we need to talk."
"About what?" I replied. "Why am I in my pyjamas in bed?"
"Emilie, when's the last time you ate?" Nick asked me concerned.
"This morning," I shrugged. "I had a banana. Why?"
"Emilie, when's the last time you ate a full meal?" Nick asked and I looked at him shock.
"Nick, you aren't implying that I don't eat, are you?" I said and Nick nodded slightly.
"Emilie, you don't eat anythig," Nick said. "What's up with that? You fainted because you haven't had a good meal in days."
"Nick, I do eat," I answered sitting up. "Maybe not much, but I eat."
"Emilie, why? Why are you starving yourself?" Nick asked me softly and I felt a tear form in my eye.
"Look at me Nick," I whispered crying. "I am so fat. If I don't stop eating, I am just going to put back on all the weight I lost. I need to lose more. I look like such a blimp. I can't believe I gained five pounds. Look at me Nick. Don't I look like a cow?"
"Oh Emilie," Nick said pulling me close to him. "Honey, you aren't fat. You are beautiful. Whoever, told you that?"
"Well, just look around," I commented. "Ariale and Oceane are so skinny compared to me. I am so fat. Nick, I need to lose weight."
"Emilie, you can lose weight," Nick began. "But, you fine just the way you are. I love you for the way you are, not how you look or how much you weigh. You are beautiful, inside and out. So, what if you gained weight? You are still thin. You need to eat Em, or you are going to get sick, very sick." I looked at the concern in his eyes, and it had never actually hit me that I didn't eat very much. I had lost my weight in a healthy way, but I had started putting on more weight as soon as I went back to school. I wanted to be thin. I wanted to be skinny and beautiful.
"Nick, I'm so sorry," I cried and tears poured down my cheeks.
"Emilie, why are you so sorry at me?" Nick asked me giving me a hug. "You don't need to be sorry about anything. You need to be able to eat and have more confidence. We are all here for you." I nodded as Nick pulled me close and I fell asleep on my bed...