~*~*Chapter Twenty Nine*~*~

We spent about 10 minutes just getting a feel of the microphones and the headsets, they were really big, mine kept falling off! After some help from Holly, they were tightened and ready for wearing again. "Thanks Hol, they were going to cause trouble!" "No problemo, anytime my friend" "Are we ready to start?" "Sure Johnny" Lauren answered, the first time she'd spoken since being in the limo. We stood in a circle in the middle of the booth (that being the positions pf the mocrophones), it was me, going round on my left it was Brianna, Holly, Lauren, and on my right side it was Shay. We started by singing 'Anywhere For You' again, me taking Brian's part, Lauren taking Nick's. "....I'd walk half-way around the world, for just one kiss from you.... far beyond the call of love, the sun, the stars, the moon...." I began after the beginning chorus. "As long as your love's there to lead me, I won't lose my way believe me, even through the...." Lauren stopped suddenly "Lauren, you were doing good, why did you stop honey?" Donna asked, obvously concerned. "I just lost my voice, that's all, I'll be alright, let's go again." We started again, this time making it through untill the third chorus. "Lauren, are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah, I'm just sot used to all this yet, I'll be fine, honest Donna" "Alright, keep going, you're all doing great" After that we got through the whole song without any hitches. Johnny was happy. "Great girls, just great!" "Thanks!" I replied, the other girls nodded in agreement. "Where's Katie, I'm getting a little thirsty" Johhny thought out loud, and as if she'd heard him, Katie came in with a tray with 7 glasses of water on it. she carefully set the tray down on a table in the corner, and handed a glass to Johnny and Donna, then to each of the guys. Unfortunately for Katie, Nick is her favourite Backstreet Boy, now, I know you're thinking how that could be bad, well, as he's her favourite, she got more nervous than she has planned, and she spilled his water all in his lap.... and it was freezing cold Scottish tap water. "Aaahhhh!!!" Nick yelled, jumping up from his chair, which was now wet too. "Oh my!! I'm really sorry!!! Oh.. umm... here, let me..." she began to try to wipe his trouser leg dry, though not succeeding, much to the amusement of the others around who'd seen everything, including us girls. She hadn't realised that her hand was getting higher, and Nick was, well, acknowledging it, and he had to something about it before anyone noticed. "No, let me do it, it's alright really" he took the cloth from her hand and turned away from the group to try to salvage what was left of his dignity. The rest of us however, were in complete hysterics. Katie just stood there so embarrassed, she didn't know what to do! She excused herself and ran out of the room practically crying, poor girl! There was no way we were going to be doing any more singing for a little while, not until we'd settled down at least, so I excused myself and went to look for Katie. I found her in the ladies' toilets (or bathroom) grabbing at the tissues and blowing her nose. "Umm... Katie? Are you okay?" I asked, peeping my head around the door. "What do you think?" "Sorry, maybe I should go" "No, don't, stay here a while, I don't think I can face going back in there on my own, not for a while any way" "I know it was embarrassing for you, but you have to admit, it was pretty funny!" "Yeah, real funny.... God, what does Nick think of me now?!" "Don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't hate you, he's got a good sense of humour, he'll just be a little... damp when we go back in" "Are you sure he won't be mad?" "I'm sure. Oh, I'm Lorraine Wightman by the way, I'm one of the group that was singing earlier" I said, hoping to break the ice. It worked. "I'm Katie Dennison, I'm taking a year out from school in California before I go to college in Forida in the fall, in about eight weeks." "Florida? Cool! What are you going to study?" "I'm going to study music at Florida State, I've always wanted to sing, that's why I came here" "Kind of a stepping stone?" "Exactly. How did you get together with the girls, and the Backstreet Boys?!" All I could do was to tell her the whole story - although the short version! "Wow! What a story! I was wondering why you were on crutches" "I know, I'm supposed to be able to walk on mt foot completely by now, but for some reason I can't - it's weird, oh well, at least I've got Brian to lean on!" "You are really lucky to have him!" "You don't need to tell me twice! I thank whatever force that brought us together every day - we've only been together since Friday night, but I feel really close to him - like we were meant to be together or something." "That's so sweet! I wish Nick would see me that way" She started to smile, but then realised what she'd said, and clamped her hand over her mouth. "Did I say that out loud?!" "Don't worry, I won't tell if you won't" "You won't say anything to Nick?" "I Promise" "Thankyou! He's probably going out with one of the others right?" I nodded. "Lauren. you'll get to meet everyone when you come back in" "I'm not sure if I can" She came over to me and gave me a hig, which surprised me, but I gave her a hug back. "Sure you can, come on, take my hand, we'll go in together, make a grand entrance!" "You're mad!" "I know, come on!" I grabbed her hand and we walked back into the recording studio as if nothing happened, Katie did blush when her and Nick made eye contact, but she remained calm. I was quite proud of the way she handled herself. "Now, Katie, you know who the Backstreet Boys are I presume" "Yes Mr. Wright" She shook each guy's hand as they offered them, taking a little longer with Nick, Lauren noticed and began to tense up. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she calmed down. "And this is Lorraine, as you already know, and this is Shay, Brianna, Holly and Lauren." She shook each girls hand, though she didn't look Lauren in the eye. "Right, now all the introductions have taken place, shall we get on with some work?"