At breakfast the next morning (or rather a few hours later), no-one hardly said a word. Everyone looked at me and gave me sympathetic looks, Aaron had a very scared look on his face, I tried to smile at him, but I just couldn't bring myself to. Despite my usually incredible eating abilities, as I had demonstrated in beating Nick a couple of days earlier, I was understandably off my food. All I had was a Mango flavoured Sunny Delight. We all sat around for half an hour, in awkward small talk, waiting for AJ to finish his breakfast. "Shall we go to the studios?" Donna asked. Everyone was unsure of what to say. "Yes, let's go, I need to get out of this place for a while" I said, getting up from my seat. Everyone followed and we went to the studios in the limo. ~~~~~ at the studios ~~~~~ "Do you think you'll be able to work today? I know it's a bit cheeky to ask.... but.... I'm only doing my job" "Yes Johnny, I can work.... I need to clear my mind anyway, I'll have a go" "That's my girl! So what song do you want to do first - 'Forever' again?" "Actually I'd like to try 'Heaven In Your Eyes' if I can" Nick lifted his head up and gave me a smile. "Alright, here we go" Johnny started the music, but I wasn't ready and missed my cue. We started again and I tried harder to listen for the start. "Open up.... your heart to me" I began, looking at Brian. "And say.... what's on your mind.... I know that we have been through so much pain" We gave each other knowing glances. "But I still need you in my life.... this time.... I need you tonight.... and I need you right now.... I know deep within my heart, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or right.... 'cos I see heaven in your eyes" The girls came in with some backing vocals.... (okay, so you can't hear any usually, but you can on the preview of the next album.... well, I can hear voices anyway... and no, not that kind!!). We had a few more run-throughs before the recording equipment went fuzzy. The music slowed down, then sped up, then stopped completely and all the fancy lights went out. "Well that's useful!" I said, taking a seat in the corner, and resting my crutches on the wall. "All the other 3 studios are booked up.... so we'll just have to wait until someone comes to fix it." Johnny sighed. "So what do we do until then?" "Wait." was the reply I got from everyone. Hmm.... anyone up for a game of 'I Spy...'?! We sat around talking for a couple of hours until an engineer turned up to fix the equipment. But he wasn't having much luck in finding out what was wrong, so we all decided to go to the canteen to get some lunch, telling the engineer where we were going so he could tell us when we could go back and record again. ~~~~~ In the canteen ~~~~~ "Where are the police, I thought they were supposed to be coming to get my statement?" I asked anyone who was listening. "They called my cell phone this morning, there, was something wrong with their car, so they had to get it fixed, they said they'd be at the hotel tonight" Kev answered. "Oh right." "Just remember, you don't need to think about it anymore, the police will do everything they can to find him when they get all the details. Don't worry" "I'm trying Kev.... but it's kinda difficult" Brian put his arms around me to give me a hug, but I flinched away, giving out a little stifled scream (he was sitting behind me). "Oh!! I'm sorry Rain, I didn't mean to...." "It's okay Bri, you don't need to be sorry, you just gave me a fright that's all.... but next time, warn me?!" "Sure thing. Can I hug you now?" "Of course, come here.... my little Bri-bear?" "Bri-bear?? Dude, you got a cute nickname!" "Back off Boner.... I kinda like it... Teddy-bear and Bri-bear" Bri(bear) and I smiled at beach other, laughing. "Teddy-bear AND Bri-bear??? This is too much ya'll!" AJ said before collapsing on the floor in tears of laughter. Brianna clipped his ear with her hand and dragged him up to his chair again. "Ouch!!" Bree looked at him with a really stern look on her face. "Oh okay, maybe I did deserve it" "Darn right you did Alexander" "Ooh, Alexander, she must be mad at ya!" Nick teased. The teasing went on for another half an hour or so, then Johnny came in and told us that the enginneer had fixed the equipment. We all walked back in our respective couples.... except Johnny and Katie - they're not a couple! And Lauren and Nick weren't really walking together, they were just.. walking beside each other, the rest of us were holding hands or the guy had his arm around the girl. Half way back, Bri and I were at the back of the group walking rather slowly. We were a couple of corners away from the recording booth when Brian fell over his shoelace. "Bri, you should tie that.... or should I say, untie that knot, then tie up your lace." I said, trying not to laugh at the heap that was Brian on the floor. "Ugh, this could take a while, you just go on, I'll catch up with you" "If you say so" I added as I hobbled off to the booth. On the way I came across the engineer coming round the last corner quite widely, and one of the cords he had hanging from his tool belt was dragging behind, but he had his hands full, so couldn't grab it. I wasn't looking where I was going, and accidentally got my crutches caught up in the wire, and I fell to the ground, pulling the engineer down with me, spilling his tools everywhere. I looked up at him and saw the warm chocolate brown, but cold, hard stare of 'Dr. Carter', and I screamed. ~~~~ Brian ~~~~ "Aaaaahhhh!" "What the.....?? Rain??!" He finished tying his lace and ran towards the booth. He turned the corner and saw the engineer on top of me and feared the worst. "Get your hands off her!" He shouted, grabbing him by the jacket and throwing him to the otehr side of the hallway. "What the....??!" He said. I looked up and saw that I hadn't been looking at 'Dr. Carter', the engineer had warm, smiley green eyes and lighter hair, though still young, he couldn't have been much older than Brian. "Oh my..!!! I'm sorry!! I thought you were someone else.... it wasn't a pleasant experience, and I thought it was you, I'm really sorry!" I explained to the extremely bemused engineer, rather embarrassed for screaming at him. Brian saw his mistake also and apologised profusely to him. "Uh... don't wrry about it... it was my fault anyway, I should have sorted that cable out before walking around people on crutches!" "You're being very nice about all this... I really am sorry" "That's alright, just.... try to watch where you're going next time, alright?" "I will. Thanks for fixing the equipment" "No problem - it is what I do for a living after all!" We apologised to him again, and made a quick exit back to the booth, where everyone else was waiting.