~~~~~ back in the waiting area ~~~~~ .... after about 10 minutes.... "They're taking a long time aren't they?" "B-Rok, chill man" "Yeah, the guy's just checking her ankle, maybe they're getting an X-ray or something done" "Yeah, what D said" "You never were one for comforting words were you AJ?!" "Sorry" "I'm going to see what's going on" He walked through the doors and could hear a muffled cry coming from the cubicle at the far corner of the corridor. He walked slowly along the floor, the cries getting louder, but he knew they weren't normal cries, someone was in trouble.... and he thought it was me.... He began to walk faster, as the cries were beginning to get frantic and scared. Soon he got to the cubicle and threw back the curtain. I saw Brian's face, and he was horrified. He grabbed Dr. Carter's white jacket and threw him up against the wall. "What the heck do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?!" I was in shock, all I could do was to just sit there on the bed. "I'm sorry, but this is for doctors and patients only, you shouldn't be here" Dr. Carter was so calm about it, it scared me. "I'm glad I came in when I did, goodness knows what you would have done to her if I hadn't!" Brian started shouting, so loud the others heard and came running through, and a few nurses, one female, two male. "What's going on here?" Kevin asked. I was so relieved for it to be over, I jumped off the bed and hugged Bree as tight as I could "Woah, what happened?!" she asked.... but I couldn't talk about it, I just shook my head in her shoulder. "How could you do a thing like that?! She's only 16!!" Brian shouted at Dr. Carter, punching him square in the face, sending him flying across the bed. The male nurses came and took hold of Dr. Carter's arms and held him up. "Miss, is this the man who, should I say it, examined you?" One of them asked me. "I lifted my head from Bree's shoulder, and looked at him - it made me feel sick. I nodded. "I'm sorry, but this man isn't a real doctor" "WHAT?!!!" We all said together "We've been trying to catch this man for quite a while.... he's been hanging around the hospital for a few weeks, bringing girls through here, many a few years junior of this young lady here, pretending to be a doctor, then.... raping them. We've never been able to catch him before, if it wasn't for this young man's yelling, we might not have caught him.... in time" When I heard what this, this man had done, to girls younger than I was, I felt light-headed. I fell to the floor, out cold. While I was lying on the floor, the male nurses took him away while the female nurse called the police. Brian came over to me, and held me in his arms. "How could he so that to her??" he said, a tear forming in his eye. The others didn't know what to think, do, or say. They were just as shocked as Brian. A few minutes later I began to come round. But Brian's arms were around me, I thought that the 'doctor' was still on me. I couldn't open my eyes, I was scared (I hadn't sensed Brian come up to me), I started to struggle with him. "No! Get off me!!" I screamed. "Rain, Rain, it's me - B. It's alright, that man's been taken away, you don't need to be scared anymore. It's okay, I'm here." He hugged me tighter, in a very protective way. I started to calm down. I opened my eyes and saw Brian with tears in his eyes. I was so relieved I hugged him so hard he practically couldn't breathe. "Are you okay?!" Bree asked, obviously concerned. "I think so.... I'm just glad it's over. But I still need my ankle checked!" "We'll get you another nurse.... a FEMALE nurse!" Nick said, and went in search of a nurse. He came back about 5 minutes later with a familiar face. "Laura!" I said "Hi everyone! Lorraine, Nick old me what happened, I'm really sorry" "Hey, you weren't to know.... just as long as he's been caught, that's all that matters" "Yeah, so you want me to check your ankle?" "That would be good. It's just that I'm supposed to be able to walk on it completely on it, but I still need to rely on my crutches a lot of the time" "Right. You could have fractured it, and the doctor didn't notice it before - that happens a lot. Let's get you to X-ray to look at it" "Okay" Laura brought in a wheelchair which had a long bit of metal sticking out of it to rest your leg on. I got in and Brian took the handles at the back. "I'm not letting you out of my sight any more!" Brian said "You're not supposed to be in the X-ray department, but I guess, under the circumstances, it's alright" "Thanks Laura" We made our way up to X-ray, just the three of us, the others went back to the waiting area. ~~~~~ in the waiting area ~~~~~ No-one spoke. They were still shocked. They were like that for a good few minutes "Man, that was just.... just wrong" "Yeah Nick, we know" "I mean.... how can anyone do anything like that.... geez, she's so young damnit, innocent almost.... if I ever see that guy again I'll...." Nick got up and paced around, hot, angry tears trickled from his eyes. AJ got up and put his hand on Nick's shoulder, but Nick shook it off. He walked to the wall and slammed his hand on it. "Nick, chill man... it's all over now, that guy is gonna be taken to jail now, probably for years.... relax okay?" "Yeah, you're right AJ... it's just, well, she's a good friend you know?" "I see where you're coming from.... now, are you going to leave that wall alone, or do I have to call security?" Nick left the wall alone and sat down again next to Lauren. She could see he was upset, and she gave him a hug, which he gladly accepted. A couple of hours later Brian, Laura and I emerged from the X-ray department, me with a cast on my ankle instead of a bandage hobbling on my crutches. They all got up and came over. "It turned out that the doctor hadn't spotted a tiny fracture in Lorraine's ankle, which could have become bigger if we hadn't have got a cast on it" "Thanks Kev, if you hadn't practically dragged me here, I'd have made my ankle worse" "No problem" He leant down to give me a hug, but pulled away when I flinched at his touch. "Oh, sorry" "It's alright.... I'm just a little jumpy" "Completely understandable" We were just about to go outside into the car, when the doors we'd just come out of opened wide and I saw 'Dr. Carter' being taken away by the police, one of them telling him that "You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say can and will be used against you in a court of law, do you understand?" He nodded, looked at me and mouthed a kiss at me. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't look him in the eye, I just looked at the ground like there as something really interesting lying there. Brian held my hand in comfort, but Nick went mad, he lunged at the so-called doctor. "I hope you rot in hell for this you great big son of a b*tch!" Kevin quickly grabbed Nick before he had a chance to hit him. The so-called doctor was escorted out of the hospital and into a police car. "Why did you stop me Kevin? He deserved it!" "What, and let you get arrested for assault? I don't think so, there's been too much upset tonight.... for some more than others" he said, looking at me, I looked at the ground. "Let's just go back to the hotel" Howie suggested. We all agreed and got into the limo. "What happened in there? I saw this guy get taken out by the police" Dave asked. I couldn't take it anymore, I broke down in tears. "Umm... I don't think right now is a god time to talk about it Dave" Howie said "Oh right...." "Need a hug?" Brian asked me. I nodded, no being able to speak. He held me all the way to the hotel.